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Journaling Series #1: How to

Start Journaling: 5 Ideas for
5 Journaling Ideas for Beginners

As a refresher, here were the 5 journaling ideas we mentioned in the video:

1. Write stream of consciousness (AKA: Do a brain dump!)

2. Keep an easy diary
3. Make a bucket list
4. Journal to music
5. Keep a gratitude journal

Bonus Prompts & Ideas

Here are more journaling prompts and fun tips you can experiment with:

● Journal about your favorite feelings

● Describe your best day ever
● Remember a favorite day you had in your lifetime. Describe that day in as much
detail as possible.
● 5 Senses Journaling: Describe your favorite scents, visuals, tastes, audio, and
things to touch.
● Use colorful pens, stickers & photo collages to express how you feel at the moment.
● Do the Current Me vs. Future Me exercise.
● Collect your favorite inspiring quotes or mantras.
● Write a letter to your future self.
● Write in a different color ink every day or every week/month.
● Write out your favorite song lyrics or favorites songs of the month.
● Keep a "Books to Read" list or a "Books I've Read" list.
● Create a "20 Before 20" or "30 Before 30" list.
● List hobbies/skills you’ve always wanted to learn
● What fictional character do I relate to most? What qualities do I see in them?
● Practice your handwriting or experiment with different lettering styles.
● Describe your favorite place in the world & what you love about it.
Journaling Series #2: Self

Reflection & Unpacking
Here are the three prompts we shared in the video:

1. How am I feeling at the moment? Why? // Am I avoiding feeling a certain way?

2. What has life been trying to teach me lately?
3. How am I doing in the different areas of my life? - Click here to download the Self
Reflection Wheel worksheet.

Bonus Prompts & Ideas

Here are more journaling prompts & ideas to explore:

● What are my strengths? What am I good at?

● What do people come to me for advice or help with?
● What do I get excited or passionate about?
● What brings me joy?
● List examples of moments where I was fully alive.
● Who are the most important people in my life & why?
● What do I need (to do) to feel my best?
● What have I been consuming a lot of lately? Where is the majority of my energy and
attention going?
● What lessons have I learned in the past 3 months?
● List my recent wins. List my recent mistakes/failures.
● What are the lessons that I’ve had to learn over and over again?
● What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
● If I had all the money in the world, what would I do?
● How would I like to give back or help others?
● What drives me? What do I have a hunger for?
● What do I need more of in my life?
● What are my values? How do I live out those values in my own life?
Journaling Series #3: Fear,
Anxiety & Worries
1. Finish this sentence: "My negative self talk usually sounds like..."

If fear is my compass, where are my fears guiding me?

2. What is my greatest, deepest fear?

Bonus Prompts & Ideas

And here are more prompts you to dig even deeper on your fear, anxiety & worries:

● What are my fears that hold me back?

● If my worst fears were to come true, what would I do? Would I be able to handle
● What are my anxieties about? How are my anxieties rational or irrational?
● What is the purpose for my fear? How am I grateful for my fear?
● What do I tend to worry about? What do I typically get stressed about?
● Instead of worrying or stressing, what is ONE action I can take right now to focus on
the problem at hand?
● How can I focus more on the present moment instead of spending too much time in
my head (or on the past/future)?
● What’s something I’ve always wanted to do but was too scared?
● What limiting beliefs might I hold from past experiences? Begin refuting these
“beliefs” and how they aren’t necessarily true.
● I tend to compare myself to ___. Why? How can I see myself and my situation as
unique and worthy?
● What’s draining my energy? Can I reduce it or cut it out?
● What are some fears I used to have? How was I able to overcome them?
Journaling Series #4: Dreams,
Goals & Success
My greatest hope for you is for you to live your dream life, but you have to know what that
"dream life" looks like first. Here's your chance to dream big, explore some goals, and
paint a mental picture of success.

Give yourself permission to share your heart's greatest desires with no fear of judgment or
criticism. Your journal is your judgment-free space to let your mind wander towards
wherever you feel called.

Here are the three prompts from the video to get you started:

1. What does my dream life look like in detail? What does it mean for me to live a
successful & meaningful life?
2. What is a dream or goal that is so big, I'd be amazed at myself for accomplishing it?
3. At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

Bonus Prompts & Ideas

Feel free to explore your dreams even more with these bonus prompts!

● What does a successful life look like to me?

● What are some things outside of my comfort zone that I’d like to do?
● What have I accomplished so far in life that I am proud of?
● If I were living my dream life right now, how would I feel?
● What are my ideal habits?
● What does my ideal morning look like? Ideal evening?
● Describe what a “perfect” day or week in my life look like.
● What’s holding me back from living my dream life? What needs to happen for me to
improve this?
● Do I truly believe in myself? What’s holding me back from believing in myself fully?
● What are my top 3 priorities for the next 3 months?
● If I could share one message with the world, what would it be?
● What is something I’d love to learn?
● Who inspires me? Who do I admire and why?
● Where would I like to travel in the next 5 years?
● Write a letter to your future self who has achieved all of her dreams.

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