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1. So sánh dịnh lượng (Comparisons of quantifiers)
-Khi so sánh định lượng nhiều hơn, ta có cấu trúc sau:

S + V + more + countable N + than + N/ pronoun

S + V + more + uncountableN + N/ pronoun

Lựu ý: Theo sau more, chúng ta có thể dùng danh từ đếm được và danh từ không
đếm được
Ex: I have more English books than you. ( Tôi có nhiều sách tiếng Anh hơn bạn.)

-Khi so sánh định lượng ít hơn, ta có cấu trúc sau:

S + V + fewer + cn.N + than + N/ pronoun

S + V + less + unc.N + than + N/ pronoun
Ex:She has less free time than me. ( Cô ấy có ít thời gian rảnh hơn tôi.)
My brother has fewer friends than me. ( Anil trai tôi có ít bạn hơn tôi. )

2. Câu hỏi đuôi (Tag- questions)

Câu hỏi đuôi là câu hỏi ngắn được thêm vào cuối câu trần thuật (statements).Câu hỏi
đuôi được thành lập bằng 1 trợ động từ hoặc động từ to be và 1 đại từ nhân xưng
(chỉ chủ ngữ của câu).

1. Câu trần thuật khẳng định + câu hỏi đuôi phủ định (Positive statement +
negative question tag)
Ex: It is cold, isn’t it?

2. Câu trần thuật phủ định + câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định (Negative statement +
positive question tag)
Ex: It isn’t cold, is it?

- Nếu câu trần thuật có trợ động từ (hoặc động từ to be) thì động từ này được lặp
lại trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: Sally can speak French, can’t she?
You haven’t lived here long, have you?

- Nếu câu trần thuật không có trợ động từ, dùng trợ động từ do trong câu hỏi
Ex: You like oysters, don’t you?
Henry gave you a watch, didn’t he?

- Câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định được dùng sau câu có các từ phủ định: no, nothing,
nobody, never, seldom, rarely, hardly, scarely, little.
Ex: You never go jogging, do you?

Một số trường hợp đặc biệt

- Câu hỏi đuôi của I am là aren’t I?
Ex: I’m late, aren’t I?
- Câu hỏi đuôi sau câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định (affirmative imperatives) là will you?
would you? can you? và could you? won’t you? có thể được dùng để mời ai làm điều gì
một cách lịch sự.
- Sau Let’s…..(trong câu gợi ý…) dùng shall we?
Ex: Let’s have a party, shall we?
- There có thể làm chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: There’s something wrong, isn’t there?
- It được dùng thay cho nothing và everything. They được dùng thay cho nobody,
somebody, và everybody.
- It được dùng thay cho this/ that. They được dùng thay cho these/ those. Ex:
This is your pen, isn’t it?
Ex: These aren’t your books, are they?

Cách trả lời câu hỏi đuôi.

Trả lời YES khi câu khẳng định đúng và trả lời NO khi câu phủ định đúng.

Ex: You’re going today, aren’t you? Yes, I am.

She isn’t your sister, is she? No, she isn’t.

Một thế giới quá đông đúc

- affect (v) /ə'fekt/: Tác động, ảnh - flea market (n) /fli:'mɑ:kit/: Chợ trời
hưởng - health care (n) /ˈhelθ ˌkeər/: sự chăm
- block (v) /blɑ:k/: Gây ùn tắc sóc sức khỏe
- capital (n)  /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/: thủ đô - hunger (n) /'hʌɳgər/: Sự đói khát
- cheat (v) /tʃi:t/: Lừa đảo - major (adj) /'meiʤər/: Chính, chủ yếu,
- city (n) /ˈsɪt.i/:  thành phố lớn
- crime (n) /kraim/: Tội phạm - malnutrition (n) /,mælnju:'triʃən/:
- criminal (n) /'kriminəl/: Kẻ tội phạm Bệnh suy dinh dưỡng
- density (n) /'densiti/: Mật độ dân số - megacity (n) /'megəsiti/: Thành phố
- developed (adj) /dɪˈvel.əpt/: phát lớn, siêu đô thị
triển - overcrowded (Adj) /,ouvə'kraudid/:
- developing (adj) đang phát triển Quá đông đúc
- disease (n) /dɪˈziːz/    bệnh tật - overpopulation (n) /ˌəʊ.vəˌpɒp.jə
- diverse (adj) /dai'və:s/: Đa dạng ˈleɪ.ʃən/: sự đông dân cư
- effect (n) /i'fekt/: Kết quả - overpopulated (Adj) /ˌəʊ.və
- explosion (n) /iks'plouƷ ən/: Bùng nổ ˈpɒp.jə.leɪ.tɪd/: đông dân cư
- famine (n)  /ˈfæm.ɪn/: nạn đói - poverty (n) /'pɔvəti/: Sự nghèo đói
- problem/issue - space (n) /speis/: Không gian
(n) /ˈprɒb.ləm/-/ˈɪʃ.uː/: vấn đề - spacious (Adj) /'speiʃəs/: Rộng rãi
- slum (n) /slʌm/: Khu ổ chuột - underdeveloped (n) /ˌʌn.də.dɪ
- slumdog (n) /slʌmdɔg/: Kẻ sống ở khu ˈvel.əpt/: kém phát triển 
ổ chuột

