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A ‘ pr ee Office of the President 7 NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY “BAI NHA Memorandum Circular No: 2018-_014 R Bae ton TWE _2: 55 Puysic aha SUBJECT: REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE FINANCING OF ‘HE ACQUISITION OF DEVELOPED LOTS AND COMPLETED HOUSING UNITS IN| PERMANENT HOUSING SITES THROUGH THE COMMUNITY BASED INITIATIVE APPROACH (CBIA) Pursuant to Board Resolution No. 6244 dated 27 September 2017 approving the adoption of Community-Based Initiative Approach (CBIA) in the implementation of the NHA Housing Program, the following guidelines is hereby issued 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The Community Based Initiative Approach (CBIA) is an implementation strategy designed to build on the community's initiative and promote the Participation of affected families, through their Community Associations (CA), in the relocation and resettlement decision-making process. The CA shall Participate in the project planning and implementation particularly in the choice of permanent housing/resettlement project sites, acquisition of house and lot units through financing in their selected sites, and other activities to participate in the project implementation process. This Circular is issued to serve as guidelines for the NHA Housing programs and sites authorized and approved by the NHA Board to adopt the CBIA financing scheme. The revised guidelines seek to provide improvements on the Community Initiative Approach (CIAP) per NHA Board Resolutions Nos. 6081 and 6155 dated May 13, 2016 and March 01, 2017, respectively, to include enhanced participation of Community Associations (CA) in identified aspects of the relocation and resettlement program and project implementation process and strengthening of controls in the site evaluation, evaluation of landowners/developers/contractors, review and approval of project proposals, and project implementation. The CBIA has four (4) key components: 1.1. Selection and endorsement by project beneficiaries of their preferred project sites 1.2 Development of project sites including the construction of housing units by the participating landowner/developer/contractor 1.3 Acquisition of house and lot units through the existing financing scheme for beneficiaries and; 1.4 Participation of the project beneficiaries in the identified aspects of the relocation and resettlement program as i implementation We SEP conTROLLED coPY | Po. 0800; vwwnba gorpts_ LJ Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City; Trunkline: (02) SU1S-LB YSEUIY 2.0 3.0 ‘Revised Guideines forthe Financing ofthe Acquistion of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Unit in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Communty Based Intiatve Approash (CBIA) Page 20130 LEGAL BASIS The National Housing Authority (NHA) was created by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 757 series of 1975 to address the growing magnitude of housing problem in the country. Pursuant to Section 1 of said charter, NHA is empowered to develop a comprehensive and integrated housing program in the field of housing development and sources and schemes of financing in the pursuit of its mandate. Among its given objectives, is to hamess and promote private sector participation in housing ventures in terms of capital expenditures, land, expertise, financing and other avenues for the sustained growth of the housing industry. The CIAP (now CBIA scheme) has been approved by the NHA Board for adoption in the development of the following housing programs since 2005. 2.1 North-Southrail Linkage Resettlement Program, 2005 — 2009 2.2. Permanent Resettlement Program for Calamity Victims e.g. TS Ondoy & Pepeng (2009), Sendong (2011) and Pablo (2012) 2.3 AFP/PNP Housing Program (2011 to 2016) 2.4 Housing Program for the Informal Settler Families (ISFs) Living Along Danger Areas in Metro Manila (2012) 2.5 Resettlement Program for ISFs affected by Infrastructure Projects in MM and ISFs Living in Danger Areas in Nearby Provinces (2010-2016) SCOPE AND COVERAGE OF FINANCING The cost of housing units, subject of financing to be offered to qualified beneficiaries under the program adopting the CBIA shall cover one or a combination of the components of land acquisition, land development, and completed housing units, either one-storey house or multi-storey housing units (e.g. Low-Rise Buildings). The land, subject of the CBIA financing shalll include lands owned by NHA under its inventory of resettlement sites, including its properties, other government properties owned by NGAs, LGUs and privately developed sites offered by landowner/developericontractors under a specific NHA housing program Land Development