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Equilibrium Types in HPLC


3.1. Partition Equilibrium 86 Partition Equilibrium between Interstitial

General Comments 86 Mobile Phase and Pore Mobile Phase 100
Liquid-Liquid Partition 86
3.5. The Influence of PH on Retention
Distribution Coefficient 89
Equilibria 102
Peak Shape in Partition Chromatography 89
Preliminary Information 102
Evaluation of Capacity Factor k from
Dependence of Compound Structure
Liquid-Liquid Distribution Constants 90
on pH 103
3.2. Adsorption Equilibrium 91 The Influence of pH on Partition 103
Liquid-Solid Equilibrium 91 Octanol/Water Partition Constant Kow
Peak Shape in Adsorption Chromatography 94 and Distribution Coefficient Dow 107
3.3. Equilibria Involving Ions 95 3.6. The Influence of Temperature on
General Aspects 95 Retention Equilibria 109
Retention Equilibrium in Ion General Aspects 109
Chromatography 95 Evaluation of Thermodynamic Parameters
Equilibrium in the Presence of a of a Separation from van’t Hoff Plots 109
Complexing Reagent 97 Nonlinear Dependence of the Capacity
Gibbs-Donnan Effect 98 Factor on 1/T 110
Evaluation of Enthalpy-Entropy
3.4. Equilibrium in Size-Exclusion
Compensation from van’t Hoff Plots 112
Processes 99
General Aspects 99

Essentials in Modern HPLC Separations 85 Copyright Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


General Comments H
In Section 1.1 it was indicated that HPLC O O H H
separation is based on the equilibrium estab- H
lished between the molecules from the mobile H
phase and those present in the stationary phase, O H H H O H
and that different types of equilibria are used for O O
achieving separation in HPLC. This chapter H H H H
presents a more detailed description of types O
of equilibria acting in HPLC separation. Each Si Si Si Si Si
equilibrium is dependent on the analyte reten- O O O O O O
tion, which is commonly described in chroma-
tography by the capacity factor k. The formal Water immobilized on a polar surface

dependence of k on thermodynamic variables FIGURE 3.1.1 Schematic description of water immobi-

will be discussed in this chapter. Also, the influ- lized on a silica surface and acetonitrile as a mobile phase.
ence on the equilibrium of parameters such as
pH and temperature is described in further
detail. HPLC is more frequently practiced using
a stationary phase made of a solid support
covered with a bonded phase. If this bonded
Liquid-Liquid Partition phase is equated with an immobilized liquid,
Liquid-liquid partition represents the equi- the formal theory of liquid-liquid partition can
librium type of various separations. These be successfully applied for the description of
include solvent extractions and many HPLC the equilibrium taking place in different types
separations. In liquid-liquid partition the of HPLC.
component i is distributed between two non- In the theory regarding the equilibrium, it
miscible liquid phases A and B in an equilib- is assumed that no “nonequilibrium” effects
rium of the type: take place. For a sufficiently large amount
of compound i, it is possible that the equilib-
iB % iA (3.1.1) rium cannot be attained due to the saturation
of the stationary phase. Such cases are not
In HPLC, the phase B represents the mobile discussed here, and a sufficient small amount
phase, and A can be also considered a liquid of solute is assumed to participate to the
that is immobilized on a solid support (the equilibrium, such that the process is close
nature of A and B is different). A typical to “ideal”.
example of a liquid immobilized on a solid The detailed energetics of the process,
support is that of water on silica. In this case, describing the interactions at the molecular level
the water molecules are “bound” to the solid in this distribution equilibrium, is not taken into
silica frame by hydrogen bonds to the silanol consideration in the present treatment. When
groups from the surface (phase A). This type equilibrium is attained for “distributing” the
of stationary phase and a mobile phase exempli- compound i between phases A and B, the differ-
fied as acetonitrile (phase B) are schematically ence between the chemical potentials mi,A and
shown in Figure 3.1.1. mi,B of the component i in each of the two phases
A and B must be zero. This can be written in the Instead of using activities, it is more conve-
following form: nient to use molar concentrations and to intro-
duce the formula:
m0 i;B þ RT ln ai;B ¼ m0 i;A þ RT ln ai;A (3.1.2)
Ki ¼ ci;A =ci;B (3.1.7)
In rel. 3.1.2, m0i,A and m0i,B are the standard
The equilibrium constant Ki for the molecular
chemical potentials of compound i, and ai,A
species i between two phases A and B is typi-
and ai,B are the activities of analyte i in the two
cally called the partition constant. In HPLC, the
phases A and B, respectively, T is absolute
partition constant is less utilized since the inde-
temperature, and R is the gas constant
pendent experimental measurement of Ki is not
(R ¼ 8.31451 J deg1 mol1 ¼ 1.987 cal deg1
done frequently and the capacity factor ki ¼ Ki J
mol1). The rearrangement of rel. 3.1.2 leads to
is the common parameter characterizing the
the expression:
HPLC separations (see rel 2.1.13).
With formula 3.1.7, the relation between Ki
ln ðai;A =ai;B Þ ¼ ðm0 i;A  m0 i;B Þ=ðRTÞ
and Ki is the following:
¼ Dmi 0 =ðRTÞ (3.1.3)
K i ¼ ½ðgi;A Þ=gi;B  Ki (3.1.8)
In rel. 3.1.3, Dmi represents the change in stan-
0 which shows that Ki is also a constant (depend-
dard chemical potential when solute i is trans- ing on temperature and the nature of phases A
ferred from the mobile phase B into the and B and of compound i). The expression for
stationary phase A. Relation 3.1.3 shows that Ki can be written as follows:
for a constant temperature T the ratio of the
activities of the analyte i in the two phases is Ki ¼ ½ðgi;B Þ=ðgi;A Þ K i (3.1.9)
always a constant expressed as follows: and also:
0 0
K i ¼ ai;A =ai;B ¼ exp ½ðm i;A m i;B Þ=ðRTÞ Ki ¼ ½ðgi;B Þ=ðgi;A Þ exp ½Dmi 0 =ðRTÞ (3.1.10)
The constant Ki is commonly used to charac-
The constant Ki is the thermodynamic distribu- terize analytical partition processes. It gives the
tion constant for the partition process of compo- ratio of the concentrations of i in phases A and B
nent i between liquid phases A and B at equilibrium, as compared to Ki that gives the
(regardless of whether phase A, for example, is ratio of activities. The value of Ki is dependent
immobilized on a solid support). on temperature and also on the chemical nature
The activities can be expressed by the of component i and of the two solvents A and B,
product between activity coefficients g and the although no chemical interaction is assumed in
molar concentrations c (a ¼ g c) such that rel. the system. Tables with Ki values for different
3.1.4 can be written as follows: systems and temperatures are available, and
extra-thermodynamic techniques for practical
K i ¼ ðgi;A ci;A Þ=ðgi;B ci;B Þ ¼ exp ½Dmi 0 =ðRTÞ estimations are also reported. For complex
(3.1.5) problems, an effective equilibrium constant Keff is
sometimes used instead of individual values
Relation 3.1.5 can be written using base 10 for each equilibrium. The theory of liquid-liquid
logarithms in the form: partition can be used to explain chromato-
graphic processes where the stationary phase
log10 K i ¼ Dmi 0 =ð2:302 RTÞ (3.1.6) is assumed to be a liquid or a liquid-like

material immobilized on an inert support. and J not dependent on temperature), the

However, in many instances the classification result is as follows:
of an HPLC separation as partition chromatog-
dðln kÞ 1 dðln kÞ
raphy is more or less arbitrary. For this reason, ¼  DH 0 and DH 0 ¼ R
dð1=TÞ R dð1=TÞ
the use of some of the parameters developed
for liquid-liquid partition must be done only (3.1.14)
as an approximation.
For a constant pressure and temperature, Replacing DH 0 from rel. 3.1.14 in rel. 3.1.13,
Dm0 ¼ DG0, where DG0 is the variation in the the formula for DS0 can be immediately
standard free enthalpy. The dependence of Ki obtained when ln J is known.
on the variation of free enthalpy can be written From rel. 2.1.16 and 3.1.12 an expression for
in the form: the retention volume VR can also be obtained
as a function of standard enthalpy DH 0 and
Ki ¼ ½ðgi;B Þ=ðgi;A Þ exp ½DGi 0 =ðRTÞ (3.1.11) entropy DS0 changes for the transfer of the ana-
lyte from the mobile to the stationary phase.
In diluted systems, the activity coefficients g This expression is the following:
are very close to 1. With the common expres-
sion DG0 ¼ DH0 e T DS0 where DH 0 and DS0 VR ¼ V0 þ exp ½ðDH 0 þ T DS0 Þ=ðRTÞ Vst
are the standard enthalpy and entropy changes (3.1.15)
for the transfer of the analyte from the mobile where Vst is the volume of the immobilized liquid
to the stationary phase, the distribution on a solid support and V0 is the volume of the
constant can be written in the form: mobile phase in the chromatographic column.
Since the value for ln J in rel. 3.1.13 is not
Ki ¼ exp ½DGi 0 =ðRTÞ ¼ exp ½ðDH 0i
usually known, rel. 3.1.12 can be used more
þ T DSi 0 Þ=ðRTÞ (3.1.12) successfully for establishing a formula for the
selectivity a in a separation process. From rel.
Formula 3.1.12 can be used in deriving the 2.1.49 for the selectivity a, and from rel. 2.1.13
dependence of capacity (retention) factor k on between the partition coefficient and the
temperature and thermodynamic parameters. capacity factor, it can be seen that selectivity is
From rel. 2.1.13 showing that k ¼ KJ, the also given by the formula:
following formula can be written: Ki
a ¼ (3.1.16)
ln k ¼ ðDH 0 þ T DS0 Þ=ðRTÞ þ ln J (3.1.13) Kj
where the two species to be separated are indi-
Expression 3.1.13 is known as the van’t cated now by i and j (Ki > Kj). With rel. 3.1.12
Hoff equation (sometimes rel. 3.1.13 is for K, rel. 3.1.16 can be written in the form:
expressed as a logarithm in base 10 or log k,
ln a ¼ ðDGi 0 þ DGj 0 Þ=ðRTÞ
when the factor 1/2.303 multiplies the left
side of the equality). This equation is useful ¼ DðDG0 Þ=ðRTÞ (3.1.17)
in the estimation of thermodynamic parame-
ters DH 0 and DS0 for the transfer of the analyte Formula 3.1.17 indicates that the selectivity in
from the mobile to the stationary phase, using partition chromatography is given by the differ-
experimental values of ln k at different column ence in the free enthalpies for the transfer of the
temperatures. By taking the derivative of ln k solutes i and j from the mobile phase to the
as a function of (1/T) (assuming DH 0, DS0 stationary phase.

