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1916 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No.

4, Oclober 1994

A Method for Modeling Nonlinear Core Characteristics of

Transformers During Transients
Mehdi Vakilian and Robert C. Degeneff
Electric Power Engineering Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute .
Troy, NY 12180-3590

“formers, Saturation, Lumped Parameter
Model, Nonlinear Model, Inductance Model, Transient switching surge. For a reliable design it is necessary
to know the voltage (as a function of time) appearing
Reeponse, Computer Model , Inrush Current
across the insulation throughout the winding. The
designer needs to know the maximum voltages and
Abstract wave shapea between a large number of points for
An EHV transformer’s insulation system must be greatly diversified structures for a wide range of ap-
designed to withstand stresses generated during tran- plied waves, winding connections, and terminations.
sient events. Computer models are employed for pre- Therefore, the reliability of a transformer’s insulation
determination of these stresses. The lack of accurate design is dependent to a large degree on the accurate
and consistent computer models for use by both util- determination of these responses in the design stage
ities and manufacturers, is felt to contribute to the and consequently on the computer models employed
relatively high failure rate of EHV transformers. This PI.
paper develops a detailed nonlinear transformer model
and a solution method that improves the accuracy with
which the effect of the nonlinear characteristic of the 1.1 Concerns
magnetic core during transients can be predicted. This
model is based on linearization of the core’s saturable Utilities and manufacturers are concerned about
characteristic during solution time intervals. This pa- the high field failure rate of the EHV transformers (3%
per describes a nonlinear, single phase, detailed trans- per phase, per year [3]). While no single reason has
former model and its verification against measured been idwtified as the cause, American Electric Power
data. (AEP) has observed that over 60% of the 800 KV
transformer failures on its system are directly related
1 Introduction to electrical breakdown of the unite’ insulation struc-
The insulation structure of a transformer is deter- ture [5]. Itecent field measurements, [2], indicate that
mined to a great extent by the transient voltages which transient waveforms impinging on the transformer ter-
appear within the windings during impulse and minals are, to some extent, a function of both system
and transformer impedance characteristic. Therefore,
considerable emphasis must be placed on obtaining a
9 4 WM 004-2 PWRD A paper recommended and approved transformer model which properly reflects both the
by the IEEE Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES nonlinear and lossy nature of the transformer, since
1994 Winter Meeting, New York, New York, January 30 - these switching wave forms can drive the units into
February 3 , 1994. Manuscript submitted August 2 , saturation.
1993; made available for printing December 6, 1993.
One major difficulty in transformer modeling for
electro-magnetictransients stems from the nonlinear-
ity of the iron core. In an effort supported by ABB
and AEP, work was undertaken to develop a detailed
nonlinear iron core transformer model.

