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P.I. Fergestad T. Henriksen

A/S NATIONAL INDUSTRI Norwegian Institute of Technology
Drammen, Norway Electrical Engineering Department
Trondheim, Norway

ABSTRACT means that one has to build several models.

A method of calculating voltage oscilla- Calculating transients in transformer win-
tions in transformer windings during impulse dings numerically, has therefore received
test is presented. much attention as a means to overcome the de-
ficiencies of the electromagnetic model 39 .

Different methods of solution are discus- A study of these earlier works revealed, how-
sed and comparisons with measurements are ever, that it remained to be developed:
made on 10 transformers of different design .
- A method of analysing multiwinding trans-
INTRODUCTION formers with an accurate representation of
each winding.
A transformer must be designed to with-
stand the various kinds of overvoltages it may - A method of establishing the self and mu-
be subjected to during its lifetime. tual inductances, taking into account the
effect of the iron-core in the appropriate
To demonstrate its ability to do so, it frequency range.
is subjected to impulse and a.c.-tests.
- A method of representing the losses in the
The voltages that occur in the windings appropriate frequency range.
during the impulse test are oscillatory, and
do not lend themselves readily to calculation. This paper describes together with a com-
Particularly in multiwinding transformers panion paper1° a method of calculation where
this is a difficult problem. The purpose of these problems are felt to be solved with
this paper is to present a method of calcu- satisfactory accuracy.
lating pertinent voltages during impulse
test. This information is needed at the de- OUTLINE OF METHOD
sign stage in order to choose a proper wind-
ing arrangement, clearances and insulation Based on earlier work it was felt that the
structure. chances of success with analytical calcula-
tions on a continuously distributed winding
Semi-empirical methods for the calcula- were rather small. The approach that was dee-
tion of the "initial distribution" are found med the most promising was to divide the win-
to be adequate for the purpose of finding dings into a finite number of sections and
voltage differences between adjacent discs. solve the resulting network equations numeri-
The present paper is therefore directed main- cally. Compared with the first method -this
ly towards the more difficult problem of the has the advantage of allowing the introduc-
subsequent oscillations. tion of inhomogeneitis, so that non-uniform
capacitances and inductances can be handled
Because of the complexity of the problem A lumped parameter network is also particu-
it has to be solved either by using electro- larly well suited for solution by digital
magnetic models or a digital computer. The computers.
electromagnetic model 2 has proved to be a
valuable tool for the transformer designer. The procedure that has to be followed in a
It is generally agreed that one can obtain work like this is as follows:
reasonably good agreement between model re-
sponse and the original, as long as the model a. Establish an equivalent network for the
is carefully constructed. There are, however, transformer windings.
some disadvantages with the model technique
which limit its use. First - it is costly and b. Calculate the elements (L, M, C, R)in this
time-consuming. Secona - it lacks flexibility. network from the geometric dimensions of
Trying several alternative designs usually the transformer.
c. Choose an effective method of calculating
the transient voltage response in this
d. Compare calculated and measured response
on a variety of transformers.

Paper T 73 393-6, recommended and approved by the IEEE Transformers

Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE 1The paper is based on P.I.Fergestad's thesis
PES Summer Meeting & EHV/UHV Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, July for his Doctor Degree at the Norwegian Insti-
15-20, 1973. Manuscript submitted January 15, 1973; made available for printing
May 2, 1973. tute of Technology1.

EQUIVALENT NETWORK sented in a companion paper10. It is shown
there that the leakage inductances, which de-
In Fig. 1 is shown the traditional equi- termine the transient response, are for all
valent network for a transformer winding. The practical purposes independent of the frequen-
winding is subdivided into a number of sec- cy in the frequency range normally encountered
tions, each containing inductance, series and (20-200 kHz). They are also found to be inde-
ground capacitance and loss resistances. The pendent of the applied voltage amplitude.
inductive elements are all mutually coupled to
each other. Conductances (losses)
The conductances are of interest merely
because they produce damping. They have only
a minor effect on natural frequencies.

IFTI I II Measurements- were made in order to find

the frequency-dependency of the damping. From
RSG-oscillograms taken on 25 different trans-
,J,J, ,,, ,1,,z I,,,,,),), ,7
I, formers, data was collected to study the cor-
relation between damping and frequency. The
result is shown in Fig. 3.