cost shall cover the development of the circulation network or road networks including common parking slots, drainage and sewer system, water supply system, power supply, parks and playgrounds and open space for community facilities CONTROLLED COPY by sits 4.0 Revised Guidelines for tn Financing of the Acqulsivon of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Communi Based Inaive Approach (CIN) Page 30130 Proponents shall be guided by prescribed maximum cost ceilings for a particular program as approved by the NHA board. Periodic review of costs shall be conducted subject to approval by the NHA Board. Refer to ANNEX A: NHA-BR-6161 dated 29 March 2017 approving the adjusted unit costs for 2018 for the following programs: a. b. Resettlement Program for ISFs affected by the Supreme Court's Mandamus to Clear the Manila Bay Area Resettlement Program for ISFs Affected by the North-South Railway Project - Southline THE CBIA PROCESS The Community-Based Initiative Approach (CBIA) involves the following general processes: 44 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4.10 41. Community Planning and Organizing Invitation through Public Notice to landowner/developers to submit proposals General Orientation of landowners/developers/contractors on the CBIA NHA evaluation of eligibility of landowner/developer/contractors and preliminary approval of proposals Presentation of preliminary evaluated proposals to CAs, CA endorsement of preferred resettlement sites and developers to LIAC and or appropriate body NHA Final Evaluation and Approval of Proposals Execution of Agreements Award of Contract to landownersidevelopers/contractors Development of the resettlement site including land development and housing construction Documentation of the acquisition of housing units and movement of families to the resettlement site Project Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Yi #2 CONTROLLED ene 5.0 6.0 Revised Guidelines forte Financing of the Acquistion of Developed Lots ané Completed Housing Units in ‘Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based ilatve Approach (CBIA) Page 40030 COMMUNITY PLANNING AND ORGANIZING Upon the request of the affected communities that the housing project to be developed for them shall be implemented through the CBIA, NHA, by itself, or with participation of other concerned partners, shall conduct social preparation activities to include community profiling and CA organizing and selection, census and socio-eco survey of families in areas for clearing, pre- Qualification and preparation of Masterlist of project beneficiaries, community orientation and consultations with affected families/communities on the housing program, and formation of CA and other related activities. INVITATION THROUGH PUBLIC NOTICE TO LANDOWNER/ DEVELOPERS TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CHECK 6.1 The Invitation to Submit Proposals shall be published in a newspaper of general nationwide circulation within a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days and posted in the NHA website and conspicuous places within the NHA premises; 6.2 The Invitation of NHA shall be in the form of Public Notice to proponents or prospective Landowner! Developer! Contractor soliciting proposal(s) through a Design and Build Scheme for socialized and economic housing sites through financing under the CBIA; 6.3 The proposal(s) of the interested proponent(s) shall include preliminary design and construction studies and preliminary Project Feasibility Study (PFS) containing the following: Project Description Conceptual Design Performance Specifications and Parameters Preliminary Survey and Mapping Preliminary Investigations of the Property Subject for Development Utility Locations Proposed Design and Construction Schedule Minimum requirements for Construction Safety and Health Program for the project being considered; and, i. Detailed Project Cost Estimates for House and Lot Packages ze>-pa0cD 64 For purposes of determining the eligibility of the interested Landowner/ Developer/ Contractor for Design and Build projects, the following documents shall be required, to wit: Class “A” Documents Legal Documents a. Registration certificate from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for partnerships or corporations and Industry (DT!) for sole proprietorship, s CONTROLLED COPY Lys 6.5 6.6 ovisod Guidelines forthe Financing ofthe Acquistion of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based Initiative Approach (CBIA) Page $0f30 b. Mayor's Permit with the updated official receipt as proof that the proponent has a valid permit; and, ¢. Valid Tax Clearance per E.O. 398, s. 2005, as finally reviewed and approved by the Bureau of Intemal Revenue (BIR). Technical Documents