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The concept and practices of financial management has been broadened than
that of past. It has been realized that the financial management is equally
important for the success of the social institution like marriage and
relationship for business organization. (Dangal, Acharya, Silwal, Acharya,
Bhandari 2015). This study focuses on the financial management practices of
married couple in terms of budgeting, marketing, and investment. There is
gender equality or gender complementary role of the couple in budgeting or
marketing their daily needs. The top most factor affecting gender role of
married couple in financial management are income, educational background
and attitude or behavior. It is recommended that each couple should have their
own budget plan in order to spend their income wisely. (International journal
of management and commerce innovation 2015)

Couple who have conflict over money often report lower relationship quality
(Zimmerman and Roberts 2012). Research has linked couple financial strain to
increased emotional distress for both husband and wife. Other research has
found that financial factor predicted 15% of marital satisfaction, while couple
perceived magnitude of financial problem had an inverse relationship with
relationship quality. Married couple need to discuss their personal finance to
avoid miscommunication, which may result in argument. Knowing their
financial status, each other money personality and their current debt situation
can help spouses gain consensus regarding their household finance and avoid
any unnecessary argument (Smith 2007). Communication regarding finance is
even more important as it is regarded as one of the major arguing matter
within marriage (Springboard 2007)

The study is based on the financial management practices of married couple of

nuclear family of pepsi cola town planning. The information for my study is

collected through the distribution of questionnaire to each individual couple of
each family. Most of the couple in the past, do not believe in the financial
decision practices and all the financial decision is taken by the head of the
family. In all family husband is regarded as the head of the family and earn to
handle the major financial problem. Most of the couple in the past do not
understand each other and they don't believe in each other behavior. There is
no any trust among couple in the family. Many researcher has found that
financial decision in the past is taken by husband himself and they avoid wife
to go out of their home in past but now a days in most of the family both the
husband and wife take the financial decision and they believe on each other
behavior. There is no discrimination between husband and wife in taking the
financial decision. They don't discriminate between their children.
Profile of Study: A Financial Decision
Financial management practices are likely to have a marked effect on the
financial performance of the corporate enterprise. Therefore, sound financial
decision and practices can contributes towards meeting the desired objectives
of having profitable operation. Financial management practices is different
among several families. There arises conflict among couple in the family over
money due to lack of communication. In the past, there is no any discussion
among family member before taking any financial decision. In most of the
family husband take all the financial decision over the family member. But
now a days, there is no any discrimination between husband and wife. They
discuss with each other and take the financial decision. Likewise, now a day's
most of the couple are cooperative and share their problem with each other.

Most of the husband were educated and have knowledge to control the
financial performance of the family but now day's wife are also equally
educated and involved in the financial performance of the family and take the
financial decision for solving the financial problem. Financial management
practices helps to show the relationship between the effective financial
management and successful marriage. It helps to analyze the married life of

the couple and proved the appropriate suggestion to make the better married

Therefore, there is a need of new study regarding the financial decision

practices between the couple in the context of Nepal. However, the most of the
Nepalese families are of joint family. There are numerous factors that affect
financial decision in joint families and role of couple is not as optimum as in
nuclear family. Therefore, to avoid such practical difficulties in research. I will
select the nuclear family of Pepsi cola town planning Nageyshwor Tolle. The
selected respondents of my study are nuclear family of pepsi cola area, The
people for my study are selected from the random group. For the purpose of
my study, nuclear family is a kind of family in which consist of couple and
their unmarried children only. In nuclear family couple can fulfil l all the
needs and demand of their children. They provide education to their children
in better school . There is no conflict among the couple in the nuclear family
taking the financial decision. They both discuss among all the family member
for taking the financial decision.

