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s Credits..................................................................................

OGL ................................................................................... 4
s Section 1: Classes................................................................6
Commando .......................................................................... 6
Gadgeteer ............................................................................ 8
Reaver ................................................................................. 9
Shadow Hand ....................................................................13
Technowarrior ...................................................................16
s Section 2: Feats.................................................................18
s Section 3: Artifacts............................................................19
s Section 4: Techniques.......................................................21
s Section 5: Tinkerer's Secrets............................................22
s Subsection 5: The Golem..................................................33
Design and Managing Editor Proofreaders
Frankto Vinneti Frankto Vinneti, Christopher Kawasaki,
Alex Rovinski, Franz Thomas,
Design Advisor Frederick Cross, Athildur
Alex Rovinski, Franz Thomas, Benjamin
"Zeronos Vega" McPherson, SirShadow, Special Thanks
William Casey, Athildur Frederick Cross, Wizards of the Coast,
Kishimoto Masashi, and you!
Frankto Vinneti, Christopher Kawasaki,
Franz Thomas, Alex Rovinski
Thank you!

This supplement is designed for use with the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the
Coast™. To be able to comprehend and use the game to its full extent, you should purchase the d20 Modern
Core Rulebook as well as download, entirely free of charge, the ND20: Scrolls of Knowledge, Volume I
rulebook, if you have not already.

The Portfolio of Prestige is a supplement dedicated to new class options for player characters and non-
player characters alike, and any associated feat and example characters.

Portfolio of Prestige — Volume III is Copyright ©Frankto Vinneti. Unauthorized distribution of this
entirely product is strictly forbidden without authorization from the author.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Portfolio of Prestige — Volume III is Copyright ©Frankto Vinneti. Unauthorized distribution of this product is strictly
forbidden without the authorization of the author.
It has been clear from the very beginning that multiclassing is the name of the d20
Modern game. Having a large variety of classes at one's disposal is helpful not only to
players who may wish to diversify in fun and unexpected ways, but also to GMs who
want to add new and interesting enemies to their playbook. Though many of these classes
differ greatly in terms of flavor, all come together when put to purpose.


Many of you will see this book and wonder at what I was thinking, at least at first. What
is this, a class with none of the useful technique skills any ninja wants to have? True, it
may seem odd at first. But after many years spent on this project, I have come to realize
that playing the same character archetype every single time may not appeal to everyone.

This book is an attempt to bridge that gap.

Have you ever wanted to explore the strange contrast of playing a ninja game ... without
being a ninja yourself? Now is a good time. Or perhaps you are the GM, and an
important NPC will be featured that isn't a ninja but can still hold his own. Or, maybe,
you're a GM who has no need for things like that, in which case all non-ninja classes
could easily stand to have one shinobi skill or two. To make this transition easier on
some, I've gone and included some information on which skill belongs where in the
appropriate segment.

And finally, thank you for purchasing this book and suffering my long and frequent
delays. I hope 2018 will bode well for the project, and maybe even see the release of the
last few books in this line!

— Frankto Vinneti, the author

You will find in this section five new classes of drastically different purpose, from
leading a small group of soldiers behind enemies line to taking over the world with
nothing more than a keyboard and a bottle of orange soda. This trend will be reflected in
all books in this series, to provide as much variety per volume as possible. A summary of
each classes is included below.
Commando: This class is a homage to the default Soldier, upgraded to be
competitive and offer attractive options to players who want to be a strong team leader
without necessarily assuming direct control of his teammates' performance, such as a
Squad Leader might. The Commando is at his best when surrounded by his allies, but by
no means a pushover on his own. In a setting where all classes should have technique
skills, the Commando should add Taijutsu to its list of class skills.
Gadgeteer: The Gadgeteer is a true generalist. His inventions give him great
potential in almost every area, and enough avenues to focus in to make him a true
specialist in any given one if he chooses. He can even use his abilities to further
customize his gadgets, making it very unlikely for any two gadgeteers to be exactly alike.
Reaver: The Reaver is a terror with two swords. He takes the ability to wield two
weapons to extreme heights, specializing to the point of even eliminating some of the
penalties inherent to the fighting style.
Shadow Hand: In contrast to the other classes to this point, the Shadow Hand
isn't much of a fighter, his strong suit lying less in destruction and more in acquisition.
Given enough time, there isn't anything a competent Shadow Hand won't be able to find,
and it could be said he always has the right tool for the job, and no doubt a good friend
who knows how to use it. In a setting where all classes should have technique skills, the
Shadow Hand should add Chakra Control and Genjutsu to its list of class skills.
Technowarrior: This is a warrior of another sort, only suited to some settings but
undeniably useful in his own right. He is the authority when it comes to coding, hacking
and defending against hackers. With a computer in his hand, a good Technowarrior can
take over the world before lunch. In a setting where all classes should have technique
skills, the Technowarrior should add Genjutsu and Ninjutsu to its list of class skills.

The commando is a master of surprise and group tactics. He excels with a small team,
surrounded on all sides in a situation that seems hopeless until, with a short command, he
and his team turn the tide and cut out a victory from the cusp of total defeat. The fastest
path to this class is through the Strong Hero basic class.

To qualify to become a commando, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks, a total of 8 ranks in the following skills: Climb,
Jump, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim.
Feats: Any one of the following: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Nin Weapons
Proficiency or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Commando advanced class.

Hit Die
The Commando gains 1d10 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Commando gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level,
rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Commando's class skills are as follows.
Climb (Str), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Knowledge (current events, history, tactics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
Navigate (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (None), Sign Language (None),
Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.


Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +1 +1 +0 Weapon focus, bonus tactic +1 +0
2nd +2 +2 +2 +0 Teamwork, bonus feat +1 +0
3rd +3 +2 +2 +1 Weapon specialization +2 +0
4th +4 +2 +2 +1 Team leader +2 +2 +0
5th +5 +3 +3 +1 Improved reactions +3 +1
6th +6 +3 +3 +2 Opportunist +3 +1
7th +7 +4 +4 +2 Improved critical +4 +1
8th +8 +4 +4 +2 Team leader +4, bonus feat +4 +1
9th +9 +4 +4 +3 Greater weapon specialization +5 +2
10th +10 +5 +5 +3 Improved teamwork +5 +2

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Commando advanced class.

Weapon Focus
At 1st level, the commando chooses a weapon in which he will spend the rest of his
levels as a commando specializing into, and gains the Weapon Focus feat for that
weapon. The commando must be proficient in the chosen weapon.

Bonus Tactic
At 1st level, the commando gains an additional tactic of his choice, even if he does not
meet the prerequisite for that tactic. Each time he gains a level in the commando class, he
can replace that tactic for another one.

At 2nd level, the commando becomes very proficient at keeping track of his allies. He
gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Listen and Spot checks to hear and see allies. In
addition, he can confer the benefit of his bonus tactic to up to 1 ally per commando level
as long as they remain within 30 feet.

At 10th level, the commando becomes so in tune with his team that he is aware of the
location and condition of any ally within 50 feet (as though with the Iryou Ninjutsu: Iji -
Shinryou Jutsu technique). The range at which he can share his bonus tactic also
improves to 50 feet.

Weapon Specialization
At 3rd level, the commando gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls with his chosen weapon.

Team Leader
At 4th level, the commando's training enables him to effectively manage his team's
efforts. All allies within 30 feet of the commando gain a +2 competence bonus on Climb,
Jump, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot and Swim checks. Allies must be able to see the
commando to gain this bonus. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +4.

Improved Reactions
At 5th level, the commando's ability to react to confrontation improves, and he gains a +2
competence bonus to Initiative checks.

At 6th level, the commando can spend an action point to make an attack of opportunity
once per round against an opponent who has just been injured in melee by an ally. If the
commando already has the Opportunist talent or ability, it can be used without spending
an action point.

Improved Critical
At 7th level, the commando's threat range with his chosen weapon is increased by 1.

Greater Weapon Specialization

At 9th level, the commando's bonus to damage rolls with his chosen weapon from
Weapon Specialization improves to +4.

Bonus Feat
At 2nd and 8th level, the Commando gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected
from the following list, and the Commando must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to
select it.
Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light,
medium, heavy), Burst Fire, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Nin Weapons
Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Power Attack, Power Critical, Tactical
Implements, Weapon Adaptation Training.

The gadgeteer is the ultimate polymath. While his toolkit is fairly limited on its own, his
creative ability allows him to expand his horizons enormously, using gadgets and clever
tricks to complete virtually any task. The gadgeteer class is suited to almost any roll, and
can the fastest path to it is through the Smart Hero base class.