a. Relevant statement of the proponent of all its on-going, completed, and/or awarded but not yet started design and design and build related contracts, curriculum vitae of key staff, partners or principal officers; b. List of minimum technical personnel (employed in the company) and equipment requirement (owned by the company) with valid licenses issued by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) for the design and build professionals Financial Documents a. The proponent’s audited financial statements, showing among others, the total and current assets and liabilities, stamped “received” by the BIR or its duly accredited and authorized institutions, for the preceding calendar year which should not be earlier than two (2) years from the date of submission of the project proposal; and, b. The proponent's submission of computation of Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC). Class “B” Document a. A valid Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) in case the proponent has existing partner to undertake the development of a specific property being proposed under for financing through CBIA. The eligibility criteria shall be based on the legal, technical, and financial requirements above-mentioned. In the technical requirements, the proponent should have at least one similar satisfactorily completed project (both in design and build construction through financing, with at least fifty percent of the cost of the project being proposed). For purposes of selection and evaluation on the eligibility of interested Landowner! Developer! Contractor, only those eligible with good track record and not blacklisted in the implementation of low-cost mass socialized housing units will be considered to participate under the Design and Build project. The swom statementaffidavit of the Landowner! Developer! Contractor shall also be attached to the PFS specifically stating the following, among others: a. That the Landowner/ Developer/ Contra ilegal activiies and does not have any existing ee ee | ie 9.0 10.0 11.0 Fevised Guldetnes forte Financing ofthe Acquisition of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based Intlebve Rpproses (CO04) Page 70f 30 8.3 Each RCTWG shall be headed by the Regional Manager and shall be composed of staff from the operating units, to include senior level technical staff (architects/engineers) and staff handling community ‘Support services and resettlement functions. 84 Proposals shall be accepted and evaluated by NHA on a continuing basis until the required number of units under the specific housing programs of NHA under the CBIA has been satisfied. PRESENTATION OF EVALUATED PROPOSALS TO CAs, CA ENDORSEMENT OF PREFERRED RESETTLEMENT SITES AND DEVELOPERS TO LIAC AND OR APPROPRIATE BODY 9.1 The evaluated proposals of the Proponent(s) will be presented to the concerned Community Association (CA) for proper endorsement of the preferred site(s) to the Local Inter-Agency Committee (LIAC) (ANNEX B1: Standard Format for CA Resolution); 9.2 Through a simple majority, the LIAC shall issue a resolution (ANNEX B2; Standard Format for LIAC Resolution) endorsing the proposal of the Landowner/ Developer/ Contractor acceptable to the CA to NHA NHA FINAL EVALUATION 10.1. Upon receipt of the LIAC resolution endorsing the selected proposals, NHA through the concerned operating units shall conduct its final evaluation of the said proposals. 10.2 Final evaluation of the same proposal shall be submitted by the concerned NHA Operating Unit to the HFO for endorsement to the NHA General Manager for approval APPROVAL OF PROPOSALS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT 11.1 After having passed all the above evaluation based on the Operating Unit! Regional Office evaluation and recommendation, the proposal shall be endorsed by the HFO for approval of the General Manager. 11.2 The Notice of Award (ANNEX C) shall be issued to the qualified proponent within 30 days subject to submission of the documents necessary for contract documentation/perfection under financing through CBIA 11.3 Upon compliance to said requirements, a Notice to Proceed (ANNEX D) shall be issued to the proponent. 