0885-8977/94/$04.00 0 1994 IEEE

- ~~

1.2 Literature Survey transformer’s iron core. It must allow sufficient de-
tail to capture the ranges of frequency observed in
P.A. Abetti recorded and classified essentially all power system switching operations, allow representa-
published data on the surge performance of trans tion of ZnO, changes in syetem topology, and be gen-
formers in his outstanding surveys [SI-[9] prior to eral enough to allow representation of layer, disk, and
1964. Since Abetti’s last survey, many papers have helical core-form units and pancake type shell form
been published, primarily about computer modeling units. This paper describes a method that accom-
for transients studies. These papers fall into two cate- plishes these goals. The inductance model is based on
gories. The first is the application or use of the model. an extension of White’s [14] method, the solution is
The second deals with the computation of the model in date variable form solved with the Gear method,
elements and solution methods. These solution meth- and the results have been verified against measure-
ods have developed along two parallel paths; time do- ment data.
main models [lo] [4] [20] and frequency domain models
[ll].To date, in spite of great effort spent in both ar-
eas, concern still remains about the industry’s ability
2 Modeling The Nonlinear Core Char-
to model accurately the nonlinear, lossy transformer acteristic
characteristic for transient calculation. This concern A method of modeling the nonlinear, saturable,
ia primarily because of the inadequacy of the induc- characteristic of a transformer with an iron core is
tance model to reflect the nonlinear characteristic of presented. The strategy is to linearize the iron core
the core, and its inability to represent the frequency- saturable characteristic within each solution time in-
dependent loss characteristic of a core and coil. This terval. During each interval a specific linear prob-
paper addresses the nonlinear core characteristic. A lem is solved where the cores effect on the inductance
subsequent paper addresses the losses with the non- parameters may be different from the previous inter-
linear core characteristic. vals. The formulation presented is completely general
The existing inductance models are broadly claa- and has been adapted to address frequency dependent
sified into three types; models which are built from losses and nonlinear system elements such aa ZnO and
measured data [12],models which use the transformer switches.
name plate, and a wide range of computational meth-
ods solving the related magnetic field problem.
The last claes can be divided into analytical meth- 2.1 Philosophy and Basic Assumptions
ods to solve the magnetic problem combined with nu- In a linear model of an iron-core transformer, the
merical methods to compute the inductance parame- permeability is assumed constant regardless of the
ters [13], [14], [15], and models which employ finite- magnitude of the flux in the core. This assumption
element methods to determine the inductance param- allows the inductance model to remain constant, re-
eters. gardless of the excitation level or past history. This
Among the inductance models which recognize the simplification is not possible when modeling the non-
effect of an iron core, Rabins [13] assumed an infi- linear characteristic, since the iron core will exhibit
nite permeability for the iron core and expanded the different material properties due to past history and
current density by a Fourier series. He used the en- instantaneous flux magnitude [12].
ergy method for inductance calculation. White [14] The philosophy of the nonlinear core model used
assumed a fixed permeability for the iron core and ia illustrated by a schematic model in Figure 1. The
then solved the magnetic field problem of its coils upper branch represents the relationship between the
and core arrangement by employing Fourier integrals leakage flux, 61, which has a portion of its path out-
for the expansion of the non-periodic current density. side the iron core and the total magnetomotive force,
Wilcox, et al [15] considered a linear, grain oriented MMF. The lower branch represents the relationship
characteristic for the iron core, considered homoge- between the magnetizing flux , &,, which is restricted
neous conductivity 6 for the iron core and then com- to the iron core path and MMF. Summing these two
puted the impedance parameters as a function of fre- components yields the total flux in the winding, # t .
quency. Their model is more suitable for frequency The right hand side of this figure shows that the rel&
domain modeling [111. tive differential permeability, prd, can be determined
This survey emphasizes the fact that the indus at each instant of time if dt and its relationship with
try still requires a general and robust methodology It, the reactive component of excitation are known.
for modeling the nonlinear lossy characteristic of a Then bdcan be used to update the inductance model

Figure 1: Transformer Nonlinear Core Model


Figure 3: DC r$,-MMF Loop for a 500 MVA

765/345/34.5 KV Single Phase Autotransformer

2 can instead be expreseed as

Similarly the saturation characteristic in terms of dm

, I I va MMF must be expressed aa
IO R IN sa IW sm@ loon.

Magnetizing Force, (H(A/m) (4)

Figure 2: DC E H Curve where :
Qm is the magnetizing flux in the core, weber
MMF is the total ampere turns of windings
at time t. This work amumes that the magnetizing
flux hae a uniform pattern along the iron core path, In this caae the permeability of the iron core would
the magnetizing current is equal to the total MMF, vary with H,and it will be defined aa ratio of B/H,
and the core hae only a saturable Characteristic (hye
teresis loopa are ignored). The iron core saturation P ( H ) = PO * W H ) / H (5)
characteristic can be represented by a E H curve (Fig-
ure 2) or a (6,-MMF curve (Figure 3). It can be seen To properly reflect the nonlinear core characteristic
in Figure 2 that aa the magnetiing flux increasee the in time it is neceeaary to evaluate the relative perme-
iron core proceeds toward saturation on the B-H (or ability of the iron core within each time interval and
r$,,,-MMF) curve. use it to eatablish the iron core inductance matrix in
The well known definition of permeability aeeuming that interval. The differential, or incremental induc-
a linear characteristic for the iron core, is tance definition is applicable:

or where :
B = po.pcr.H (weberlml) (2) Ld is the differential inductance of an inductor
where: Based on this definition, the inductance voltage
po = 4rz10-' henrylmeter drop for a nonlinear inductance will be
is relative permeability