Distribution Coefficient i1 i2

The previous discussion regarding distribu- Ki phase A

1 Ki
tion of component i between the two nonmisci- phase B 2
ble liquid phases A and B is based on the K1,2
assumption that the analyte i participates in i1 i2
the partition as a sole species and that it is not
involved in any secondary chemical equilib- FIGURE 3.1.2 Equilibrium between phase A and phase
B for a compound i present in two forms, i1 and i2, and
rium. Although the analytes are not supposed subject of a chemical change in equilibrium in phase B.
to react during the HPLC separation, one
common case of secondary chemical equilib-
rium is that in which a compound is present The second side of expression 3.1.19 can be
as several chemically modified species, but it easily obtained by dividing each term of the
is still identified as compound i. This type of middle side of the equation by ci1,B. The expres-
equilibrium may include tautomerism, dimer- sion for the partition constants Ki,1 and Ki,2 are
ization, ionization (electrolytic dissociation), given by expressions of the form 3.1.7, and the
ion-pairing, or complexation. For example, equilibrium constant K1,2 ¼ ci2 /ci1 in phase B.
a simple acid can be present as molecular The individual constants in rel. 3.1.19 can be
species RCOOH, or as RCOO e ion, and it is still expressed as a function of standard enthalpies
identified as a unique compound. For such cases as follows: Ki1 ¼ exp [DG0i1/(RT)], Ki2 ¼ exp
when the analyte i participates in other equi- [DG0i2/(RT)], and K1,2 ¼ exp [DG0152/(RT)]
libria represented by species i1, i2, ., in, all where DG0i1 and DG0i2 are the free standard
being still identified as compound i, the entire enthalpies for the retention of forms i1 and i2,
partition process is described better by a global respectively, and DG0152 is the free standard
parameter Di given by the expression: enthalpy for the equilibrium between i1 and i2.
However, a global equilibrium of total i in the
ci1 ;A þ ci2 ;A þ .: þ cin ;A mobile phase and in the stationary phase can be
Di ¼ (3.1.18)
ci1 ;B þ ci2 ;B þ .: þ cin ;B conceived as governed by the total free enthalpy
DG0i . Also, since the capacity (retention) factor k
Parameter Di, is named the distribution coeffi- for a particular type of analyte i (with more
cient. (Note: The name coefficient and the name forms) depends on the fraction of molecules of
constant are sometimes confused, and the differ- compound i that are present in the mobile phase
ence must result from the meaning of the regardless of the form, rel. 2.1.13 must be
parameter. Also, the partition and distribution replaced in case of a compound present in
names are sometimes used interchangeably.) various forms with the expression:
A system in which the compound i is present ki ¼ D i J (3.1.20)
in equilibrium of two forms, indicated as i1 and
where J is the phase ratio. In logarithmic form
i2, and is the subject of a chemical change in
(in base 10), rel. 3.1.20 will become:
equilibrium in phase B only is shown in
Figure 3.1.2. For the equilibrium shown log ki ¼ log Di þ log J (3.1.21)
in Figure 3.1.2, the distribution coefficient can
be written in the form: Peak Shape in Partition Chromatography
One application of the theory of partition
ci1 ;A þ ci2 ;A Ki þ Ki2 K1;2
Di ¼ ¼ 1 (3.1.19) chromatography is related to the shape of the
ci1 ;B þ ci2 ;B 1 þ K1;2 chromatographic peak. As shown previously,

the distribution constant Ki for a given system shape and tailing. The reverse will happen for
appears to depend only on temperature. The cases when at the apex of a peak K > K ideal,
graph representing ci,A as a function of ci,B at and the peak will show deviation from Gaussian
a given temperature is called an isotherm and shape and fronting.
has the equation:
ci;A ¼ Ki ci;B (3.1.22) Evaluation of Capacity Factor k from
Liquid-Liquid Distribution Constants
The isotherm is a straight line when Ki is a true
Different studies on liquid-liquid extraction
constant. In this case, at a constant temperature,
(see, e.g., [1]) showed that the partition
the equilibrium process maintains a constant
constants Ki,A and Ki,B for a compound i in two
ratio between ci,A and ci,B during the separation.
systems, (a) solvent A/water and (b) solvent
However, in some cases Ki varies with ci,A and
B/water, are related by the expression:
ci,B, and the isotherm is no longer a straight line.
When ci,A represents the concentration of log Ki;A ¼ a log Ki;B þ b (3.1.24)
species i in the stationary phase, and ci,B the
where a and b are constants that are character-
concentration of i in the mobile phase, rel.
istic for the two solvents that are utilized and
3.1.22 is identical with rel. 2.1.11 (where species
can be obtained using best regression fit for
X is now indicated as i). As shown in Section 2.1,
a large number of compounds. Relation
the retention time t0 R (i) is given by expression
(3.1.24) gives excellent results for systems that
2.1.15, which can be written in the form:
are somewhat similar such as octanol/water
t0R ¼ Ki J t0 (3.1.23) and hexanol/water. This type of correlation
becomes weaker for systems that are very
Relation 3.1.23 indicates that for a chromato- different. Further studies [2e4] showed that
graphic separation where Ki is a true constant, this type of correlation can be extended from
the concentrations of ci,A and ci,B do not affect liquid-liquid extraction data to values for the
Ki and the retention time tʹR (i) is not affected capacity factor ki for chromatographic systems.
by the concentration of the analyte. However, The correlation between Ki,A and ki (for a specific
when Ki varies with the concentration of the stationary phase) is similar to rel. 3.1.24 and has
analyte, the result will be that the retention the following expression:
time will also be modified. This is going to
log ki ¼ a log Ki;A þ b (3.1.25)
happen across the chromatographic peak where
the analyte concentration starts at zero before The partition constant Ki,A that is of particular
the peak reaches a maximum at the peak apex, interest in HPLC is the partition constant for
and then decreases again to zero. This change octanol and water, typically indicated as Kow
in the retention time is not large, but in some (or Pow). For this constant, extended information
cases it can be large enough to modify the shape is available in the literature regarding its values,
of the peak from the Gaussian shape to peaks measurement, and applications [4e6]. Also,
showing fronting or tails. For example, it can since Kow describes the partition of a compound
be assumed that for a given analyte at the begin- i between a polar solvent (water) and a solvent
ning of the peak K ¼ Kideal (and does not depend with a large hydrophobic moiety (octanol), its
on the concentration), but at the apex of a peak values are expected to correlate well with the
K < Kideal. In this case the retention time t’R for capacity factor for reversed phase liquid chro-
the apex will be slightly shorter than ideal and matography that uses a C8 or C18 stationary
the peak will show deviation from Gaussian phase. This assumption was proven correct for
2 FIGURE 3.1.3 Dependence of log ki vs. log
Kow for 72 mono and disubstituted aromatic
compounds with ki values obtained for a C18
stationary phase with water/methanol 50/50
1.5 (v/v) as a mobile phase [2].
y = 0.5199 x - 0.3311
R2 = 0.9355

log k


-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

log K ow

numerous compounds, and the following rela- solid stationary phase. An equilibrium is
tion is valid. assumed to be established between the mole-
log ki ¼ a log Ki;ow þ b (3.1.26) cules of the solute (analyte) dissolved in the
mobile phase and those adsorbed on the
surface of stationary phase. Similar to the case
Depending on the stationary phase and the
of partition equilibrium, a small amount of
mobile phase utilized, the coefficients a and
solute is assumed to participate in this equilib-
b are obtained as best regression fit. As an
rium. The stationary phase can be practically
example, the dependence of log ki versus log
considered covered by a monolayer of mole-
Kow for 72 mono and disubstituted aromatic
cules of either solute i or mobile phase A. The
compounds, with ki values obtained for a C18
distribution of i between mobile phase and
stationary phase using water/methanol 50/50
stationary phase can be expressed by the
(v/v) as a mobile phase [2], is described by a linear
displacement equilibrium:
expression of the form 3.1.26. Such a line, with a ¼
0.5199 and b ¼ 0.3311, is shown in Figure 3.1.3. As imo þ n Ast % ist þ n Amo (3.2.1)
shown in this figure, dependence has R2 ¼ 0.9355
indicating a very good correlation. where the solute i can displace on the stationary
phase n molecules of adsorbed phase A and
where the index st is used for the stationary
phase and mo for the mobile phase A. This
type of process is exemplified by activated char-
Liquid-Solid Equilibrium coal that adsorbs organic molecules. In HPLC
In adsorption HPLC, the molecular species the adsorption can be exemplified by a silica
of the solutes from the mobile phase have the dry surface (covered with a monolayer of
capability to be adsorbed on the surface of the water), which adsorbs a monolayer of a solvent