Problem Statement
Financial decision has become one of the crucial parts of successful marriage.
Finance and family relation researcher have made the several studies till the
date regarding the importance of financial management for a successful family
life. At the present context of Nepal, financial decision is taken by both
husband and wife in the family. Both the husband and the wife are earner of
the family and there is understanding between them. It is easy to take the
financial decision in the family among couple. The study provide the
information regarding the financial performance of the married couple of
nuclear family. Some of the problem related to the financial management
practices of married couple of nuclear family is as follow.
i. What will be the nature of saved income?

ii. What type of financial decision technique will be used by nuclear
The purpose of this study is to explore how couple in nuclear family talk about
their finance. If both husband and wife of nuclear family earn and spend in the
house hold and rest amount will invest in share market, bank or saved. The
following are the some of the objective I have mentioned in the study
i. To analyze the nature of saved income.
ii. To identify the financial decision technique used by nuclear family.

Mostly among the several couple the study is important in taking the financial
decision of married couple of nuclear family residing inside Kathmandu valley
of pepsi cola area. This proposal is prepared to study and analyze the financial
management practices of married couple of nuclear family. Some of the
significance of the study is as follows:-
i. This study will focus on understanding the behavior or attitude of
individual member in the family.
ii. his study will conduct within the context of family strength
iii This study will focus their parents to take responsibilities of the
children by themselves.

iv. Financial problem does not arise in nuclear family. Money can be
saved for the future achievement.
v. There is no discrimination between children in the nuclear family.
As the number of member in nuclear family is lowered in comparison
with joint family.
At the time of the study, I have studied about the different steps that are
usually taken by the researcher to overcome his / her study problem along with
the logic behind them. To make my study more effective and useful, I have

adopted various methods. Descriptive method have been applied while
conducting the study. This research is both qualitative and quantitative in
nature. All data were collected through questionnaire survey. The
questionnaire was design to unveil the behavioral and attitudinal aspect of the
research group regarding the financial management practices of between the
couple. Different type of question were included in questionnaire.
Questionnaire was designed to collect both demographics and problem
specific question. Questionnaire are prepared in the simple language so that
the respondents can easily understand it.

Research design
Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived
to obtained answer to research question, study and propound ways for research
variability. "Research design is the plan structure and strategy of investigation
conceived so as to obtained answer of research question and to control
variance. Thus, it means an overall framework or plan for the collection and
analysis of the data. (Kerlinger). It deals with activities of the taken as a case
study on the basis of the available information. This study has been used on
both qualitative and quantitative in nature.

Qualitative research is concerned with collection and analysis of the subjective

data so as to draw the conclusion. It generally explains the issues and make
easier to understand the issues to general public, They are descriptive in

A research which is conducted based on the measurement of the quantity is

known as quantitative research. Quantitative technique of research can be used
in the research of those issues which can be measured exactly in the quantity
or amount. This research considers to the measurable facts and find out the
result analyzing those facts using statistical or mathematical tools. It helps to
find out the solution to the problem and draw the conclusion.

Type of data

I have been collecting all the information needed for my research study from
primary sources. All the data has been collected through the distribution of
questionnaire to the selected respondents. All data were collected from
primary sources. Primary data are those data that are collected by the
researcher, investigators himself /herself for the first time. Primary sources of
data are questionnaire, observation, interview etc. The data for my study is
collected through distribution of questionnaire. A set of the questionnaire were
formed and distributed to the respondent on a concern field and I my self-
collected information directly from the respondent. The respondents were
requested to fill up the questionnaire with the current and the correct personal
information. The collected data are entered and analyzed by using descriptive
statistical procedure using different tool such as frequency analysis.

Population and sample

The whole data available under the study is known as population. A part of
population selected from is known as the sample. The population for this study
is 30 married couple of the nuclear family randomly selected residing inside
Kathmandu valley in Pepsi cola town planning. Basically, this study used the
descriptive type of research. It is used to describe characteristics of a
population or phenomenon being studied.