It is concluded from these measurements

Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit that the damping is reasonably well defined by
(single winding). the frequency alone. The geometric dimensions
of the transformer, therefore, do not have to
Since it was introduced around 1915, nume- be considered, once the natural frequencies
rous authors have found this equivalent net- are known.
work to be a convenient and realistic repre-
sentation of a winding. The further analysis
will therefore be based on this model. In a
multiwinding transformer several networks like
the one in Fig. 1 are interconnected. This is
shown in Fig. 2.

.05J .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .i .8 .9 10 1.1.106

Fig. 3. Measured damping.

To avoid frequency dependent elements in
the calculation of transient response, the
conductances are in the first stage of the
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit calculation given roughly estimated values
(mult,i7winding). chosen by experience. These values are used
when computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
It has been found that the conductance values
CALCULATION OF NETWORK ELEMENTS at this stage have a very moderate influence,
and their estimated values are therefore rath-
Capacitance er uncritical. Calculating the time response
from the eigenvalues/eigenvectors is the next
Capacitance between windings and to the step, and as the damping has a considerable
core is calculated assuming that the windings effect on the response, the real part of the
can be treated as cylindrical capacitors. Cap- eigenvalues are at this stage corrected ac-
acitance between phases and to the tank is cording to the empirical curve (Fig. 3). In
calculated approximately on a semi-empirical this way a calculation of the conductances is
basis. Capacitance along the windings (series avoided, and the damping determined directly
capacitance) is calculated according to a pub- using empirical curves.
lication by Stein1.
The differential equations for the equiva-
The calculation of the inductances is pre- lent network are formulated as follows using

X(t) = V c {(A c +SI) -l (e ct -e -SIt )
state-space approach.
X = A X + B v (1)
- (A +6 I)
-l Act -61t -l B v 0
U = S X + D v (2) c
Ce -e )}V~~~~~c (7)
Assuming that the equivalent network has n
nodes (excluding input node), the state-space In equation (7) Ac and Vc contain complex
equations contain: elements. It is possible to avoid complex
arithmetic, thereby reducing computing time
X(t) = state vector (2n-dimensional) by introducing a matrix transform as follows 13
U(t) = output vector of node voltages (n- V = Vc K
v(t) = applied impulse voltage (scalar)
where K = 2/2-j/ (8)
A,S = matrices of constant coefficients
(A is a 2n*2n matrix, $ is n*2n)
B,D = column-matrices of constant coeffi- The matrix V now becomes real. Substitu-
cients (B is 2n-dimensional, D is ting this transformation into equation (7)
n-dimensional) makes it possible to calculate X(t) by real
The derivation of the matrices are found
in the appendix. The voltage to ground in node i can be
written as'
The input voltage is assumed to be a stan-
dard full wave which is approximated by n akt
ui(t) = vo I ai k cos(wkt-0 k) +
v(t) = v (e St-e ) (3) k=l

_p +qj3,e 6I
The solution of the state-space
be written as
equations 'Pi,k' i
k (9)
ai,k, ak' wk, 0i,k5 Pik and qij( are known

once the eigenvalues and' eigenvectors are

X(t) = e X(0-) +
f e B v(T)dT (4) found. The eigenvalues are found by the QR-
method, the eigenvectors by inverse iteration
1 4

X(O-) is the state vector at t = 0- and is as-

sumed to be zero. 2. Series expansion
In a numerical computation of Eq. (4), the This calculation method calls for an eva-
problem is to find an efficient way of comput- luation of the state vector at discrete time
ing the state transition matrix eAt. Three intervals h. Knowing X(nh), the solution is
alternative methods will be considered. desired for t = (n+l)h. Eq. (4) can be writ-
ten as
1. By finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
2. Series expansion of eAt
3. By finding poles and zeros of the
)B v(nh+T)dT (10)
transfer functions
substituting for v(nh+T) the solution of this
Methods 1 and 3 both represent a diagona- equation can be written as
lizing of the state transition matrix, while
method 2 substitutes the matrix by its power X{(n+l)h}=eAh[X(nh)+v 0 {F(e She -I)

1. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Ce -Sh n G1 (e-6h -Ah I)-6h )n}B]

The A-matrix is diagonalized by the trans- (11)
formation' 2

where F = -(A+÷I) (12)