Cl Cl Cl Cl N Cl
Cl Cl O O

Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si

Molecules of mobile phase adsorbed on silica Replacement of mobile phase with the analyte

FIGURE 3.2.1 Schematic diagram of the replacement from a monolayer of three molecules of solvent with a molecule of

(e.g., CH2Cl2) followed by the replacement of n in isocratic conditions). However, from a solvent
solvent molecules by a molecule of an analyte. mixture (e.g., for solvent A with the composition
Figure 3.2.1 shows a schematic picture of this %A and for solvent B with the composition
process with nitrobenzene as the analyte (100e%A), it can be assumed that only one of
molecule. the solvents (e.g., A) is adsorbed on the surface
The process described by rel 3.2.1 can be of the stationary phase and is replaced by the
characterized by a thermodynamic distribution analyte in an equilibrium of the type 3.2.1. The
constant K.i given by the ratio (a indicates activity of solvent A in the mobile phase will
activities): be indicated by aA,mo and on the stationary
phase by aA,st. Not all these requirements are
K i ¼ ðai;st =ai;mo Þ ðaA;mo =aA;st Þn (3.2.2)
always fulfilled, and therefore the assumption
that Ki is a constant should be considered only
Several assumptions are necessary to obtain
an approximation [7].
a constant value for Ki (for a given tempera-
From the equality of chemical potentials for
ture). These assumptions include the
the components of the two sides of the equilib-
following: (1) the surface is uniform; that is,
rium 3.2.1, the thermodynamic distribution
all adsorption sites are equivalent, (2) the
constant can be written as follows (see
adsorbed molecules do not interact such that
rel. 3.1.4):
Ki will be independent of the molecules
concentration, (3) all adsorptions take place K i ¼ exp½ðm0 i;mo þ n m0 A;st  m0 i;st
by the same mechanism, and (4) only a mono-
layer of molecules is formed even at maximum  n m0 A;mo Þ=ðRTÞ (3.2.3)
In practice, the mobile phase usually consists In rel. 3.2.3 the typical notation m for standard
of a mixture of two or even more miscible chemical potentials was utilized. The two values
solvents (the composition of this mixture is for the standard chemical potentials in the
kept constant when the separation is performed mobile phase m0i,mo and (n m0A,mo) are usually
equal and cancel each other. This leads to the the constant for the equilibrium 3.2.1 can be
relation: written in the form:

K i ¼ exp½ðn m0A;st  m0i;st Þ=ðRTÞ (3.2.4) Ki ¼ ðci;st =ci;mo ÞðxA;mo =xA;st Þn (3.2.10)

The concentration of solvent A in the mobile where ci,st, for example, indicates the molar
phase is not affected by the adsorption process; concentration of the solute i on the stationary
therefore the equilibrium can be considered phase, and xA,mo indicates the molar fraction of
only for the solute i between the stationary solvent A in the mobile phase. In rel. 3.2.10, it
and mobile phases: can be considered that xA,st ¼ 1 when the entire
surface of the stationary phase is covered with A
imo % ist (3.2.5) molecules. By replacing rel. 3.2.6 in rel. 3.2.10
This equilibrium is characterized as shown in followed by multiplication with J, it can be
Section 3.1 by an equilibrium constant: seen that log ki can be written in the form:
Ki ¼ ci;st =ci;mo (3.2.6) log ki ¼ log ki ðAÞ  n logxA;mo (3.2.11)

where ci,st is the number of moles of i per gram In rel. 3.2.11, ki(A) indicates the capacity
of adsorbent and ci,mo is the molar concentration factor of the solute i in pure solvent A as a mobile
of i in the mobile phase. If the quantity of phase. Indeed, for the molar fraction xA,mo ¼ 1 its
adsorbed mobile phase per unit weight of logarithm value is zero and log ki ¼ log ki(A). For
adsorbent is indicated as CA, the relation lower concentrations (molar fraction < 1) of A in
between Ki and K0 i will be the following: the mobile phase, the logarithm is negative and
0 the capacity factor increases. Relation 3.2.11 is
Ki ¼ K i CA (3.2.7)
also known as the Soczewinski equation. It is
With rel. 3.2.7 and the assumption gi,st / gi,mo ¼ 1 common to express in practice this expression
and gA,st ¼ 1, the expression for K’i becomes: in the form:
Ki ¼ exp½ðn m0A;st  m0i;st Þ=ðRTÞ CA (3.2.8) log ki z log ki ðAÞ  n log fA;mo (3.2.12)

where fA,mo is the volume fraction of solvent A

Similar to the case of partition type equilib- in a mixture.
rium, the detailed energetics of the adsorption Relation 3.2.11 has been sometimes used for
process is not taken into consideration in this differentiating between the partition equilib-
treatment. rium and adsorption equilibrium in a chro-
Since the equilibrium constant in a separation matographic process. For stationary phases
process is typically difficult to measure, the where a good linearity was noticed between
common parameter describing the chromato- log ki and log fA,mo, it can be assumed that
graphic behavior of a compound i in specific the chromatographic process is based on
HPLC conditions is the capacity factor k. Using adsorption. In practice, however, the depen-
rel. 2.1.13, the expression of k for the compound dence curves log ki versus log fA,mo may have
i can be written in the following form: a variable degree of deviation from linearity,
ki ¼ K i J (3.2.9) and the interpretation of the results is not
always straightforward.
Making the assumption that the ratio of acti- Regardless of the nature of equilibrium type,
vity coefficients gi,st/gi,mo ¼ 1 and gA,mo/gA,st ¼ 1, the expression for K0 i in rel. 3.2.9 is related to the

thermodynamic variables of the system by an the sample is in contact with the stationary
expression similar to rel. 3.1.12, such that: phase and another part is in contact with mole-
cules already adsorbed. Also, when different
ln K ¼ ðDH0 þ T DS0 Þ=ðRTÞ (3.2.13) molecules in a mixture are competing for the
stationary phase surface, the adsorption of one
where DH 0 and DS0 are the standard enthalpy component may depend on the adsorption of
and entropy changes for the transfer of the ana- another component. Isotherms of different
lyte from the mobile to the stationary phase shapes deviating from linear have been reported
expressed by the equilibrium 3.2.5. This indi- in the literature (see, e.g., [8,9]).
cates that the van’t Hoff equation is equally Assuming for simplicity in rel. 3.2.10 that
applicable regardless of partition or the adsorp- n ¼ 1 and that the molar fraction of component
tion mechanism. i in solution is xi,mo, the molar fraction of the
solvent in solution will be xA,mo ¼ 1  xi,mo.
Also, assuming that the molar fraction of the
Peak Shape in Adsorption adsorbed compound i is xi,st, the molar fraction
Chromatography of the adsorbed solvent is xA,st ¼ 1  xi,st. In
Similar to the case of partition chromatog- this case, rel 3.2.10 can be written in the form:
raphy, the graph representing ci,st as a function xi;st ð1  xi;mo Þ
of ci,mo at a given temperature is called an Ki ¼ (3.2.14)
xi;mo ð1  xi;st Þ
isotherm. The isotherm is a straight line when
K0 i is a true constant at a constant temperature. Since typically the value for the molar frac-
However, in some cases K0 i varies with ci,mo tion xi,mo is very low, 1 e xi,mo z1 and rel.
and the isotherm is no longer a straight line. 3.2.14 can be rearranged to give:
This can be seen, for example, at large loads of
Ki xi;mo
the column when, because of the limited surface xi;st ¼ (3.2.15)
capacity of the stationary phase, some part of 1 þ Ki xi;mo

0.25 0.70

K = 1.6 0.60
K = 1.6
K = 0.8
K = 0.8


0.10 0.30

K = 0.2 0.20
0.05 K = 0.2

0.00 0.00
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
xi,mo xi,mo

FIGURE 3.2.2 Hypothetic graphics for Langmuir isotherm Ki ¼ 0.2, 0.8, and 1.6 for two concentration ranges.
Relation 3.2.14 is known as the Langmuir connected through ionic interactions with the
isotherm. The representation of this isotherm stationary counterionic groups bonded to the
for hypothetic systems with Ki ¼ 0.2, 0.8 and stationary phase. Ion-exchange chromatog-
1.6 on two concentration ranges for xi,mo (0 to raphy is subdivided into cation exchange
0.2, and 0.2 to 0.99) are shown in Figure 3.2.2. chromatography and anion-exchange chroma-
From Figure 3.2.2 it can be seen that at low tography. In cation-exchange chromatography,
concentrations for the analyte i and for lower the ions Mþ in solution are exchanged with
Ki values, the dependence of the molar fraction the cations Cþ that were initially retained by
of the adsorbed material practically depends stationary ionic groups of the type R-X. In
linearly on the concentration in the mobile anion exchange the anionic species B in solu-
phase. This is not the case at higher concentra- tion are exchanged with the anions A that
tions or higher Ki values when the amount of were initially retained by the stationary coun-
adsorbed material is higher. Not all adsorption terionic groups of the type R-Yþ. In this way,
systems are well described by a simple Lang- the electroneutrality of the system is always
muir isotherm, and other formulas have been maintained (the ions in solution also have coun-
developed for a better description of the adsorp- terions). A special type of ion exchange may
tion process [10]. For a system where depen- also take place on zwitterionic stationary
dence between ci,st and ci,mo is linear, the value phases (ZIC phases containing, for example,
of K0 i is a true constant and is not affected by a sulfonic and an amino group in the bonded
the increase in concentration of the analyte. phase) when the mobile phase is a totally
Since the retention time in a chromatogram is aqueous buffer. In this case, only one group is
related to the equilibrium, the retention time t0 R involved in the ion-exchange process, and the
(i) for component i is given by expression 2.1.15, phase acts either as cation- or as anion-exchange
which can be written in the form: material.