Review of literature
A literature review is a text of scholar paper which includes the current
knowledge including substantive finding as well as theoretical and
methodological contribution to the particular topic (Mahandhar 20 1 7). A
comprehensive study of such document and preparation of summary of such
study on a topic is known as literature review. Literature review are secondary

sources and do not report new experimental work. I have concluded the study
on the following

Conceptual framework
A review of literature revealed two theories that predominated studies
regarding the married couple and the ir financial decision practices. Financial
decision has become one of the important part for newly married couple. In
the beginning of their marriage most of the couple are unable to handle the
financial decision practices.

Review of Previous Work

Donald, Dennis, and Frankin(l986) "A Development Study of Financial
Management Practices". They found family financial management and control
practices have received little attention. Yet they are increasing important, due
to change in financial environment such as deregulation of banking industry
and increasing number of dual income families.

Illa (1989) states that culture norms dictate that husband turnover his earning
to his wife to receive in return a daily allowance for his daily expenses such as
transportation, cigarettes and the like the decision to save, how much to save
and when to repay loan are more of wife's independents decisions.

Etal(l 990) "congers family stress theory" has described the process whereby
financial strain affect the relationship quality. When couple experience
economic stress, they tend to increase their hostility while reducing their
warmth and supportive behavior towards each other.

Although research has examined marital satisfaction in later life, little is

known about the specific relationship challenges the older couples experience.
Thus, the objectives of the study conducted by (Henry, 2005) were to explore
the challenges older couple faces. In order of frequency, they were leisure

activities, intimacy, finance, no problems, personality, intergenerational
relations, households concerns, personal habits, health issues, and

Difficulties with finance (budgeting, credit issues, and debt management) are
one of the key issues that generate conflict in marriage, stress generated as a
result of financial problems can lower marital satisfaction. Because these issue
are silent for the couples at any given time in the family life cycles, counseling
at critical points in the marriage (birth of children, launching of the children
from home, and retirement) may be helpful (Bryant, 2008).

Robert, Futris,& Lauren(2008) this study shows that overall respondents

tended to report more positive relationship adjustment when they and their
partner pooled their money together, share control of the money, engaged in
more frequent financial management and positive communication behavior,
and engaged in less frequent demand/ withdraw behavior. They also found that
for married couple the components of financial management behavior and
couple communication pattern each have unique effect on relationship well
being. Also, with the exception of sex, demographic, parental, and marital
characteristics have little predictive power. They also suggest that men and
women view the relative importance of financial management behavior and
communication behavior differently.

Horrocks(20l0)This study shows that even couples in great marriage have

varying disagree of disagreement about financial topics. The conflict
management skill are vital to couples in great marriage and should perhaps be
the focus of the education rather than teaching specific financial management
skill in hope to club conflicts over finance for couples. Financial educators and
marriage and couple relationship educator should work together for the benefit
of couples dealing with relationship or financial issues. It has also found a

direct link from financial strain to couple disagreement which contributed to
couples fighting and a decrease in a amount of quality time spent together.

Journal of family and economic issues(20l l ) The purpose of this qualitative

study was to team about financial management practices of 64 self- selected
couple throughout the United State who believe they have great marriage.
Three themes emerged from the data, first, for the most couple one of the
partners handled the day to day finance and that required trust and
communication. Second, these couple had little or no debt or had a goal of
paying off debt. Third, couples lived within their means and were frugal.
Other finding described of these couple practices of having joint or separate
account, how they deal with financial challenges and their view of other
financial challenges.
Research gap
The previous researcher had analyzed the financial management practices of
64 self -selected couple through the United State and their control practices
that affect the relationship but I have analyzed the financial decision practices
of 30 married couple of nuclear family of Pepsi cola town planning their living
standard and the technique they followed to run their daily life. The researcher
has used one tail test, two tail test and likert scale during their study but I have
used frequency analysis for my study.
Limitations of the study
My study is limited under the financial decision practices of married couple
of nuclear family residing inside Pepsi cola town planning.
i. The study is made through the survey among 30 samples. Since the sample
number is few, results are drawn through both qualitative and quantitative
tools of statistics only.
ii This study focus only married couple of nuclear family.
iii This study focus to the financial decision practices used by nuclear family
not joint family.

