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Animal Farm by George Orwell

Chapters 8 - 9

Learn these words, recall the situations the words were used in.

Meddle-втручатися; to try to influence people or change things that are not your
Tremendous-приголомшливий, надзвичайно; very much
Impending- майбутній(предостоящий);An impending event will happen
soon and is usually bad or unpleasant.
Bribe- хабар, ПІДКУП; to try to make someone do something for you by
giving them money, presents, or something else that they want
Rash-поспішний; done suddenly and without thinking carefully
privy to- присвячений у що-небудь; knowing information that is not known
by many people
in the teeth of sth- попри труднощі; If something happens or is done in the
teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it
beatifically- блаженно; in a way that appears happy and calm, especially in
a holy way
hullabaloo-галас; a lot of angry comments made in public about someone or
forgery-підробка; an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or the crime
of making such illegal copies
conciliatory-примирення; showing willingness to end a disagreement, or
trying to make someone less angry
detour- Об'їзд; different or less direct route to a place that is used to avoid a
problem or to visit somewhere or do something on the way
unaccountably-непояснимий;in a way that cannot be explained or
lamentation- плач?; sadness and feeling sorry, or something that expresses
these feelings
superannuated- непригодний;old, and almost no longer suitable for work
or use
piebald- рябий;(an animal, especially a horse) having a pattern of two
different colours of hair, especially black and white
by and large- за великим рахунком; in most situations
complicity- співучасть; involvement in a crime or some activity that is
demeanour- поведінка; a way of looking and behaving
interment- поховання; the act of burying a dead body

Match the word with the synonyms:

1. machination a loud confused noise of protest; commotion
2. hullabaloo mourned, grieved 
3. sentinel radiantly, serenely, in a manner suggesting bliss
4. scoundrels a trick in war used to deceive the enemy
5. beatifically ardent followers
6. conciliatory composed of different colors
7. gored a person’s behavior or appearance
8. impending a person who is cruel of dishonest
9. spontaneous pierced, stabbed through with a horn or horns 
10.demeanor forthcoming, approaching, about to occur 
11.devotees peacemaking, pacifying
12.lamented happening without apparent external cause, sudden
13.piebald to watch over as a guard; to provide with a guard
14.stratagem a crafty or cunning plan with sinister intentions

1. At this point, most animals truly believe Napoleon is responsible for all things
good on the farm. For example, some hens said “Under the guidance of our Leader,
Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days”. Why do all animals believe
2. What purpose is served by the production figures Squealer reads to the animals?
3. Frederick gives Napoleon forged money and Pilkington refuses to help him. Which
of Napoleon’s actions may have made the farmers behave this way towards him?
4. What makes the battle against Frederick’s men different from the Battle of the
5. The animals celebrate a victory, but at what cost? When told that the Battle of the
Windmill was a victory, Boxer says: “"Then we have won back what we had
before”. What does this mean?
6. How is Napoleon becoming more and more like a typical dictator?
7. Describe the whisky incident. Why would Orwell make this scene somewhat
8. Why are the animals so easily fooled, even when they find Squealer with a ladder
and white paint beside the barn at night?
9. What is happening to Boxer?
10.What are living conditions like for all of the animals except the pigs and dogs?
11.Why does Napoleon allow Moses to return and to tell his stories about Sugarcandy
12.What happens to Boxer? How do the animals accept it? What does his death
symbolize? Who is responsible for it?
13.Of what kind of person does Benjamin remind you? Give some examples.

Think about it.

1. In Chapter 8, in what ways does Orwell stress Napoleon’s character shift from a
dictator to a paranoid egomaniac?
2. What is Squealer’s logic in proving that the battle in which the windmill is
destroyed in Chapter 8 is a victory for the animals? How does Boxer react?
3. Some people think that Boxer’s death in Chapter 9 marks him as the most
pathetic of Orwell’s creations. Do you agree or disagree with that?
Why are the animals so glad to believe Squealer’s obvious lies about Boxer’s final
moments in which Boxer supposedly praised both Animals Farm and Napoleon?

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