Las For Mechanics and Claim

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Name: Neil Jhon D.

Hubilla Date: November 4, 2021


General direction: Follow the instruction written in each part of the practice test.

Practice Task 1: CHOOSE the right one!

A. Those underlined words below are errors in a sentence. Determine the feature of the mechanics
(Spelling, Capitalization, Abbreviation, Number, Punctuation marks, Grammar) violated by those
underlined words. Write your answer in the space provided.

Capitalization 1. Sorsogon is finally featured in the guinness world record.

Capitalization 2. My sister helped me in answering the modules in reading and writing.
__Number___ 3. 14 locations were chosen for the upcoming horror film.
Abrreviation 4. I will have an early lunch break at 10:30 ante meridiem (a.m.).
Grammar 5. The film “Soul”, one of the new animated movies, are product of Disney
and Pixar.
Punctuation 6. Long-term relationships are really for keeps.

B. Identify the error in each statement by writing the letter that corresponds to the error. Type the
letter of the correct answer below.
7. Mark and Ana run every day to maintain their physically fit bodies. No error.
8. Whenever my little nephews visit our house, every corner becomes a hiv of activities. No error.
9. A group of friends went to Cebu to witness the sinulog festival. No error.
10. There were many students in SNHS who qualified in college entrance examinations. No error.

7. ___B___
8. ___C___
9. ___C___
10. ___D___

Practice Task 2: DECIDE on your own!

A. Choose a better option to correct the underline words or punctuation marks. Write the letter that
corresponds to the better option.
1. People have different standards and description of descent clothes. ___C___
a. dissent c. decent
b. discent d. deccent
2. My dad is getting bald “his hair is getting thinner and thinner”. ___B___
a. (his hair is getting thinner and thinner)
b. ; his hair is getting thinner and thinner
c. : his hair is getting thinner and thinner
d. . his hair is getting thinner and thinner
3. She bought about twelve pairs of shoes and sixteenth dresses in the last three months.
a. 12 pairs of shoes and 16th dresses
b. 12 pairs of shoes and 16 dresses
c. twelve pairs of shoes and sixteen dresses
d. twelve pairs of shoes and 16 dresses
4. People with SAD become moody during rainy days and happier during summer. ____A_____
a. with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
b. with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
c. with (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder
d. with (SAD) seasonal affective disorder
5. The students learns various practical skills in their online training courses. ____D____
a. student learn various practical skill
b. students learns various practical skill
c. student learns various practical skills
d. students learn various practical skills
B. Read the statement carefully. Write E if the statement has error and N if it has no error.

_____E____ 6. The qwack doctor went house to house to offer treatment.

_____N____ 7. The child sees a continuous line in the image.
_____N____ 8. Our parents saved money so we can travel abroad.
_____E____ 9. Taking too many medicines may affect your REM during sleep.
_____E____ 10. She has been speaking french since she stayed there.

Practice Task 3: CORRECT me if I am wrong!

A. Read the paragraph carefully. Find the errors in the mechanics and give necessary corrections.
Rewrite the paragraph on the space provided.

Ever since I am a child, I have had a vision of my dream house. It stands in a place
where the sea meets the sky-a perfect location to relax. Also, you will see 3 dogs playing in the
garden surrounded with beautiful flowers. Inside the house, there are furniture, photographs, and
paintings of a famous Filipino painter, malang. There are also a courtyard where you can rest
after a day’s hard work.

Ever since I was a child, I have had a vision of my dream house. It stands in a
place where the sea meets the sky – a perfect location to relax. Also, you will see three
dogs playing in the garden surrounded by beautiful flowers. Inside the house, there are
furniture, photographs, and paintings of a famous Filipino painter, Malang. There is also a
courtyard where you can rest after a day’s hard work.

Direction: Read the text carefully. Explain how this paragraph violates some rules in mechanics.
Write it in a paragraph form.