Unit 12 - An overcrowded world

I. Find the odd one out A, B, C, or D.
1. A. affect B. replace C. effect D. fly
2. A. density B. overcrowded C. crime D. megacity
3. A. explosion B. hunger C. slum D. float
4. A. space B. safely C. poverty D. slumdog
5. A. criminal B. drive C. doctor D. student

II. Complete the following tag questions.

1. There’s a new cartoon, ……………………………….?
2. They don’t want to sell their house, …………………………?
3. This machine never works very well,…………………………?
4. Your parents should stay in the hotel,…………………………?
5. We can’t go camping today,………………………..?
6. I am late,……………………….?
7. Let’s go to Lan’s house,………………………..?
8. I think that is an overcrowded bus,………………………….?
9. You grandparents don’t prefer living in the city,………………………….?
10. The tourists will never be allowed to visit the slums again,………………………?
11. I’m unable to solve that problem alone,………………………?
12. Dharavi used to be a fishing village with only three thousand people,
13. Her brother has lived in Jakarta for more than ten years,………………………?
14. These houses cannot provide enough accommodation,………………………..?
15. His sister works for a big foreign company in the city,……………………..?
16. There were nearly one million people living in this city in 2010,………………………?
17. You and I shouldn’t go to those streets when it turns dark,…………………….?

III. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences:
1. The air in the city is very………………………………..(pollute)
2. We’ll make this beach clean and…………………………again. (beauty)
3. If the pollution…………………………, what will happen? (continue)
4. The world’s population is growing………………………………(quick)
5. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great……………………of water. (short)
6. In most big cities, there are many wealthy people, but…………………… still a
problem. (poor)
7. Life must be………………………….in the slums. (difficulty)
8. ………………………..325 to Ho Chi Minh City is now boarding at the gate 3. (fly)
9. The little looks……………………..enough. (health)
10. Farmers need……………………… than town people. (much)

IV. Use the word given and other words, complete the second sentence so
that it has similar meaning to the first. Do not change the word given.
1. New York has more billionaires than Tokyo. (FEWER)
2. A group of foreigners visited the slums last week, didn’t they? (VISIT)
3. The countryside doesn’t suffer as much pollution as the city. (LESS)
4. Does overpopulation cause a lot of social problems in this area? (CAUSES)
5. Jakarta doesn’t have as many skyscrapers as Shanghai. (MORE)

V. Find mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.
1. We prefer living in the countryside because it has fewer pollution than the city.
2. Their children have never been given new clothes before, haven’t they?
3. There are more opportunities to find jobs in Hong Kong as in Bangkok.
4. Your uncle works in Ha Noi for one year and then moved to Da Nang, didn’t he?
5. There used to be less unemployed people in this city five years ago.

VI. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
The two children have been in London. They were surprised at the crowds
everywhere. They decided to travel on the tube railway. They found that they had to
be quick and get on the train or it would go off without them.
One day they went to Hype Park and walked along on the grass to Kensington
Gardens in bright autumn sunshine. This was different from the crowded streets, and
Mary said that it was like being back home. The leaves of the great trees were turning
red, brown and yellow, birds were flying about, there were lots of flowers and ducks
swimming about on the Round Pond. Only the noise from the street in the distance
reminded them of the town.
1. Where have the children been?
2. What made them surprised?
3. What did they decide to do?
4. Where did they go one day?
5. In which season did they go there?
6. Where do you think the two children cam to London from?

VII. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.