(5) G = -(A+6I) (13)
A t A t It can be shown' that the inverses of F
eAt equals V c
e c V
1 where e c is a dia- and G exist if a proper set of state variables
is chosen, which is assumed to be the case.
gonal matrix. Substituting from (3) and (5)
in (4) It is seen from Eq. (11) that only the se-
ries expansion of eAh is required. The other
t A Ct--u) -T B-e matrix exponentials are calculated from its
X(t) Vce V
B v Ce -e )dT (6) inverse. The series expansion for eAh is

eAh = I l (Ah)n + R (i14) METHODS
The three proposed algorithms for calcula-
where ting transient response have been applied to a
00 number of examples. As a result of this the
Rm = I 1 (Ah)n
(15) following comments can be made about their re-
n=m+l lative merits.
The idea is now to choose h small eniough Accuracy
and m large enough, so that the norm of R m is
kept below a certain predetermined value. The When assessing the accuracy of the cal-
state transition matrix is then approxim ated culations, the condition of the system should
by the m first terms in the series. be considered. 18 defines the condition num-
ber of the A-matrix as
As h is the desired time interval in the
this may be too large to ensure a rea-
convergence in the series expansio n. A
cond(A) = 11 All IIA 11 = max /Cmin (22)
smaller time step Ah is, therefore, introdluced where 0max and 0min are the largest and smal-
in Eq. (14) and the series expansion for eAAh lest singular value of A. con (A) can be re-
is first found'5. eAh is then given by lated to the eigenvalues of the system as fol-
e Ah =[{(e AAh )}
2 2 ]2 (16)
con(A) < mxl Wma (23)
the squaring being repeated p times and min min

Ah = h/2P (17) It is seen from Eq. (23) that the condi-

tion number increases, i.e. the system becomes
It is possible to specify an upper bound increasingly illconditioned, as the spread in
of the terms in the remainder matrix 16, and eigenvalues increases. Even if a system is
using this, the optimum values of m and Ah are well conditioned, it is obvious that rounding
found with respect to computing time'. The errors will become increasingly important as
value of m is dependent on the structure of the order of the system increases. An illcon-
the A-matrix, and for the present problem it ditioned system is, however, more sensitive to
was found to be 7 when the upper bound is rounding errors than a well conditioned one,
lo10 with the result that large networks with a
large spread in eigenvalues are bound to pre-
3. Poles and zeros sent the biggest computational problems. A
couple of examples will serve to illustrate
This approach to the solution of Eq. (1) this.
is based on a work by C. Pottle17. Example 1 - One single winding.
Taking the Laplace transform of Eqs. (1-2)
With only one winding the spread in eigen-
X(s) = (sI-A) -1 B v(s) (18) values is normally found to be quite moderate.
Using an analytical expression for the induc-
U(s) = SX(s) + D v(s) (19) tance distribution, a winding was divided into
48 sections giving an A-matrix of order 94.
Considering element i of U one gets the umax/wmin was about 50. Comparing the time
following transfer function between u.(s) and response, as calculated by the different meth-
v(s) 1 ods, agreement was found to be within " 10-3
= S.(sI-A)
1B + d.
Example 2 - Three-winding transformer.
H.(s) is a scalar.
The spread in eigenvalues in a complete
The transfer function is calculated by its transformer phase may be considerably larger
poles and zeros. Its poles are equal to.the than in one single winding. Dividing each
eigenvalues of the A-matrix. To find the ze- winding into 18 sections, an A-matrix of 100th
ros Pottle considers the inverse system i.e. a order was obtained. In this case, the spread
system whose transfer function has the zeros in eigenvalues was found to be Wmax/Wmn 75O0.
of Hi(s) as its poles. Since di * 0 the num- The two methods based on a diagonalizing of
ber of zeros equals the number of poles and eAt (1 and 3) agreed to within 5 10o-3 p.u. -

the zeros equals the eigenvalues of the matrix The series expansion method, however, gave
rather erroneous results, the discrepancy be-
At = A - l B S t (21) ing ; 0.15 p.u. compared to the other two.
d.1 i

When all poles and zeros of the transfer When reducing the number of sections to 12
function is known, ui(t) is easily found by (A-matrix of order 64) all three methods agre-
residue calculation. It should be noted that ed within z 5 * 10-4 p.u.
while the poles are the same for every output
voltage, the zeros have to be calculated anew It was discovered that the reason for the
for each output. poorer accuracy of method 2 stemmed from accu-