There are city lights, traffic jam, smokes and noises, things you see at night in a fast-pacing world
of urban life. For every journey I takes in this city, I see never ending people walking in different
directions. Bildings has grown even bigger. Humans becomes temporary. I just can’t imagine how the
world would be tommorow. Perhaps, when i wake up i would see private four-seater planes
constituting almost half of parking lot areas. I may also see people who become either too fat
because of their technological fasination or too thin because they can’t afford modernism.

- The paragraph violates some rules in mechanics: grammatical errors, capitalizations, misplaced
punctuation marks, and wrong spellings. Firstly, grammatical errors are present in the first, second,
and fourth sentences in the paragraph. For instance, the word jam in the first sentence does not
agree in number with other words in the phrase. The word never ending is missing a hyphen since it
acts as an adjective that describes the noun in the second sentence. In addition, the
words takes and becomes in the second and fourth sentences, respectively, do not conform to the
subject-verb agreement since their subjects are plural in form. Secondly, I included capitalization
because the pronoun I should always be capitalized. Thirdly, spelling is included in the violated rules
in mechanics because we can already see some spelling mistakes in the paragraph, such
as tommorow and fasination. Lastly, I included misplaced punctuation marks since we can observe
the misplaced comma in the first sentence. They could have separated the
words noises and smokes  by the comma before the word things since those two words are in a
series of words. Then, replace the missing comma with a dash (–) to bring more emphasis to the
place or scenery. The other reason is that there is a missing comma in the sixth sentence, where it
consists of an introductory clause when I wake up. 

Criteria Corresponding Points

5 3 1 0
Content All rules violated for Some rules are clearly and There is only one rule There is no
each error are clearly accurately explained. explained. output.
and accurately

Mechanics The paragraph shows The paragraph has 3-5 errors. The paragraph has There is no
no violation of rules in more than 5 errors. output.

Organization The contents are The contents are relevant but The contents are There is no
relevant and not organized irrelevant and output.
organized. unorganized.


General direction: Follow the instruction written in each part of the practice test.

Practice Task 1: Let’s C if you can find X!

Direction: Write C if the sentence is a claim and X if it is not a claim.

_____C______ 1. The success of teaching depends upon the creativity of the teachers.
_____X______ 2. Some mobile games in Google application store are not free.
_____X______ 3. Music touches my heart and soul.
_____C______ 4. Teenagers should not be encouraged to work while studying.
_____C______ 5. Sleeping for more than 12 hours a day indicates low immune system.
_____X______ 6. Senior high school offers different strands such as ABM, HUMSS, GAS.
_____C______ 7. Parents play the biggest role in promoting their child’s holistic well-being.
_____X______ 8. The taste of Pinoy adobo is rich with savory flavor.
_____X______ 9. We can all live in Jupiter when Earth becomes overly crowded.
_____C______ 10. “A family that prays together stays together.”

Practice Task 2: Make a perfect MATCH!

Direction: There are five (5) topics below. Your task is to determine which claim and supporting
detail from the option is more appropriate to the topic. Just write the corresponding letter.

Topic Claim Supporting detail

1. Plants as living things 1. ___C___ 6. ___C___
2. Simple way to maintain a clean environment 2. ___A___ 7. ___A___
3. Benefits of drinking water 3. ___E___ 8. ___B___
4. Plants as unnoticeable living thing 4. ___D___ 9. ___E___
5. Risks of drinking too many water 5. ___B___ 10. ___D___

Claims Supporting details

a. Refuse to purchase plastic a. The Department of Environment and Natural Resource
materials; instead bring your (DENR) reiterated that to lessen plastic materials in the
own reusable items. environment, one must not produce one. Therefore,
people must learn to reuse items example, providing own
container when buying cooked food or bringing own
bottles for drinking.
b. Do not drink water right after b. Studies have shown that being just half a liter dehydrated
meal as it has negative can increase your cortisol levels (stress hormones).
effect to health. Therefore, staying in a good hydrated status can keep
your stress levels down.
c. Plants have emotions just c. Dr. Johnson’s in his research states that plants also feel
like humans and animals environmental stresses and can be seen in the changes
of their shapes.
d. Only a few people take care d. Frequent intake of fluids during or right after meal may
of plants than animals. result to indigestion and worse acid reflux.
e. Drinking water helps reduce e. One theory suggests that plants generally grow close
stress level and anxiety. together, do not move and often blend together visually,
so they often go unnoticed when animals are present.

