Chapter 1 HUM1 GEC 6

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◦ The term “humanities originated from Renaissance Latin expression
studia humanitatis or study of humanitas which refers to “culture,
refinement, education”.
◦ During the Renaissance period of the early 15th century, the studia
humanitatis became a secular study in the universities at the time.
◦ The humanities course primarily consisted of grammar, rhetoric,
poetry, history, and moral philosophy, Latin and Greek classics.
◦ The study of humanities today include literature, language,
philosophy, geography, history, religion, music and art. These subjects
use methods that are primarily critical, speculative, and historical in
◦ Humanities are academic disciplines that deal on the various aspects
of society and the noble man. Thus, humanities make man more
humane, cultured, dignified, and refined human being. In short,
humanities bring out the best and worthiness of man as a person.
◦ Art is a subject under humanities (there is no one universal definition of art since art is subjective). It is
subjective in the sense that people differ in their perception of an object or thing.
◦ Etymologically, art is from an Italian word “artis” defined as human creative skill. Art includes its
application, craftsmanship, skill, inventiveness, mastery of form, and association of the use of forms and
ideas and the utilization of materials and techniques. From Aryan civilization, “ar” means to join or put
together; from Latin word “ars” implying ability or skill; and from the Greek words “artizien” which implies
to prepare and “arkiskien” denotes to put together.
◦ Some people may consider an object as something beautiful and meaningful while others may consider
it as ugly or meaningless. In other words, different authors and writers define art in various ways as they
perceive it.
◦ Moreover, the meaning of art has changed throughout history due to multicultural settings. Thus, every
time a new movement in art emerged, the meaning of what is art, or what is acceptable as art, is being
Some Definitions of Art
• Art is a product of man’s need to express himself-F. Zulueta
• Art concerned itself with the communication of certain ideas and feelings and by means of
form and film -C. Sanchez
• Art is that which brings life in harmony with the world.-Plato
• Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind-one which demands for its own satisfaction and
fulfilling, a shaping matter to new and more signification formsJohn Dewey
• Art is not what you see but you make others see- Geogia O’Keeffe
• Art is a life that helps us to realize the truth-Pablo Picasso
• Art is desire of a man to express himself, to record the action of his personality in the world
he lives in.-Amy Lowell
• Art is never finished, only abandoned- Leonardo da Vinci
• Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill and
imagination.- Lisa Morder
• Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common but significant qualities of
nature such us colors, sounds, lines, movements, words, stones, wood, etc., to express human
feelings, emotions, or thoughts in a perfect, meaningful, and enjoyable way. - Panizo and
Four (4) Common Essentials of Art
1. Art is man-made, not God-made
2. Art is creative, not imitative
3. Art benefits and satisfies man-when he uses art in
practical life through artistic principles, taste, and
4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or
material by which the artist communicates himself
to his fellows.
• Art improves your creativity skills.
• Art gives you joy satisfaction.
• Art relieves stress.
• Art gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent.
• Art gives confidence in our performance.
• Art helps you do well academically.
• Art helps you to express your emotions.
• Art is a different language because it can express things without words.
Importance of Art to Students
Art plays a valuable role to students;
1. Through participation in arts-music, dance,
drama, media arts, and the visual arts,
• Students can develop their creativity.
• Students learn about their identity.
• Students develop self-awareness
• Students develop sense of well-being
• Students develop self-confidence.
2. Through intense involvement in artistic activities,
• Students experience a sense of wonder and joy
when learning through the arts.
• Students can be motivated to participate more
fully in cultural life.
• Students are able to gain educational
opportunities, which they can use later in their career
Art appreciation can be defined as follows:
• Art appreciation is the ability to interpret and understand man-made arts and enjoy them through actual work
experience with art tools and materials.
• Art appreciation is the possession of the works of art for one’s admiration and satisfaction.
• Art appreciation refers to the knowledge and understanding of the general and everlasting qualities that
classify all great arts.
• Art appreciation is the introduction and exploration of visual and performing art forms.
• Art appreciation is the analysis of the form of an artwork to general audience to enhance their enjoyment and
satisfaction of the works of art.
Importance of Art Appreciation
• Art Appreciation helps the person make sense of his world by
broadening his experience and understanding of the things
around him.
• It can help the person imagine even the unimaginable.
• It can connect to a person’s life and experience the past, the
present, and the future or sometimes simultaneously.
• It can help transport the individual to different places and
culture through literature, films, visual arts, and other forms of
• It allows the individual to see himself, his family dynamics as
well as his community through different lens of great art.
• It enables the individual to better empathize with those who
suffered and endured for their lives through great art forms.
Art history is the study of objects of art considered within their time or
period. Art historians analyze visual arts’ meaning (painting, sculpture,
architecture) at the time they were created.
Art Historians develop ways to translate from the visual to the verbal,
through analysis and interpretation, using a number of different
approaches and methodologies.
Art Historians develop a special sensitivity and understanding of the way
visual, material, and – in contemporary art sometimes immaterial –
expression makes meaning in the world, and how those meanings
contribute to our social, political, and spiritual life.
Importance of studying Art History
Understanding cultures
Visual art recounts stories of our past; it gives an account of past events. Art
history allows us to look back and understand how our civilization evolved over
the centuries. It is a way to know ourselves better. Why do we have certain
values? What shaped the way we think and our vision of the world?
Importance of studying Art History
Develop critical thinking
Studying art history is not about memorizing dates, artists’
names, art movements, etc. Instead, it drives you to analyze
paintings, photographs, sculptures, etc. To support your
analysis, you must build rational and convincing arguments,
hence developing your critical thinking.

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