To qualify to become a gadgeteer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (technology) 6 ranks and any two of the following: Craft (chemical) 6
ranks, Craft (electronics) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks or Craft (structural) 6 ranks.
Feats: Builder, Educated.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Gadgeteer advanced class.
Hit Die
The Gadgeteer gains 1d6 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Gadgeteer gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level,
rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Gadgeteer's class skills are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Craft (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Disable Device (Int), Hide
(Dex), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 9 + Int modifier.


Base Gadget
Attack Fort Ref Will Points/ Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Day Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Gadget (basic), gadgeteer skill 3 +1 +0
2nd +1 +2 +2 +2 Gadget, gadgeteer secret 5 +1 +0
3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 Gadgeteer skill, bonus feat 8 +2 +1
4th +3 +2 +2 +2 Gadget (intermediate) 12 +2 +1
5th +3 +3 +3 +3 Gadgeteer skill, gadgeteer secret 17 +3 +1
6th +4 +3 +3 +3 Gadget, bonus feat 23 +3 +2
7th +5 +4 +4 +4 Gadgeteer skill 30 +4 +2
8th +6 +4 +4 +4 Gadget (advanced), gadgeteer 38 +4 +2
9th +6 +4 +4 +4 Gadgeteer skill, bonus feat 47 +5 +3
10th +7 +5 +5 +5 Gadget (ultimate) 57 +5 +3

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Gadgeteer advanced class.

At 1st level, and every even-numbered level afterwards, the gadgeteer learns to craft a
new gadget from the list below. A gadget is unique to each gadgeteer and cannot be used
by anyone else, even another gadgeteer.

Crafting a gadget requires a Craft check (DC 15 + the gadgeteer's class levels), with the
specific craft skill depending on the gadget crafted, and takes 8 hours. When crafted for
the first time, a gadget has no cost. However, if a gadget is destroyed or needs to be
replaced, the gadgeteer must make a Wealth check (Purchase DC 15). A list of available
gadget and their complete description can be found in Section V: Tinkerer's Secrets.

Most gadgets must be drawn in the gadgeteer's hand and require the use of gadget points
to be used, although some, such as the Gadgeteer's Belt, do not. If a gadget requires a
saving throw, the save DC equal to 10 + gadgeteer class levels + the gadgeteer's Int
modifier. Unless otherwise noted, activating a gadget requires an attack action. A gadget
may not be selected twice. Activating a gadget while in a threatened area does not
provoke an attack of opportunity.
There are four types of gadgets: basic, intermediate, advanced and ultimate. At 1st level,
a gadgeteer can select from basic gadgets. At 6th level, the gadgeteer gains access to
intermediate gadgets, to advanced gadgets at 8th level and to ultimate gadgets at 10th
level. Any time the gadgeteer learns a new type of gadget, he can replace an existing
gadget with a new one. The gadget that was replaced immediately stops working.

Gadget Points/Day
The gadgeteer gains a number of gadget points per day as shown on TABLE: THE
GADGETEER, plus a number of bonus gadget points equal to his Intelligence modifier ×
his gadgeteer level, divided by two (round down). The gadgeteers can regain gadget
points once per day by tuning up his gadgets. This process takes 1 hour to complete, and
does not require rest.

Gadgeteer Skill
At 1st level, and every odd-numbered level afterwards, the gadgeteer gains a gadgeteer
skill. These skills can be chosen from the list below, and additional gadgeteer skills are
listed under their pertinent gadget in Chapter IV. Unless specified otherwise, a gadgeteer
cannot be selected twice. If the skill mentions a gadget in parentheses, the gadgeteer must
have selected that gadget first before leaning the associated gadgeteer skill.

Cultural Adaptation: The gadgeteer gains Chakra Control and either Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu
or Ninjutsu as a class skill. This gadgeteer skill can be selected twice, and grants the
gadgeteer all four skills as a class skill.

Extra Gadget: The gadgeteer learns to craft an additional gadget.

Extra Gadget Points: The gadgeteer gains an additional gadget point per gadgeteer level.

Imbued Gadget (requires gadgeteer level 6th): When crafting a gadget, the gadgeteer can
choose to craft an imbued gadget instead. The difficulty and cost of such a gadget both
increase by 5.

An imbued gadget has a pool of gadget points equal to 2, which replenishes at the start of
each day if the gadget is not destroyed upon use. Anyone who possesses an imbued
gadget can activate it as though he were a 1st level gadgeteer. For each active imbued
gadget, the gadgeteer's pool of gadget points per day decreases by 3. The gadgeteer can
only have one imbued gadget at a time. If an imbued gadget is crafted that would bring
the gadgeteer above his maximum number of imbued gadgets, existing gadgets no longer
function as imbued gadget but otherwise retain their normal function. When an imbued
gadget is destroyed or discontinued, the gadgeteer's maximum gadget points are restored
the next time he regains gadget points.

An imbued gadget can have a complicated activation sequence which only allows
creature that know it to activate the gadget. This doesn't increase the activation time or
the craft difficulty. A secret activation sequence can be deciphered by making a
Knowledge (technology) check DC 20+gadgeteer's level. Each attempt takes 1 hour.
This gadgeteer skill can be selected twice. The second time, the maximum number of
imbued gadgets a gadgeteer can craft increases to 3.

Gadgeteer Secret
At 2nd, 5th and 8th level, the Gadgeteer learns a gadgeteer secret. This gadgeteer secret
must be selected from the list below. Unless otherwise noted, a gadgeteer secret can only
be selected once.
- Gadgeteer Skill: The gadgeteer learns an additional gadgeteer skill. This gadgeteer
secret can be selected more than once.
- Empower Gadget: Once per day, the gadgeteer can spend an action point to empower a
gadget upon activation. All variable, numeric effects of the gadget are increased by one-
half, rounded down, including bonuses to dice rolls (+50%). This gadgeteer secret only
works once per activation.
- Efficient Gadget (requires any gadgeteer secret): The gadgeteer selects one gadget with
an activation cost when learning this gadgeteer secret. The gadget point cost of using the
gadget is reduced by 1 (minimum 0).
- Maximized Gadget: Once per day, the gadgeteer can spend an action point to maximize
a gadget upon activation. All variable, numeric effects of the gadget are maximized. This
gadgeteer secret only works once per activation.
- Quicken Gadget: Once per day, the gadgeteer can spend an action point to reduce the
activation time of any gadget requiring an attack action to a swift action.

Bonus Feat
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the Gadgeteer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be
selected an item creation feat, and the Gadgeteer must meet all the prerequisites of the
feat to select it.

The reaver is a master at wielding multiple weapons. When going all-out on the attack,
his enemies fall by the score, cut to ribbons with. Most warriors, shinobi or otherwise,
would do well to be wary of this titan of battle.

To qualify to become a reaver, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Reaver prestige class.

Hit Die
The Reaver gains 1d10 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.
Action Points
The Reaver gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character level,
rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Reaver's class skills are as follows.
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (mechanical) (Int), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex),
Listen (Wis), Knowledge (current events, ninja lore, tactics, technology) (Int), Move
Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read Language (None), Speak Language (None),
Survival (Wis), Taijutsu (Str), Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Int modifier.


Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +1 +1 +1 +0 Double attack +1 +0
2nd +2 +2 +2 +0 Superior two-weapon fighting +2 +0
3rd +3 +2 +2 +1 Active defense, weapon cunning +2 +0
4th +4 +2 +2 +1 Superior two-weapon fighting +3 +0
5th +5 +3 +3 +1 Two-weapon rend +4 +1

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Reaver prestige class.

Double Attack
At 1st level, the reaver gains the ability to attack with his primary and off-hand weapon as
an attack action, or as part of a charge. Both attacks use the same attack roll to determine
success and deal damage normally. If the reaver is using a light weapon in his off-hand,
the attack roll is made at a –4 penalty, otherwise the attack is made at a –8 penalty. If the
attack is a critical hit, only the damage from one of the reaver's weapons is multiplied.

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting

At 2nd level, the reaver's attack roll penalties when fighting with two weapons and using
the double attack ability are reduced by 1. At 4th level, the penalties are reduced by 2
(effectively negating the penalty for fighting with a light weapon in the off-hand or
reducing the penalty for fighting with a one-handed weapon in the off-hand to –2).

Active Defense
At 3rd level, the reaver can gains the ability to apply the benefits of the Two-Weapon
Defense feats while wielding two weapons or a double weapon even when not fighting
defensively or taking total defense.

Weapon Cunning
At 3rd level, the reaver's training enables him to adapt to wielding two different weapons
at the same time and can apply certain weapon-specific feats and abilities to both
weapons, so long as the ability affects one of them. These abilities include, but are not
limited to, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater
Weapon Specialization, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization and the
Improved Critical ability.

