Dragoron - FakeMons - ImTape

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Dragoron - Uber / AG

Type: Fire-Dragon
Species: Fire Dragon Pokemon
> Inferniate (Turns Normal-type moves into Fire-type moves)
> (Hidden Ability) Drought (Turns the sunlight harsh when the Pokemon enters a
Base Stats
HP: 108
Attack: 65
Defense: 90
Special Attack: 130
Special Defense: 97
Speed: 120
Total: 610 BST

Type Defenses
Super Effective (x4): None
Very Effective (x2): Rock, Dragon, Ground
Neutral: Normal, Water, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Fairy
Not very effective (½): Electric, Bug, Steel
Not very, very effective (¼): Fire, Grass
No effect: None

Does not evolve. No Mega evolution.

Egg Group(s): Dragon, Monster
Gender: ♂ Male 50% / ♀ Female 50%
Egg Cycles: 35 (8,739–8,995 steps)
Moves (Physical)
This colour = TM / This colour = TR / This colour = Move Tutor / This colour = Breeding
This colour = Level Up
Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Aerial Ace, Double-Edge, Crush Claw, Flare Blitz, Fire
Fang, Wild Charge, Solar Blade, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Cross Poison, Psycho
Cut, Assurance, Fire Lash

Moves (Special)
Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Solar Beam, Earth
Power, Psychic, Scald, Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Hex, Dark
Pulse, Snarl, Sludge Wave, Boomburst, Hyper Voice

Moves (Status)
Protect, Baton Pass, Calm Mind, Recover, Light Screen, Reflect, Switcheroo,
Dragon Dance, Thunder Wave, Wish, Spikes

Signature Move
Rend of the Dragon
Type: Dragon
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
PP (Base): 10 / PP (Max): 16
Priority: 1
Makes Contact: No

Category: Special or Physical depending on the user’s stats. If the attack is

higher, it will do physical damage, and vice-versa.
Effect: Rend of the Dragon deals damage, but uses either the user's Attack or
Special Attack stat to determine its power, whichever is higher.
Tarragon Surge
Type: Dragon
Power: 120
Accuracy: 95
PP (Base): 5 / PP (Max): 8
Priority: 0
Makes Contact: No

Category: Special or Physical, depending on the user’s stats. If the attack is

higher, it will do physical damage, and vice-versa.
Effect: Tarragon Surge deals damage, but uses either the user's Attack or Special
Attack stat to determine its power, whichever is higher. Also sharply decreases
the user’s Defense or Special Defense, whichever is higher.

Wallbreaker / Set-up Sweeper

Dragoron @ Life Orb / Wise Glasses
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Rend of the Dragon / Tarragon Surge
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Calm Mind / Recover

Sun Support
Dragoron @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold / Calm Nature
- Spikes / Thunder Wave
- Reflect / Thunder Wave / Wish
- Light Screen / Thunder Wave / Wish
- Tarragon Surge / Rend of the Dragon

Physical Attacker
Dragoron @ Life Orb
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Scale Shot / Tarragon Surge
- Fire Lash
- Solar Blade
- Dragon Dance
Level Up Moves

1 | Dragon Claw
1 | Fire Fang
1 | Air Slash
1 | Fire Fang
5 | Aerial Ace
10 | Snarl
15 | Baton Pass
20 | Recover
25 | Dragon Pulse
30 | Crush Claw
35 | Jump Kick
40 | Flamethrower
45 | Swticheroo
50 | Rend of the Dragon
55 | Wish
60 | Double Edge
65 | Thunder Wave
70 | High Jump Kick
75 | Boomburst
80 | Dragon Dance
100 | Tarragon Surge

How to Obtain Egg Moves

Psychic: Breading with a Lapras knowing the move
Ice Beam: Breading with a Lapras knowing the move
Fire Lash: Breading with a female Salazzle knowing the move (50% chance to
obtain Dragoron in scenario).
Dragoron Specific Items
Dragoronium Z
Must be used with the move Tarragon Surge or Rend of the Dragon.
Name: Distortinized Awakening
Type: Dragon
Base Power: (Rend of the Dragon) 140 / (Tarragon Surge) 190
Accuracy: - (∞)
PP (Base): 1 / PP (Max): 1
Category: Special
Makes Contact: No

Effects: Deals damage and raises the user’s Speed stat by 1. Ignores abilities, as
if the user had Mold Breaker, Turboblaze, or Teravolt, even if the user does not
have any of the abilities listed.

Pokedex Entry(s)
“It is said that Dragoron are very dangerous, however they are actually quite kind.”
“Though Dragoron’s tail and wings resemble fire, they don’t actually hurt if you
touch them.”
“In the old days, some Dragoron were regarded as gods by the people.”

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