t0R ¼ Ki0 J t0 (3.2.16)

Retention Equilibrium in Ion
However, when K0 i varies with the concentra- Chromatography
tion of the analyte, the peak shape is affected The study of ion-exchange equilibria is
and deviates from a true Gaussian, as already usually based on a number of simplifying
explained in Section 3.1. assumptions. One such assumption is that the
maximum uptake of ions by an ion-exchange
resin is constant and determined by the number
3.3. EQUILIBRIA INVOLVING IONS of functional groups on the resin matrix [11].
Another assumption is that strict stoichiometric
coupling takes place between the different
General Aspects
components involved in the ion-exchange
Most equilibria involving ions are encoun- process. This implies that each ion from the
tered in ion chromatography. Before discussing resin phase is replaced by another one from
the separation in ion chromatography, it is the liquid phase, with an equivalent charge for
important to understand the retention process maintaining electroneutrality. Also, it is
of ions from solution onto the stationary phase. assumed that cations do not penetrate an
This retention process is in fact an exchange anion-exchange particle and anions do not
process between an ion species in the solution penetrate a cation-exchange particle. These
and another ion species in the stationary phase assumptions are useful for predicting the

ion-exchange behavior of simple, dilute strong and 3.3.6, the equilibrium constants 3.3.2 can be
electrolyte solutions. However, when dealing expressed in the form:
with more complex systems, such as weak elec-
KM;C ¼ Kres;M =Kres;C (3.3.7)
trolyte solutions or solutions with high solute
concentrations exceeding the resin capacity,
For a multicharge ion, the equilibrium taking
the simplifying assumptions are not always
place between the solution and the resin can be
valid. For example, the uptake of ions may
written in the form:
exceed the total capacity of the resin in case of
high concentrations. z resX Cþ þ Mzþ % ðresXÞz z Mzþ þ z Cþ
For a given ion Mþ in solution and a resin (3.3.8)
in Cþ form, the exchange equilibrium is the and the equilibrium constant is:
following:  þ z
½Mzþ res ½C res
KM;C ¼ (3.3.9)
resX Cþ þ Mþ % resX Mþ þ Cþ (3.3.1) ½Mzþ mo ½Cþ mo

The constant for this equilibrium can be Based on rel. 3.3.2 or 3.3.9, it can be seen that
written using previous assumptions as follows: the concentration of an ion in solution and the
 value of the equilibrium constant are important
½Mþ res ½Cþ res factors in the retention of an ion from solution.
KM;C ¼ (3.3.2)
½Mþ mo ½Cþ mo In practice, the ion-exchange column must be
initially conditioned and made in the form Cþ.
where the index res indicates resin and mo indi- The ion selected as Cþ is frequently Hþ, and in
cates mobile phase. The exchange constant KM,C this case rel 3.3.9 will become:
indicates the degree to which an ion Mþ is  þ z
½Mzþ res ½H res
preferred in the exchange process, compared KM;H ¼ (3.3.10)
to the ion Cþ. Larger constants for KM,C indicate

½M mo ½Hþ mo
higher affinity for the resin of species Mþ. The
When a solution containing the ions Mþ
exchange constant can be expressed as a func-
having a relatively high Kres,M is passed through
tion of a distribution constant between the resin
the resin, the ions will attach to the resin and Hþ
and the solution. The equilibrium described by
ions will be released in solution. The exchange
rel. 3.3.2 can be viewed as equivalent with two
of Hþ ions with Mþ ions can continue until the
independent equilibria:
equilibrium described by rel. 3.3.10 is reached.
Cþ mo % resX Cþ (3.3.3) The change of the column into Hþ form
þ  þ
before the separation can be accomplished by
M mo % resX M (3.3.4) slowly flowing through it a solution of an inor-
ganic acid. For example, a solution of 0.1 N
which are described by the constants: HCl is passed through the stationary phase
resin. This changes the resin into Hþ form. Rela-
½Cþ res
Kres;C ¼ (3.3.5) tion 3.3.9 (or 3.3.10) is applicable only to
½Cþ mo describe an equilibrium, and this is not the
½Mþ res case during the column conditioning when the
Kres;M ¼ (3.3.6) concentration [Mzþ]mo ¼ 0 and [Hþ]mo is high.
½Mþ mo
However, rel. 3.3.10 shows that [Hþ]res will
Each solute has a distribution constant (reten- become as high as possible when [Hþ]mo is
tion constant) for a specific resin. Using rel. 3.3.5 high and since [Mzþ]mo is practically zero,
[Mzþ]res will also tend to zero After condi- described by the equilibrium constant KLM
tioning, the resin is thoroughly washed with given by the expression:
water to eliminate the remaining HCl traces.
The same discussion for the equilibrium on KLM ¼ (3.3.15)
a cation-exchange column can be easily applied ½L mo ½Mþ mo
for an anion-exchange column. In this case,
the concentration of Mþ in the resin is given by
a column in the form A- exchanges a base B- in
the expression:
the following equilibrium:
resYþ A þ B % resYþ B þ A (3.3.11) ½LMmo
½Mþ res ¼ Kres;M (3.3.16)
½L mo KLM
This equilibrium is governed by the constant:
 Expression 3.3.16 shows that a higher concen-
½B res ½A res
KB;A ¼  (3.3.12) tration of ligand or a high complexation
½B mo ½A mo constant diminishes the amount of species Mþ
retained in the column. However, complexation
For any anion, a retention constant can be can be used to favor retention on the resin. For
defined with the formula: example, specific ions form negatively charged
½B res complexes. Assuming that an ion M2þ forms
Kres;B ¼ (3.3.13) with a ligand L four combinations MLþ, ML2,
½B mo
ML 2
3 , and ML4 , the negatively charged
Frequently, in anion-exchange chromatog- complexes and the ligand can be retained on
raphy A is OH, but other anions such as Cl an anion-exchange resin, while the positive
are also common. ions and the neutral molecules are not retained.
In a mixture of ions in which only some have the
complexing capability with the formation of
Equilibrium in the Presence negatively charged compounds, an anion
of a Complexing Reagent exchanger can be used for separating the
desired species. In this case, considering the
The use of various complexing agents in the constant Kcomp describing the equilibrium:
solution interacting with an ion-exchange resin
is another procedure used in ion-exchange 4 L þ M2þ % ML4 2 (3.3.17)
HPLC for obtaining separations. The equilib- and the equilibrium constant Kres,ML4, the distri-
rium between the complexing agent (ligand) bution constant between the mobile phase and
in solution and the ions to be exchanged the resin for ML2
4 species, the concentration of
reduces the concentration of the free ions avail- ML24 in the resin can be estimated using the
able for the exchange process. In this case two expression:
simultaneous equilibria take place in the mobile
phase: ½ML4 2 res ¼ Kres;ML4 Kcomp ½L 4 ½M2þ  (3.3.18)
resX Cþ þ Mþ % resX Mþ þ Cþ and
Each complex ion has its specific distribution
L þ Mþ % LM constants in the resin. The constant depends on
(3.3.14) factors such as bond strength, hydrophobic
interactions, and steric hindrance. The adsorp-
Assuming that the reaction with the ligand is tion of complex ions on resins is a more compli-
present only in the mobile phase and is cated process because in addition to the

complexation in solution, the ligand adsorbed compartment No. 1 contains a solution of