When the E H characteristic is not linear, Equation


The relative differential permeability is defined as where

the slope of the line tangent to the B-Hcurve in Figure [RI is the leakage path reluctance matrix
2 at the operating point with magnetic field intensity [&]is a row vector with elements Rei = cy=l Rij
of H at time t Cy='=,
RT = c=1 Rsj
n is the total number of winding segments
&j are the elements of reluctance matrix [RI

This value of relative differential permeability at a spe- Equation 13 relates the fluxes in the windings to
cific instant of time, t, is considered the relative per- the magnetizing flux in the iron core and the total
meability of the linearized iron core for the interval, t ampere-turns.
to t+At. White's inductance model, [14] can then be The leakage path reluctance matrix can be evalu-
employed to determine the inductance parameters for ated from White's inductance model. Then Equations
next solution interval. 12 and 13 can be solved for the two unknowns d m and
Recalling Equation 8, the relative differential per-
2.2 Nonlinear Model Formulation meability can be expressed as
At each instant of time the core's flux density can
be evaluated; then the new relative reluctivity can be
determined. White's inductance model [14] can then
be used to compute the inductance parameters at each Applying this value of relative differential permeabil-
instant of time. ity, the inductance model can be recomputed for the
The flux in each winding segment can be expressed new operating point on the saturation characteristic.
aa Then the complete winding equivalent RLC lumped
P e l = [A'l"[fel (9) circuit with the updated inductance parameters can
where : be solved, and a similar pro- is repeated for the
[fe] is the vector of winding flux linkages successive intervals.
[&I is the vector of winding fluxes
[A'] is the diagonal matrix of number of turns per 2.3 The Solution Methodology
winding segment
Based on the assumptions discussed in section 2.1 A lumped RLC network representing the transient
response of a transformer yields a system of ordi-
4m = B * A (10) nary differential equations which are referred to as
stiff mathematically, i.e., their natural frequencies ex-
MMF=K*H (11) tend over a very wide range. To achieve a consistently
stable solution methods designed specifically for this
where class of problem must be employed. C.W. Gear [16]
4m is the core magnetizing flux, weber described a method which uses backward difference
A is the equivalent core cross sectional area, ma formulas of the first to fifth order to solve these typea
B is the flux density in the core, weber/ma of stiff systems. A system of O.D.E.'s for the FUC
MMF is the total ampere turn, Ampere-turns network representing the transformer is
K is the equivalent length of the iron core, m
Substituting B from Equation 3, and H from Equ&
tion 11 in Equation 10 results in

dm = PoAFI(MMF/K)- (12)
To determine the operating point of the core on the
gaturation characteristic, 4m and MMF must be eval-
uated. For a set of winding segments with an iron core
it is derived in [12] that
[&][de] - &4m - M M F = 0 (13) [ic],currents in the winding segments

(7) ,
R A 3 9 2 Ohms
R =10758Ohms

I TOPOLOGY I C, = 16 p. F.
c*=10 P. F.

