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Name of Student: Grade & Section:

Barangay: Date of Submission:

Student’s C.P. Number:


Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Choose your answer
from the box and write it on the space provided. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Food stylist Improve cooking skills

Executive Chef Caterer Promote self esteem

Sales coordinator Start a culinary career

Restaurant manager Cookery Restaurant Cook

Food writer How of cooking

____________1. The skill or activity of preparing and cooking food.

___________2. Helps you build self – esteem and confidence knowing that you can now

start and then complete a task like cooking

___________3. This is considered to be the art in food preparation.

___________ 4. Gives you an opportunity to attend different culinary classes and short

culinary training program.

___________ 5. Responsible for representing and advertising the restaurant.

____________6. Writes articles and blogs for food industry journals and other publications.

____________7. Help make decisions on menus and day to day offerings.

____________8. Tasked to manage and lead the restaurant operations.

____________9. Cooks and prepare foods that have the responsibility to make large

amounts of food for events and parties.

____________10. Oversees the daily operations of restaurant and hotel kitchens.


Name of Student: Grade & Section:
Barangay: Date of Submission:
Student’s C.P. Number:


Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
1. Ability to accept change A. makes wise decisions towards the set objectives
2. Creative B. strategic thinking and setting of goals
3. Committed C. trusting in one‘s ability
4. Confident. D. adoptable to change
5. Disciplined E. innovates to have an edge over other competitors
6. Excellent Planner F. solid dedication
7. Hardworking G. skillful in record keeping
8. Possess people skills H. always sticks to the plan
9. Profit-oriented  I. work diligently
10. Sound decision maker J. effective and efficient communication skills and relates

well to people
K. always looking for an opportunity to have/earn income


Name of Student: Grade & Section:
Barangay: Date of Submission:
Student’s C.P. Number:


Directions: Below are factors and elements in the business, market and environment that
affect the success of the business. Determine whether they are (S) strengths, (W)
weaknesses, (O) opportunities or (T) threats. Write only the first letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

_________1. The business has staff who are experienced and well – trained.

_________2. There are new technologies that are better and more advanced than what the

business uses.

_________3. The government strongly supports small and medium enterprises to boost the

growth of the businesses.

_________4. The business is located in an area that has many customers.

_________5. New and popular products are being introduced in the market from other


_________6. The establishment looks old and needs repairs.

_________7. The owner has invested small capital into the business.

_________ 8. The business space has a limited capacity to entertain many customers at the

same time.

_________9. The small nature of the business enables it to provide excellent customer care

because the small amount of work allows its staff to devote more time to


_________10. The small size of the business’ workforce puts it in helpless position when a

staff member becomes sick or takes a leave from work.


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