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Dela Cruz, Deneil Jay T. Aug.

8, 2021
GED105 – C8

It's a challenging option for me to choose between national and global

citoyennety. That's because I've been taught that nation goes first of all. Just
as at his time was Dr. Jose Rizal (our national hero). There are many facets to
this problem, much like we have the "bayanihan" culture. In recent years,
there have been several advertisements in the billboards describing how
pleasant domestic travel between the Filipinos is in the Philippines. But this
phrase, that movement, removed our chance from other nations and races to
study diverse cultures. Well, I'd like to emphasize we have to be global
citizens in today's world first before we are national citizens.

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Globalization may be perceived as an economic, social, political,

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technical and cultural component multi-faceted phenomena. Every day,
people are part of society and appreciate globalization. We recognize their

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implications for the lives of peoples and for society, their energy of social
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change, and its benefits. Numerous have welcomed globalization as the
excellent component and have many justifications that are closer to the
advantages of globalization, such as peaceful connections, open trading,

world connotations, and solidarity in variety. Another point is that in our life it
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ends up as a major issue, given that we are so interrelated and influenced

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and encouraged by exclusive cultures throughout the world. The increasing

interrelation of civilizations across the world presents us with a chance and a
duty to build global identities, according to Reysen & Miller (2013). In
particular, how can we oppose the view that we are more like citizens of the
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globe than than people of a nation?

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The first argument is because, in matters which we all have, not only

social, but also political, economic, and most important are ecological

concerns, if we all are global citizens, we will have an increased voice.

Imagine if the whole globe is a global citizen, any problem we face may be
the correct side of most global citizens. And having more global citizens, by

sharing it on social media, we can increase awareness of more individuals.

However, one drawback is that many bogus news are moving to the social
media, and they will take use of this chance to disseminate phony data. But
when we are sufficiently educated, we can differentiate between phony and
actual, only be careful as regards who submitted it, or is the account true
and verified?

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This also helps us to comprehend the globe better, not only our nation,
for a purpose of being a global citizen. With the knowledge of culture in
different nations, our culture may integrate into a more globalized or more
developmentally appropriate environment. I mean that imitating the culture
of other countries can improve us and assist us to become a better country.
For example, when you use public transport, especially the metro train and
subway, the discipline and culture of the Japanese people always lets
passengers leave the train before they enter the cabin. They are also a nice
line, patiently waiting. It might assist us to have such a selfless discipline and
culture. I previously experienced that in our country's LRT first hand. A group
of students could not leave the train since the passengers already struggled
to enter the train first. Even I had a few instances when I got off of the train,
people don't want to make way for me, and that's irritating. We don't have to

work late, and they shouldn't allow us to suffer as much because of them for

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getting too late.

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A new culture is that of the Japanese people when it comes to people
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leaving their beloved things behind, if they have forgotten it at the
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restaurant and in the park nobody touches your wallet or telephone and this
culture would really help us as money here in the Philippines is so hard

earned and because of our tight budget we can really affect us if we buy
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another telephone or laptop. It would also be a tragedy to even lose your

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wallet because money is a key to life for us.

But it's not simple to be a global citizen. And it's not that easy to be a
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global citizen. The first point is that the world happenings around us need to
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educate us. We also need sufficient training to learn about the many cultures
of other races, but if we don't just want to study, we need to accept
differences, but more importantly we need to look at similarities than

differences so that we can accept them much more easily.


According to Douglas (2001), these are the factors we must have to be


a global citizen, a broader world, respect and a diversity of values, an

awareness of the way the world works economically, socially, culturally,
technologically and ecologically, offended by social injustice. Most Philippines
have nothing, in particular respect for and variety of values. That was
apparent in the recent question when the Philippines spoke racism to one of
the Miss Universe contenders. Another example is the topic of sports, where

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Filipinos talk with their opponents brutally with throw garbage. We have to be
educated and thus it is extremely improper. We need a legislation that
punishes racist people by their words and deeds.

We also need to grasp how the world operates and applies to our
country in many areas. We must follow and attempt to catch the footsteps of
those developing countries. But it is more necessary for the government,
before we all can follow globalization, that, if there are no regulations and
laws that would assist us to become a worldwide land, we cannot begin by
becoming a global citizen by ourselves.

To finish this article, we all need a way toward globalization so that we

may be a global citizen. We need to and the government must be open to

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embrace the change of the globe. We can't keep on like this for ever; we

can't wait and plead for aid from developing nations. An action, a move

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towards globalization must be taken. We must adapt to the larger view and

be informed. Not everybody in the world is identical. It's color, culture and
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races that are different. And we have to admit that we are less than that.
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And becoming a global citizen is a major growth step for our country.
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