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Test for the 5th grade

Test 1

1. Who is working in the study?-……..

a) I have.       b) I do.            c) She  has.                D) I am.             e) I is.

2. Summer …………….spring.
a) follows       b) follow           c) is following             d) are following           e) am following

3. Pete……..a magazine now.

a) read         b) reads        c) reading           d) is reading         e) are reading

4. Sometimes she……new books in this shop.

a) buys           b) buy          c)is buying              d) are buying       e) buying

5. I……him.
a) am not understanding      b) don’t understand      c) doesn’t understand
d) am not understand         e) don’t understanding

6. The antonym for the verb “to turn on” is….

a) turn at         b) turn in           c) turn of            d) turn off         e) turn into

7. When it is cold in the room, my father turns on…..  .

a) gas         b) hot water         c) washing machine          d) central heating     e) vacuum cleaner

8. When it is dark outside we turn on……. .

a) electricity         b) gas          c) cold  water            d) vacuum cleaner      e) washing machine

9. A piece of furniture to sit at and work is a….

a) sink        b) table           c) chair              d) sofa               e) cupboard

10. A piece of furniture to wash up in is a…. .

a) sink        b) table         c) chair              d) sofa               e) cupboard
Test for the 5th grade
Test 2

1. They…tennis at the moment.

a) play      b) are playing         c) plays          d) is playing         e) am playing

2. He…to speak to you now.

a) is wanting           b) want          c) wants         d) is want              e) are wanting

3. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon…  .

a) is        b) has         c) are           d) do           e) does

4. Who is working in the garden?-   We… .

a) are            b) do                c) is              d) have         e) does

5. Where….my sisters travelling now?

a) have        b) do           c) are             d) is             e) has

6. Things you may hang on the window are…  .

a) lamps        b) fires            c) pictures         d) curtains      e) carpets

7. Choose the correct question to the underlined word. (Выберите правильный вопрос к

подчеркнутому слову.) They seldom write letters to their friends.
a) What do they write?              B) Who writes letters?
c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
d) What do they do?                e) When do they write letters to their friends?

8. She is singing my favourite song.

a) What is she doing?                   B) Who is singing?      c) What is she singing?
d) Where is she singing?           e) Is she singing my favourite song?

9. She usually comes home late.

a) Who comes home late?               b) What does she usually do?
c) When does she usually come home?         d) Does she usually come home late?
e) Where does she usually come?

10. Tom and Jane…….to spend this summer in the country.

a) wants        b) are wanting      c) wanting          d) is wanting        e) want
Test for the 6th grade

Test 1

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Do you watch TV every day?
a) I watch TV.
b) Yes, I watch.
c) Yes, I do.
2. Did he help his mother yesterday?
a) He didn’t help.
b) He helped his mother.
c) Yes, he did.
3. Where were you?
a) I were at home.
b) I was in class.
c) Yes, I was.
4. Were you at school last Sunday?
a) No, I wasn’t.
b) I wasn’t at school last Sunday.
c) Wasn’t at school.
5. How________money do you have?
a) much
b) many
c) little
a) No, I don’t.
II. Read the text and answer the true (T) and false (F) sentences.
The Queen’s day.
When the Queen gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning she has seven people to look
after her. The Queen has eight dogs and they have their own bedroom near the
Queen’s own bedroom.Every day for fifteen minutes the Queen listens to Scottish
music and reads the “Times” newspaper.
6. The Queen gets up at 7 o’clock. _____ _____
7. The Queen has six people to feed her dogs. _____ _____
III. Write plural forms:
8. tomato – strawberry -
9. butter – sugar -
10. orange - rice -
Test for the 6th grade

Test 2

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. There is _________ milk in the bottle?
a) some
b) any
c) many
2. Would you like some juice?
b) Yes, I do.
c) Yes, please.
d) No, I don’t.

3. He usually … part in a horse race.

A) is talking  
B) takes  
C) take

4. In summer it’s … than in winter.

A) hot    
B) more hotter    
C) hotter    
D) the hottest

5. … Britain attract many tourists?