, ,+, Figure 5: Switching Surge Generator’s Equivalent Cir-


step-wise linear approach to the problem. This model

has been m c d u l l y used to model all form of wind-
ings for core form and shell form transformers.
I ”0 I 3 Model Verification
The following compares computed response to that
measured for two nonlinear events: switching surge
response in factory teats and inrush response during
field energiaation. Both eventa were modeled for a
500 MVA 765/345/34.5 KV single phase core form
unit constructed by ABB for AEP (see Appendix H in
[17]). The circuit shown in Figure 5 was used to sim-
Figure 4: Flowchart of Solution Routine ulate the factory switching surge (1700 KV, 100/1000
ps) teat. With no residual core flux the core satu-
rates as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 also shows the
[e,], model’s nodal voltage vector variation of core relative reluctivity versus time. Dur-
[fee]) windings’ flux-linkage vector ing the core saturation, the relative reluctivity of the
[r],the diagonal matrix of windings series resistance core is nearly 1.0, and a large current flows into the
[TI,the windings connection matrix H terminal. The change in slope on the tail of the
[TI‘,the transpose of [TI applied voltage (at about 1OOOps) corresponds to the
[q, the nodal capacitance matrix (-[GI) point where the core saturates. This change in slope
[U], a unity matrix is due to the reduction of the transformer impedance
[I,],vector of current sources after saturation (air core) compared to the impedance
[L],transformer inductance matrix at time t prior to saturation (iron core). Similar phenomena
[Ll], diagonal matrix of lumped inductors are often experienced in factory tests [MI.For this
[a],connection matrix of lumped inductors same transformer, measurements were made during
[ill) vector of currents in the lumped inductors substation energization to record inrush current and
[Gj, conductance matrix, for resistors connected terminal voltages. The measured high voltage termi-
between nodes nal’s voltage waveform was applied directly to the high
voltage terminal of the nonlinear model. Figure 7 is
Figure 4 shows a high-level flowchart of of solution a comparison of the measured and calculated inrush
routine. The system of O.D.E.’s in Equation 15 is current for the first four cycles. The alignment of the
solved by application of Gear’s method. The resul- peaks is excellent. The deviation of the current’s re-
tant model not only allows an accurate representation sponse near zero current is due to neglecting the core
of the core’s nonlinear characteristic, but also allows hysteresis loop within the saturation curve. Fkference
direct representation of frequency dependent losses, [19] has compared the computational results of the in-
ZnO, and switches. This is all possible due to the rush current when only a saturation characteristic is
a I


Figure 8: Computed Tertiary Voltage vs. Measured

Figure 6: Applied Switching Surge and Relative F

b 4 Summary and Conclusion
luctivity This paper presents a method for modeling the ef-
I(H) :A fect of a ponlinear core characteristic on the trans-
I 1
former internal voltage response. The model is baaed
on determining the magnetizing flux at an instant of
timb and using it to recompute the inductance model.
A system of O.D.E.’s was established for fhe nonlinear
transformer model, and by application of a stiff O.D.E.
solver, implementing Gear’s method, this system waa
The capability of the nonlinear model and solution
methodology are demonstrated by comparison to mea-
sured data. The method presented is completely gen-
eral and allows the modeling of frequency dependent
losses, ZnO, and switch-. This model has been suc-
cessfully used to model all forms of windings for both
core and &ell form transformers.
Figure 7: Computed Inrush Current vs. Measured
5 Acknowledgements
This reeearch waa supported by ABB Transmis-
tion and Distribution Power Incorporated and Ameri-
used versus an application of a backlash element for can Electric Power Service Corporation. The authors
the hysteresis loop, and has shown the same difference would like to thank Dr. R. Girgis, Mr. E. Henrik-
shown in Figure 7. This deviation has no significant sen, Dr. P. McKenny, Mr. J. Provanzana and Dr. J.
effect on the value or the occurrence time of the cur- Schneider for their support and guidance.
rent peaks. Figure 8 compares the response of the
computed tertiary voltage versus the measured one.
There is an excellent match between the peaks and the References
form of the tertiary voltage response. This comparison [l] R. Degeneff, M. Vakilian, M. Gutierre;, P.
shows that the model is well qualified to demonstrate McKenny, R. Girgis, P. Soderberg, J. Schndder,
the actual variation of current as well aa the voltage J. Provanzana, “Modeling Power Transformer For
response when the nonlinear core characteristic haa a Transient Voltage Calculations,” CIGRE Paper
substantial effect. l t 8 0 4 , 1998 Session.