on the resin may still participate in complex a dissociated salt consisting of small ions Cþ
formation. The donor electrons from the ligand and A, and compartment No. 2 contains the
retained as counterion are still available for same small cation Cþ and a large anion B to
complexation and may further retain M2þ ions which the membrane is impermeable, the diffu-
from solution. The use of ion-exchange resins sion of ions is not uniform. Since compartment
for the retention of metal ions as complexes in No. 2 does not contain anions A, they will
different pH conditions has been thoroughly diffuse to compartment No. 2, but the large B
studied and reported in the literature [12,13]. will not diffuse to compartment No. 1. This
The application of rel. 2.1.25 for calculating will result in a negative charge on compartment
the retention volume in a separation on an ion- No. 2 since [A]2 þ [B]2 > [A]1. Because of the
exchange column (for cations) will have the excess negative charge on compartment No. 2,
expression: the concentration [A]2 will remain smaller
than [A]1. The negative electrical gradient
VR ¼ V0 þ Kres;M Vst (3.3.19)
will attract additional Cþ from compartment
where Kres,M is given by rel. 3.3.2. A similar No. 1 to compartment No. 2 that already had
formula will be obtained for the separation of Cþ and establish electrical neutrality. However,
anions. Based on expression 3.3.19, it can be there will be an unequal concentration of diffus-
seen that the adsorption and elution of two ible ions with [Cþ]2 > [Cþ]1 and [A]1 > [A]2.
components depend on their distribution This uneven distribution of ions on the two
constants in the resin. Selecting properly the sides of the semipermeable membrane is known
eluent, separation of various components of as the Gibbs-Donnan effect. The process is illus-
a sample can be achieved, for example, by trated in Figure 3.3.1.
gradual change of the eluent pH or composition. At equilibrium, the electrochemical poten-
Ion separation using ion-exchange columns is tials mi of the ionic species i (A and C) on both
commonly applied for analytical purposes [14]. two compartments No. 1 and No. 2 must be
equal, which can be written as follows:
Gibbs-Donnan Effect ðmi Þ1 ¼ ðmi Þ2 (3.3.20)
When a semipermeable membrane separates
From the expression of electrochemical
two solution compartments and one side of the
potential mi ¼ mi þ zi FF (where zi is the charge
membrane contains water and the other side
of ion i, F is the Faraday constant, and F is the
contains a solution of a dissociated salt consist-
local electrostatic potential), rel. 3.3.20 can be
ing of small cations Cþ and anions A (e.g.,
written as follows:
Naþ and Cl), the membrane is permeable to
these ions, and the ions diffuse through the F 1  F2 ¼ ½ðm Þ  ðmi Þ1  (3.3.21)
membrane. In time, the final solutions on both zi F i 2
sides of the membrane contain equal concentra- (where mi is the chemical potential of species i).
tions of both positive and negative ions, and the The difference F1 e F2 is known as the Donnan
system is electrically neutral. No charges are potential and is indicated as EDonnan. On the
accumulated on the two sides of the membrane. other hand, the chemical potential for the
There are, however, ions that have large species i in a solution with pressure p is given
volumes and are not able to diffuse freely by the formula:
through the membranes. If a semipermeable
membrane separates two compartments and mi ¼ m0i ðp0 Þ þ RT lnðai Þ þ ðp  p0 ÞVi (3.3.22)
_ +
FIGURE 3.3.1 Illustration of Gibbs-Donnan
_ effect. The tendency to have equal concentra-
_ _ _
+ + _ + + tions of diffusible ions on both sides of the
+ _
_ + membrane is compensated by the need for
_ + + _ _
_ + + electrical neutrality.
_ _ _ _
+ + _ _ + +
+ +
_ _ _
+ + _ _ _ +
+ + + _
_ +
+ + _
+ _ _
+ _ +
_ _ _
+ + _ _ +
+ +
1 2
1 2
1 2
[A-]1 [A-]2 = 0 [A-]1 > [A-]2
neutrality must
[C+]1 = [C+]2 be maintened [C+]1 < [C+]2

where m0i (p0) is the chemical potential of 3.4. EQUILIBRIUM IN SIZE-

species i in standard state, ai is its activity, EXCLUSION PROCESSES
and Vi is its partial molar volume. From rel.
3.3.21 and 3.3.22, the expression for the Donnan General Aspects
potential for species i is given by the expression
Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is
a chromatographic technique used for sepa-
EDonnan ¼ fRT ln ½ðai Þ2 =ðai Þ1   P Vi g=ðzi FÞ rating substances according to their molecular
(3.3.23) size, or more correctly, hydrodynamic volume.
where P is the osmotic pressure for the Size exclusion is mainly used for the separation
membrane (or the swelling pressure in the of different polymers and for the separation of
case of equilibrium between inside and outside polymers from small molecules. The technique
of a resin). is also known as gel permeation chromatog-
For equilibrium the Donnan potentials of the raphy when the mobile phase is an organic
two species A and C must be equal. solvent, or gel filtration chromatography when
In ion exchange, the surface of the resin can the mobile phase is an aqueous (mostly
be equated with the semipermeable mem- aqueous) solution.
brane, the ions being able to migrate freely Polymeric molecules that are usually sepa-
outside and inside the resin, while the bonded rated by SEC have various shapes and, typically,
ionic groups can be equated with large ions are not spherical. Also, the molecules during the
(indicated above as B-) that cannot penetrate separation may be solvated/hydrated such that
through the membrane. For this reason, the the molecular shape is changed from that
concept of equal electrochemical poten- without solvent. For these reasons, the “true”
tials mi for the ionic species inside the resin size/shape of the molecule is difficult to define.
and outside the resin can be immediately The diffusional properties of the macromolecule
translated for the case of ion exchange can be selected to describe the molecular
equilibrium. apparent size. The hydrodynamic volume of

a molecule is the volume of a hypothetical hard for HPLC in Section 2.1 as having expression
sphere that diffuses with the same speed as the 2.1.14 will be given in SEC by the formula:
particle under examination. For SEC, the hydro- Vpores
dynamic volume is therefore the true parameter JSEC ¼ (3.4.3)
related to the separation.
Using rel 3.4.3, the expressions for capacity
Partition Equilibrium between factor kSEC will be given by the formula:
Interstitial Mobile Phase and Pore
Mobile Phase Vpores
kSEC ¼ KSEC (3.4.4)
The separation in SEC is done on a porous
stationary phase. The small molecules from the The direct proportion between kSEC and JSEC
sample moving with the mobile phase penetrate expressed by rel 3.4.4 has, however, a problem.
the pores of the stationary phase and have The value of JSEC may increase by an increase
a long path through the column and therefore in the number of pores and not only by the
long retention times. Very large molecules increase in the (average) pore volume. If the
cannot enter the pores at all and elute without pores are numerous but keep a small average
retention (total exclusion). The macromolecules volume, these pores cannot contribute to the
of medium size enter only some larger pores retention of larger macromolecular analytes. In
and are only partly retained, eluting faster this case, rel. 3.4.4 is no longer valid, and the
than small molecules and slower than the very proportionality remains valid only for a specific
large ones, thus achieving separation. range of molecular sizes.
Similar to any HPLC process, the retention The partition constant KSEC in rel. 3.4.4 repre-
process in SEC of a given molecular species sents the ratio of the concentrations of the
can be formally characterized by the reduced macromolecule analytes in the pore (cpore) and
retention volume V0 R given by rel. 2.1.16. From the concentration in the interstitial volume
rel. 2.1.16 the following expression can be imme- (cinter):
diately obtained:
KSEC ¼ cpore =cinter (3.4.5)
VR ¼ V0 þ K Vst (3.4.1)
For understanding the variation of KSEC, the
In SEC the partition process takes place as
elution process can be viewed as the movement
a migration of the analytes between the intersti-
of a sample zone of a solution containing the
tial volume of the column filled with the
macromolecular analytes (a nonzero concentra-
packing and the pores of the packing. In expres-
tion of analyte) along the column packed with
sion 3.4.1 the dead volume V0 can be indicated
porous particles and filled with the mobile
for this process as the interstitial volume Vinter,
phase (with the analyte at zero concentration,
and the volume Vst can be considered as equal
c ¼ 0). The initial concentration of macromole-
to the volume of the pores of the packing Vpores.
cules within the pores is also zero. The concen-
Therefore, the general equation 3.4.1 can be
tration gradient between the interstitial
written for SEC separation in the form:
volume outside the pores during the sample
VR ¼ Vinter þ KSEC Vpores (3.4.2) zone (cinter > 0) and within the pore (at cpore ¼
0) ‘‘pulls’’ macromolecules into the pores
Using the same assumptions as for rel. 3.4.2, because of the tendency to equalize the chemical
the phase ratio that was described in general potentials in the interstitial volume and in the


FIGURE 3.4.1 Schematic representation of the partition of a coiled macromolecule between interstitial space and the pore
of stationary phase (expansion of the molecule is associated with increase in entropy and shrinking is associated with
decrease in entropy).

pore volume. Macromolecules outside of the However, in the ideal case of no interaction
pores are expanded. When pulled into the with column packing, the value for DH0 in rel.
pore in order to equalize concentrations outside 3.4.6 is zero, and the separation mechanism is
and inside the pore, the macromolecules are controlled exclusively by the entropy of the
squeezed and their conformational entropy process. Therefore the expression for a “pure”
decreases. The macromolecules inside the pore size-xclusion process described by the constant
are contracted and lose part of their conforma- Kpure is given by the formula:
tional entropy. Some macromolecules cannot
enter completely the pore volume because the Kpure ¼ expðDS0 =RÞ (3.4.7)
loss in entropy would exceed the pulling force Size exclusion of macromolecular analytes
inside the pore. A schematic representation of in the absence of any energetic interactions
the partition process in SEC separation is illus- with the stationary phase is therefore an
trated in Figure 3.4.1. This process indicates entropy-controlled process. Such a process is
that the values of KSEC are situated within the usually indicated as an entropic partition
interval [0, 1]. If KSEC ¼ 0, the sample fraction [15]. The loss of entropy when the molecules
will elute in the void volume (total exclusion), are trapped inside the stationary phase causes
and when KSEC ¼ 1 the sample fraction elutes DS0 to have negative values [16]. Expression
in the total column volume (Vinter. þ Vpore). 3.4.7 indicates that temperature should not
However, this process implies an ideal mecha- significantly influence the exclusion processes.
nism of SEC where the analytes do not exhibit This was proven experimentally in several
any attractive or repulsive interaction with eluents that are good solvents for polymers
column packing except for the effects caused [17]. The change in entropy is more significant
by the imperviousness of the pore walls. In for larger molecules (of polymers) and less
some instances, values KSEC > 1 are seen, indi- important for smaller ones. This can be under-
cating that other interactions take place between stood by starting with the following expres-
the analyte and the stationary phase. The sion for entropy:
expression for KSEC using the general formula
2.1.12 is the following: S ¼ kB ln U (3.4.8)