Two-Weapon Rend
At 5th level, the reaver can make a brutal rending strike against an opponent he has struck
with both weapons during the same round. The rend attack automatically deals damage
equal to the base damage of the weapon in his primary hand plus 1.5 times his Strength
modifier. The reaver can only rend once per round, no matter how many attacks he

Shadow Hand
The Shadow Hand is no expert at combat, nor is he especially clever or insightful. He is
not an inventor, or enforcer, or even a keeper of the peace. No, the Shadow Hand is
something much better: he is resourceful and exceedingly well-connected. He is a broker
of talent, a collector of goods, a man with fingers in many pies. He is suave and good at
thinking on his feet, capable of adapting to almost any situation with ease and style, from
the lowest slums to the most exclusive high-society balls. The Shadow Hand has a knack
for staying in touch with everyone he meets and can keep himself in–the–know no matter
how far from civilization he gets. In short, the Shadow Hand is a friend most would do
well to have, and should not try to cross. The fastest path to this class is through the
Charismatic hero basic class.

To qualify to become a shadow hand, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Gather Information 6 ranks, Knowledge (business, current
events, ninja lore, popular culture or streetwise) 6 ranks.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Shadow Hand advanced class.

Hit Die
The Shadow Hand gains 1d6 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Shadow Hand gains a number of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character
level, rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Shadow Hand's class skills are as follows.
Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device
(Int), Forgery (Int), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Investigate (Int), Knowledge (business, current events, ninja lore, popular culture,
streetwise) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Research
(Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (none),
Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.


Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Streetwise +1 +2
2nd +1 +2 +2 +2 Blend in +1 +2
3rd +1 +2 +2 +2 Bonus feat +2 +2
4th +2 +2 +2 +2 Friend of a friend +2 +3
5th +2 +3 +3 +3 One-stop shop +3 +3
6th +3 +3 +3 +3 Bonus feat +3 +3
7th +3 +4 +4 +4 VIP +4 +4
8th +4 +4 +4 +4 One step ahead +4 +4
9th +4 +4 +4 +4 Bonus feat +5 +4
10th +5 +5 +5 +5 Untouchable and untraceable +5 +5

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Shadow Hand advanced class.

The Shadow Hand is always aware of the word on the street, and remembers it all.
Through a variety of contacts, hearsay and rumors, he has fingers in many pies and keeps
constantly up to date on almost everything.

When the Shadow Hand makes a Gather Information check, he learns general or specific
information instantaneously, and requires only one hour to gather restricted or protected
information. The wealth check difficulty of gather information decreases by 10.

Blend In
The Shadow Hand can blend in with people of all walks of life by emulating their
loyalties and beliefs. At 2nd level, the Shadow Hand can emulate any allegiance he
knows of and gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Charisma-based checks when dealing
with an individual of the same allegiance.

This effect persists until the Shadow Hand fails a check, at which point the false
allegiance is revealed to be a fabrication. Supernatural or spell-like means of determining
a creature's allegiances are not affected by this ability.

Friend of a Friend
The Shadow Hand has friends and contacts everywhere, in both high and low places. At
4th level, the Shadow Hand has no difficulty finding the names of almost anyone with the
skills for a job he needs doing.

The Shadow Hand makes a Charisma check plus Shadow Hand and Charismatic Hero or
Paragon class levels as a circumstance bonus. The difficulty of this task is based on how
common the skills required are:
Task Difficulty
Common (Drive, Ride, Treat Injury) DC 10
Uncommon (subcategory of a skill, such as Craft (chemical)) DC 15
Rare (Shinobi-specific skills, such as Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu or Ninjutsu) DC 20
Specific feat or class feature DC 20
Specific combination of skills, feats and class features DC 25
Potentially life threatening +5 DC
Requires a certain degree of secrecy or is illegal +5 DC
Requires a certain level of ability Add required ranks to DC
A successful check indicates that the individual is available, and the Shadow Hand knows
about him and how to get in contact. The individual may not be willing to perform the
task required, or that his services may need to be negotiated for.

A failed check means that no such individual immediately comes to mind, although the
Shadow Hand can retry with a different skill or ability in mind, or simply try to locate
someone to do the job through a more conventional method.

The individual found by the Friend of a Friend ability will have total ranks in the needed
skill of at least the Shadow Hand's class level +6.

One-Stop Shop
At 5th level, the Shadow Hand can use his connections to get almost anything
imaginable, at any time, anywhere. When buying less common objects, or restricted
objects from the black market, the Shadow Hand cuts the time it would take to make the
purchase in half.

Alternatively, the Shadow Hand can spend an action point when making a purchase. This
allows him to buy an unrestricted item immediately, an item with a restriction of licensed
or restricted in 1 hour, or an item with a restriction of military or illegal in 1d4+1 hours.
Some restrictions may apply, at the GM's description.

At 7th level, the Shadow Hand is so well-connected that his reputation alone serves to
give him an edge in dealing with others, essentially affording him VIP status. The
Shadow Hand gains a circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
equal to his Reputation bonus. This bonus cannot be greater than 3 plus half the Shadow
Hand's class levels.

One Step Ahead

At 8th level, the Shadow Hand has become used to his good reputation opening many
doors, but also understands that not everything always goes the way he wants it to. He
gains his Charisma modifier as a circumstance bonus to Listen and Spot checks against
surprise, and to Spot checks to detect someone tailing him.

Untouchable and Untraceable

At 10th level, the Shadow Hand can make himself untouchable and untraceable if he
wishes to be. This ability requires some preparation when invoked and lasts until it is
canceled. Invoking this ability takes 1 day, the use of his contacts and a Wealth check
(DC 25), and canceling it takes 1 hour.

While active, the Shadow Hand chooses whether to be untraceable, untouchable or both.
As untraceable, anyone using the Gather Information or Investigate skills to glean
information, track, profile or investigate him does so at a –5 penalty. While untouchable,
the anyone attempting to discredit or prosecute the Shadow Hand does so at a –10

Bonus Feat
At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the Shadow Hand gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be
selected from the following list, and the Shadow Hand must meet all the prerequisites of
the feat to select it.
Armor Proficiency (light), Attentive, Combat Expertise, Confident, Deceptive, Educated,
Force of Personality, Renown, Trustworthy, Urban Tracking, Windfall

Everything goes somewhere, and the technowarrior is everywhere. With nothing but a
computer, a healthy supply of orange soda and sheer audacity, the technowarrior can
single-handedly wage war against the entire world. He is a master of all when it comes to
computers, and it is a rare system that he cannot beat, given enough time... or more likely,
hardly any time at all.

To qualify to become a technowarrior, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Computer Use 8 ranks, Decipher Script 5 ranks, Knowledge (technology) 8 ranks.
Feats: Gearhead.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Technowarrior prestige class.

Hit Die
The Technowarrior gains 1d6 hit points per level. The Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points
The Technowarrior gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character
level, rounded down, everytime he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Technowarrior's class skills are as follows.
Computer Use (Int), Craft (electronic, mechanical) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable
Device (Int), Forgery (Int), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (current events, history, popular culture, technology) (Int), Profession (Wis),
Read/Write Language, Repair (Int), Research (Int), Speak Language, Search (Int)
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.
Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Expert analysis, technomancy +0 +1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Technotactic +1 +1
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Technotactic +1 +1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Technotactic +1 +2
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Shock and awe +2 +2

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Technowarrior prestige class.

Expert Analysis
The technowarrior can quickly analyze computer code and determine the intended
function of a program. He must make a successful Decipher Script check (DC 10 + the
Computer Use skill modifier of the code's author), and determines the function as well as
any potential vulnerability or malfunction in the code, and gains a +2 competence bonus
to Computer Use checks to degrade the program.

When attempting to defeat computer security, the system administrator is only alerted of
the technowarrior's presence on a check failed by 10 or more.

At 2nd, 3rd and 4th level, the technowarrior gains a special ability from the list below,
called technotactics. Unless otherwise specified, technotactics cannot be selected twice.

Attrition Warfare (Su): This ability increases the penalty imposed to Computer Use
checks when degrading a computer's programming by –1 every odd-numbered
technowarrior level, and increases the difficulty of fixing degraded programming by 5.

Black Ops (Su): When breaking into a computer system, the technowarrior can install a
backdoor into the system by making a Computer Use check against the system's security.
A successful check enables the technowarrior to automatically defeat the system's security
during further intrusion attempts. The difficulty of the check is as shown below.
System security DC
Minimum 25
Average 30
Exceptional 40
Maximum 45
Each time the backdoor is used, the technowarrior must make a Computer Use check
against the administrator. A failed check means the backdoor is discovered (but the
technowarrior's intrusion remains undetected), and may be deleted before the
technowarrior's return.