iv. All data are collected from primary source through distribution of
questionnaire to the selected respondents.
v. This study consist of the married couple of nuclear family of Pepsi cola
town planning only.
Report Structure
This study has been organized into three chapters each concerned to some
aspects of the working capital annually. It consist of:

Chapter One Introduction: The first chapter represent introduction which

consist of background, profile of the study, problem statement, objectives,
rationale, methods, research design, types of data, population and sample,
review of literature, conceptual framework, review of previous work, research
gap and limitation of the study.

Chapter Two Results and Findings: The chapter two represent result and
findings which consist of data presentation, analysis of the result and findings.

Chapter Three Summary and Conclusion: The chapter three represent the
summary and conclusion of the study.


Data Presentation
In this chapter, study report, collected information and data are critically
analyzed and presented in different type of diagram and mathematical tools
are used for better understanding and to attain the objectives of the study.

To Identify the nature of saved income

I have used different statistical tools such as frequency analysis to identify the
nature of the saved income through the distribution of the gender group and
the income saved by male and female shown in the percent. Some of the
income saved by male and female through the distribution of education to their
children and their frequency level. Some of them are presented in the table and
figure below.

Table l
Distribution by Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 15 50
Female 15 50
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data collected by researcher: Appendices 1 )

Table l represents, among the 30 respondents 15 were males representing 50%

of total respondents and remaining 1 5 were females representing 50% of total
respondents. It indicates that 50% of the income is saved by male through their
monthly income and 50% of the income saved by female through their
monthly income.




30 Frequency


Male Female

Figure 1 shows that x axis represent the gender of the respondents and y axis represent the
frequency of the respondents. In my study 50% of the respondents represent the male and
remaining 50% of the respondents represent the female. I have collected the data by
providing questionnaire to the selected respondents. The percent shows the income saved by
male and female during their earning period. Both the male and female saved 50% of their
earnings for the better future.

Table 2
Distribution by Education

Level Frequency Percent

Under SEE 10 33.33
Higher Secondary 5 16.67
Under Graduate 10 33.33
Graduate and above 5 16.67
Total 30 100
(Source: Primary data collected by researcher: Appendices 1 )

Table 2 shows that the formal educational level of the respondents. Among 30 respondents,
33.33% of respondents were under SEE. Likewise, 1 6.67% of respondents were higher
secondary, 33.33% of respondent were undergraduate and remaining l 6.67% of respondents
were graduate and above. Most of the couple saved income through distribution of education
to their children by offering scholarship to their children and invest in different field such as
share market, deposit in bank etc .

Figure 2
Distribution by Education
10 Frequency
5 Percentage

E y e e
SE dar uat ov
r b
de on ad A
Un Sec r Gr an
er de at
igh Un du
H a

Figure 2 represents that level of respondents are shown in x axis and frequency and percent
are shown in y axis. The figure shows the formal educational level of the respondents.
Among 30 respondents, 33 .33% were under SEE. Likewise, 1 6.67% of respondent were
higher secondary, 33 . 33% were under graduate and remaining 1 6.67% were graduate and
above. Percent shows the income saved by the couple after distribution in education sector of
their children. Most of the couple saved income for their better life in future.

To analyze the financial decision technique

The financial decision is used by different couples on the basis of their monthly income. If
the monthly income of the couple is lower it is difficult to take the financial decision in the
nuclear family too and if the monthly income is more it is easy to apply different financial
decision technique on the basis of earned income in the family. It means they can fulfill the
need and wants of every family member and live happily. There is no discrimination among
the children in the family and they invest their income wisely in different sector such as
households, medical, children education, shopping etc.