Practice Task 3: FIND me, PICK me!

Direction: There are texts below. Read each text carefully. Each text has corresponding numbers per
sentence. Identify the specific sentence where you will find the claim, supporting details, and re-
statement of the claim in the text. Just put the corresponding number of the sentence on the blank.
An example is provided for you.
Euthanasia which is also known as mercy killing is an act to end a person’s life to alleviate the
suffering brought about by a terminal or grave illness. 2While it may be supported by some, euthanasia is
not only an unethical medical practice, it is also a crime. 3It is unethical because it violates one of the
tenets of the Physicians’ oath which is “first, do no harm.”. 4In essence, euthanasia is a violation of life,
and it can never be an acceptable procedure.

1. Claim Ans. 2
2. Supporting detail Ans. 3
3. Re-statement of the claim Ans. 4
Death penalty is a capital punishment after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense.
However, later on, this type of punishment came to be regarded as a crime against humanistic ideals by
many. 3Nevertheless, death penalty still has to be preserved as a valid means of preventing serious
crimes. 4Based on the ratified Philippine Constitution in 1987, the death penalty may be imposed for
compelling reasons involving heinous crimes. 5Therefore, even the law recognizes the existence of death
penalty as a way to compensate an act of killings, and alike.

1. Claim ____3____
2. Supporting detail ____4____
3. Re-statement of the claim ____5____
A lot of people think that pets are too much of a responsibility, as they need food, to be walked on a
regular basis, to be trained properly, and of course, they need lots of love and care. 2However, regardless
of all the potential downsides of having a pet, there are some indisputable arguments that prove having a
pet is a blessing for your body, mind, and soul. 3According to the research done by the American Heart
Association (AHA), pet ownership is associated with greater longevity and reduced heart disease risk
factors. 4Also, Professors from the University of Western Australia’s School of Population Health proved
with their research that owning a pet is a real ice-breaker when it comes to building social connections.
Owning a little fluffy companion at home really has many advantages.

4. Claim ____2____
5-6. Supporting details _ 3&4___
7. Re-statement of the claim ____5____
A study published in Physiology and Behavior stated that breakfast provides children with full energy
needed to move and think quickly. 2This is why, as a student, I believe that breakfast is really a key in
improving school performance. 3However, it is just so sad to see children skipping breakfast thinking that
it may not affect them in anyways. 4Breakfast must be taken in a regular basis without any excuses as it
helps you to be ready on academic challenges.

8. Claim ____4____
9. Supporting detail ____1____
10. Re-statement of the claim ____2____

Direction: Write a paragraph that presents your claim and supporting details about “Education as a
way to lessen the challenges of life in the later years.”

Education is an essential part of our lives that helps us advance our education, which
expands our careers and professional goals in the future. Higher education during your high
school years gives you the advantage to secure your high school diploma with ease. So
much more if you are consistent with your studies during your college years, where you
pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree. You can apply those knowledge and practical
skills to your workplace environment to broaden your skillset and build upon your
experience. According to 2014 Pew Research, college graduates ages 25-32 earn between
$17,000 more each year than those with just a high school diploma. In addition, by gaining
those experiences and additional skills, you can also increase your confidence, which leads
to greater career advancement. A study from the University of Melbourne states that there is
a strong correlation between confidence and success. According to the study, those who
reported higher confidence levels earlier earned better wages and were promoted quicker.
In conclusion, education should not be forgotten even after you finish college and get your
degree. Additional education will help us achieve our career goals in the future.

Criteria Corresponding Points

5 3 1 0
Claims The claim is clear and The claim is quite unclear but The claim is unclear There is no
shows manifestation shows manifestation or and out of the line. output.
or evidence. evidence.