1. Overpopulation problems………………both the rich and the poor.
A. cause B. reduce C. happen D. affect
2. The major cause of death for children living in the slums is…………….
A. immigration B. malnutrition C. density D. illiteracy
3. It’s very ……………in the city. Some rich people live in large villas, while many poor
people live in small slums.
A. spacious B. healthy C. diverse D. equal
4. Some poor people may………………..crime when they need money.
A. commit B. accept C. involve D. arrive
5. The city has to find…………………….to homeless people immediately.
A. calories B. solutions C. earnings D. systems
6. The immigrants will hardly find accommodation in the city,………………..?
A. will they B. won’t they C. will it D. won’t it
7. Disease spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas,……………….?
A. isn’t it B. doesn’t it C. is it D. does it
8. Living in the country is healthier than that in the city because in the countryside,
there is…..…traffic.
A. higher B. fewer C. more D. less
9. people move to the city with the hope that they can get………… and better
A. more B. bigger C. less D. fewer
10. ………………accidents were recorded this year than that year; 23 cases compared to
42 cases.
A. Less B. More C. Fewer D. Lower


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
1. A. sugar B. cutting slum D. luck
2. A. decision B. social spacious D. delicious
3. A. density B. list reason D. countryside
4. A. disease B. healthcare decrease D. sea
5. A. place B. traffic fact D. malnutrition
6. A. meat B. heat health D. seat
7. A. transport B. travel C imagine D. pavement
8. A. shoot B. footprint smooth D. toothache
9. A. wood B. book flood D. cook
C overcrowd
10. A. country B. house D. town
. ed

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. renewable B. environment C. eco-friendly D.
2. A. malnutrition B. supersonic C. underwater D. intelligent
3. A. comfort B. spacious C. traffic D. resource
4. A. industry B. density C. consider D. million
5. A. homeless B. describe C. skyscraper D. violence
6. A. hotel B. chimney C. future D. petrol
uncomfortab overcrowde celebratio
7. A. population B. C. D.
le d n
8. A. peaceful B. wealthy C. diverse D. labour
9. A. overcrowded B. malnutrition C. megacity D. education
10. A. agriculture B. behavior C. industrial D. economy

IV. Find which word does not belong to each group.

enjoyabl comfortabl convenien

1. A. B. C. D. difficult
e e t
2. A. waste B. recycle C. conserve D. save
3. A. affect B. replace C. effect D. fly
4. A. density B. C. crime D. megacity
5. A. drive B. cycle C. ride D. fly
6. A. wind B. gasoline C. coal D. natural gas
7. A. float B. slum C. hunger D. explosion
8. A. safely B. poverty C. slumdog D. space
9. A. B. short C. plentiful D. unlimited
A. driver B. doctor C. criminal D. student

V. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. overcrowded a. the state of having very little money.
2. spacious b. a market usually held outdoors.
3. slum c. a very large city, typically one with a population of over
4. poverty 10 million. An area of a city where living conditions are
extremely bad.
5. megacity d. bad health that is the result of not having enough food.
6. malnutrition e. the number of people in a place in relation to its area.
7. density f. with too many people.
8. population g. large in size.
explosion h. a situation in which too many people live in a certain
9. overpopulation area.
10. flea market i. the sudden increase in the number of people in a country
or in the world.
1-……..; 2-……..; 3-……..; 4-….….; 5-……..; 6-……..; 7-……...; 8-……..; 9-…....; 10-……...

VI. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1. Alternative sources of energy are ___________ and safe.
A. enough B. not enough C. short D. abundant
Nuclear energy can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs, but it
is very _____.
A. risk B. risky C. endanger D. endangered
3. We should try to reduce energy ___________ as much as possible.
A. production B. producers C. consumption D. consumers
4. We are looking for cheap, clean, ___________ sources of energy.
A. polluting B. harmful C. expensive D. effective
5. Solar energy is ___________ and it can be replaced easily.
A. new B. renew C. renewable D.
For many people living in rural areas, biogas is a cheap energy
A. method B. production C. supply D. consumption
7. People living in the slums never get good healthcare, ___________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. are they D. aren’t they
8. Everyone is ready for the game, ___________?
A. is it B. isn’t he? C. aren’t they D. is there
9. People move to big cities for a better ___________.
standard of life of
A. B. standard life C. standard living D.
living standard
10. Slidewalks are ___________ to moving walkways in airport.
A. familiar B. similar C. different D. same
11. Rio de Janeiro is very cultural ___________ city.
A. diverse B. diversity C. different D. same
12. Which is the best ___________ of transport for the future?
A. mean B. means C. traffic D. ways
13. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, ___________?
A. don’t they B. does it C. doesn’t it D. have they
The schoolyard is very small, so there isn’t enough ________for students
to play in.
A. rooms B. land C. space D. ground
15. I think in the future cities will be more crowded and the traffic will
A. good B. well C. worse D. worst
16. When ___________ people live in a small place, life can be very difficult.
A. a few B. few C. too much D. too many
17. Do you think it will be a (n) ___________ , green way to travel?
A. convenient B. polluted C. polluting D. inconvenience
Children in the slums have more diseases than _________ in wealthy
A. them B. that C. those D. ø
19. Diseases ___________ more quickly in overcrowded areas.
A. move B. travel C. spread D. come
20. In Manila, over 30% of the population lives in ___________.
A. crops B. poverty C. shortage D. schooling