KSEC ¼ exp ½ðDH 0 þ T DS0 Þ=ðRTÞ (3.4.6) where kB is the Botzmann constant and U is the
number of possible (equally probable) micromo-
where e DH 0 is the standard enthalpy and DS0 is lecular states. The number of ways in which the
the entropy change for the transfer of the ana- individual molecules can occupy the space
lyte from the mobile to the stationary phase. within the pore of a stationary phase is

significantly larger for a small molecule than for 9.5

a large one. This indicates that the number of 9
micromolecular states for a small molecule in 8.5
the pore is considerably larger than for a large
molecule. Starting with similar number of states

for large and small molecules in solution, the 7.5
large molecules will have a smaller S value in 7
the stationary phase, and therefore a considerable 6.5
loss of entropy. At the same time, the small mole-
cules will have only a minor loss of entropy. The
result is that during the adsorption process, the 5.5
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
large molecules will have a larger (in absolute
value) negative DS0. From rel. 3.4.7, it can be Δ S cal

seen that a DS0 larger in absolute value (and

FIGURE 3.4.2 Variation of the retention volume VR as
negative) leads to a smaller Kpure and conse-
a function of entropy variation DS0 for a hypothetical
quently to a smaller VR in rel. 3.4.2. The variation system where Vinter ¼ 5.9 mL and Vpore ¼ 4.0 mL.
of the retention volume VR as a function of
entropy variation DS0 for a hypothetical column
where Vinter ¼ 5.9 mL and Vpore ¼ 4.0 mL is
shown in Figure 3.4.2 (interaction entropy corre- 3.5. THE INFLUENCE OF PH
sponding for polystyrene in the range of mole- ON RETENTION EQUILIBRIA
cular weight (MW) from 2500 to 3 million [18]).
In some cases, the separation mechanism also Preliminary Information
has an enthalpic contribution besides the
An important parameter in almost all analyt-
entropic change for the SEC mechanism. This
ical separations is the pH. The pH was initially
happens in practice when some interactions
defined for water as the solvating medium.
between the packing and the macromolecular
The pH gives, in logarithmic form (base 10),
species are taking place. For this reason the SEC
the activity of hydrogen ions (aHþ ), or more
partition constant can be defined by two terms:
precisely the activity (aH3 Oþ ) of hydronium ions
KSEC ¼ Kpure Kinteraction (H3Oþ). The pH expression is given by the
¼ exp½ðT DS0 Þ=ðRTÞexp½ðDH 0 formula:

þ T DS0 Þ=ðRTÞ (3.4.9) pH ¼ log aH3 Oþ ¼ log cH3 Oþ  log gH3 Oþ

where Kinteraction ¼ exp [(eDH 0 þ T DS*0)/(RT)], (3.5.1)
DH 0 is the enthalpic term, and DS*0 represents where (gH3 Oþ ) is the activity coefficient of hydro-
the entropy variation during the interaction nium ions and (cH3 Oþ ) is their molar concentra-
process. For the SEC separations where tion. The reason for replacing hydrogen ions
KSEC > 1 there is always an enthalpic contribu- Hþ with hydronium (H3Oþ) or even with higher
tion to the separation. For KSEC in [0,1] species (e.g. H9Oþ 4 ) is to account for the solva-
interval, it is difficult to decide whether tion of protons, but all these ions in fact describe
DH 0 ¼ 0 or it is only small. A more detailed the same entity (and notations Hþ or H3Oþ are
discussion of thermodynamic factors affecting frequently used interchangebly).
SEC separation can be found in the literature In water, the pH scale is between 0 and 14
[18e20]. at 25  C. The activity factor gH3 Oþ may be
estimated with the Debye-Hückel equation, For simple bases BOH, the equilibrium can be
written in the form: considered to take place as follows
A$ I BOH2 þ % BOH þ Hþ (3.5.6)
log gH3 Oþ ¼  pffiffi (3.5.2) and the dissociation constant Ka is defined by
1 þ as $B$ I
the formula:
In rel. 3.5.2, I represents the ionic strength of ½Hþ ½BOH
Ka ¼ (3.5.7)
the solution, as is an ion-size parameter, and A ½BOHþ2
and B are solvent- and temperature-dependent
parameters, respectively. Their values are tabu- A base dissociation constant can also be
lated from empirical data. In an infinitely defined by:
diluted water solution gH3 Oþ ¼ 1, and the second
term from rel. 3.5.1 is zero. The ionic strength in ½OH ½Bþ 
a solution depends on the concentration of Kb ¼ (3.5.8)
species i, ci, and their net charges, zi, by the
with the relation Ka Kb ¼ Kw, where Kw is the
1X 2 water ion product and Kw ¼ 1.008 1014 at
I ¼ ci zi (3.5.3) 25 oC. Acidic or basic character can be assigned
2 i
to the molecule according to Brönsted’s rule,
which indicates that an acid is a proton donor
and a base is a proton acceptor. As a result, a basic
Dependence of Compound Structure compound is protonated as a positive ion, while
on pH an acidic compound is protonated as a neutral
molecule. An acidic compound will be de-
Compounds with acidic, basic, or amphoteric
protonated as a negative ion. Certain molecules
character may have structures that are strongly
can dissociate as both an acid or as a base and
dependent on the pH of the solution (e.g., in
are known as amphoteric. Also, molecules can
the mobile phase). The structure of such
be multiprotic, having more than one ionizable
compounds may change at different pH values.
group. The influence of pH on the structure of
This change is caused by the interaction of the
a molecule with amphoteric character is shown,
compound with the protons. Each ionization
as an example, for valine in Figure 3.5.1 where
equilibrium between the protonated and depro-
the percent of a specific form of the compound
tonated forms of the molecule can be described
in function of solution pH is indicated. The pres-
with its dissociation constant Ka or pKa ¼  log
ence of a compound in different forms as a func-
Ka. The pKa value can be defined for both acids
tion of pH is very common, and this significantly
and bases. For simple acids HX, the dissociation
influences the separation process.
takes place as follows:

HX % Hþ þX (3.5.4)
The Influence of pH on Partition
where the equilibrium constant Ka is defined by
the well-known formula In a simple partition equilibrium between
two liquid nonmiscible solvents, the distribu-
tion coefficient (Di) and the distribution constant
½Hþ ½X  (Ki) are identical for apolar or polar solutes that
Ka ¼ (3.5.5)
½HX have no acid or base functional groups in their

100 CH3 O

1 C C
H 3C H H
80 N H+ 3

1 2 3
CH 3 O
% Con tent
2 C C _
H 3C H H
40 +
NH 3

20 CH3 O
3 C C _
0 H 3C H H
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

FIGURE 3.5.1 Variation in the proportion of different forms of valine in a solution at different pH values.

molecule that would lead to some dissociation cHX;o cHX;o
in the aqueous or partially aqueous medium. DHX ¼ P ¼ (3.5.10)
cHX;w cHX;w þ cX ;w
When the solutes contain ionizable functional
groups such as -OH, -SH, -COOH, -SO3H, Expressions 3.5.9 and 3.5.10 show that higher
-NH2, and others, it is possible for those solutes KHX or DHX indicate a higher concentration of
to have interactions into aqueous phase with the analyte in the organic phase. This remains
proton or hydroxide ions leading to ionized valid when the organic phase (o) is the
species. In such cases, the two distribution stationary phase (e.g., in reversed phase chro-
parameters (Di and Ki) are not identical, and matography). For these cases, a higher KHX or
the one that truly describes the partition process DHX is related to a higher capacity factor k
is the distribution coefficient Di. In Figure 3.5.2 based on rel. 2.1.13 and 3.1.20, respectively,
a schematic example is shown, which describes and therefore to longer retention times in the
the partition process for a molecular weak acid, chromatographic process.
denoted by HX. Since in the case of ionizable groups the
Similar to the case of solvents is the one distribution process is controlled by the
where the organic phase role is taken by an
organic stationary phase, and the aqueous
phase is a mobile phase with a certain water HX Organic
content (indicated as w). In the case of the acids s olvent (A = o)
HX, the distribution constant K (see rel. 3.1.7) Aqueous
and distribution coefficient D (see rel. 3.1.18) H + X-
+ phas e (B = w)
are given by the following relations: Ka
KHX ¼ (3.5.9) FIGURE 3.5.2 Representation of the partition process of
cHX;w a weak acid HX.
distribution coefficient D and not by the A weak-base-type compound Y can be in-
distribution constant K, it is important to volved in an acid/base equilibrium as shown
analyze the variation of D for several partic- in the following:
ular cases. In the case of an acid HX, the
Y þ HOH % YHþ þHO (3.5.13)
concentration of the dissociated form in rel.
3.5.10 can be calculated from the dissociation
This equilibrium is characterized by a basicity
constant (Ka) as:
constant Kb (Kb ¼ Kw / Ka). The same calcula-
cHX;w tions as applied for the acids distribution lead
cX ;w ¼ Ka (3.5.11)
½Hþ w to the following dependence of DY on pH:
By substituting cX ;w given by rel. 3.5.11 and DY ¼ KY (3.5.14)
KHX given by rel. 3.5.16 in expression 3.5.10, Kw þ Kb ,10pH
the relation between KHX and DHX can be (where Kw is the ionic product of water (1014 at
written as follows: 25 C). The plot of this dependence is shown in
Figure 3.5.4 for a base with Kb ¼ 104.64
c 10pH
DHX ¼  HX;o  ¼ KHX (pKb ¼ 4.64).
1 Ka þ 10pH The formulas 3.5.12 and 3.5.14 (as well as the
cHX;w 1 þ Ka
½Hþ  graphs from Figures 3.5.3 and 3.5.4) indicate
(3.5.12) that for weak acidic or basic analytes, the pH
plays a major role in the distribution of the ana-
The dependence given by rel. 3.5.12 is illus- lyte. Even if the distribution constant is highly
trated in Figure 3.5.3 for a compound with favorable for the organic phase (large K values),
Ka ¼ 10e4.54, (pKa ¼ 4.54). At low pH values, since the parameter that truly describes the distri-
DHX z KHX. At high pH values, DHX z 0; bution process is D, its value can be very small if
and at pH ¼ pKa which is the inflection point the pH of the aqueous phase is not selected prop-
of the sigmoid curve of dependence, DHX z erly. This effect can also be successfully used in
0.5 KHX. a separation process. For example, the separation

