DMT 251 Solwezi - 5.11.2021

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Course: DMT 251 Date: 5th November 2021

Exercise Three Duration: 17:30 – 19:00 hrs
Answer all questions
Write Clearly and Show All Your Calculations
Question One [20 marks]
a) Define the following terms. [3 marks]
(i) Extract (ii) Distribution ratio (iii) Solvent Extraction

b) State atleast two reasons that can prompt a Metallurgist running a hydrometallurgical plant to send a leach liquor
directly to electrowinning plant without passing through a solvent extraction process. [2 marks]

c) Imagine you are running a solvent extraction process and it has become apparent that the extractant being used
cannot be easily separated from aqueous solution. What measures can you put in place to ensure easy separation
of the extractant from the aqueous solution? [3 marks]

d) There are two processes involved in extracting a metal from one phase to another during solvent extraction,
describe the two processes. [4 marks]

e) Leo Kabs Copper Mines runs a hydrometallurgy plant that produces 1,500 tons of finished copper cathodes per
month. During the month of April, 2021, it was observed that the advance electrolyte being sent to electrowinning
contained a high concentration of iron of about 4 gpl as opposed to the desired amount of around 1.5-2 gpl. This
led to a reduction in copper cathodes production of about 255 tons.
1) What could be the possible causes of this iron transfer from solvent extraction to Electrowinning? [2 marks]
2) What measures can be put in place to alleviate or minimize the observed iron transfer? [2 marks]

f) Discuss how the following factors affect solvent extraction.

1) pH of the pregnant leach solution. [2 marks]
2) Crude build up in the system. [2 marks]

Question Two [20 marks]

a) Define the following terms. [4 marks]
(i) Ion Exchange (ii) Adsorbent (iii) Amphoteric exchangers (iv) Elution

b) Compare and contrast adsorption and absorption. [4 marks]

c) With the help of examples, list the three classes of industrial adsorbents. [3 marks]

d) List atleast three applications of ion exchange in metal industry. [3 marks]

e) Explain the influence of the following factors on adsorption.

1) Mechanical Stability of adsorbents. [2 marks]
2) Temperature of pregnant leach solution. [2 marks]
3) Concentration of valuable metal in a pregnant leach solution. [2 marks]

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do, best wishes... L Kabondo Page 1 of 1

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