Content The contents are The contents are relevant but The contents are There is no
relevant and not organized irrelevant and output.
organized. unorganized.
Constructio The sentences were The sentences have slight The sentences are There is no
n grammatically correct grammar errors erroneous output.
Strength The claims in general The claims in general are The claims in general There is no
are very convincing nearly convincing. are not convincing at output.


I. Practice Task 1: One Versus The Other

Directions: Examine each sentence carefully and distinguish what type of claim it is. Write only the
answers which could be FACTUAL CLAIM, POLICY CLAIM, or VALUE CLAIM.

_FACTUAL CLAIM_1. Educational degree and work attitude are equally important.
_POLICY CLAIM_2. Cheating in sports should be punished automatically.
_VALUE CLAIM_3. It is immoral to participate in kidnapping.
_VALUE CLAIM_4. Your new car is extremely attractive.
_FACTUAL CLAIM_5. According to various researches, children exposure to violent media is more likely
to develop violent behaviors.
_FACTUAL CLAIM_6. Cigarette smoking and alcoholism lead to several health diseases.
_POLICY CLAIM_7. One should limit his/her alcohol intake to save money and health.
_POLICY CLAIM_8. You must try to socialize with others to develop your personality.
_POLICY CLAIM_9. The world needs a disciplined citizen, we ought to be ones.
_VALUE CLAIM_10. Sleeping with a music background is perfect.

A. Practice Task 2: Most Possibly

Directions: In each number there is an indicated specific type of claim that you need to look for from the
choices. Figure out what is the most possible claim (that is asked) that can be drawn from each sentence.
Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

1. [CLAIM OF VALUE] Taking and owning things which are not yours and without the permission of its
owner is not acceptable in our norms. Taking others possession as your own is stealing. _____C_____
a. Stealing is a form money-making.
b. Stealing increases one’s properties.
c. Stealing is not acceptable.
d. Stealing results from poverty.

2. [CLAIM OF VALUE] Mary had a bad experience in online selling. Her customer cursed her insulting
words after a delay of the delivery of the items. It was very dehumanizing on her part. _____A_____
a. Insulting oneself is the very dehumanizing.
b. Insulting oneself could happen to an online seller.
c. Insulting oneself is delays business.
d. Insulting oneself creates changes on the victim.

3. [CLAIM OF POLICY] The government has set an order to observe preventive measures to contain the
spread of the fatal virus. Yet, not all people choose to follow. As a result, the virus had rapidly crept to
different places. _____B_____
a. People are hard-headed most of the time.
b. People should be responsible enough for the common good.
c. People are not even afraid of the fatal virus.
d. People have harder times observing discipline than eliminating the virus.
4. [CLAIM OF FACT] A person with a family history of depression is not so surprising to have a possibility
of developing the disease. Although there are still more contributing factors to the disease, genes are not
an exception. _____C_____
a. Heredity should not be considered the main contributing factor on developing depression.
b. Heredity must be considered a high contributing factor on developing depression than the other
identified factors.
c. Heredity is considered to be a contributing factor on developing depression.
d. Heredity must not be a serious factor in developing depression.

5. [CLAIM OF FACT] The use of agricultural technologies in farming is beneficial. It yielded more
production while saving manpower on the same time. _____D_____
a. Agricultural technologies should not replace manpower in the future.
b. Agricultural technologies must be a priority in farming.
c. Agricultural technologies are the best advancements made by man so far.
d. Agricultural technologies promote more production and less man power.

Practice Task 3: Say It

Directions: Study the example on how you can formulate a policy claim out of a factual claim. Then
read each of the given factual claims and formulate a policy claim out of it. Write your answer on the
space provided.
[factual claim]
1. Excessive use of mobile phones results to sleeping disturbances to the user.
[formulated policy claim]
1. The use of mobile phone should be in moderation to avoid sleeping disturbances to the user.