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 pKa 7 14 0 7
pKw -pKb 14
pH pH

FIGURE 3.5.3 The dependence of DHX/KHX as a function FIGURE 3.5.4 The dependence of DY/KY as a function
of pH for an acid HX (pKa ¼ 4.54) of pH for a basic compound Y (pKb ¼ 4.64).

of a number of acids with different pKa values can The graph showing the variation of DHXY /
be easily separated using a gradient elution with KHXY as a function of pH is given in Figure 3.5.5
the mobile phase changing its pH value. for a compound with pKa ¼ 2.47 and pKb ¼ 4.55
Compounds with amphoteric character (phenylalanine).
contain both acidic and basic functional groups Taking into account that Ka,Kw << 1014,
(for example, amino acids). If such a compound Kw ¼ 1014 and Kb >> Kw, the limit value of D
is indicated as HXY and participates in a distri- for the acidic pH domain is given by the
bution process, but in the mobile phase (partly expression:
aqueous) is also part of two acidebase equi-
libria, these equilibria and the corresponding pH/0 Kw
DHXY ¼ KHXY (3.5.23)
Ka and Kb constants can be written as follows: Kb

HXY % XY þ Hþ (3.5.15) In the example shown in the graph from
c XY;w ,cHþ ;w Figure 3.5.5, Kw << Kb and the value for D is
Ka ¼ (3.5.16) much lower than that for K (practically zero).
For pH / 14 and taking into account that
HXY þ HOH % HXYH þ þ OH (3.5.17) Ka >> Kw, the limit value of DHXY for basic pH
domain is given by the expression:
cHXYH þ ;w ,cHO ;w pH/14 Kw
Kb ¼ (3.5.18) DHXY ¼ KHXY (3.5.24)
cHXY;w Ka

The distribution of the neutral species For the example shown in the graph from
between the two phases (o and w) is character- Figure 3.5.5, Kw << Ka, and the value for D is
ized by partition constant (KHXY) and distribu- again much lower than that for K (practically
tion coefficient (DHXY): zero).
cHXY;o The maximum value for the ratio D/K can be
KHXY ¼ (3.5.19) obtained from the condition vDHXY =v½Hþ  ¼ 0,

DHXY ¼ (3.5.20)
c XY;w þ cHXYH þ ;w þ cHXY;w
D max
Combining rel. 3.5.16, 3.5.18, and 3.5.19 with

3.5.20, the following expression for D can be

DHXY ¼ (3.5.21)
Ka Kb ,½Hþ 
1þ þ þ
½H  Kw

Expression 3.5.21 can be written in the 0 7 14

following form: pH
Kw ,10pH
DHXY ¼ KHXY FIGURE 3.5.5 The dependence of D/K for an amphoteric
Ka ,Kw þ Kw ,10pH þ Kb ,102pH
compound with pKa ¼ 2.47 and pKb ¼ 4.55 as a function of
(3.5.22) the pH of the aqueous phase.
which leads to the following expression for KHX, but the expression for DHX should be
DHXY : replaced by the formula:
1 P
Dmax cHX;o cHX;o þ cX ;o
HXY ¼ KHXY  1=2 (3.5.25) DHX ¼ P ¼ (3.5.27)
Ka Kb cHX;w cHX;w þ cX ;w
Kw and an additional equilibrium constant will be
defined as:
for the pH value: cX ;o
KX  ¼ (3.5.28)
1 cX ;w
HXY ¼ 7 þ ðpKa  pKb Þ (3.5.26)
By substituting in rel. 2.5.27 the following terms:
The result for Dmax for the example taken for cX ;w obtained from rel. 3.5.11, cX ;o obtained
Figure 3.5.5 (pKa ¼ 2.47 and pKb ¼ 4.55) shows from rel. 3.5.28, and cHX,o from rel. 3.5.9, upon
that Dmax z 1.55 104 K. Therefore much less simplification with cHX,w the expression for
compound will be present in the stationary DHX can be written as follows:
phase than is predicted from its K value.
KHX 10pH þ KX Ka
Relations 3.5.12, 3.5.14, or 3.5.22 allow the DHX ¼ (3.5.29)
evaluation of the retention factor ki for Ka þ 10pH
a compound i when the distribution constant
K, the phase ratio J, the nature of the analyte Similar expressions can be developed for a basic
(acidic, basic, or amphoteric), and the pH of compound, amphoteric compound, dibasic
the mobile phase are known. acid, and the like [21].
The previous discussion of the influence of
pH on the distribution of a molecule that has Octanol/Water Partition Constant Kow
acidic, basic, or amphoteric character was pre- and Distribution Coefficient Dow
sented for simple systems, assuming that an
equilibrium of different species of compound i The octanol/water partition constant Kow is
takes place only in the mobile phase and that a parameter widely used in QSAR and related
the ionized species are not at all partitioned in drug-designed techniques as a measure of
the stationary phase. However, an equilibrium molecular hydrophobicity. The values of this
as shown in Figure 3.5.6 is very possible. parameter for a large number of compounds
For the case of the partition process of a weak are available in the literature [4, 5, 22], and
acid HX when the ion X is also subject to the various computer programs are available for
distribution, rel. 3.5.16 will remain valid for their calculation (e.g., MarvinSketch,
ChemAxon Ltd., [6], EPI Suite [23]). As
shown in Section 3.1, log Kow shows a good
correlation with capacity factor in RP-HPLC
HX X- Organic for many organic compounds [2, 3]. For these
solvent (A = o)
reasons, the values for Kow represent a conve-
Aqueous nient resource for characterizing the hydro-
phase (B = w)
HX H++ X- phobicity of organic compounds with
Ka application to HPLC. However, compounds
FIGURE 3.5.6 Representation of the partition process of having ionizable groups exist in solution as
a weak acid HX when the ion X is also subject to the a mixture of different forms (some ionic and
distribution process. some neutral). In this case, a distribution

coefficient Dow is defined by the formula 1.5

(similar to rel 3.1.18): 1
ci ;o þ ci2 ;o þ .: þ cin ;o 0.5
Di;ow ¼ 1 (3.5.30)
ci1 ;w þ ci2 ;w þ .: þ cin ;w 0

log D ow
where {ci,o} i ¼ 1,2,.n represent all the forms of -0.5
the compound i present in octanol and {ci,w} i ¼ -1
1,2,.n represent all the forms of compound i -1.5
present in water. (Note: The terms partition and -2
distribution are used interchangeably, and the
difference must result from the meaning of
the parameter). The general discussion on the -3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
dependence of distribution coefficient D on pH
given in this section is equally applicable to pH
the distribution coefficient Dow, which depends
FIGURE 3.5.7 Variation of log Dow with pH for butyric
on the water pH for ionizable compounds. For
acid. log Kow ¼ 0.98 (max Dow ¼ Kow)
compounds having no ionizable groups, Kow ¼
Dow . Variation of Dow with the pH can be
obtained using computing programs (e.g., regarding their octanol/water distribution, the
MarvinSketch values for Dow should be considered at a specific
Since the structure of ionizable compounds pH. For amino acids, peptides, and proteins that
depends on pH, the distribution coefficient are present in zwitterionic form, the value for
Dow is also pH dependent. For example, in an log Dow at the isoelectric point (pI) is important
acidic pH, an acid may be very little or not for their characterization (the isoelectric point
ionized at all. In this case, at pH values where (pI) is the pH value at which the molecule
the compound is not ionized Dow ¼ Kow, while carries no electrical charge). For molecules
for other pH values they are different and with multiple zwitterionic points, log Dow at
Dow < Kow . This is exemplified for butyric acid
in Figure 3.5.7, where at low pH (pH < 3) the -2
maximum value for log Dow is 0.98 and Kow ¼
Dow . For some amphoteric compounds, even in -2.2
a pH where a neutral form would be expected,
the compound is present in zitterionic form,
and always Dow < Kow . Amino acids are this -2.6
log Dow