7.0 8.0 Revised Guidelines forthe Financing ofthe Acquisition of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Unit in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community aed Intatve Approach (CBA) Page 6 0f 30 criminal case with any court of law or arbitration cases, as the case may be, on matters relative to its line of business; b. That the Landowner/ Developet/ Contractor is not “blacklisted” or barred from bidding by any government agency, office or corporation as certified by GPPB; and, c. That the Landowner! Developer! Contractor must be able to deliver directly the necessary construction materials and labor force to ensure the early completion of housing units to qualified relocatee(s) based on agreed schedule by setting up temporary construction bunk house or supply depot in the proposed project site 67 The following are the basic requirements from the interested Landowner! Developer/ Contractor to complete the evaluation, qualification and documentation process under CBIA: a. Letter-Offer addressed to the NHA General Manager covering the property subject for development that was endorsed by the concerned LGU and the Homeowner's Association (HOA) representing the families to be relocated; b. Company Profile and one (1) set of building plans and specifications duly endorsed by the Community Association (CA) and the NHA which shall form part of the Contract Agreement between the CA and the Landowner! Developer/ Contractor; and, c. Updated price list of basic housing construction materials (for reference). GENERAL ORIENTATION OF LANDOWNERS/ DEVELOPERS! CONTRACTORS ON THE CBIA NHA shall conduct an orientation on the CBIA process for better understanding and uniform application. The orientation will be participated in by interested landowners/developers/contractors to be jointly conducted by the Community Support and Services Department (CSSD) and the concerned operating units. NHA EVALUATION OF ELIGIBILITY OF LANDOWNER! DEVELOPER! CONTRACTORS AND PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PROPOSALS 8.1 The proposal(s) shall be submitted to the Office of the General Manager, which shall be forwarded to the Head for Operations (HFO). The HFO shall forward the proposal to the concerned operating unit and through their Regional CBIA Technical Working Group (RCTWG), which will assess the eligibility, technical and financial capacity of the proponent based on submitted documents under 6.4. 8.2 If the proponent is found complying, the RCTWG will cause the conduct of site inspection and evaluation : = & SF controivep co» Ce Ferised Guidelines forthe Financing ofthe Acquistion of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Unit in Permanent Housing Svs Through the Commun Based intatve Approach (CBIA) Page ot 30, 12.0 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS After the final technical review and approval of the project proposal by the NHA General Manager, the following agreements shall be executed: 12.1 Contract Agreement between the CA and the landowner! developer/ contractor (ANNEX E) for the development of site and the construction of housing units The agreement shall contain the total number and cost of housing units/LRB units to be delivered and the selling prices including land acquisition cost. 12.2 A Memorandum of Agreement (ANNEX F) shall be executed among the involved parties (CA, Landowner/developericontractor and NHA) for the acquisition and financing of housing units at selling cost that would include land acquisition, land development and construction of housing unit. 12.3 Issuance of a Letter_of- Guaranty (LOG) to the Landowner! Developer/Contractor (ANNEX G) 12.4 Issuance of a Notice of Award (NOA) (ANNEX C) and Notice to Proceed (NTP) (ANNEX D) 12.5. Issuance of a Certificate of Award (ANNEX H) even at start of physical construction with a colatilla that final lo/unit) block numbers are subject to change upon approval of the subdivision plan for the Project by LMB 12.6 Prior to move-in to the housing site, each qualified applicant shall execute a Loan Agreement with Assignment of Loan Proceeds in Favor of the Landowner/Developer/Contractor (ANNEX |) 12.7 On the basis of the loan agreement, the Landowner! Developer! Contractor shall execute a Deed of Conveyance in favor of NHA (ANNEX J) and a Deed of Donation for non-residential areas 13.0 DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING PROJECT TO INCLUDE LAND DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING CONSTRUCTION The development of the project shall be based on pertinent provisions of Memo Circular No. 2015-0015 prescribing the Guidelines for Site Selection, Site Suitability and Site planning of NHA Housing Development Projects, MC. No. 2017-020: Amendment to ANNEX E of NHA MC 2015-0015, (ANNEXES K1 and K2) other existing and applicable guidelines and standards mandated by national laws and subsequent guidelines that may be prescribed and issued. 