Bonus Feat: Instead of a special ability, the technowarrior may elect to pick a bonus feat
from the list below. This ability can be selected more than once.
Builder, Insightful Reflexes, Low Profile, Meticulous, Renown, Studious, Windfall.

Covert Ops (Su): When attempting to cover his tracks during an intrusion, the
technowarrior can take a –5 penalty to increase the penalty to track him by 1 every odd-
numbered technowarrior level. Furthermore, if the attempt to identify him fails by 10 or
more, the tracker follows the technowarrior's trail to a wrong location.

Drill Instructor (Su): The technowarrior adds his technowarrior level as a circumstance
bonus to Reputation and Charisma-based checks such as Bluff or Intimidate when used in
an online context.

Minute Man (Su): The technowarrior decreases the time required for all applications of
the Computer Use skill by one-half (-50%), minimum 1 round.

Secret Agent (Su): When attempting to defeat computer security, the technowarrior is so
adept at avoiding detection that the system administrator is only alerted of his presence on
a natural roll of 1. However, because there are no automatic failures when rolling skill
checks, if the technowarrior's skill check is high enough that he succeeds on the skill
check regardless of the low roll, his presence is not detected by the administrator.

Well Trained and Well Armed (Su): Given enough time to prepare, the technowarrior is a
tough opponent to beat. When writing a program, the circumstance bonus granted
increases to +4.

Shock and Awe

Once per day at 5th level, the technowarrior can spend an action point to use this ability
after successfully defeating the security of a computer system. As a result, he gains
complete control over the computer or network as though he were the system
administrator, and locks out the administrator from the system, but is immediately
detected. Each round, the technowarrior must make an opposed Computer Use check
against the system administrator to retain control as a free action, at a cumulative –1
penalty imposed each round the administrator attempts to regain control of the system.


This section contains 5 new feats to bolster and expand upon the abilities of each
individual class presented in section I.

Extra Gadgeteer Skill

Prerequisite: Craft (any) 6 ranks, Gadgeteer Skills class feature.
Benefit: You gain an additional gadgeteer skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you gain a different gadgeteer
skill and the required ranks in the Craft skill increase by 3.
Field Awareness
Prerequisite: Knowledge (tactics) 15 ranks, Improved Teamwork class feature.
Benefit: When you make a successful Listen or Spot check to notice an ally, you also
notice things within 5 feet of that ally as though with the blindsense ability.

Friends with Benefits

Prerequisite: Friend of a Friend class feature, Reputation bonus +8.
Benefit: When using the Friend of a Friend class feature, you gain a +3 bonus to your
check, and the individual found will have a total ranks in the required skill of at least your
Shadow Hand class levels +9.
Normal: The individual found by the Friend of a Friend class feature has total skill ranks
in the require skills of at least your Shadow Hand class levels +6.

Prerequisite: Computer Use 12 ranks, technotactic class feature.
Benefit: You gain a bonus technotactic you qualify for when selecting this feat.

Two-Weapon Cleave
Prerequisite: Double Attack class feature, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Two-
Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +16.
Benefit: The first time you use the Cleave or Great Cleave feat each round, you can take
a penalty to attack rolls to make your attack a double attack as though using the class
feature instead. The penalty is the same as if using the double attack class feature


To provide yet even more options for characters, this section contains 5 new artifacts.
While the flavor of these artifacts make them suitable for all, each interacts with the class
abilities of at least one class presented in this book, making them that much more useful
in the right hands.

Bands of Battle [Sealed Item]

These black leather boots are comfortable to wear and hardly make a sound.
Sealed Item (bracers or boots)
Greater (Lv 18) DC 42
Property: When worn as bracers, the bands grant a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls
made with melee weapons and a +1 bonus on damage rolls with thrown weapons.
When worn at the ankles using the feet slots, they grant a +1 dodge bonus to Defense and
Reflex saves.
Power (1/day, free action): If you have the Superior Two-Weapon Fighting class
feature, you can use this power to make a full-attack action or take a move action and
make an attack using the Double Attack class feature as a free action once per day.
Team Leader's Radio [Sealed Item]
This black radio looks plain and is easily concealed by simply wearing a dark outfit.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 8) DC 25
Power (1/day, 1 attack action): You can use this ability to grant up to 4 allies within 60
feet who can both see you and hear you on a radio the benefits of any tactic you know for
1 minute.
Property: If you have the Team Leader class feature, you can issue commands to your
allies and provide your Team Leader bonus to all allies within 60 feet for as long as they
can see you.

The Main Attraction [Sealed Item]

This small bottle holds a clear liquid that has a pleasant, spicy fragrance that is difficult
to identify but oddly reminiscent of old souls and good days to come.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 10) DC 27
Power (5 charges, 1 full-round action): Swan dive into a world full of possibilities!
Applying this fragrance takes a full-round action, and its effects last for 8 hours. You gain
a +2 bonus to Charisma-based checks with characters attracted to your gender, but
creatures that can track by scent gain a +4 bonus to Survival checks to track you.
If you have the Friend of a Friend class feature, you gain a +4 bonus to that check once
per application.
You cannot apply this fragrance again until 24 hours have passed.

The Overdrive [Sealed Item]

This flash drive is very plain and unassuming.
Sealed Item
Superior (Lv 10) DC 27
Property: You can insert the overdrive into any computer to significantly improve its
speed and performance. Anyone operating that computer gains a +2 competence bonus to
Computer Use checks.
Power (1/day, 1 swift action): Use this power to forcefully overclock the computer. You
can perform a single operation (equivalent to one use of the Computer Use skill) and gain
a +5 circumstance bonus to that check, but the computer automatically shuts down and
becomes affected by damaged programming afterwards.
If you have the Technotactic class feature, you can make a Computer Use check
immediately before the computer shuts down to repair it as a full-round action, effectively
preventing the shut down on a successful check.

Utility Belt [Sealed Item]

This handsome yellow belt has multiple pouches that can be used to store items.
Sealed Item (belt)
Greater (Lv 12) DC 35
Power (1/day, swift action): Retrieve a gadget stored in the belt as a swift action without
spending a gadget point. If you do not have the Gadget class feature, you can attempt an
Intelligence check to use the gadget as a 3rd level gadgeteer as though 1 gadget point had
been expended. If the gadget requires more than 1 gadget point to function, it does not
The difficulty for this check is DC 15+the level of the gadgeteer who crafted the gadget.
Property: This belt functions like a gadgeteer's belt, except it can store up to 2 gadgets.


The following section expands upon a few techniques to bring new flavor to a campaign,
but like the artifacts presented previously, each either require certain class abilities or
interact differently when used by characters with certain class abilities.

Junkenryoku no Jutsu (Surge Protector Technique)

Ninjutsu (Lightning; requires Computer Use 6 ranks) [Electricity]
Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 17, 2 success; Perform requirements: 15 ranks (DC
17); Time: 1 attack action; Components: H; Range: 10 feet; Effect: Powers one
computer or electronic device; Duration: Concentration or until discharged (see text);
Saving Throws: Fortitude negate (object, harmless); Chakra Resistance: Yes
(harmless); Chakra Cost: 4.

The user powers a single computer or electronic device for as long as he concentrates.
While concentrating to power the device, if it ever suffers the damaged or destroyed
programming condition, the user can opt to discharge the technique and power down the
device to negate the condition altogether. The user can concentrate on this technique as a
free action while in physical contact with the device. A single device can only benefit
from this technique once every 24 hours.

Moku Densou no Jutsu (Silent Communication Technique)

Genjutsu (Phantasm; requires Knowledge (tactics) 3 ranks, Listen 6 ranks, Spot 6 ranks)
Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 17, 2 success; Perform requirements: 4 ranks (DC 17);
Time: 1 attack action; Components: H, C; Range: Close (10 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels);
Targets: 1 creature/level; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: Will negates
(harmless); Chakra Resistance: Yes (harmless); Chakra Cost: 2.

The user can send a message in either spoken or written form to a number of allies within
range. This message can be up to 25 words and the communication is only one way. Only
the subjects of the message can see or hear its contents. Since the message is an illusion,
this can affect even blind or deaf creatures, although they must be able to understand the
language the message was sent in.

Ninjindou no Jutsu (Bribery Technique)

Genjutsu (Compulsion; requires Diplomacy 10 ranks)
Rank: 7 (B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success; Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22);
Time: 1 attack action; Components: S, C; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration:
One task or 10 minutes/level (see text); Chakra Cost: 4.
When the user performs this technique, he exudes chakra until the technique is expended
performing a task or expires if not used within the duration. The user can double the
bonus granted when using the Diplomacy skill to bribe someone (to a total bonus equal to
the user's level).

