It Does/doesn't Do? That's A Reality I Need To Reinforce Over These Next Few Weeks

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1, Issue 37

Social Media Detox: I'm spending way too much time on social media— which is a tough
one to detox from because social media is also my job So this week I'm committing
myself to putting my phone in another room during work hours so that when I feel
compelled to share, I can go and grab it to film/shoot whatever I need to…but when I'm
not posting, I want the temptation out of reach. I love social media and think there can be a
lot of good in it, but there's a fine line between consuming content in an engaged way
versus consuming content on autopilot…if I'm mindlessly scrolling, then I don't see the
value there.
Food Choices: I like to think that, for the most part, I do a good job at integrating veggies,
protein, and nutrients into my diet but I want to give this area of my health some extra
focus. Simple things like making sure I'm drinking lots of water and finding some new
dishes to try can feel so great!
Letting Go of Expectations:  I am my own worst critic when it comes to the content I
create— most days, that inner critic can fire me up to create videos, blogs posts, etc. that
I'm really proud of. In April though, I feel like that inner critic has been serving me in a
negative way. As a creator, it's easy to get caught up in using numbers
(views/subscriptions) to evaluate how “well” you're doing, and I think I've been getting
caught in that snowball lately. My mission at the end of the day is always to make content
that adds value to the people who consume it…content that provides ideas, tips,
inspiration….so if I'm putting out something I think is valuable to share, who cares how well
it does/doesn't do?  ← that's a reality I need to reinforce over these next few weeks
because focusing on numbers is a losing battle, and it's not a frame of mind that inspires
...Some Good Stuff…
On the flip-side, there's also lots of good things happening in my life that I want to keep
prioritizing! I've been working out consistently every morning when I wake up (I'm
currently doing this challenge by Chloe Ting), I'm learning a lot of information from

articles/videos about long-term investing options and I've been getting inspired to tackle
some summer projects in my apartment
All this is to say: If you've been feeling a bit sluggish lately, don't beat yourself about
it. I do, however, welcome you to join me this week in brainstorming some area(s) of
your life that could use a little extra love and care. We got this!
Vol. 1, Issue 38

Prioritizing being present…

Do you ever have that moment where you look at the date and think to yourself: how?

It's a thought that pops up in my mind often (and not just because each new month results
in me having to come up with new designs/layouts for planner videos )!
The reality is time easily slips away from us and, in all honesty, I don't think that feeling of
time passing quickly will ever go away.
Instead of agonizing over the speed of it all, I'd rather focus on experiencing THIS moment
in as present of a way as possible. Right now you are (presumably) reading this email, and
yet your brain might already be skipping ahead to the next task you need to get to once
you click off this page. Or maybe a thought popped into your head about what you need to
prep for dinner tonight….or the email you need to reply back to…or the bill that needs to be
A large part of managing my scattering brain has come through intentionally stopping
whatever I'm doing and focusing on my breathing (sounds a bit wishy-washy, I know, but
oddly effective). Even if a full meditation practice isn't in the cards for you, taking a few
moments to be intentional with your breathing does force your brain to let go of some of
the noise.

✨ ✨
I talk about this often, so please refrain from any eye rolls begging me to stop talking about
it haha, but gratitude's powerful stuff! Ask yourself: What about this moment
can I appreciate? If I had to answer that right now for myself, I'd say, "sharing a moment
with Anna on this beautiful Monday morning." Want to know a secret about me? I
sometimes even focus on this when I'm having a conversation with someone.....while
they're chatting, I'll take a few seconds to really absorb the moment and think about a
small detail about the conversation that I'm grateful to be experiencing.
Challenge of the week: When you feel your brain scatter this week, stop what you're doing
and take 3 of the longest inhales and exhales you've taken all day.
Vol. 1, Issue 40

Eliminating Distractions
Anna, one of the things you'll hear me talk about in Friday's "self care" video is creating
space for phone-free time. I am not someone who is against technology, but I do think that
(like most things in life) problems arise when it's not embraced in moderation.
Sometimes I catch myself while I'm watching TV scrolling mindlessly through social media
feeds, or opening up TikTok while I'm waiting 30 seconds for a file to download on my's in those moments of instinct where I try to intentionally
disconnect. Because when my brain is too tapped into the online world, I feel less able to
appreciate the magic happening around me.
Turning off notifications, having "social media free time" a part of your daily schedule,
walking outside without your phone in your hand, frequently rearranging the apps on your
phone so you don't mindlessly get in the habit of opening Instagram and Twitter....there are
a lot of small and simple ways that we can prompt a healthier relationship with technology.
You can also make technology healthier with the way you choose to use it in your life:
listening to educational podcasts, downloading apps that can help you learn new skills,
and reading books are just a few examples.
Challenge of the week: Spend an hour in a room alone— without technology— to get
something done that's been on your mind. Is there a book you've been meaning to read?
Do you have paperwork to go through? Some cookies you want to bake?
Vol. 1, Issue 35

Anna, how often do you welcome VARIETY into your

"variety is the spice of life"

This is a phrase that I love reminding myself because it is a lifesaver when I'm feeling like
I'm falling into a rut. Routines can be so great (I loveeee my morning & night routines), but
when we get so accustomed to our routine that they no longer spark excitement, I think
there's an opportunity to add pizzazz!
Simple ways to add variety to your routine:

● Take a walk outside along a new route

● Try to make a new recipe / order from a new restaurant
● Invest time into learning something new
● Listen to a new playlist
● Create/update your vision board
● Rearrange your bedroom/living room furniture and/or decor
● Commit yourself to a new hobby
● Wear an outfit combo you haven't tried before
● Start using a new journal/planner/organization tool

Challenge of the week: find a way to implement a small dosage of variety into your
routine and REPLY TO THIS EMAIL to let me know what you did!
Here in Ontario, we are still in heavy lockdowns, so finding opportunities to sprinkle in
variety (in a safe way) has been so helpful for my mental health— whether it be making

pancake art on Sundays, trying a new skincare step, or watching a new documentary. On
days where I need that mood boost, even little things can make a big difference
Vol. 1, Issue 36


Anna, this has been a season of life where I think many of us are feeling a bit disconnected
from our family and friends. As much as technology has been a blessing this past
year (FaceTime, I love you), there's nothing that replaces being in the presence of your
loved ones….it's tough to not have the ability to give them a hug or snuggle up on the
couch for a movie night.
As many of you know, I'm based in Ontario (where lockdown is still intense), so
unfortunately getting together with people is not in the cards. So how am I getting my
dosage of connection these days?  I hop on the phone whenever I can, I write a
message to a friend wishing them a good day, I scroll through old photos/videos and relive
some memories, I watch a livestream to feel a sense of community….it's tempting when

you feel isolated to keep digging yourself further into it, but investing time into our
relationships is important
Sometimes the connections we need to refresh don't even have to do with other people—
it's our connection with ourselves that needs rebuilding. During times where I'm feeling a
bit more lost, I often discover that part of the reason has to do with a lack of
self-exploration. One of the ways I love to do this is by going into the week being more
intentional with how I'm spending my time (am I using time to do things that I enjoy? what
can I do to brighten my mood today? is procrastination getting in the way? how am I
feeling?). I also find nostalgia a great method of reconnecting with myself, whether it be
watching one of my favourtie movies, cooking a recipe I loved growing up, or listening to a
throwback playlist. 
Challenge of the week: schedule in time this week to connect with someone you care
about (YOU included)! 

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