13.1. Site Selection, Design Parameters and Specifications: a. The identified permanent housing/resettlement site mu: at the nearest practicable from where te Targgl applicants/families originated and, if possible, within the seme @ERiqnaliyaipvsde COPY Joie ‘Roviod Guldelines for the Fiancing of the Aequstton of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based mitatve Apaeeeeh estat Page of 30 from existing inventory of lands owned or administered by NHA, Local Government Units (LGUs), other government agencies or instrumentalities, new sites may be considered as proposed site to be developed subject to NHA’s evaluation and approval i. The utilization of existing housing/resettlement sites owned or administered by NHA may also be considered. Expansion thereof, as additional development, shall be based on existing plans initially undertaken and completed by NHA. ii. For LGU-owned properties, a new subdivision planning shall be required based on the requirements of permanent housing/resettlement sites and the provisions of the latest implementing rules and regulations of Batas Pambansa Big 220 (BP 220) iii, Acquisition of new sites must conform to the requirements for land development under BP 220, as amended, and the minimum requirements for land development as herein set forth iv. The property identified by the Landowner/ Developer! Contractor as the proposed permanent housing/resettlement site must be presented by the NHA to the concerned LGU/Institution which must be consulted and must endorse the establishment of a permanent housing/resettlement site/s in their area of jurisdiction. v. Zoning Classification: Sites to be offered for housing development should be classified as residential based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the concerned LGU. Any land use conversion and re-classification must be with the Proper approval of the concemed national government agencies or entities and proper Sangguniang Bayan/ Panglungsod Resolution, as the case maybe. vi. Topography: The site must be suitable for residential development. Slope should not exceed fifteen percent (15%) based on existing and applicable guidelines and standards vii. The Landowner! Developer! Contractor must ensure the provision of an adequate road right-of-way (RROW) to enter and exit from the area offered to be developed as permanent housing/resettlement site, as well as right-of-way (ROW) for drainage/sewerage system leading to the existing main drainage/sewer lines or outfall to natural body of water. viii, Title/s of the propertyls to be used as permanent housing/resettlement site must be free and clear of all claims, liens, charges and encumbrances and must not be occupied by any illegal occupant/s and nee me Tust be duly 7 } q CONTROLLED Cory | by 52-6 ‘Dscament Con ioral ‘Revised Guidelines for tne Financing of the Acquistion of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in ‘Permanent Housing Sits Through the Community Based Intiatve Approach (CEIA) Page 10 af 30 registered in favor of the Landowner/ Developer/ Contractor. In case the property is not under the name of the Landowner/ Developer’ Contractor, a Deed of Sale/ Assignment or any other public document conveying ownership of the said property may be presented showing rights and interest over the subject realty, 13.2 Design Standards and Technical Specifications: a. Water i The plans and installation of the water distributions system shall be approved and supervised by the concerned local Water District (WD) to ensure proper connection of the system from available main water source and the acceptance of the water facilities upon its turn over to the said WD. Individual water service connections shall be provided to each housing unit by the Landowner! Developer/ Contractor through the concerned local water utility company (e.g. Local Water District) ii The LGU and the concerned WD shall cause the tapping of the service connections from the water source and ensure the supply of potable water to each housing unit. Otherwise, the Landowner! Developer! Contractor must provide its own water system/acilities to service the resettled families. iii Alternative technologies for water facilities may be adopted in the absence of a proper connection from the WD. b. Electrical Power Supply i. Components for complete electrical power facilities such as poles, wires, cables and materials/components shall be properly installed within the project site as preparation for the electrification of the housing units. ii, Power supply and installation of electrical facilities shall be established through an institutional arrangement (e.g. Agreement, etc.) by the Landowner/ Developer/ Contractor with the concerned local electric service provider that would lead to the full electrification of the entire site and readiness of housing units for installation of individual electrical power service connections. ili, Alternative technologies for power facilities may be adopted in the absence of a proper connection from the local provider. c. Road Design and Lay-out: Concrete road pavement shall be provid roads such as major, collector and minor ee shall conform to the minimum