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Analiza las frases buscando el sujeto, el verbo y el objeto.

Identifica el tiempo verbal de la

frase, y cambia el sujeto y el objeto de lugar.

The black cat chased the white mouse all day

My brother and I do our homework every day

Mozart wrote a lot of music in his life

The police caught the thief next day

The doctor saved the patient’s life

My sister drives a very big car

The mechanic will repair the car tomorrow

My father cleans the kitchen every week

Alex and Ben ate their favourite food yesterday

We visit my grandmother every weekend

They planted new trees in the park last week

Alex watched the new movie in the cinema last night

Susan walks the dog in the evenings

Peter will buy a cake for the birthday party

The students ask the teacher many questions

The postman delivers the letters in the mailboxes

Mom read the novel in one day

Nobody liked the film

The children broke the school’s window

The teacher will correct the exams

Cervantes wrote Don Quijote many years ago

My grandma waters the flowers twice a week

They sell books in the bookshop

The shop assistant helped my mother

The journalist wrote a very famous article

We bought new shoes last week

The firefighter will extinguish the fire

My father washed the car yesterday

The teacher prints the grammar exercises

The lion attacked the zebra

The gardener will water the flowers on Friday

The birthday boy ate the cake

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