[2] Lee, K.H. and Schneider, J.M., “Rockport Tran- [le] A.C. Hindmarsh, Gear Ordinary Differential
sient Voltage Monitoring System: Analysis and Equation System Solher, Lawrence Livermore Lab-
Simulation of Recorded Waveforms,” IEEE Trans. oratory, CA, August 20, 1972. UCID-30001, Rev.-
on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 17941805, 2 Computer Documentation.
July 1989. [17] M. Vakilian, A Nonlinear Lumped Parameter
[3] “An International Survey on Failures in Large Model for Dansient Studies of Single Phase Core
Power Transformera in Service,” Final Report of Form lhnsformers, Ph.D. Thesis, August 1993,
Working Group 05 of Study Committee 12 (Trans- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
form ere), Eledra, Number 88, May 1983. [18] A.C. Franklin, The J d P Dansformer Book,
[4] R.C. Dugan, R. Gabrick, J. C. Wright and K.W. 11th edition, Chap. 15, pp. 351-367.
Patten, “Validated Techniques for Modeling Shell- [19] J. Sterael and Th. Weber, “Improved Model Rep-
Form EHV Transformers,” IEEE fins., Vol. reeenting the Nonlinear Behavior of Three-phase
PWRD-4 , No. 2, April 1989, pp. 1070-1078. Transformers,” Presented at IEEE Winter Meet-
ing, February 1993, Columbus, Ohio.
[5] V.I. Kogan, J.A. Fleeman, J.H. Provanaana and [20] F. de Leon and A. Semlyen, “Complete Trans-
C.H. Shih, “Failure Analysis of EHV Transform- former Model For Electromagnetic Transients,”
em,” IEEE fins. in Power Delivery, April 1988, Presented at IEEE Winter Meeting, February
pp. 672483. 1993, Columbus, Ohio.
[6] P.A. Abetti, “Bibliography on the Surge Perfor-
mance of Transform em and Rotating Machines,” Robert C. Degeneff (M’67,SM’84,F’93) was
Dans. AIEE, Vol. 77 (1958), pp. 1150-1168. born in Ann Arbor, Michigan on July 9, 1943. He re-
ceived his B.M.E.from GMI in 1966 and his M.Eng
[7] P.A. Abetti, “Survey and Classification of Pub- D.Eng. in 1967 and 1974, reepectively from RPI in
lished Data on the Surge Performance of Trane
Electric Power Engineering. He joined General Elec-
formers and Rotating Machines,” Trans. AIEE, tric’s Large Power Transformer Department aa a Se-
Vol. 78 (1959), pp. 1403-1414.
nior Development Engineer and was promoted in 1978
[8] P.A. Abetti, First Supplement to reference 8, to Manager of the Advanced Electrical Development
Dans. AIEE, Vol. 81 (1962), pp. 213. Unit. In 1981 he joined the Electric Utility Systems
[9] P.A. Abetti, Second Supplement to reference 8, Engineering Department aa Manager of the HVDC
Dans. AIEE, vol. 83 (1964), pp. 855. Engineering Subsection and in 1985 aseumed the po-
[lo] R.C. Degenef€, T.J. Blalock, C.C. Weisebrod, sition as Manager of the Software Services Section. In
Dansient Voltage Calculation in finsformer 1989 he joined the faculty of RPI as a Professor of
Windings, General Electric Technical Information Electric Power Engineering. He haa published over
Series, No. 80PTD006,1980. three doaen papers, several chapters in books, and
holds three patente.
[ll] D.J. Wilcox, T.P. McHale, “Modified Theory of
Modal Analysia for the Modeling of Multiwinding
Mehdi Vakilian was born in Tehran (Iran), on
Transformers,” IEE Pmceedings-C, Vol. 139, No.
October 24, 1955. He received a BSc. degree in Elec-
6, November 1992, pp. 505-512.
trical Engineering from Sharif University of Technol-
[12] D.N. Ewart,“Digital computer simulation model ogy (Tehran), in 1978. From 1979 to 1980 he attended
of a steel-core transformer,” IEEE %tu., Vol. a Mater program in Electric Power Eng. at Univer-
PWRD-1, N O & July 1986, pp. 174183. sity of Manchester Institute of Science and Technol-
[13] L. Rabins, Yllansformer Reccctance Calculation ogy (U.K.).From 1980 to 1983 he worked with Iran’s
With Digital Computer,” AIEE Dana., Vol. 75, Power Generation and Transmission Company (TA-
July 1956, pp. 261-267. VANIR) aa a power trammission engineer and then
1141 W.N. White, Inductance models of power trans- aa manager of transmission system. Wom 1983 to
formers, General Electric Technical Information 1985 he worked with Iran’s Ministry of Energy in plan-
Series, No. 78PTD003, April 1978. ning training courses for power transmission engineers
where he waa involved in publishing several books. He
[15] D.J. Wilcox, W.G. Hurley and M.Conlon, “Cal-
received a MSc. in Electric Power Engineering from
culation of Self and Mutual Impedances B e
tween Sectiona of Transformer Windings,” IEE Sharif University, in 1986 and joined the faculty of
Proceedings4 , Vol. 136, No. 5, September 1989, Electrical Engineering Department of this university.
He received a Ph.D. from RPI in August 1993.
pp. 308-314.