A) Is    
B) Do    
C) Does    
D) -

II. Read the text and answer the true (T) and false (F) sentences.
The Queen’s day.
When the Queen gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning she has seven people to look
after her. The Queen has eight dogs and they have their own bedroom near the
Queen’s own bedroom.Every day for fifteen minutes the Queen listens to Scottish
music and reads the “Times” newspaper.
6. The Queen reads the “Times” newspaper. _____ _____
7. The Queen listens to Scottish music every day. _____ _____
III. Write plural forms:
8. tomato – strawberry -
9. butter – sugar -
10. orange - rice -

Grade 7
Test 1

1. My flat is … than their one.

a) more comfortable b) the most comfortable
c) the comfortablest
2. They usually wear different clothes … jeans to costumes.
a) on b) from c) till
3. It’s … hot. Open the window.
a) bit b) most c) more
4. My mother … a good taste.
a) have b) had c) has
5. … their parents workers?
a) Do b) Does c) Are
6. Our family … to the country if it’s fine.
a) will go b) goes c) go
7. I keep my word … I promise anything.
a) as b) if c) what
8. I think the day … fine today.
a) is fine b) will be c) are
9. Tom is very …, he can’t calm himself down.
a) noisily b) noise c) noisy
10. It’s frosty and windy! … the door.
a) Close b) Closed c) Don’t close

Grade 7
Test 2
1. You should … an operation.
a) take b) do c) have
2. Autumn isn’t a … season of the year.
a) warmer b) warm c) warmest
3. … no house there two years ago.
a) There was b) There is c) There were
4. … pupils came to see the show.
a) A lot of b) Much c) More
5. Here you can see … interesting things.
a) a lot of b) much c) little
6. I like your porridge. Could you give me a … more?
a) less b) least c) little
7. … all right! You can come later.
a) That’s b) This is c) There
8. Take … one! The apple is sweet.
a) this b) is c) these
9. This shirt is nice and that … is too expensive.
a) ones b) one c) once
10. Susan does yoga … a week.
a) two b) twice c) twenty

Grade 8

1. Do you know that … tomato is a berry not a vegetable.

A) a
B) an
C) the

2. I have ... pet. It is … kitten. … kitten is so lovely!

A) a; a; the
B) a; a; a
C) the; the; the
D) the; a; the

3. When will we go … home?

A) a
B) an
C) the
D) –

4. I live in … street which is … oldest in our town.

A) the; a
B) the; the
C) a; a
D) a; the

5. … Pacific ocean is … biggest on … Earth.

A) a; a; the
B) a; a; a
C) the; the; the
D) the; a; the

6. Which river is longer - … Volga or … Nile?

A) -; -
B) the; the
C) a; a
D) a; the

7. The Don often …“Father Don”.

A) is called
B) called
C) calling
D) was calling

8. Whom … this composition by?

A) written
B) is writing
C) was written
D) wrote

9. The work … next week.

A) is done
B) will be doing
C) will be done
D) will do

10. This coat … much.

A) isn’t wearing
B) isn’t worn
C) hasn’t worn
D) doesn’t wear

Grade 8

1. The ground … with snow in winter.

A) will cover
B) will be covering
C) is covered
D) will covered

2. There are … state languages in Canada.

A) two
B) one
C) three
D) four

3. The capital of Canada is …

A) Quebec
B) Washington
C) Montreal
D) Ottawa

4. Lake Baikal is the … lake on the Earth.

A) widest
B) coldest
C) deepest
D) warmest

5. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom.

A) two
B) three
C) four
D) five
11. She … to Italy before she got married.
a) had moved
b) moved
c) has moved
12. They looked tired after they … a lot.
a) had walked
b) walked
c) has walked
13. I wish I … the best football player.
a) was
b) is
c) were
14. Writers … a lot on their books.
a) had
b) have to
c) has to
15. … was John Kennedy?
a) What
b) When
c) Why

Test 1.

1. How ___ clothes are you going to take with you?

2. I suppose you`ve had ____ interesting experiences.
b.a lot
d.a lot of
3. _____ is supposed to be bad for you.
a.Too much salt
b.Too many salt
c.Enough salt
d.Much too salt
5. Have you got ___ work to do?
4.After the lecture the students asked ____ questions.
d. a few
6. How ____ does it cost to fly to New York from Moscow?
d.a lot
7. I haven`t got ____ money on me.
d.enough of
8. No, thank you. I don`t want ____ ice cream.
9. Have you got ____ good computer games?
a.a lot
b.many of
d.any of
10. Hurry up! There isn`t _____ time left.
a.a few