standards set under BP 240, asamendgitROLLeD Cony Lys ‘Completed Housing Units in se nlite Approach (CBIA) Page U1 of 30 Revised Guidelines for the Financing ofthe Acquistion of Developed Lots Pormanont Housing ites Through the Community d. Drainage System: There shall be provision of reinforced concrete pipe culvert (RCPC) or combination of covered lined-canal and underground RCPCs and its appurtenances with drainage outfall to existing main drainage system or to natural body of water. The minimum diameter of RCPC. shall be 450 mm. Drainage plans and lay-out shall be determined based on the storm drainage analysis using the actual topographical site conditions and existing data of drainage outfall or natural body of water within the vicinity of the property subject for development e. Sewerage System: i. The sewerage system or the provision of individual septic tanks per lot shall conform to the standard set by appropriate laws, environmental circulars, department orders or similar issuances. ii, A secondary retarding/retention pond (or oxidation pond) at the end of the drainage outfall shall be provided to further enhance the quality of the effiuent in compliance with the existing regulations on effluents from the DENR. The plans shall be provided by the Landowner’ Developer! Contractor in coordination with the Department of Health as required pursuant to the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines. f. Minimum House Design Standards/Specifications i. House Typology: Housing design and standards must conform to the parameters provided by NHA per approved housing program for the intended beneficiaries. One percent (1%) of the total number of generated units shall be units designed for persons with disabilities in compliance with RA No. 10754 (PWD. Law). ii, For off-site resettlement, the design to be adopted shall be based on the approved costs for the program. ili. Accreditation of Innovative technologies through the AITECH process is required for non-conventional materials and systems as well as approval of DPWH through the NHA-HTTRD on the structural evaluation for disaster resiliency. Other design standards! specifications may be provided according to the type of project to be implemented. Revised Guidelines forte Financing ofthe Acquisiion of Developed Lois snd Completed Housing Units in ‘Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based Inllative Approach (CBIA) Page 120f 30 Community Site/Facilities Allocation of spaces for the site of community facilities such as elementary and secondary schools, health center/clinic, multi- purpose hall, livelinood center, market, police outpost, parks and playground, and basketball court, must be provided in compliance with existing and applicable guidelines and standards. |. Lot Area- The minimum lot size to be generated for housing purposes shall be at least forty (40) square meters (4.0 m. x 10.0 m.) for projects intended for ISFs. Other lot sizes per approved housing design on sites intended for other housing programs may be adopted Required Housing Density: The land use allocation for each site should not go beyond the ratio of sixty percent (60%) residential area and forty percent (40%) non- residential area. The total required number of serviced homelots shall be based on the design density in compliance with existing and applicable guidelines and standards. Cost Ceiling (House & Lot): Cost ceiling for the housing program shall conform to the most recent approved cost ceilings approved by the NHA Board of Directors. . Construction, Production and Delivery Schedule: i. The required number of house and lot units shall be based on the production and delivery schedule as shown below which shall form part of the contract. ii, The Construction/Production Schedule (with supporting Critical Path Method and S-Curve Diagram) shall be provided by the Landowner/ Developer! Contractor using the data as follows: No. of Housing Un No. of Calendar Days | ERE 150-300 301-450 451-600 601-750 751-900 901-1,000_— LY SI AY : ae CONTROLLED COPY Rovised Guldolins forthe Financing ofthe Acquistion of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Community Based Iniatve Approach (CBIA) Page 13 of 30 14.0. DOCUMENTATION OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION OF HOUSING UNITS 14.1, Letter of Offer to undertake the “design and build” scheme through financing the completed house and lot units by the Landowner/ Developer! Contractor to the NHA with the following data: the land development and housing package price in accordance with existing and applicable guidelines and standards with attached plans/drawinos and specifications, of the house and lot units. The Landowner/ Developer! Contractor proposal shall specifically provide the