If the user has the Friend of a Friend class feature, he can discharge the technique to make
an attempt and gain a +4 circumstance bonus to the check.

Okamawohoru Tokkan (Crashing Charge)

Taijutsu (Strike; requires Double Attack (a))
Rank: 6 (B-Class); Learn DC: 20, 3 success; Perform requirements: 8 ranks (DC 21);
Time: 1 full-round action; Components: M, F; Range: Charge; Target: One creature
(see text); Duration: Instantaneous; Chakra Cost: 3.

The user makes a charge attack, but at the end of the charge makes an attack as if using
his Double Attack class feature. If the user encounters an opponent or barrier during his
charge, he can attempt an Overrun maneuver or Break check as a free action against that
obstacle without provoking an attack of opportunity and gain a +4 bonus on those
attempts, but can only make a single attack at a –4 penalty at the end of his charge.
Material Focus: Two melee weapons.


A gadgeteer's true strength lies in his ability to make the best use of gadgets, which can
enable him to do things only shinobi can do, and even things they can't. An index of
gadgets by type and level is provided at the end of this section, as well as a brief
description for each one.

The first line of each gadget entry is its name. Some gadgeteers are known to personalize
the name of their gadgets, but this doesn't affect the mechanical effects or description of
the gadget.

Below the name is the gadget's type, which can be basic, intermediate, advanced or
ultimate. This determines whether the gadgeteer is high enough level to craft and use the
gadget, as shown in the Gadgets ability of the gadgeteer.

Following the gadget's type is the gadget class, which determines the skill used in crafting
the gadget. Chemical gadgets use Craft (chemical), Electronic gadgets use Craft
(electronical), and Mechanical gadgets use Craft (chemical).
Prepared Gadgets
A few gadgets require advance preparation before being used. Prepared gadgets can be
readied with1 hour of uninterrupted work once per day using seemingly innocuous
reagents, or when tuning up his gadgets to regain gadget points. If a gadgeteer has
multiple gadgets can require preparation, they are all prepared at the same time. Each type
of prepared gadget has a maximum number of uses that can be prepared each day. Any
gadget prepared beyond that limit causes existing gadgets to lose potency.

Gadgeteer Skills
The last entry following a gadget's description details the various gadgeteer skills a
gadgeteer can learn that modify or improve the effects of any given gadget. A gadgeteer
can typically only be selected once, unless it specifically says otherwise.

Gadget Descriptions
The individual gadgets are listed in the section below. Unless specifically mentioned
otherwise, the save DC of a given gadget is DC equal to 10 + gadgeteer class levels + the
gadgeteer's Intelligence modifier.

Chakra Blaster
Basic electronic gadget.
This device resembles a gun, but instead of a barrel has a glass focusing lens. The
gadgeteer can load the chakra blaster like a firearm by spending 1 gadget points to refill
the blaster to capacity. The chakra blaster is treated as a Small personal firearm that deals
1d6 points of force damage, has a range increment of 30 feet and threatens a critical hit
on a natural roll of 20. The chakra blaster has an internal magazine size of 5 shots, and
can only be fired by the gadgeteer who crafted it.
Heavy Blasts: The gadgeteer can spend 1 gadget point and 1 chakra when firing the
chakra blaster as a free action to increase the damage by +1 damage die. At 8th level, he
can spend 2 gadget points and 2 chakra to increase the damage by +2 dice.
Longrifle Blaster: The gadgeteer modifies the chakra blaster to become a Large firearm
that deals 1d8 points of force damage, has a range increment of 80 feet and deals triple
damage on a critical hit.

Chakra Generator
Intermediate electronic gadget.
This gadget is the size of an apple and can be activated to stimulate chakra production in
the gadgeteer with bursts of electricity. When activated, the gadgeteer can spend 1 gadget
point to gain 1 temporary chakra for 1 minute. The generator can provide as much
temporary chakra in a single use as the gadgeteer spends gadget points, but can do so
safely only to an extent.

A chakra generator can safely provide 5 temporary chakra per day, plus 1 temporary
chakra per gadgeteer level. Any amount past that limit deals 5 points of damage to the
gadgeteer per chakra gained.
Improved Chakra Generator: The maximum amount of chakra the chakra generator
can safely provide each day increases by 3. This gadgeteer skill can be selected more than

Chakra Jammer
Advanced electronic gadget.
This device looks like a small metal sphere and is inert until activated. Activating the
gadget for 1d4 rounds requires 3 gadget points and 5 chakra, and causes the gadget to
generate a chakra-jamming area within a 10-foot-radius emanation around the gadget.
Any creature in the aura suffers a -2 penalty to meet the perform requirements of
techniques, to Chakra Control checks made to activate chakra devices, and have the
strength of their chakra signatures suppressed until they move out of the area. This
penalty increases to -4 at 10th level.
Selective Jammer: The gadgeteer can omit a number of creatures equal to half his
gadgeteer level from the field of the chakra jammer. These creatures are selected when
the gadget is activated and cannot be changed until the gadget is reactivated.

Chakra Reflector
Ultimate electronic gadget.
This gadget is worn at the waist. It can be activating as an instant action for 3 rounds by
spending 3 gadget points, and grants the gadgeteer a chakra resistance 10 plus his half his
gadgeteer level. The gadgeteer can spend additional gadget points to increase the chakra
resistance gained by +3 per 2 gadget points spent, up to 14 plus his gadgeteer level.

Escape Armband
Basic mechanical gadget.
This armband is worn at the wrist and is covered with sharp blades or barbs. It can be
used as a slashing weapon that deals 1d3 points of slashing damage and scores a critical
hit on a natural roll of 20 to deal double damage. Since it doesn't require a hand to wield,
it can be used to cut nets, plants and similar material to free the gadgeteer when
entangled. It can also be activated as a free action when falling by spending 1 gadget
point to negate the damage of any fall as long as the gadgeteer is within 5 feet of a solid
vertical surface.

Extraction Tool
Intermediate mechanical gadget.
This device is roughly a foot in length and weighs 10 pounds. It can be used to cut
materials with hardness 10 or less up to a half inch in thickness as a standard action, and
activated as a full-round action by spending 2 gadget points to make a Break check with a
+2 bonus per gadgeteer level.

Basic chemical gadget.
This heavy carbine weighs 10 pounds and requires Exotic Firearms Proficiency to use
proficiently. It requires a cartridge that weighs 10 pounds to be activated, which contains
5 charges. The flamethrower can be activated by spending 2 gadget points, and fires in a
30-foot-long line. The gadgeteer can make a touch attack against all creatures in that line,
and deals 3d6 points of fire damage on a hit, plus 1d6 every 2 gadgeteer levels. The
gadgeteer can spend an additional 1 gadget point to increase the damage by 2d6, up to a
maximum of 1d6 per character level. Spare cartridges can be crafter with a Craft
(chemical) check DC 15 and require components worth a wealth check DC 8.
Cryoshot: The gadgeteer can craft a special cartridge that causes the flamethrower to
deal cold damage. The difficulty and cost of the components are the same, but creatures
hit by the flamethrower suffer cold damage instead and must make a Fortitude save or be
entangled for 1 round. The cryoshot also puts out any fire it is fired at. This gadgeteer
skill cannot be used at the same time as Firestarter.
Firestarter: The gadgeteer can fire the flamethrower either in a 30-foot-long line or a 20-
foot long cone, at his discretion. Furthermore, any object or creature hit by the
flamethrower must succeed a Reflex save or catch fire.

Force Shield
Basic electronic gadget.
This small rod has a few dials and buttons but seems to serve no purpose until activated.
When activated, the device forms a force shield for 1 minute per gadgeteer level or until
the shield is dropped, at which point it must be reactivated, but costs no gadget points as
long as the duration of the initial activation hasn't expired. The potency of the shield
depends on the number of gadget points expended. Spending 1 gadget point forms a
shield with a +2 shield bonus to Defense, while spending 2 gadget points forms a shield
with a +3 shield bonus to Defense and a -2 armor penalty.
Animated Force Shield: The gadgeteer can activate the shield as a move action instead
and spend two additional gadget points to animate the shield, causing it to hover around
the gadgeteer to block incoming attacks for a number of rounds equal to half the
gadgeteer's level. When animated, the shield doesn't require the gadgeteer use a free hand
to block attacks, and continues to provide protection even if the gadgeteer is paralyzed or
falls unconscious. After the duration expires, the force shield falls in an square adjacent
to the gadgeteer but continues to function as normal. If the gadgeteer is conscious and has
at least one free hand, he can catch and wield the shield as a free action.