Test 2

1. Could you ________ my dog while I am on vacation?

a. look for
b. look after
c. look up
d. look through
2. Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been ____________ it everywhere.
a. looking for
b. looking out
c. looking at
d. looking in
3. Can you ____________ the radio from downstairs?
a. bring to
b. come in
c. bring up
d. look down
4. Mr. Garrett _____________ his trip to Washington until next month.
a. put down
b. put on
c. put out
d. put off
5. I can’t _____________ these screaming children.
a. put up with
b. put off
c. put away
d. put out
6. Jack stole the money and _____________________ it.
a. get away
b. got away with
c. get up
d. get in
7. Stop talking and __________________ your work.
a. get along
b. get out
c. get on with
d. get round
8. Do you ________________ your new boss?
a. get along with
b. get out
c. get up to
d. get away with
9. Joe __________________ this old painting in the attic.
a. come into
b. came into
c. come along
d. came across
10. ___________________ with us, or you’ll miss the bus.
a. come off
b. come back
c. come along
d. come across
Grade 10

Test 1

1. If you fall, I ____________________ catch you.

a.will be able to
c.won’t be able
d.shall be
2. If it rains, we _____________________ get wet.
a. are going to
3. If the cases ____________ too heavy, I ___________ help you carry them.
a.were, could
b.are, can, can, could
4. ____________ you __________ at once, I _____________ the police.
a. If leave, will call
b.should call, leave
c. unless leave, will call
d.will leave, call
5. ________________ you see John, can you give him a message?
6. If you _____________ , you _______________ yourself.
a.fall, will hurt
b.fell, would hurt
c.will fall, hurt
d.will fell, hurts
7. If you __________ a millionaire, you _________________ unhappy.
a. become, might be
b. become, shall be
c. became, might be
d. became, will be
8. If I _________ taller, I ___________ the basketball team., would join
b.were, would join
c.was, will join
d.will, joins
9. If they _____________ me the job, I ____________ turn it down.
a. were to offer, would
b.was offer, would
c.are offer, would
d.are offer, will
10. If John _____________ more, he ______________ better marks.
a.has study, would has got
b.had study, will have got
c.have studied, would have got
d.had studied, would have got

Grade 10
Test 2

1.Who discovered America?

a.George Washington
b.The pilgrims
c.Abraham Lincoln
d.Christopher Columbus
2. What is the national symbol of America?
a.the rose
b.the bald eagle
c.the shamrock.
d.the golden eagle
3. The first American flag has:
a.thirteen stripes
b.thirty stripes
c.fifty stripes
d.fourty stripes
4. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
a.July 4
b.December 25
c.February 14
d.January 1
5. What is the national sport in America?
6. Who was the first man on the moon?
a.Yury Gagarin
b.John Glenn
c.Neil Armstrong
d.Benjamin Franklin
7. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
8.Who began manufacturing blue jeans?
a.Robert Fulton
b.Levi Strauss
c.Elias Howe
d.Thomas Edison
9. What park was established as first national one?
a. Redstone
d.Hide park
10. Which of the following is not a state of the USA?
b.Washington D.C.

Grade 11

Test 1

1.Who is the father of American literature?

b.George Bernard Shaw
c.Agatha Christie
d.Washington Irving
2. “Меншік мектептер”аударыңыз:
a.Infant schools
b.Junior schools
c.Private schools
d.Primary schools
3. What does the word “steamer” mean?
a.a bus
b.a bicycle
c.a boat
d. a park
4. You become President of the USA for a term. A term is…
a.a month
b.a fortnight
c.four years years
5. Who is the third president of America?
a.James Monroe
b.George Washington
c.Thomas Jefferson
d.John Adams
6. In which city is Hollywood?
a.Los Angeles
b.San Francisco
d.New York
7. The Mississippi River is the _____ waterway in the United States?
8. What is the capital of Georgia?
c.Los Angeles
9. Washington, D.C. is a:
10. Which ocean separates Europe from the States?
a.The Indian Ocean
b.The Atlantic Ocean
c. The Pacific Ocean
d.The Northern Ocean
Grade 11

Test 2

1. The word “Albion’’, the poetic name of Great Britain, means…
2.The British money is …
d.british Dollars
3.What is the national emblem of England?
a.Maple leaf
4.Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul`s Cathedral?
b.Sir Christopher Wren
c.Eduardo Monet
5.British people celebrate Halloween on the
a.31 – st of October
b.25 –th of December
c.5 – th of November
d.4 – th of July
6. Who was Robin Hood? actor
b.a writer
c.a sheriff
d.a legendary hero of English literature
7. What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, have?
a.Prince of Britain
b.Prince of Ireland
c.Prince of Scotland
d.Prince of Wales
8. A red dragon is the symbol of which country?
a.Northern Ireland
9. What ancient London landmark was bought by an American shipped stone the
USA and rebuilt in Arizona?
a.The Tower of London
b.St. Paul`s Cathedral
c.Trafalgar Square
d.London Bridge
10. Which Great Britain`s oldest university?
c.London University
d.Birmingham University

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