Discussion transformer model will be very useful for the

analytical investigation of such or similar
phenomena. There is no doubt that some pos-
W.P. Seitlinger (ELIN Transformatoren GmbH, Weiz, Austria): sible critical situations can only be iden-
It was the practice in our transformer design tified with this advanced modelling method.
department to use a different model (and
calculation method) for the investigation of Another interesting point is the residual flux
nonlinear effects than for the calculation of in the core, which was not taken into account
high frequency transients. Saturation effects in the presented paper, but can be incor-
do determine for example the waveshape and the porated probably without too much effort. It
peak value of the inrush current, they gener- is very likely that the residual flux after
ate additional stray flux components and eddy de-energization is influenced by the os-
current losses in case of extremly high over- cillatory behaviour of the open terminals.
excitation or also in the case of DC in the Here again an appropriate transformer model
windings, generated by geomagnetical effects could provide the means to investigate the
or by DC-converters in the neighbourhood. magnitude and the distribution of the residual
flux in a 3-phase transformer core.
All of these effects produce harmonics of the
current, but a satisfactory representation is Manuscript received February 16, 1994.
possible with a model with a frequency range
up to about 1 kHz. Fundamental resonance
frequency oscillations need not to be repre-
sented. More important is an appropriate
modelling of the nonlinear magnetic charac-
teristic of the core and its linkage with the Francisco de L e b (Instituto Polikknico Nacional, Mexico): The
windings. authors have presented a very interesting paper in the time domain
modeling of the nonlinear, saturable, iron-core for the study of
On the other hand, the investigation of oscil- electric transients involving transformers. They should be
latory transients (e.g. lightning impulse,
resonance phenomena, . . . ) needs a model with commended for their constant effort in the improvement of
a bandwith of at least 100 kHz, while the transformer modeling.
effect of saturation does not (or not very
much) influence the behaviour of these tran- In the paper the effects of hysteresis and eddy currents were
sients. The assumption is that resonance fre- completely neglected. In this discusser's experience the magnetic
quencies are determined mostly by the short effects of hysteresis, except for the initial condition due to
circuit impedances between windings or winding
parts, therefore a change in the reluctance of remanence, can be neglected altogether since the hysteresis loop is
the core does not change the resonance fre- very narrow for power transformers. Neglecting the losses due to
quencies significantly. hysteresis Seems to be reasonable for most transients with a few
exceptions where the losses may have a significant effect in the
With these considerations in mind a combina- damping of the transient. Examples are studies of magnetizing
tion of a nonlinear model with a high frequen- current chopping and ferroresonance. However, the assumption of
cy model seems not to be that important. The
paper under discussion presents such a com- uniform distribution of the flux along the lamination width imposes
bined model, though the bandwith of this model a serious limit in the maximum frequency for which the model can
is not clearly defined. The results presented be used, perhaps to a few kilohertz. Not only the losses are not
in the paper are encouraging regarding the taken into account, but neither are the magnetic effects due to eddy
modelling method, but it seems that they still currents. The example presented in the paper is the evaluation of
do not show the need for such a model.
inrush currents, where the hysteresis losses are directly absorbed
We feel however that there can exist critical by the source and do not contribute to the transient damping. One
phenomena in the field which require this should realize that inrush currents are not of a very high frequency
combined transformer model. We also have nature, then there is no need to include the effects of eddy currents
investigated the possible connection of satur- in the simulations. The authors have announced a forthcoming
ation effects with high frequency transients paper related to nonlinear losses. Will they analyze the eddy
in transformer windings, and we also found
that oscillatory transients can be generated currents as well? How will they handle high frequency transients?
by the extremly nonlinear characteristic of
the core. The magnitude of such transients I would like to bring into the discussion a physical iron-core
seemed not to be critical however in the cases model, which is consistent with the principle of duality, presented
investigated so far. simultaneously in references [A] and [B]. The model is capable of
representing high frequencies together with saturation (and possibly
A typical case which might call for more
attention in the future is the de-ener- hysteresis) s i q e each inductance corresponds to a flux path. Such
gization of a transformer. Here the combina- a model is shown in Figure A. The parameters of the model are
tion of the nonlinear magnetic characteristic
of the core with the capacitance of the trans-
former and the bus can result in non'sinuso-
idal oscillations of the de-energized trans-
former terminals. A sudden increase of the
noise level together with remarkable voltage
peaks after de-energization of a transformer
was reported in one case. We could resolve the
questions of the client and simulate these
phenomena by using a transformer model similar
to that presented in the paper discussed. We
think therefore that a nonlinear oscillatory Figure A. Nonlinear Cauer Model
computed differently in [A] and [B], but in both cases only the surge wave events. The second part of the research was to create
lamination width and its saturation characteristics are needed. In reduced order models using the nonlinear detailed model result-
[A] the selected state variables are the fluxes, which are a more ing from part one as a starting point and create a reduced order
natural choice for the analysis of nonlinear iron-cores. Is there any model that would be suitable for use in EMTP 11, 21. The
special reason for using differential inductances instead? perceived need for these two parallel research areas was a result