following information: a. The number of house and lot unit(s) being offered and the production delivery schedule/completion thereof which shall be consistent with the NHA schedule of deliveries based on its approved Work Program and Budget for a specific year. b. Description of the completed housing unit(s) with corresponding floor area in accordance with Plans/Drawings and Specifications duly approved by the NHA which shall form part of this TOR. 14.2 Letter of the Landowner/ Developer! Contractor relative to the proposal for the land development and housing construction offered to the Community Association (CA) in the site duly endorsed by the concerned LGU. 14.3. The notarized Contract Agreement between the Landowner! Developer! Contractor and the Community Association shall contain the total number of completed housing unit(s) to be delivered based on the agreed price and production delivery schedule 14.4 The NHA shall evaluate and approve the housing design, plans, cost and specifications of the house and lot unit(s) to be implemented by the Landowner! Developer/ Contractor in the identified site. 14.5 To determine the fair market value of the completed housing unit, the NHA shall secure appraisals from two (2) private appraisers and In- House Appraisal. 14.6 A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)-by and among the Landowner! Developer! Contractor, the Community Association and the NHA shall be entered into after passing the technical evaluation and the documentation requirements for the financing of the acquisition of developed lot/s and completed housing unit/s, 14.7 The NHA shall issue a Letter of Guaranty (LOG) to the Landowner Developer/ Contractor to guarantee the financing of the acquisition of developed lot/s and completed housing unit/s for qualified project beneficiaries 14.8 A Loan Agreement with Assignment of eds for the house 7 and lot units assigning the amount of ent of the qualified t 4 CONTROLLED COPY ; Revised Guldelins for to Financing ofthe Acqulsivon of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Unis in Permanent Housing Sites Through the Communty Based Invaive Approach (CIA) Page 140130 beneficiary in favor of the Landowner/ Developer! Contractor to finance the acquisition of the house and lot unit(s). The cost of the house and lot unit shall be based on the loan entitlement of the qualified beneficiary based on the NHA approved work program and budget for a particular housing program for a specific year. a. Not later than the 4" day upon receipt of the copy of the duly executed contract as stated in the Notice to Proceed (NTP), the Landowner! Developer/ Contractor shall immediately commence the implementation of the project contract. b. After the completion of the house and lot packages based on the Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance, payment shall be made to the Landowner! Developer’ Contractor upon submission of the required documents subject for release of payment (e.g. mother folder containing the Loan Agreement, Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance). c. Retention money equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the gross amount of completed housing unit(s) per batch shall be deducted to cover uncorrected discovered defects and third party liabilties. Said retention money shall be released after issuance of Certification of Completion and Acceptance by the NHA’s Project Acceptance Committee to ensure that all corrective works, if any, were already undertaken in accordance with the plans and specifications. 44.9 Certified true copies of other Technical Documents shall be submitted by the Landowner’ Developer! Contractor necessary for project technical review! evaluation of completed units subject for payment: a, Site Development Plan showing the location of the completed house and lot unit(s) ready for occupancy (RFO) b. Complete set of as Built Plans and Drawings with the corresponding Occupancy Permit issued by the concerned Local Government Unit c. Cost Estimate/appraisal of the completed unit(s). d. Acknowledgement/Acceptance by the _relocatee(s)/qualified beneficiary of the completed house and lot package(s) e. Certification of Completion from the concerned NHA Operating Unit that the completed house and lot unit(s) subject for payment as shown in the summary listings duly acknowledged by the relocatee/qualified beneficiary were undertaken by the Landowner! Developer/ Contractor in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Dacumem Gonraienast6 oo —————— Revised Guidlines for tn Financing of the Acquistion of Oeveloped Lots and Completed Housing Units In Permanent Housing Sls Through the Community Based intatve Approach (CBIA) Page 15 of 30 14.10 Documentation Requirements a. For