Gadget Mount
Basic mechanical gadget. Requires 1 other gadget.
This device can be used as a mount for any gadget that would require the gadgeteer to
hold or wield the gadget to use it. When mounted, the gadget does not need to be drawn
or held and cannot be disarmed, but the cost of using the gadget increases by 1 point. If
the gadget cost nothing to use or had a use that did not cost gadget points, the gadget
costs 1 gadget point to use.
Improved Mount: The gadgeteer can mount an additional gadget.

Gadgeteer's Belt
Basic mechanical gadget. Requires 1 other gadget.
This device, worn at the waist, enables the gadgeteer to store any gadget inside regardless
of its size, no matter how improbable it may seem. A gadget can be retrieved from inside
the belt as a free action at the cost of 1 gadget point. It can also be forcefully removed by
the gadgeteer or others with a Disable Device check (DC 15+gadgeteer's level), which
takes 1 minute. If the gadgeteer's belt is destroyed, any gadget it contains are destroyed
along with it.
Utility Belt: The gadgeteer's belt can be used to store an additional gadget. This
gadgeteer skill can be selected a second time at 6th level.

Gadgeteer's Concoction
Intermediate chemical gadget. Requires preparation.
The gadgeteer can prepare a 1 concoction, plus an additional concoction at 8th and 10th
level for use each day. The concoctions must be mixed shortly before they are used as an
attack action, or they lose potency within 1 round. The cost of mixing various
concoctions can vary, but the gadgeteer can drink a concoction in the same action as it
takes to mix it.
- Fortify: The concoction can be mixed by spending 2 gadget points and grants the
imbiber 1 temporary hit points per gadgeteer level. These temporary hit points last for 1
minute per gadgeteer level.
- Recovery: This concoction can be mixed by spending 4 gadget points and grants the
imbiber fast healing 1 for 1 round per gadgeteer level.
- Toughen: This concoction can be mixed by spending 3 gadget points and grants the
imbiber a +1 natural armor bonus to Defense and a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws
for 3 rounds.
Extra Concoction: The gadgeteer can prepare an additional concoction per day.

Gadgeteer's Goggles
Basic electronic gadget.
A pair of gadgeteer's goggles can be a gadgeteer's best ally in the field. When initially
crafted, the gadgeteer must select what type of benefit is conferred by the gadgeteer's
goggles, as shown below. Activating the gadgeteer's goggles for 1 minute is an attack
action, but the cost can vary between uses.
- Chakra Sight: Activating chakra sight costs 3 gadget points. The goggles grant the
gadgeteer the See Chakra ability.
- Flashlight: Activating the flashlight costs 1 gadget point. The goggles emit bright light
in a beam 60 feet long and 15 feet wide, and dim light in a beam 90 foot long and 30 feet
wide. The gadgeteer can spend an additional gadget point as a swift action to generate
bright light in a 90-foot long cone for 1 round.
- Motion Detection: Activating motion detection costs 3 gadget points. The goggles grant
the gadgeteer a bonus to Spot checks against fast objects and a high speed sight equal to
half his gadgeteer level.
- Night Vision: Activating night vision costs 1 gadget point. The goggles grant the
gadgeteer low-light vision and darkvision out to 60 feet. The gadgeteer is dazzled for 1
round in the presence of any light, or blinded in bright light. At 5th level, the gadgeteer
can spend an additional gadget point to gain darkvision 90 feet, and 2 additional gadget
points at 9th level to gain darkvision 120 feet.
- Scouter: Activating the scouter costs 4 gadget points. The gadgeteer gains a bonus on
Investigate checks and Sense Motive checks equal to half his gadgeteer level. The
gadgeteer can study an opponent for 3 rounds and make an Intelligence check to
determine the strength of his opponent as though using the master strategist's Tactical
Assessment ability. The gadgeteer applies his scouter's bonus to that check.
- Telescopic Vision: Activating telescopic vision costs 2 gadget points. The gadgeteer
spend an attack action adjusting the goggles to make Spot checks at a great distance,
suffering distance penalties of -1 every 30 feet instead of -1 every 10 feet. At 8th level,
the gadgeteer suffers distance penalties of -1 every 50 feet.
- Thermal Vision: Activating thermal vision costs 3 gadget points. The gadgeteer gains a
bonus to spot checks to spot living, warm-blooded creatures or warm objects even in total
darkness, concealment or invisibility equal to his gadgeteer level. This bonus also applies
when detecting cold creatures or objects in a warm environment, but not cold objects or
creatures in a cold environment or warm objects or creatures in a warm environment.
Multi-Purpose Goggles: When crafted, the gadgeteer's goggles have three different
activation modes, but only one can be active at once.

Basic chemical gadget. Requires preparation.
The gadgeteer can prepare a 1 grenade, plus an additional grenade every even-numbered
gadgeteer level for use each day. The grenades function normally, but require 1 gadget
point to throw and use. In the hands of anyone that did not craft the grenade, even other
gadgeteers, the grenades are inert.

The type of grenades that can be prepared are as follows. Unlike other gadgets, the saving
throw DC of grenade is 10 + one-half gadgeteer level + Intelligence bonus (if any) and
grenades are activated as part of the action of throwing them.
— Artillery: The grenade deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
in a 10-ft. radius burst and ignores the first 10 points of hardness and damage reduction
(Reflex halves). The damage improves to 4d6 at 6th level and 6d6 at 10th level.
— Explosive: The grenade deals 4d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
damage in a 20-ft. radius burst (Reflex halves). The damage improves to 6d6 at 6th level,
and 8d6 at 10th level.
— Flashbang: The grenade causes creatures to become dazed for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude
— Incendiary: The grenade deals 3d6 points of fire damage in a 10-ft. radius burst
(Reflex halves). Any target that suffers this damage catches on fire (Reflex negates). The
initial damage improves to 4d6 at 4th level and 5d6 at 8th level.
— Smoke: The grenade creates a cloud of smoke in a 10-ft. radius spread. The cloud
spreads by 10 feet every round for 2 rounds and disperses in 10 rounds, though a
moderate wind (11+ mph) will disperse it in 5 rounds and a strong wind (21+ mph) will
disperse it in 1 round.
— Tear Gas: As smoke grenade, but the tear gas only spread for 1 round. Any creature
caught in the gas is dazzled, and risk becoming nauseated for 1d6 rounds (Fortitude
negates nausea). A gas mask negates this effect, and a wet cloth held over the eyes, nose
and mouth provides a +2 bonus on the save.
Extra Grenade: The gadgeteer can prepare an additional 2 grenades each day.

High-Frequency Sword
Basic mechanical gadget.
The high-frequency sword is a large simple weapon that deals 1d8 points of slashing
damage and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20. It can be activated by the
gadgeteer for 1 round per gadgeteer level by spending 2 gadget points. When active, the
high-frequency sword becomes a large simple weapon that deals 2d6 points of slashing
damage and threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
Deadly Blade: When activated, the high-frequency sword ignores hardness from objects
with hardness 20 or lower.
Modular Blade: A high-frequency sword can be crafted to several different
specifications. When crafting the sword, any one of the following alterations can be
made: one-handed (sword's size is Medium), light (sword's size is Small, but it deals 1d6
points of slashing damage, 1d8 when activated), or severing (sword threatens a critical hit
on a natural roll of 18, 19 or 20).

High-Grade Armor
Basic mechanical gadget.
This gadget is a suit of heavy armor, including a helmet, boots and gauntlets. Unlike other
armor, the gadgeteer is automatically proficient in his own high-grade armor. The armor
provides an equipment bonus to Defense equal to 3 plus one-half the gadgeteer's level, a
maximum Dexterity bonus of 0, an armor check penalty of -6 and weighs 50 pounds.

The high-grade armor can be activated for 1 minute by spending 2 gadget points. When
activated, the gadgeteer doesn't count the weight of the armor against his carrying
capacity. He can also spend 1 gadget point to apply one of the following effects: increase
the maximum Dexterity bonus by 2, reduce the armor check penalty by 2, or reduce the
speed rank penalty of wearing heavy armor by 1. At 5th and 8th level, the gadgeteer can
apply an additional effect when activating the armor by spending additional gadget
points. Each effect stacks.

Basic mechanical gadget.
This small device looks like a pistol, but it shoots a small grappling hook with a high-
strength line up to 100 feet away. Securing the grappling hook requires a ranged attack
roll. The line can support up to 500 pounds indefinitely, or 750 pounds for 1d6 rounds
before snapping. It has 3 hit points and can be burst with a Strength check (DC 25).
Retracting the line and hook takes 3 rounds. The gadgeteer can spend 1 gadget point to
retract the line as a swift action in a single round. When doing so, he can hang on to the
hookshot as a full-round action with a Strength check (DC 10) to be pulled along.
Improved Hookshot: The hookshot has a high-strength line that can support up to 1,000
pounds indefinitely, or 1,500 pounds for 1d6 rounds before snapping. The hookshot's grip
is similarly improved, and the DC to hold on to when retracting the line is 5.