type of compound, and, for example, in the

case of valine log Kow ¼ 0.31, and the depen- -2.8
dence of log Dow on pH shown in Figure 3.5.8
indicates that a maximum value is log Dow ¼
2.09. The discrepancy is the result of assump- -3.2
tion that valine can be a neutral molecule (log
Kow ¼ 0.31) while in reality it always contains -3.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
ionic groups.
The results pictured in Figures 3.5.7 and 3.5.8
indicate that for compounds that can be present FIGURE 3.5.8 Variation of log Dow with pH for valine.
in ionic form, in order to have information log Kow ¼ 0.31 (max Dow < Kow)
the isoelectric point may be in between the representing ln k as a function of 1/T are
lowest and the highest value of log Dow at known as van’t Hoff plots.
different pH values.
Evaluation of Thermodynamic
Parameters of a Separation from
3.6. THE INFLUENCE OF van’t Hoff Plots
EQUILIBRIA Linear van’t Hoff plots are those in which the
variation of ln k can be written in the simple
General Aspects 1
ln k ¼ a þ b (3.6.2)
Similar to all equilibria, the separation T
process is influenced by temperature. For a sepa-
ration equilibrium, the capacity factor k is These plots can be successfully used for evalu-
dependent on temperature following rel. ating enthalpy change associated with the reten-
3.1.13, known as the van’t Hoff equation: tion process, and also when the phase ratio J of
the column can be estimated, it is possible to
evaluate the entropy changes [25]. In such cases,
ln k ¼  DH 0 =ðRTÞ þ DS0 =R þ ln J (3.6.1) the following formula can be used:

In rel. 3.6.1, DH 0and DS0 are the standard DH 0 ¼ R b (3.6.3)

enthalpy and entropy changes, respectively, DS ¼ Rða  ln JÞ (3.6.4)
for transfer of the analyte from the mobile to
the stationary phase (the formula 3.1.13 was As an example, these parameters can be
developed based on distribution equilibrium obtained from the retention study of two
but can be used in principle for any HPLC hydrophobic vitamins, retinol and calciferol
process). Since the retention is an exothermic (with structures given in Figure 3.6.1), per-
process, DH 0 has negative values. Formula formed on a C18 stationary phase and mobile
3.6.1 indicates that for typical separations, the phase containing water and methanol in
value of k decreases as the temperature different proportions. The van’t Hoff plots for
increases (deviations from this rule are dis- the experiments are shown in Figure 3.6.2
cussed further in this chapter). When the [26]. Using an estimation for J z 1.5, from
stationary phase, the analyte, and the mobile the plots shown in Figure 3.6.2, it can be
phase properties do not change with a tempera- possible to evaluate DH 0 and DS0 for the sepa-
ture change, DH 0 and DS0 can be considered rations. These values are given in Table 3.6.1.
temperature invariants. However, this assump- The results obtained for DH 0 and DS0 given in
tion is only an approximation, and more correct the table are in fair agreement with thermody-
estimations of the values for DH 0 and DS0 at namic data reported in the literature, for
different temperatures can be made. Correc- example, for the interaction between two
tions as a function of temperature T of thermo- hydrocarbon side chains of a protein (1.2 e
dynamic functions DH 0 and DS0 are known 7.5 kJ/mol for DH 0 and 7 e 45 J/(K mol) for
(see, e.g., [1]). Nevertheless, for numerous sepa- DS0 at 298 K) [27]. The value of DH 0 reflects
rations, the linear dependence of ln k on 1/T the degree of interaction between analyte and
can be experimentally verified [24]. The graphs stationary phase, and a more negative DH 0


Retinol Calciferol

FIGURE 3.6.1 Chemical formulas for retinol (Vitamin A) and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3).

(larger absolute value) indicates a stronger two forms of compound i, the result for ln ki
interaction [28]. is the following:
Ki1 þ Ki2 K1;2
ln ki ¼ ln þ ln J (3.6.5)
Nonlinear Dependence of the Capacity 1 þ K1;2
Factor on 1/T
A replacement of the expressions for indi-
When a compound i can be present during vidual equilibrium constants in rel. 3.6.5
the separation in several forms i1, i2, i3, and leads to a complicated formula, and for
so on, that are in equilibrium and account for simplicity a power series can be used to express
the total level of i, the capacity factor can be ln ki. In such cases, the following formula can be
expressed by formula 3.1.21, where the distri- used:
bution coefficient Di replaces the simple equi-
librium constant Ki. In such cases, the linear 1 1
dependence of ln k on 1/T is not necessarily ln ki ¼ a þ b þ c 2 þ . þ ln J (3.6.6)
obeyed. The simple expression of the form
3.6.2 cannot be written (without including The number of terms in expression 3.6.6
approximations). Replacing in rel. 3.1.21 the can be larger, but a polynomial form limited to
expression 3.1.19 for Di for the simple case of (1/T2) is sometimes sufficient to describe the

Retinol 1.4
1.8 94% CH3 OH Calciferol
1.6 1.2

1.4 1.0
96%CH3 OH 75%CH3 OH
ln k

ln k

98%CH3OH 0.6
0.8 80%CH3 OH

0.4 0.2

3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30
1/T*1000 1/T*1000

FIGURE 3.6.2 Van’t Hoff plots for retinol and cholecalciferol separated on a C18 stationary phase and mobile phase
containing water and methanol in different proportions [26].
TABLE 3.6.1 Evaluation of thermodynamic parameters DH 0 and DS0 for the separation of retinol and calciferol on
a C18 column [26].

Regression parameters Thermodynamic parameters

%CH3OH in the DH 0 DS0

Compound mobile phase a b (kJ,mol-1) (J,mol-1,K-1)

Retinol 94 1.871 1111.82 9.24 18.92

96 3.791 1559.81 12.97 34.88
98 3.408 1281.04 10.65 31.70
Calciferol 70 2.903 1287.19 10.70 27.50
75 2.354 1007.32 8.37 22.94
80 2.249 846.88 7.04 22.06

variation of ln ki with the temperature [29]. containing 25 mM ammonium formate brought

Several examples of such cases have been to pH ¼ 4.5 with formic acid and ACN in the
reported in the literature [30, 31] and are exem- ratio 62.5/37.5 (v/v) at a flow rate of 1 mL/
plified here for the drugs vincamine, epivinc- min is shown in Figure 3.6.4B.
amine, and drotaverine. The formulas for these In such cases where the nonlinear depen-
compounds are shown in Figure 3.6.3. The vari- dence of ln k on temperature occurs, from the
ation of ln k with temperature for vincamine values of parameters a, b, c and ln J in formula
and epivincamine separated on a Zorbax XDB- 3.6.6, a total DG0i can be calculated (and is
C18 column 150 mm L  4.6 mm i.d. and temperature dependent). This is done by using
3.5 mm d.p., with a mobile phase consisting of the derivative of ln k as a function of (1/T)
a mixture of 0.2% triethylamine brought to (similar to the calculations shown for rel.
pH ¼ 6.0 with H3PO4 and acetonitrile, in the 3.1.14) to obtain a total D H0i , followed by an esti-
ratio 65/35 (v/v), and a flow rate 1 mL/min is mation for DS0i using a simple subtraction (the
shown in Figure 3.6.4A. The same type of value for ln J must be known). Similar
plot for drotaverine on the same column and a nonlinear dependences as shown in Figures
mobile phase consisting of aqueous component 3.6.4A and 3.6.4B have been reported in the


H 3C

FIGURE 3.6.3 Chemical formulas for vincamine, epivincamine and drotaverine.


2 Evaluation of Enthalpy-Entropy
1.8 Compensation from van’t Hoff Plots
1.6 In the retention process, a higher interaction
1.4 of the retained molecule with the stationary
phase is associated with a more negative
enthalpy of the interaction. However, this
ln k

1 stronger interaction may also be associated

0.8 with a limitation of the movement of the mole-
cule (in terms of the ability to rotate, vibrate,
etc.) and hence with a decrease in the molecule’s
0.4 entropy. Since the change in enthalpy (DH) and
0.2 the change in entropy (DS) have opposite signs,
the value for DG will change very little if both
enthalpy (in absolute value) and entropy will
2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
increase. This effect is known as enthalpy-
1/T *1000 entropy compensation and takes place in
FIGURE 3.6.4A Variation of ln k with temperature for adsorption processes. The enthalpy-entropy
vincamine and epivincamine. compensation has been studied for different
chromatographic separations, including
reversed phase HPLC [32]. The effect can be
literature for other compounds, and their shape assumed to occur when, for a series of homolo-
depends on parameters such as temperature gous compounds (e.g., alkylbenzenes or alkyl-
interval, type of analyte and buffer, composition phenols), the calculated values of DH and DS
of the mobile phase [30]. using van’t Hoff plots show linear dependence.
However, it has been suggested that measure-
ment errors may lead to a linear dependence
without a true physical correlation between
the two thermodynamic functions [33]. Specific
1.55 tests were developed for proving a true physical
compensation [34], and in HPLC retention this
1.54 type of compensation was demonstrated to be
real. The temperature where the compensation
1.53 takes place was found to be different for
ln k

drotaverine different separation mechanisms. For example,

in NP-HPLC the compensation process takes
1.51 place (calculated temperatures) around 150 K,
while in RP-HPLC the compensation takes place
1.5 at higher temperatures and in a range between
500 K and 1000 K [32].
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