Adinda Tri Kurnia Putri - 2011313001 - A32020

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Reinforcing a Diet for typhoid patients and Medication Routes

N : Assalamualaikum good morning, let me introduce myself I am Adinda Tri Kurnia

Putri, You can call me Adinda, I’m nurse on duty in the morning shift starting from 07.00 a.m
until 14.00 P.m.
P : Waalaikumussalam good morning too
N : Is it true with Mrs Ayu ?
P : Yes its true
N : Well miss Ayu, can I check the bracelet?
P : Sure nurse (give a hand that wears an identity bracelet)
N : (After checking) Oke, right , this is with Mrs Ayu. How do you feel now?
P : I feel weak nurse
N : Uhm…Okay Mrs Ayu, so I'm here to feed you, so you don’t suffocate anymore. It's
rice porridge, vegetable soup, bananas and then a glass of milk. This food is in accordance with
the orders of doctors and nutritionists.
P : I'm tired of eating porridge, nurse
N : Don’t be bored, if you don’t eat porridge, you’ll have a hard time recovering, you want
to get well soon right?
P : Yes nurse, but I want to eat rice, nurse
N : This is rice also, but it’s made mushy. For now, eat this first, so gat you recover quickly
and can do your activities as before
P : Oke nurse
N : So? Do you want to eat now?
P : of course nurse
N : Okay, do you want me to help or can you do it yourself?
Q : Alone Nurse
N : If you eat alone, make sure the food runs out, the because There is a drug to eat next.
(Hands limp, and nurses see the patient shaking holding his spoon)
N : I see you are still shaking,, what if I help you?
P : Yes nurse
N : (Feeding the patient)
P : I'm full nurse
N : The food is just a little Mrs Ayu, try to imagine the one who is bribing you today is the
person you love
P : But I'm lazy to eat it.
N : Just two more bribes, imagine if this mouthful contains his blessings
Q : Really?
N : Well just one more bribe... After this is done
P : Promise?
N : Okeey, Well, alhamdulillah your food has run out, now there is a drug that must be
taken, (give the medicine) this is Ceftriaxone, Quinolone, Ofoxlacin and Cefixime. do you want
me to help or drink alone?
P : Yes, please nurse
N : Do you want to drink all of them or one by one?
P : Just one by one nurse (drinking)
N : Okey, we has finished
P : Alhamdulillah, nurse
N : Good, because your food has run out and the medicine has also been your drinking.
Later in 2 hours do not forget to drink the milk, okay?
P : Okay nurse
N : Okay Mrs Ayu, I'm done. How do you feel after eating and drink medicine?
P : I feel a little energized and not so weak anymore.
N : Alhamdulillah, Thank you for the cooperation, later at 11 a.m I will come back here
again to check the vital signs. If you needs me or any other nurse, you can press the red button
on the right side of your bed.
P : Oke, accept
N : Okay Mrs Ayu, good morning get well soon and take a rest, assalamualaikum
P: Waalaikumussalam wr wb

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