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Name: 26th March 2021

11th grade D


1. Warm-up: Speaking/Writing activity

Do you know what a “dichotomy” is?

dichotomy = noun [ C usually singular ] formal UK /daɪˈkɒt.ə.mi/ US /daɪˈkɑː.t̬ ə.mi/

Definition: a difference between two completely opposite ideas or things:

Example: There is often a dichotomy between what politicians say and what they do.
Your example: ….

2. Picture analysis and reading

According to Myers and Briggs, there are four dichotomies that illustrate
personality types. They can be seen in the picture below. Read the features that correspond
to each type and decide which type suits you best.

Write your four answers here: …………

Please underline the first letter of each word you have chosen: ……….

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Myers and Briggs have used these personality features to create 16 types of
personalities. According to them, these types are listed as a four-letter code. For instance,
someone who chose introverts/sensors/thinkers/judgers would be ISTJ.

Please use the CTRL+ click feature on each type enlisted below to read your
description and see if it matches your personality traits.

● ISTJ - The Inspector

● ISTP - The Crafter
● ISFJ - The Protector
● ISFP - The Artist
● INFJ - The Advocate
● INFP - The Mediator
● INTJ - The Architect
● INTP - The Thinker
● ESTP - The Persuader
● ESTJ - The Director
● ESFP - The Performer
● ESFJ - The Caregiver
● ENFP - The Champion
● ENFJ - The Giver
● ENTP - The Debater
● ENTJ - The Commander

Web reference:

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