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Core Pokemon: Mega Absol (LG Sweeper)

Mega Absol - Role: Late-Game Sweeper

-v- Weaknesses -v-
Fighting x2: Drill Peck from Corviknight, Psychic
Fangs from Lycanroc, Play Rough from Absol
Bug x2: Fire Blast from Absol, Flamethrower from
Dragonite, Accelerock from Lycanroc
Fairy x2: Bullet Punch from Scizor

-v- Set -v-

Absol-Mega @ Absolite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 236 Atk / 20 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive (+Spe, -SpD)
- Sucker Punch
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
- Fire Blast
Scizor - Role: Wallbreaker
-v- Weaknesses -v-
Fire x4: Aqua Jet from Dragonite, Accelerock from

-v- Set -v-

Scizor @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Bug Bite
- Roost
Dragonite - Role: Wallbreaker
-v- Weaknesses -v-
Ice x4: Flamethrower from Dragonite, Fire Blast from
Absol, Bullet Punch from Scizor, Accelerock from
Rock x2: Surf from Dragonite, Bullet Punch from
Dragon x2: Play Rough from Absol
Fairy x2: Bullet Punch from Scizor

-v- Set -v-

Wallbreaker (Dragonite) (M) @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aqua Jet
- Thunderbolt
- Roost
- Flamethrower
Lycanroc Dusk - Role: Lead / Stealth Rock
-v- Weaknesses -v-
Water x2: Thunderbolt from Dragonite
Grass x2: Flamethrower from Dragonite, Fire Blast
from Absol, Bug Bite from Scizor, Drill Peck from
Fighting x2: Drill Peck from Corviknight, Psychic
Fangs from Lycanroc, Play Rough from Absol
Steel x2: Flamethrower from Dragonite, Fire Blast
from Absol
Ground x2: Aqua Jet from Dragonite

-v- Set -v-

Lycanroc-Dusk @ Focus Sash
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Accelerock
- Crunch
- Stealth Rock
- Psychic Fangs
Corviknight - Role: Support
-v- Weaknesses -v-
Fire x2: Aqua Jet from Dragonite, Accelerock from
Electric x2: Earthquake from Sceptile

-v- Set -v-

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Mirror Armor
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 SpA
- Defog
- Tailwind
- Drill Peck
- U-turn
Sceptile - Role: Sweeper
-v- Weaknesses -v-
Fire x2: Aqua Jet from Dragonite, Accelerock from
Ice x2: Flamethrower from Dragonite, Accelerock from
Poison x2: Earthquake from Sceptile, Psychic Fangs
from Lycanroc
Flying x2: Accelerock from Lycanroc, Thunderbolt
from Dragonite
Bug x2: Drill Peck from Corviknight, Flamethrower
from Dragonite, Accelerock from Lycanroc
Absol: Late Game Sweeper
Goal: Clean up weak teams by Swords Dancing once

Scizor: Wall Breaker

Goal: Break through walls with Bullet Punch priority

Dragonite: Wall Breaker

Goal: Break through walls with whatever moves are
needed, Cover others

Lycanroc: Lead
Goal: Can be use Stealth Rock later in the game, mainly
used for Accelerock priority

Corviknight: Support / Utility

Goal: Supporting the team with Tailwind and Defog

Sceptile: Sweeper
Goal: Sweep the opposing team, kill off both M-Altaria
and Greninja with Leaf Storm and Earthquake.

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