SSE Analysis Beam - v1 - 09 - G1 - 20210819 - 2223 - 04

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SSE Load Chase Down on Beam SSE-EXCEL SECTION

Ref: The author will not be responsible for any uses of this software!

1. Inputs
Slab: 1 2 gc= 2.5 t/m3 Job: G1
e= 0.1 0.1 m slab thickness L= 5.5 m [AB] >> Gph
L= 4 4.5 m L1, L2 btw axe b= 0.2 m width of beam
g= 0.13 0.13 t/m2 super dead load h= 0.5 m height of beam >> M0
q= 0.2 0.2 t/m2 live load gw= 0.57 t/m Full span uniformed dead load on beams
Condi.= 1 1: Simple, 2: Cantilever >> PDF
Load dist.= 1 1=linear the load (default) ; 2=no

2. Design:
Slab 1 2 5.5
Li= 4 4.5 m 4.5
SW= 0.25 0.25 t/m2
gt= 0.38 0.38 t/m2
q= 0.2 0.2 t/m2
α= 0.73 0.82 =Li/L 2.5
α= 0.73 0.82 =if(α<0.5,0,min(1,α))
Lx= 4 4.5 m =min(Li, L)
gV= 0.48 0.5 t/m =gt*Lx/2/2*(2-α)
gV= 0.25 0.27 t/m =q*Lx/2/2*(2-α)
0.5 (1.75; 0.52) t/m
gM= 0.62 0.66 t/m =gt*Lx/2/3*(3-α^2) A B
qM= 0.33 0.35 t/m =q*Lx/2/3*(3-α^2) G1: 0.2x0.5

Result: -1.5
Loads on beam w/o sw:
Load for Shear Moment 4.5
g= 0.98 1.27 130% t/m
q= 0.52 0.68 130% t/m

gcal= 1.75 t/m for calculation M0 -5.5 -3 -0.5 2 4.5
qcal= 0.52 t/m for calculation M0 Interactive Drawing

g= 1.15 1.15 1.07 1.09 t

q= 0.41 0.41 0.37 0.38 t
42 3
Area= 23.4 m2

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