mulated rounding errors in establishing eAh. methods are almost independent of this (when n
is large). Comparing methods 1 and 3 it will
According to1 Ah should be chosen inverse- be remembered that while method 1 requires
ly proportional to the maximum eigenvalue of eigenvalues and a set of eigenvectors, method
the system. However, as this value is unknown 3 requires, instead, a new-set of eigenvalues
the only relevant available estimate is ||Ail. (zeros) for each desired output. It has been
It may, however, be several orders of magnitu- found that for a network with 14 nodes the
de larger than wmax and the value chosen for time required to find the eigenvectors is ap-
Ah may accordingly be much too small. For ex- proximately equivalent to finding two sets of
ample, it was found that for the network in eigenvalues. With a 50-node network on the
example 2, IjAII t 500 0max This results in other hand, five sets of eigenvalues can be
an exessive number of squaring operations (ac- found in the same time as one set of eigenvec-
cumulating rounding errors) when eAh is compu- tors. As the desirable number of outputs
ted from eAAh. In the example just mentioned, tends to increase with the size of the net-
the number of squaring operations was 19, whi- work, it may be concluded that method 1 is the
le 10 would have been sufficient to ensure most attractive.
convergence. In this particular investigation
Wmax was known from the two alternative meth- CALCULATION MODEL FOR 3-PHASE TRANSFORMER
ods. An attempt was therefore made to replace
I|Ail with wmax. The result was that with 10
squaring operations the series expansion meth-
It is sufficient to represent a.3-phase
transformer with only one phase, provided that
od now agreed to within 5 - 10 * l0-' p.u. all non-impulsed terminals are grounded. This
with the other two methods for the 50 node is a result of the assumptions made about in-
network where it previously gave erroneous re- terphase coupling. If the impulsed winding
sults. has an ungrounded neutral, this is no longer
possible. The 3-phase system may now be com-
Comparing calculated voltages with 8 - 18 puted by superposing single-phase solutions
number of sections per winding shows that no for component systems.
practical changes occur on methods 1 and 3. It
was therefore concluded that no numerical pro- Fig. 5 shQws how a single-phase impulse
blems are encountered with these two methods. may be resolved into components.- Due to the
Although method 2 is more critical it is felt assumed symmetry and lack of interphase coupl-
that all winding configurations encountered in ing, the neutral voltage in c will be zero and
practice may be solved with satisfactory accu- the response in the impulsed phase of Fig. 5
racy by any one of the three methods, as 8 will be the sum of two components as shown in
sections per winding normally is found to be Fig. 6.
Coleman'9 as well as Gururaj2° have pre-
Speed sented component systems. The resolution used
.in this work is recognized as a special case
Fig. 4 shows computing time against the of Coleman's component system. Oscillograms
size of the network for the three methods in taken on different transformers have shown
question. The computations are carried out on that this resolution is justifiable.
a UNIVAC 1108 computer. It should bNe noted
that the efficiency of method 3 (poles and ze- A 3-phase transformer with isolated neu-
ros of the transfer functions) is wholly de- tral can thus be computed in about twice the
pendent on the desired number .of output volt- time required for a single-phase transformer
ages. As typical numbers, 3 and 10 desired (two runs).
outputs are assumed in Fig. 4. The other two

D vo v v v 2v
i. 10 outputs -

-- .d" 3 outputs _ :/HF _ /7HF _7 }

/ - / ~~Method 1
-sZ / --x__ Method 2
,/ v ~~~Method3
10- I_ L
5i 'lol

10 20 30 40 50 60 ci b c

Fig. 4. Computation time (U 1108). Fig. 5. Component system.

v 2A
T 3
1.57 .
11 0 u2-grnd.
10 20 30 40Ops

Fig. 9. LV-full-wave on a single-phase

700/3 MVA, (400/285)//W kV, auto transformer.
Fig. 6. Components for single-phase impulse.
A comparison with repetitive surge genera-
tor measurements has been made on 27 voltages., V-Ur"
measured on 10 transformers. Rating.from 3 to
700 MVA, 60 to 400 kV, up to 4 windings per
leg. 20 4

The average discrepancy in amplitude and

frequency was 5% with a maximum of 15%. .26 u -grnd.

Some of the voltages are shown in Fig. 7-

10 . L0 60 8 Ps

Fig. i0. HV-full-wave on.the same

transformer as in Fig. 9,
p.U. u'"- gfnd
This work describes a method-of calculat-
.37 grnd. b ing voltage oscillations in transformer wind-
ings..during impulse test.
10 2030 4050
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80ps The windings are represented by a number
of lumped L, C,.R-elements, mutually coupled.
p~~~.u .