Table 3
Distribution of Monthly Income
Monthly Income Frequency Percent
Less than RS 25,000 6 20%
RS 25,000 to RS 50,000 10 33.33%
RS 50,001 to 75,000 8 26.57%
Above RS 75,000 6 20%
Total 30 100%
(Source: Primary data collected by researcher: Appendices 1 )

Table 3 shows that among 30 respondents, 20% of the couple collectively ears less than RS
25,000 monthly. Likewise, 33.33% of the couple collectively ears between RS 25,000 to RS
50,000, 26.67% of the respondents collectively ears between RS 50,000 to RS 75,000 and
remaining 20%oflthe respondents collectively ears above RS 75,000 monthly.

Figure 3
Distribution by Monthly Income

20% 20%

Less than Rs 25,000

Rs25,000 to Rs 50,000
Rs 50,001 to Rs 75,000
Above Rs 75,000


Figure 3 represent the distribution of monthly income of the selected respondents. In the
above figure 20% of the respondents earn less than RS25000 monthly. Likewise, 33.33%of
the respondents earn between RS 25000 to RS50000, 26.67% of respondents eam between
RS50000 to RS75000 and remaining 20% of the respondents ears above RS75000. Most of
the couple ears in between RS 25000 to RS 50000 monthly.

Analysis of Result
I have used statistical technique of data analysis through my study. I have analyzed the data
through frequency analysis. I have collected all the data through distribution of the
questionnaire to the selected respondents. All the data presented in my study are current and
are based on the reality of the individual respondents.
To identify the nature of saved income:
Out of the 30 respondents 50% of the respondents were male representatives and
remaining50% of the respondents were female representatives. Both male and female are
equally participate in the financial performance of the family.

33.33% of the respondents were under SEE, 1 6.67% of the respondents were higher
secondary,33.33% of the respondents were under graduate and remaining 1 6.67% of the
respondents were graduated and above. Education is one of the major factor for solving the
financial problem in the family.

56.67% of the respondents reported that they have two children and remaining 43.33% of the
respondents represent that some couple have one child, some have three chi ldren and
remaining couple have four children. However, couple with less than two children is nuclear
family and live happily.

66.67% of the respondents reported that both the husbands and wife earns for the family and
remaining 33.33% of the respondents reported that husband alone earns for the family.
However, none of the case was observed where wife alone ears for the family.

To analyze the financial decision technique:

20% of the respondents reported that couples cams less than Rs. 25,000 monthly. Likewise,
33 .33% of couple earns between RS 25,000 to RS 50,000, 26.67% of couple earns between
Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000 and remaining 20% of the respondents earns above RS 75,000.
However, most of the couple saved income from their earnings.

Out of 30 respondents, 25 reported that they communicate with each other before making
major financial decisions. It means 83.33% of couple communicate with each other before
making any decision and remaining 1 6.67% of respondents reported that no communication
exist between couple while making financial decision in the family. In such family husband is
the head of the family and they don't involve their wife in taking the financial decision.

80% of the respondents reported that husband alone handle the major finance in the family.
While remaining 20% of the respondents reported that both the husband and wife jointly
handled the finance of the family. However, in most of the cases daily finance is observed by
the wife alone of the family.

While asked about the primary reason for the wife handling financial activities, majority of
the wife handled the daily finance due to their experience and some of the wife handled the
daily finance due to their interest.

40% of the total respondents indicates that the wife have legal right on the family property. 1
0% of the respondents represent that husband has legal right on the family property and
remaining 50% of the respondents represent that both husband and wife has legal right on
family property.

There arises dispute among the couple in the family due to several reason such as finance,
family matter, attention, education etc.

After this analytical study of financial decision practices of married couple of nuclear family,
I found many new trends that are applying in Pepsi cola town planning by many married
couple. Some of the major finding in my study is as follows according to the objectives:

To identify the nature of saved incomes:

i . The major sources of family income is earning of both husband and wife. In 70% of the
family both husband and wife was earners.
ii. Majority of the husband was graduated and wife was intermediate. Wife was less educated
in comparison with husband.
iii. Most of the family has two children.
iv. Most of the couple makes communication with each other before making any financial
decision. However, there is few number of couple who do not.
v. Majority of the husband handled the finance of the family. Daily finance is being usually
handled by wives. However significant number of family discuss with each other to take
financial decision.
vi. Most of the family believes that finance is one of the major factors to run the family.

