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Instructions: Please fill in the below quiz according to the 5 steps below.

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1. Quiz Name:

4. If you selected multiple choice q

2. Question Type: 3. Question: Answer A:
Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
Multiple choice other three in pronunciation believes
Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
Multiple choice other three in pronunciation kissed
Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
Multiple choice position of the primary stress campaign
Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
Multiple choice position of the primary stress comfortable
I don't know what to say to break the ____ with someone I've
Multiple choice just met at the party. air

Multiple choice Their close friendship ____ a romantic relationship. brings about

Multiple choice It's time I ____ and raised a family. carried on

She says she has kissed and ____ up with Nigel, and the
Multiple choice reunion was a fun night. caught

Multiple choice Due to financial conflict over years, they decided to get ____. divorced
Many husbands and wives can't remember why they ever got
____ in the first place because they no longer have anything
Multiple choice in common. divorced
We started ____ out together before we realised we were in
Multiple choice love. asking
Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic ____ to their
Multiple choice children when they have problems. hand

Multiple choice I have a ____ on a classmate who is very near and dear to me. crush
Jane arranged for me to go on a/an ____ date with a guy from
Multiple choice her office. blind

Multiple choice If you are lucky, it will be love at first ____. look

Multiple choice What's the matter? You look ____. happily

I have been very ____ up to this point, but I am going to lose
Multiple choice my temper if you don't find my baggage immediately. impatient
Multiple choice You seem more ____ now. relaxed

Multiple choice These watermelons were ____ sweet. excepting

Multiple choice The cake tastes ____. good

Multiple choice That kitten's fur ____ so soft. looks

The waves crashed on the shore where they ____ cool on my
Multiple choice hot feet. appeared

Multiple choice The milk went ____ within seven days from opening. bad
You can't blame an automaker for wanting to design a car that
Multiple choice looks ____, even if it doesn't have what it takes under the hoo fast

Multiple choice My darling, you looked ____ in that dress. beauty

Multiple choice She looked ____ around for a weapon. desperate

The skies became ____ as the moon moved between the
Multiple choice Earth and the Sun. surprising dark
Although my best friend now lives in Da Nang, we still try to
Multiple choice keep in touch ____ each other. for
They said it was a great chance to form new friendships and
Multiple choice enjoy each other's ____. companion
Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she
Multiple choice seems not ____. been noticed
Some people are meant to fall in love ____ each other but not
Multiple choice meant to be together. for
Healthy relationships allow both partners to feel supported
Multiple choice and connected but still feel ____. dependence
Warmth, ____, and understanding should cost nothing in any
Multiple choice country. sympathy
Talking to professional counsellors who are trained to help
Multiple choice people to process feelings, can be most ____. beneficial
If you have feeling for someone, then you have worked up the
Multiple choice ____ to ask them out. encourage
mport the quiz into your Socrative account by selecting "My Quizzes" -->
alphanumeric characters in the template.   You can use the 'Example Sheet' as a

lected multiple choice question, enter answers below each column: 5. Optional (Choose correct answer - you may leave
more correct answers. Students must select all the c
Answer B: Answer C: Answer D: correct.)

dreams girls parents D

laughed looked loved D
female humour partner A
preservative relationship significant A
ice leg rule B
puts up takes over turns into D
grew up settled down worked out C
done made took C
engaged married proposed A
engaged married proposed C
eating going hanging D
ear eye paw B
desire flame passion A
group online speed A
see sight site C
sadly unhappy unhappily C
patient impatiently patiently B
relax relaxing relaxingly A
exception exceptional exceptionally D
goodly well badly A
sounds smells tastes A
felt looked sounded B
badly best well A
fastly quick quickly A
beautify beautiful beautifully C
desperating desperately desperation C
surprising darkly surprisingly dark surprisingly darkly C
on up to with D
companionable companionship company D
notice noticing to notice D
in on with D
dependent depending independent D
sympathetic sympathise sympathising A
beneficially beneficiary benefit A
encouragement courage courageous C
orrect answer - you may leave this blank, or choose one or
Students must select all the correct answers to be scored
6. Explanation (Optional):
ended A
choice B


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