1. Students’ career choice is influenced by their parents, peers and others.

Students' career choices should be influenced by their parents, peers, and others.
2. Gardening helps people to reduce stress according to health experts.
People should develop more interest in gardening to reduce stress.
3. Frustrations experienced in one’s childhood may result to regression during his/her old age.
One's childhood must not experience frustrations to avoid regression during his/her old age.
4. Studies show that alcohol intake can delay bone growth and replacement of bone tissue.
Alcohol intake must be in moderation to not delay bone growth and replacement of bone tissues.
5. Reading books alleviates depression.
Reading books should be a hobby to alleviate one’s depression.

Directions: Read the paragraph below from the article PH education and the new normal by Ching
Jorge then write an essay containing your opinion about the topic/ issue discussed in it. There must be
ten (10) claims in and all the three types are manifested. Your essay may be composed of 20-30

Education’s new normal will not just be about operating in an environment that secures
the health of students; nor will it be about completely transitioning to online modalities. Instead,
it should be about using technology to increase efficiency in areas with the capacity to do so,
while empowering learners and communities to create positive learning environments in which
the student can grow. It should not sacrifice quality but continue to provide equal opportunities,
most especially to the marginalized and vulnerable sectors. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution,
but one that is dependent on the needs of each learning community.
Retrieved from:
Education is both the act of teaching and receiving knowledge to and from someone else
in our society. It has been with us since the beginning of time. From the day we were born until
our last breath, knowledge is right by our side. However, there had been multiple reports about
the struggles that each student had encountered during the first year of distance learning in
today's new-normal world. This problem may have caused controversy about whether the
Department of Education should continue the student's education or not. Personally, resuming
the education have benefits to the students, but only to some extent since not everyone can
continue their learning due to different problems that each is encountering.

Education must continue in this new-normal world to ensure the future of every student.
Suspending education even for a year may result in a decrease in student performance and level
of proficiency. With this, the Department of Education (DepEd) proposed a combination of
different learning modalities that will provide nearly the same quality as the regular face-to-face
classes. Students that have access to technologies and the internet can transition to online
modalities, while others who remain a challenge for them to access those types of equipment can
continue their learning through take-home learning activity sheets. Radio-based interventions
are also popular, where partnerships with local radio stations announce questions or lessons
that can be replied to by phone. These modalities can help continue the students' education while
being safe from the pandemic.
On the other hand, not everyone will agree that the blended approach has the same
quality of education as the regular face-to-face classes have. During this time of the pandemic,
millions of learners are facing enormous challenges during their times of home-based and
online learning. If we are talking about the quality of education, not everyone can afford the
necessities to continue online or modular learning in their homes. Every student has their
problem, as well as different stories when they are at home. Thus, we cannot guarantee a
positive learning environment for every learner. If we ask about the best way to sustain a quality
education, most students will choose face-to-face classes rather than blended learning. These
modalities will never provide the same quality due to the different opportunities that each
student has. Over the past year of lockdown, many students have requested to go back to regular
face-to-face classes. The reason is that face-to-face learning has a better quality of education
since they can interact with other students and teachers personally and is fair to those who
cannot afford to study online. Even limited face-to-face classes will grant equal opportunities to
other learners.

In conclusion, education must continue to help students avoid learning loss, mental
distress, and other consequences. Also, the Department of Education (DepEd) must implement
limited face-to-face classes to areas with low cases of Covid-19 to provide fairness and quality
of education to other students. We must help each other to overcome this challenge in this new-
normal world.
Criteria Corresponding Points
5 3 1 0
Claims There are 10 claims There are 10 claims presented There are less than 10 There is no
presented and all the but not all the types are claims presented and output.
types are manifested manifested. Or, there are less only 1 or 2 types of
than 10 claims presented but claims are manifested.
all the types are manifested.
Length Has 20-30 sentences Has 15 to 19 sentences. Has less than 15 There is no
sentences. output.
Content The contents are The contents are relevant but The contents are There is no
relevant and not organized irrelevant and output.
organized. unorganized.
Constructio The sentences were The sentences have slight The sentences are There is no
n grammatically correct grammar errors erroneous output.

Strength The claims in general The claims in general are The claims in general There is no
are very convincing nearly convincing. are not convincing at output.

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