Installation: Waterfall

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Installation each design, they used the

black wool to create the

three dimensional shapes.

backlight in a light
I realised I was lost… I'm
Neon Hallway
lost in the labyrinth… The
The neon hallway uses a
light that led me...
different colour to create
the ambient. This
installation is an
interactive music and light Waterfall
installation built into a The waterfall exhibition
sidewalk. using projector to reflect
the light on the wall.
Audience can interact with
the reflection and the
reflection will have some
The colorful lights were
changes ...
transformed by
experimental techniques
which used the projector to
Rain create the special illusion
The rain installation art effect.
has used recycled plastic
bottles to create the
raining effect. The whole
exhibition also used
rainbow light to light up... In Real Life
Mark Godfrey, Tate
Modern's senior curator of
Other Perspective foreign art, and assistant
This exhibition used string curator Emma Lewis
to create the image. In the curate Real Life. The show
different perspectives you was created in close
get to see different kinds collaboration with
Ferris Wheel Eliasson's Berlin-based
of images. Is just like our
The Ferris Wheel firm. Many of his
life you get to see...
installation creates a installations use
fantasy world by using reflections, inversions,
music, light and some after-images, and shifting
interaction with the colours to question how
audience. The shapes of we navigate and interpret
them are different which our surroundings.
are something around ... Web Cave
Artist used lots of string to
create the installation. For
Sculpture Worry
While you can't escape
stress entirely, allowing it
to build up and consume
you can lead to a
Promise breakdown. A healthy
Space Cat Making commitments to mind is one that is free of
Astronaut Cat is an oneself to do better or be distractions.
exhibition which is about better is just as essential
a cat in astronaut as making promises to
costume that successfully others. When you make a
achieves his dream. In pledge to yourself ...
this exhibition, there are
few sculptures about ...
Turn Back Time
I wouldn't want to, and I
have no desire to change
anything in my life.
Everything I've said,
Paladini Mauro done, experienced,
The first solo exhibition observed, desired, given
that Pauladini Mauro had, up on, failed to
which will be having his accomplish, regretted, or
sculpture that he has foolishly said or done in
The Blooming Flower
done in the past few my life has shaped me
It smells excellent and
years. And mostly it will into the person I am now.
looks good. Don't we all
be ... People go through a
appreciate a little flower
succession of painful
in our lives?
situations in their lives
that may cause them to
reflect on their history.
During these times of
introspection or remorse,
people may wish they
Stand Out could travel back in time
You must allow yourself to either return to "the
to grow into the person good old days" or rectify
you want to be. We are the mistakes they've
Cabbage Stalk
all born with the desire to committed. They may
This exhibition has use
stand out, so where did want a time machine
cabbage as the themes
we go wrong? Why is it... because they feel it would
and other materials to
make their life easier and
create the sculpture like
more enjoyable.
soft clay, plastisin and
also iron wire. Each of the
artwork ...
Derricks Brooks
Nowadays Jellyfish, despite their
Today, social media has name, are not a sort of
become an important part fish. Fish are animals that
of many people's lives, breathe via their gills and
thanks to a plethora of live in water.
The Black Cat
websites and apps that
The black cat has
allow them to interact
traditionally been seen as
a cat of mystery, and has
been associated with bad
luck and even ...

Human Portrait
This exhibition is about
human portraits, all of the
Claudio Schwarz artists used different kinds
Holding Hand of materials to create the
Walking hand-in-hand artwork, like charcoal,
with your fingers pencil and pen to create
entwined is surely one of their artwork. All of the
the nicest feels in the artwork is from the
world when you're in love. student.
This tiny act may give you Jon Tyson
butterflies while also The Chinese River
revealing a lot about your The lands around China's
personality. Many second-longest river were
individuals are unaware home to ancient China's
that how you hold hands earliest dynasties, making
with your spouse reveals the Huang He Valley the
a lot about your origin of Chinese
personality. We've listed civilisation.
them all so you know
which one you're in!

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