of the higher than normal failure rate for 500 and 765kV
Finally, there are two typographical errors in the flow chart of transformers. It was felt that wave forms actually generated on
Figure 4, the number of the equation (4.6A) should be (15) and the system are often considerably different that those used for
equation (3.27,28) should be (lo), (11). proof testing in the factory. Additionally, these wave forms could
not be predicted with any degree of assurance with the trans-
former models typically used in EMTP system studies since they
[A] F. de Le6n and A. Semlyen, "Time Domain Modeling of are generally valid up to the first resonance. The strategy behind
Eddy Current Fffects for Transformer Transients," IEEE this work was to create a more accurate reduced order trans-
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 1, January former model (in the switching surge range) and use it within
1993, pp. 271-280. EMTP. The results from these studies, which would be per-
formed by the utility, would then be used during the transformer
[BJ E.J. Tarasiewicz, A S . Morshed, A. Narang, and E.P. design stage to assess if the design was adequate not only for the
Dick, "Frequency Dependent Eddy Current Models for normal factory proof-test wave forms but also for the wave forms
Nonlinear Iron Cores", IEEE Transactions on Power generated on the system which a function of the transformer-
Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1993, pp. 588-597. transmission system interaction. Steps are being taken to intro-
duce the reduced models in EMTP, however, the entire issue
Manuscript received February 17, 1994. has not been fully investigated.
Mr. Dugan's second question about the ability of this model
(or any model) to match a physical response points out an
important concern. We have observed that three issues need to
R C. Dugan (Electrotek Concepts, Knoxville, TN): I would like be correctly addressed to achieve an accurate computation of
to congratulate the authors for this excellent paper, which the transient response. First, the model must be of sufficient
makes a strong contribution to the understanding of modeling detail so that a lumped parameter approximation is valid, e.g.,
nonlinear elements, particularly transformers, during transients. I the highest frequency of interest would have a period at least
would like the authors to comment on a couple of issues. ten times larger that the travel time of the largest winding
I can understand clearly the importance of the previous con- segment in the model. Second, the model must be discretized in
tributions of the authors in establishing a good reduced linear a manner that produces a uniform RLC structure. This may be
model of the transformer for estimating insulation stresses within difficult when modeling a realistic transformer winding. The
the winding. However, I am still not.clear about what design third is that the R , L , and C of the model must be computed
changes might be made as a result of the nonlinear modeling. accurately. We have found that if all three of these conditions
Do the authors have evidence that would clearly link the nonlin- are met matching the internal or terminal response can be
ear behavior of the transformer to specific failure modes during achieved with equal accuracy. We used the tertiary response in
transients? It would appear from Figure 6 that the transient this paper because we only had the measured response for the
would have to be one that persists at least for 1000 psec with high, common, and tertiary terminals and we have found that
sufficient energy remaining to cause damage in order to bring the tertiary was the most sensitive to modeling errors.
the nonlinear elements into play. What types of transient events Dr. Seitlinger's asked about the bandwidth of the model. The
should we be concerned about? detail of the model is under the control.of the user and as such
The authors present as verification of their model the com- the effective bandwidth can vary from transformer model to
puted tertiary terminal voltage (Figure 8). I have noticed that it model. This control is established by varying the number of
is much easier to match terminal responses in layer-wound and turns in each winding section modeled. The basic goal of this
shell-form transformers than it is to determine the values within work was to produce a program that accurately would compute
the winding. I have suspected that this was due to a discontinuity the response of the transformer to the nonstandard switching
in the capacitance network that often appears at this point in surge wave forms. This would require the model to be valid from
the winding resulting in a particular frequency dominating the say three to 50kHz. In a future paper we will discuss the
response. How certain can we be about the accuracy of the modeling of the frequency characteristics of losses, the capaci-
model by comparing measured and computer terminal responses tance network, and the inductance model. Dr. Seitlinger's com-
to a transient event? And how is the nonlinear behavior of the ments about the changes in losses as the core saturation changes
transformer likely to affect this accuracy? adds to the challenge of constructing a wide band time domain
Manuscript received March 1, 1994.
model. To construct a model that responds correctly requires
not only a correct analytic expression but also a knowledge of
how the structure responds physically over a very wide frequency
and core flux envelope. This data in not aiways known precisely
and suitable approximations must be made.
M. Vakilian and R C. Degeneff In response to Mr. Dugans We agree with Dr. Seitlinger's comments on the applicability
question about the changes in transformer design that might of the program to study events on the system that are different
result from the use of this program we would have to say that it than what might normally be tested in the factory proof testing
is to soon to know. The work reported in this paper was the first process. This was the precise reason this work was initiated. The
part of a two part effort. This initial step was to produce a residual flux can be modeled with this method but due to the
transients program that would accurately reflect the nonlinear length of the paper this was not explored in any detail. The
characteristic of the transformer core and coil during switching solution method is of a form that can be extended to three phase