Financing the Acquisition of House and Lot Units’ i, The area requirement of proposed housing permanent housing/resettlement site/s to be offered shall depend on the number of affected families due for relocation as determined by concerned government entity/agency. li, The concerned NHA Operating Unit shall be responsible in the conduct of site inspection and evaluation on the land/s offered as housing site/s and submits its recommendation to Management as to its suitability in accordance with existing and applicable guidelines and standards. b. The Landowner! Developer/ Contractor's proposal shall likewise specifically provide the following: i. Preliminary Project Feasibility Study (PFS) showing the number and sizes of lots to be offered and the production and delivery schedule indicating the completion of lots/units which shall be based on the NHA construction schedule cited in the TOR. ii. Description of the lots or space designated as sites of community facilities with corresponding size/area in accordance with BP 220, as amended, and existing and applicable guidelines and standards for land development. Said sites intended for community facilities shall be turned over to the concemed agencies in accordance with the provisions of Section 76 of PD No. 1445. c. The NHA Operating Unit shall secure appraisals from two (2) accredited private appraisers and one appraiser from the government, to determine the fair market value of the serviced homelots offered for acquisition through financing by NHA. d. The most feasible and acceptable design based on the parameters set forth by MC No. 2015-0015 and deemed to be more advantageous to the relocatees in terms of site location, land development and housing features, shall be considered. e. Land Data (Certified True Copies) listed in ANNEX L shall be attached to the PFS. f. Other Technical Requirements also to be attached to PFS: i. Detailed architectural and engineering site development plans and drawings li, Site development plans il, Road layout iv. Water layout duly approved by the concerned local WD v. Sewerage layout vi. Drainage layout : 2 CONTROLLED copy SIAL ‘ Tocumant Controter/Oat Revised Guldelines for tne Financing of the Acquisition of Developed Lots and Completed Housing Units in PPermanont Housing Ses Through the Community Based Intative Approach (CBIA) Peas 16 0f30, vii, Electric/Power layout duly approved by concemed local electric service provider viii, Design computation/analysis (storm drain, sewer and water design analysis for land development and structural design analysis for building) and project cost estimate for land development and provision of site for community facilities ix. Project Cost Estimate (for land development & housing) x. Description/Allocation of Lots/ intended for Community Facilities xi. Technical Specifications for land development xii, Construction and Delivery Schedules (with PERT-CPM and S- Curve) xiii, Plans, agreements and all other pertinent documents to the provision of water and power supply including pressure leakage tests, cleaning and flushing/disinfection of water lines and water potability test xiv. Commitment with agreed schedule of implementation from the service provider on the installations of permanent individual water and power service connections xv. Detailed architectural and engineering building plans and drawings consisting of architectural sheets, structural sheets, plumbing/sanitary sheets, electrical sheets; fire protection sheets and mechanical sheets (if applicable) shall be submitted in accordance with Section 6.9 of MC No. 2015- 0015 xvi, Technical Specifications for housing constructions .. The partial/ull turn-over of the site intended for community facilities, ‘open spaces, etc. shall be undertaken by the Landowner! Developer) Contractor on or before completion of the land development with the assistance of the concerned LGU and the NHA in accordance with Section 76 of PD 1445. The early turn-over of the area for community facilities, etc. is necessary to provide legal authority to other government implementing entity/ies to undertake the construction of various community facilities within the proposed site. . All clearancesipermits/licenses shall be submitted by the Landowner! Developer’ Contractor to the Operating Unit prior to project acceptance and acquisition of the properties, including but ot limited to: i. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from EMB-DENR ii. Certificate/Clearance from PHILVOCS and MGB if applicable iii, Development Permit(s) for land development iv. Building Permit for housing construction v. Land Reclassification and DAR Conversion Clearance Certificate, if applicable +B 28 contRoLi.ed COPY

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