E L~~~L Inductances and capacitances are calculat-

ed from the geometric dimensions.
.~~~~~~~~ c
The damping is.determined empirically as a
function of frequency.
a,b,c: N
P.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ISOLATED
d: N GROUNDED Three different methods are compared for
the calculation of time response. It is con-
cluded that approach,. for this pur-
Fig. 7. Single-phase full-wave on a 20 MVA, pose, is a method based on eigenvalues and ei-
63±6x1,5%/ll,8 kV transformer. genvectors. Networks with up to 60 nodes have
been handled successfully.
MEASURED Comparisons with measured voltages have
CALCULATED been made on 10 transformers, ranging from 3
to 700 MVA, 60 to 400 kV. Windings per leg
have been from 2 to 4.
p.uj i

.93 u6-grnd.
The calculated maximum value and frequen-
cy lie ih general within 10% of the measure-
LV HV ments.
10l 20 30 40 50 60 70 8O Ps

Fig., 8. LV-full-wave on one phase of a

150/100/50 MVA, 300/152/9,5 kV transformer.
APPENDIX X (t)=-C G X (t)+X 2 (t)+C (G C C m-Gm )v(t)
1 ~~1
Derivation of the differential equations (30a)
The network equations are firs,t form Replacing U(t) in Eq. (28) with X (t) and
ted in nodal form X2(t) from Eq. (29)-(30)
C'U'(t) + G'U'(t) + r'tU'(t) - 0 (241) (24)
122 (t)=-c -1 r x (t)+C -1 (r c -l -I' )v(t) (31)
2 ~~1 cm m
C' = nodal capacitance matrix including Now, Eq. (30a) and Eq. (31) are combined
put node [(n+l) . (n+l)] in the following matrix equation
GI = nodal conductance matrix including r( rC GII]X(t] EC'(G C1C -G
put node [(n+l) . (n+l)] -- = 1-,---- +-1 m m
rio 2(t) C (r C C -1
rI = nodal matrix of inverse inductances m

including input node [(n+l) . (n+l)] (32)

U'(t) = vector of node voltages including in- Furthermore, Eq. (29) can be expressed as
put voltage (n+l-dimensional)
The nodal matrices are
branch matrices as follows
related to the
u(t) ; xx1(t) -c -1 cmv(t) (29a)
= -----

C' = T c C b T c (25)
I is the identity matrix.
=TGC GbT G (26)
Comparing Eq. (32) and (29a) with Eq. (1)
r I= T L L b -1 Tt
L (27) and (2) gives the desired matrices A, B, S, D.

TC, TG, TL - cutset-matrices for the capaciti-

-1 i 1
ve, conductive and inductive part A = (33)
of the network resp. They all
have n+l rows, the number of co- 1
lumns beihg equal to the number
of capacitive, conductive and in- C (G C C -G )
ductive elements resp. B = -
1 -1 .m m (3L4)
Cb, Gb, Lb = branch matrices of capacitance,
c (r c m-ri)]
conductance and inductance resp.
S = [I l (35)
Lb is non-singular, as only branches with
inductance are included. -1
D = -C C
The number of equations (24) is reduced by
extracting the input-terms. From Eq. (24)
It can be seen from Eq. (29) and (30) that
C U(t)+G U(t)+r U(t)=-C Vi(t)-G v(t)-r-v(t)
m m m
node voltages and their derivatives are chosen
as state variables. This choice may require a
(28) few comments. The state variables of a system
are defined as the minimum set of variables
C, G and are the n * n matrices which remain required to describe its behavior2'. It can
when the mrth row and column are removed in be shown that the present choice satisfies
C', G' and r'. Node m is where the input vol- this definition, provided none of the windings
tage is applied, C, mG and r are the m'th
m m
has both terminals floating. As the connect-
column f C',G' and r' with the m'th row removed. ion during the impulse test is such that this
situation does not arise, the choice of state
To get Eq. (28) in the desired form (Eq. variables is considered appropriate for the
(l)-(2) a set of state variables is chosen as present purpose.
If, for some reason, the need to include a
X 1 (t)=U(t)+C C
v(t) (29) floating winding should arise, one of the var-
iables may be eliminated. This is a trivial
X2(t)=X1(t)+C G X~1 (t)-C (G C C -G M)v(t) problem, and will not be treated here.
-l -l

1 m m

It is seen from the equivalent network ACKNOWLEDGMENT

(Fig. 2) that at least one capacitive element
is connected to every node. Hence, C is non- The authors wish to thank prof. dr.techn.
singular. This particular choice of state va- I. Johansen, head of "The High Voitage Divi-
riables is made to obtain a sparse A-matrix. sion, The Norwegian Institute of Technology",
for his interest as well as for useful discus-
Rearranging Eq. (30) sions during this work.