cores of general configuration, but the present paper is only for ZnO, and constructing a reduced model that would be compati-
single phase units. ble with EMTP using the detailed model as a starting point. The
Dr. de Leon was correct in his comments that hysteresis losses method that addressed the majority of these issues was the one
have been completely ignored. For the data presented in this presented in this paper.
paper the [ r ] and [GI matrices were constructed for the particu-
lar comvutation and remained constant for the subseauent cal- References
culation. A subsequent paper will explore the effect of modeling
the frequency dependent characteristics of R, C, and L. In this 1. M. Gutierrez, R. Degeneff, P. McKenny, and J. Schneider,
manner the effect of the flux penetration in the core as a “Linear, Lumped Parameter Transformer Model Reduction
function of wave shape will be addressed simultaneously with Technique,” Presented at the IEEE-PES Summer Meeting,
losses. We agree with Dr. de Leon that flux would be a more Vancouver, B. C., July 18-22, 1993.
natural choice for the analysis of nonlinear core characteristics, 2. R. Degeneff, M. Gutierrez, M. Vakilian, “Nonlinear, Lumped
however, this project had a number of goals and the method Parameter Transformer Model Reduction Technique,” To
used had ‘to successfully address each of them. These included be Presented at the IEEE-PES Summer Meeting, San Fran-
constructing cisco, Ca., July 24-28, 1994.
” a solution method that was comuatible with an
existing transformer production design tool, being able to model Manuscript received May 24, 1994.

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