The gadgeteer can spend 2 gadget points to make a ranged trip attempt against a target
within 30 feet. The gadgeteer gains a +2 bonus on that check.
Swing Shot: As part of any move action, the gadgeteer can activate the hookshot to move
through the air at his normal speed using the hookshot on walls, tree-limbs and structures
as a swing-line. This allows the gadgeteer to swing across gaps and ignore difficult terrain
for that move action. The activation cost is 2 gadget points as a move action, or 3 gadget
points as a full-round action spent moving. This skill requires the gadgeteer to have
access to a sturdy anchor point to hookshot to, at the GM's discretion.
Instant Barricade
Basic mechanical gadget.
This elaborate push bar system snaps into position immediately when when the complex
mechanism is engaged. Activating the instant barricade is an instant action, and increases
the break check difficulty of any door by 5 plus the gadgeteer's level when activated, and
grants any door 5 temporary hit points per gadgeteer level. If the door is breached when
barricaded, the gadget breaks as well. The instant barricade stays active for 1 minute per
gadgeteer level per gadget point spent activating it.
Instant Cover: The instant barricade can be activated anywhere to provide a three
quarters cover for one Medium-size creature, one-half cover for two Medium-size
creatures, or one-half cover for one Large creature. When activated this way, the
barricade does not reinforce a door.
Instant Shield (requires Instant Cover): Once per day, the gadgeteer can briefly
activate his instant barricade as an instant action to make an defensive maneuver in
response to an effect targets Defense or Reflex saves by spending 3 gadget points. This
can affect either the gadgeteer himself or an ally within 30 feet. This is a Craft
(mechanical) check with a difficulty equal to the attack roll or the effect's Reflex save
difficulty plus 5. A successful check means grants the affected creature one-half cover
during that initiative count. The gadgeteer can use this ability an additional time per day
at 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level, against opponents with an ECL up to his character level.
The instant barricade deactivates immediately afterwards and must be retrieved to use the
instant shield again.

Basic chemical gadget.
This device looks like a backpack and grants the gadgeteer the power of flight to a limited
extent. A jetpack can be activated for 2 rounds at the cost of 1 gadget point, and grants
the gadgeteer a fly speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability. After the duration is
expended, the jetpack needs to cool down for 1d4 rounds before being used again. If the
gadgeteer doesn't end his turn on a solid surface when the jetpack stops working, he
begins to fall.
Enhanced Jetpack (requires Safe-Fall Harness): The gadgeteer can craft a gadget that
combines the effects of both jetpack and safe-fall harness. Each component must be
crafted individually, and both can be imbued separately, but the gadgeteer is able to
activate both functions of the gadget with one action.
Jetpack Dodge: Once per day, the gadgeteer can activate his jetpack as an instant action
to avoid an attack in response to an effect targets Defense or Reflex saves by spending 2
gadget points. This is a Craft (mechanical) check with a difficulty equal to the attack roll
or the effect's Reflex save difficulty plus 5. A successful check means the gadgeteer
suffers no damage from the attack and can move up to 10 feet in any direction, including
up. The gadgeteer can use this ability an additional time per day at 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th
level, against opponents with an ECL up to his character level. Making a jetpack dodge
doesn't count as activating the jetpack and thus does not trigger the cooldown period.

Light Cannon
Basic mechanical gadget.
This simple device can launch small objects or gadgets, like grenades, over considerable
distance. When loaded into a light cannon, objects can be fired from it with a range
increment of 20 feet with enough force to cause fragile objects to break on impact. The
light cannon is slow-firing and can only fire once per round, however, and has a capacity
of only a single shot. It can be activated for 1 minute by spending 1 gadget point to
increase the range to 40 feet and deal 1d6 points of damage on a hit. The damage type is
determined at the GM's discretion. Loading the light cannon is a move action that
provokes attacks of opportunity.
Heavy Cannon: The cannon gains a capacity of 4, and can be fired at a regular rate to
make iterative attacks.

Basic mechanical gadget.
This device looks like a small metal puck and appears fairly ordinary. When activated by
spending 1 gadget point, the lockbuster can be affixed to any mechanical lock. The
lockbuster remains attached for 3 rounds, and attempt a Disable Device check each round
with a bonus equal to the gadgeteer's class level plus his Intelligence modifier.
Master Key: The lockbuster can also open electronic locks and gains a +3 bonus on
Disable Device checks. If the gadgeteer has ranks in the Disable Device skill, the
lockbuster can use that bonus instead, whichever is higher. When using the gadgeteer's
skill bonus, the lockbuster doesn't gain the +3 bonus.

Miracle Elixir
Advanced chemical gadget. Requires preparation.
The gadgeteer can prepare a 1 elixir, and an additional elixir at 10th level. It can be mixed
then administered to another willing creature as an attack action by spending 3 gadget
points. The miracle elixir grants the creature an enhancement bonus on any task that
requires an ability check or skill check of the gadgeteer's choice equal to one-half the
gadgeteer's level. The bonus fades if not used within 1 round of being administered.
Miracle-er Elixir: The gadgeteer can spend an action point when administering the elixir
to double the bonus granted.

Mobility Enhancer
Basic electronic gadget.
This skin-tight garment can be worn under clothing and has no effects until activated. The
mobility enhancer is activated for 1 minute by spending a number of gadget points
dependent on the effect sought, as shown below.
- Climb (2 gadget points): The gadgeteer can climb walls and ceilings as long as he has
both hands free to do so. He gains a climb speed of 10 feet and a +8 bonus on Climb
checks. At 6th level, the climb speed improves to 20 feet.
- Leaping (1 gadget point): The gadgeteer gains a +10 bonus on Jump checks. At 4th and
8th level, this bonus increases by +5.
- Quick Steps (1 gadget point): The gadgeteer gains an enhancement bonus to his base
movement speed of 10 feet. At 4th and 8th level, this bonus increases by 5 feet.
- Swim (2 gadget points): The gadgeteer can swim like a fish in water. He gains a swim
speed of 10 feet and a +8 bonus on Swim checks. At 6th level, the swim speed improves
to 20 feet.
Versatile Mobility Enhancer: The mobility enhancer can be activated with 3 gadget
points, enabling the gadgeteer to switch between modes of enhanced movement once per
round as a swift action.

Octopod Apparatus
Advanced mechanical gadget.
This gadget is worn as a backpack and gives the gadgeteer an additional arm. The extra
arm can be used to perform fine manipulations and carry objects as normal, and grants the
gadgeteer a +2 bonus on Grapple checks. When making a full-attack action, the gadgeteer
can spend 1 gadget point as a free action to make a slam attack or weapon with this extra
arm at his highest attack bonus at a -5 penalty, as though with an additional limb. The
extra arm deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage and threatens a critical hit on a natural
roll of 20 to deal double damage.
Extra Arm: The gadgeteer has an additional arm. He gains a +1 bonus on grapple checks
and can use the arm to hold or operate objects as well. When using gadget points to
attack, he can spend an additional gadget point to make an additional slam attack at a -5
penalty. This gadgeteer skill can be selected up to three times.
Mobile Apparatus: The gadgeteer can spend 1 gadget point to gain a climb speed 10 feet
and a land movement speed 10 feet for 3 rounds. When moving or climbing this way, the
gadgeteer doesn't gain a bonus to Climb checks but can move or climb without using his
hands or feet and ignores difficult terrain penalties to speed.

Safe-Fall Harness
Basic mechanical gadget.
This device is worn like a backpack and unfolds like wings when activated. When
activated with 1 gadget points, the name slows the gadgeteer's fall speed for 1 round per
gadgeteer level. The rate of fall can be adjusted from 60 feet per round to 120 feet per
round as an attack action, but is initially 60 feet per round when first activated. The
gadgeteer can fold back the safe-fall harness as a swift action upon landing. The safe-fall
harness must be worn and secured before it can be activated.
Flight Harness: The safe-fall harness can be activated by spending 2 gadget points to
gain a fly speed with clumsy maneuverability as long as he falls at least 20 feet in any
round. The fly speed gained is equal to 5 feet per 10 feet of the gadgeteer's rate of fall,
and the gadgeteer cannot gain altitude when using the flight harness.
Safety Harness: The safe-fall harness can be activated as an instant action.