VII. Complete the sentences with the words in the box

healthcar earning
growth shortages disease
e s
drought megacity peaceful crime
1. London is a ____________.
2. The long hot summer has led to serious water ____________.
3. To have hundreds of homeless people sleeping in the streets of a rich city like
The first symptom of the ____________ is a very high temperature.
4. A ____________ is a very large city with big population.
5. Average ____________ for skilled workers are rising.
6. ____________ has affected many countries in Africa after a long period of dry
7. Nuclear power can be used for ____________ or military purposes.
8. The government is trying to limit population ____________.
9. ____________ workers who offer medical care to others are some of the
lowest paid people in the country.
10. We lived in rented ____________ before buying this house.

VIII. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

malnutritio living
slums hunger poverty
n standards
spacious flea market explosion density

The government has had to take measures to stop the population____________.

2. There has been a shortage of food for a long time because of failure of crops and
people are suffering from ____________
3. ____________ is one of the country’s most pressing social problems.
4. There are millions of people in that African country who are living in__________
because they have no jobs.
5. She was brought up in the ____________ of Dharavi.
6. The hotel rooms are ____________ and comfortable.
7. In Africa many people die of ____________ each year.
8. Hong Kong has a high population ____________ over six thousands/ km2.
9. The ____________ in many developing countries is low.
10. A ____________ is an outdoor market that sells second-hand goods at low prices.

IX. Fill in each blank with the correct word: more, fewer or less.
1. Susan has ____________ homework than Mary, so Mary has to work harder than
2. The new law limits smoking in public. There are _________ places where people
can smoke.
3. This factory has ____________ workers than that one, so it needs more.
4. There are ____________ cars in the street at this time. The traffic is so heavy.
5. Class 7A has 40 students, and Class 7C has only 36 students. Class 7A has
____________ students than Class 7B.
6. ____________ fruits are now in season in the south. There are plenty of fruits now.
7. Farmers have ____________ time off than workers. Farmers work harder than
8. The weather in winter is worse than that in summer. People get ____________
colds in summer than in winter.
9. I think we don’t have many public holidays. We ought to have ____________.
10. We are lucky. We work ____________ hours than any workers.

X. Put a tag question at the end of the sentences

1. In big cities, life can become very difficult and unpleasant, ____________?
2. The world will soon become overpopulated, ____________?
3. You haven’t gone to Rio de Janeiro, ____________?
4. They didn’t like the film, ____________?
5. Jeju Island looks very peaceful, ____________?
6. We don’t have to go yet, ____________?
7. You don’t like pollution, ____________?
8. I think a megacity is a very large city with big population, ____________?
9. You won’t tell anyone, ____________?
10. The number of English speakers is increasing very quickly, ____________?
11. You need an English – Vietnamese dictionary, ____________?
12. You have never watched any films made in Bollywood, ____________?
13. You’re waiting for your letter, ____________?
14. We had a good time, ____________?
15. Some people commit crime when they have no money and no food,
16. You enjoy living in a peaceful neighbourhood, ____________?
17. It’s hot today, ____________?
18. The factory will bring more jobs to local people, ____________?
19. You forgot to bring your textbooks this morning, ____________?
20. The idea can change the solution, ____________?
XI. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays
the same.
1. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, didn’t you?
-> You didn’t remember __________________________________________
2. I think you should go to work by bike.
-> Why don’t ___________________________________________________
3. Mr Long lived in the countryside when he was a child.
Mr Long used ________________________________________________
4. We will plant more trees along this street.
-> More trees __________________________________________________
5. Is pollution the most serious problem?
-> Pollution is __________________________________________________

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