To analyze the financial decision technique:

i . Both the husband and wives saved money for the better life in the future.
ii. In majority case wives have legal right to property.
iii. Both husband and wife take the major responsibility of their children. However, they both
are educated and understand each other.

iv. Most of the spouses were hand ling the primary finance of family however they were
more experience rather than their interest.
There arises dispute between husband and wives in the family if they do not trust each other.

This report is prepared to evaluate and examine the Financial Management Practices of
Married couple of Nuclear Family in Kathmandu. Every family must understand about the
problem arises due to the financial practices. They should use different technique for solving
the financial problem in the family. Most of the families have two children and both the
husband and wife of the family were earner. They invest their money in different field such
as share market, deposit in bank for better future of their children. Most of the couple
communicates with each other before making the financial decision. Many couple thinks that
finance is one of the major factors for great marriage. Some of the couple thinks that only
finance is not required to make the marriage life successful. There was few couple who think
that there should be trust between couple, they should understand each other. There arises the
dispute between the couple in the family due to the finance, family matter, attention,
education. Most of the wife has legal right on the property. This study provided an
understanding of how couple think about their married life and manage their finance to make
the better financial decision for solving the financial problem.

Most of the couple use different financial decision technique for solving problem that arises
during the financial performance of the married couple. Financial performance is one of the
major part of the successful marriage. The other researcher has mentioned the financial
decision practices of married couple by using different statistical tools such as mean, median,
mode, standard deviation, correlation analysis etc. The method for my study is both
qualitative and qualitative. All the data collected for my study is through the distribution of
questionnaire to the selected respondents. I have used frequency analysis for my study. All
the information collected for my study are current and accurate based on the individual.
Financial performance of each couple is different from each other. The collected data are
shown in the table and diagram. Financial decision is taken by both husband and wife. They
communicate with each other while taking the financial decision in the family. There is
creation of trust among the couple in the family. They believe on behavior of each other.
Both the husband and wife of the family handle the major finance of the family but in some
family’s major finance is handle by husband only. They saved money in different bank
account for the future. In most of the family there arises conflict among the couple due to
finance, family matter, attention, education etc. In most of the family husband are more
educated than wife. But they communicate with each other before making any financial

One of the major conclusions from my study is that both husband and wife work together to
deal with the financial issues of the family. They have trust between them in relation to
financial management. Most of the family income is earned by both husband and wife. They
should have to deposit in the bank for the future planning. In most of the case families'
property are holds in the name of wives. Next, families in which the wives are better educated
they get more chance to participate in the financial management of the family. Next, in spite
of my finding the couples who share their financial problem with each other are more
satisfied with their marriage life.

Most of the couple where both husband and wife perceived the relationship as equalitarian
were happily married, while some of the couple where both husband and wife perceived
relationship as traditional were mainly unhappy. The main reason behind it is that, male go to
office for earning and female should work inside the four wall of the house. The couple have
problem dealing with money. Most of the couple think that both the husband and wife are
equally responsible for saving and spending money. Some of the couple think that husband
should be responsible for saving money in the future and wife should be responsible for
spending money in the daily expenses.

Most of the couple can learn many things from this study to make their marriage life more
successful and satisfying. Couple should communicate with each other while making the
financial decision which helps to reduces dispute among them. Likewise, they should make
financial plan for better future. They should deposit money in the bank so that they can use at
time of need. Most of the couple is more responsible towards their children in nuclear family
as there is less number of children comparisons with joint family. This study provided and
understanding of how couples think about their marriage life and how to handle the financial
problem arises in the family to get better life.

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