Serum Injector
Ultimate chemical gadget.
This small gun injector can be loaded with serum cartridges that provide significant
enhancements to whomever is injected with them. Each serum cartridge must be crafted
separately with a Craft (chemical) check (DC 20) and a component cost with a purchase
DC 12. The serum can be injected into any willing creature or the gadgeteer himself by
spending 4 gadget points. The serum lasts for 3 rounds, and provides the gadgeteer a +5
natural armor bonus to Defense, fast healing 5 and a +2 bonus to strength or speed ranks,
the gadgeteer's choice. When injected into another creature, it only gains 1 temporary hit
point per gadgeteer level and a +1 bonus to strength or speed ranks.
War Engine
Ultimate mechanical gadget.
This exoskeleton is worn over clothing and armor, attached to the wearer's limbs and
joints. The exoskeleton weighs 20 pounds and imposes a -2 armor check penalty which
stacks with other armor penalties until activated for 3 rounds as a swift action by
spending 4 gadget points. When activated, the war engine grants the gadgeteer a +3 bonus
to attack rolls, and the gadgeteer makes attacks as though his base attack bonus were 3
points higher. In addition, the war engine imposes no armor check penalty and doesn't
count towards the gadgeteer's encumbrance when activated, and further reduces the armor
check penalty of any armor worn by the gadgeteer by 2.

Basic electronic gadget.
This two-part device consist of a receiver that looks like a compass, called the wayfinder,
and a transmitter the size of a small coin. It can be activated for 1 minute per gadgeteer
level by spending 1 gadget points, enabling the gadgeteer to know the exact direction of
the transmitter as long as it was activated within 10 feet of the wayfinder and remains
within a range of 100 feet per gadgeteer level. The transmitter can easily be concealed on
another creature by means of the Sleight of Hand skill, and any attempt to do so gains a
+4 bonus.

Gadgets Index
The index below contains all techniques found in this section, organized by rank, type
and subtype.

Basic Gadgets
Flamethrower: A flamethrower, throws flame.
Grenades: Grenades that can be prepared each day with various effects.
Jetpack: Device that allows limited flight.
Chakra Blaster: Firearm-like device that can fire blasts of chakra that deal force
Force Shield: Device that can generate a force shield of various size when activated.
Gadgeteer's Goggles: Gadget that grant the gadgeteer an extra mode of perception.
Mobility Enhancer: Suit that provides additional modes of movement or boosts existing
Wayfinder: Compass indicates the direction of its transmitter.
Escape Armband: Gadget that can be used to attack, cut through bonds or slow falls.
Gadget Mount: Device that can mount gadgets that would require a free hand to use.
Gadgeteer's Belt: Device that can store other gadgets, regardless of size.
High-Frequency Sword: Simple weapon that deals improved damage when activated.
High-Grade Armor: Heavy armor that provides significant combat bonuses when
Hookshot: Grappling hook that can carry you up to its anchor point.
Instant Barricade: Device that can unfold into an impromptu barricade.
Light Cannon: Gadget that can launch objects.
Lockbuster: Device that independently attempts to open a lock.
Safe-Fall Harness: Exoskeleton that grants bonuses to attack rolls and reduces armor
check penalty.

Intermediate Gadgets
Gadgeteer's Concoction: Concoction that can be prepared each day to temporary hit
points, fast healing or a bonus to Defense and saves.
Chakra Generator: Device that grants temporary chakra when activated.
Extraction Tool: Device that can cut strong materials or break durable objects.

Advanced Gadgets
Miracle Elixir: Elixir that grants bonuses to any one task.
Chakra Jammer: Gadget that negates chakra signatures and impedes technique uses
when activated.
Octopod Apparatus: Apparatus that grants you extra arms and bonuses to Grapple.

Ultimate Gadgets
Serum Injector: Serum that grants combat bonuses and fast healing.
Chakra Reflector: Gadget that provides chakra resistance when activated.
War Engine: Exoskeleton that grants significant combat bonuses.


This subsection details a new summoned creature: the Golem.

Amicus Machina
Prerequisite: Retrieval Expert, chakra pool 30, any 3 gadgets.
Benefit: You gain the ability to summon golems, a powerful hybrid of chakra and
technology. While within 50 feet of a summoned golem, you gain a +1 resistance bonus
on all saves.
Special: You must not have selected a blood pact before taking this feat. Once you gain
this feat, you can no longer select a blood pact.
This feat counts as the Blood Pact feat for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for feats,
advanced and prestige classes, and techniques.

Golem (Heitainingyou)
The golem hails from a place unknown, a land of ancient technology and decrepit titans
whose secrets have long been lost to time. They have little in common with humans, but
will follow anyone who can give them a purpose and put them to use. At their worst they
aren't much more than simple automatons, but at their best, the golem is a marvel of
technology, almost invincible and equipped with the most cutting-edge, top of the line
Creature Type: Construct (Good Fortitude)
HD: 1d10
Rank Requirements: Soldier, Protector, Guardian, Noble (5+summon level), Champion
(9+summon level), Celestial (Epic Summoner and Celestial Pact).
Summoning Cost: Soldier—1.5 chakra and 0.5 gadget points/level; Protector—2 chakra
and 1 gadget point/level plus 3 chakra; Guardian—3 chakra and 1 gadget point/level plus
7 chakra and 2 gadget points; Noble—3 chakra and 1 gadget point/level plus 12 chakra
and 5 gadget points; Champion—3.5 chakra and 1.5 gadget points/level plus 15 chakra
and 7 gadget points; Celestial—10 chakra and 2 gadget points/level plus 20 chakra and
10 gadget points .

Absolute Obedience (Su): A golem always obeys vocal commands issued by its
summoner, but it must be able to hear its summoner to do so. It has the innate ability to
recognize its summoner and cannot be tricked by transformation techniques or voice
Bonus Hit Points: As a construct, the golem gains bonus hit points. A Small size golem
gains 5 bonus hit points. Medium size gains 10, Large gains 20, Huge gains 40 and
Gargantuan gains 80. This amount cannot exceed the summon's average hit points.
Gadgeteer Bond (Su): The golem gains the benefit of any gadgeteer skills its summoner
Gadgets (Ex): Each golem is summoned with a single basic gadget and gains 2 gadget
points per summon level and treat their summon level as their gadgeteer level to operate
this gadget. Noble and champion golems gain 3 gadget points per summon level to
operate their gadget. A golem does not need to craft or prepare gadgets and are assumed
to have repaired or prepared additional gadgets, and to have recovered gadget points,
when summoned on consequent days.
Modular Skills (Ex): The golem gains 2 ranks per level in a single skill when
summoned. This skill can be selected from the following class skills: Balance, Climb,
Hide, Move Silently, Perform, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Swim or Tumble.
Summon Spirit (Su): An elite golem has a 25% chance of having an Intelligence score,
and a paragon golem a 50% chance. An intelligent golem has skills and feats like a
normal summon and can gain additional gadget points from having an Intelligence score
but loses the Absolute Obedience and Modular Skills abilities. A golem's starting
Intelligence score is equal to its Wisdom score, and its Charisma score improves to 8.
Natural Weapons: The golem has 2 slam attacks.
Rank Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Bonus Feat Speed
Protector M 2d10 (11 hp) 18 10 — — 10 1 — 30 ft.
Guardian L 2d10 (11 hp) 22 8 — — 12 1 Stealthy 30 ft.
Noble L 2d10 (11 hp) 22 8 — — 12 1 Alertness 30 ft.
Champion H 2d10 (11 hp) 26 8 — — 14 1 — 30 ft.
Celestial H 2d10 (11 hp) 32 10 — — 16 1 — 40 ft.


Rank Initiative Defense Special Abilities
Protector +0 15, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+0 Dex, +5 natural) Gadgets (1 basic gadget)
Guardian +0 17, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (–1 Dex, +8 natural) Gadgets (2 basic gadgets)
Noble +0 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +11 Gadgets (1 intermediate
natural) gadget, 1 basic gadget)
Champion +0 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +14 Gadgets (2 intermediate
natural) gadgets)
Celestial +0 33, touch 8, flat-footed 33 (–2 size, +0 Dex, +25 natural) Damage Reduction 10/epic,
gadgets (1 advanced gadget,
1 intermediate gadget, 1
basic gadgets)

Level 1 Golem Soldier: Small construct; HD 2d10 plus 5; hp 16; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.;
Defense 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +1; Grap –1; Atk
+4 melee (1d4+2, slam) or +3 ranged (gadget); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4+2, 2 slams); FS 5
ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ absolute obedience, construct traits, gadgeteer bond, gadgets,
modular skills; AL summoner; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; CP 6; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex
12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1.
Skills: See modular skills.
Feats: None.
Gadget (2 gadget points): Flamethrower—Ranged touch attack, 30-ft. line, 3d6 fire.

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