REFERENCES (15) M. Enns, "Transformer Impulse Distributi-
on Solution I & II", Westinghouse Re-
(i) P.I. Fergestad, Transient Oscillations search Report 66-lD3-CSCON-R3, Des. 1966
in Transformer Windings, Oslo, Universi- & Westinghouse Research Report 68-7D3-
tetsforlaget, 1972. Dr. Thesis. SYSTP-Rl, Feb. 1968.
(2) P.A. Abetti, "Bibliography on the Surge (16) M.L. Liou, "A Novel Method of Evaluating
Performance of Transformers and Rotating Transient Response", IEEE, vol. 54, No.
Machines", AIEE Trans., vol. 77, pt. III 1, Jan. 1966, pp. 20-23.
Dec. 1958, pp. 11150-68. First Supple-
ment, AIEE Trans., vol. 81, pt. III, Aug. (17) C. Pottle, "A 'Textbook' Computerized
1962, pp.213-19. Second Supplement, IEEE, State-Space Network Analysis Algorithm",
Trans., vol. PAS-83, Aug. 1964, pp.855- IEEE Int. Circuit Theory Symp., Dec.1968.
(18) G. Forsyte, C.B. Moler, Computer Solution
(3) P. Waldvogel, R. Rouxel, "Eine neue Meth- of Linear Algebraic Systems, Prentice-
ode zur Berechnung der Stosspannungs- Hall Inc., 1967.
Verteilung in Spulenwicklungen"', Brown
Boveri Mitt., vol. 43, No. 6, 1956, pp. (19) B.L. Coleman, "Oscillations in a Trans-
206-13. former Winding", IEE Proc., vol. 107,
pt. A, Oct. 1960, pp. 432-38.
(4) J.H. McWhirter, C.D. Fahrnkopf, J.H. Ste-
ele, "Determination of Impulse Stresses (20) B.I. Gururaj, "Natural Frequencies of 3-
within transformer Windings by Comput- Phase Transformer Windings", IEEE Trans.
ers", AIEE Trans., vol. 75, pt. III, vol. PAS-82, June 1963, pp. 318-29.
Feb. 1957, pp. 1267-74.
(21) B.C. Kuo, Linear Networks and Systems.
(s) B.M. Dent, E.R. Hartill, J.G. Miles,. "A McGraw-Hill 1967.
Method of Analysis of Transformer Impulse
Voltage Distribution Using a Digital Com-
puter", Proc. IEE, vol. 105, pt. A, Oct.
1958, pp. 445-45.9.
(6) M. Krondl, A. Schleich, "Vorausbestimmung Discussion
der Ausgleichsvorgange in Transformatoren
bei Stosspannung", Bull. Oerlikon, 1960, K. A. Wirgau, (General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass.): The
pp. 114-33. authors are to be congratulated on the application of state-space to the
winding transient problem. It should be recognized that the state-space
(7) B.N. Jayaram, "Bestimmung der Stosspan- approach is a useful method only when the coefficients of the A matrix
nungsverteilung in Transformatoren mit are constants. I would like to have the authors comment on the follow-
Digitalrechner", ETZ-A, Heft 1, Jan. ing questions.
1961, pp. 1-9. (1) The choice of a set of state variables is arbitrary but how did
you arrive with this particular set and what was the advantage of this
(8) G. Preininger, "Die Berechnung der Stos- (2) Have the authors had any problems with repeated eigenvalues
spannungsbeanspruchung von Transformator- for the transformer windings investigated? If the mathematics takes
en mittels Digitalrechner", Elin Zeit- care of this problem, could the authors elaborate on how the mathe-
schrift, No. 19, 1967, pp. 101-12. matics does?
(3) It is not mentioned in the paper how accurately the windings
(9) K. Okuyama, "A Numerical Analysis of Im- were represented. By this statement I am referring to the degree of
pulse Voltage Distribution in Transformer capacitive and inductive coupling between a particular turn or section
Windings", Elect. Eng. Japan, vol. 87, and its neighbors. Would the authors please comment?
No. 1, 1967, pp. 80-88. (4) It is recognized that transformers are subjected to chopped
and steep front impulses. Have the authors evaluated these conditions
and if so, what degree of success was obtained?
(io) P. I. Fergestad, T. Henriksen, "Induc- (5) In Fig. 3 there is an a term on the ordinate. Could the authors
tantes for the Calculation of Transient define this term?
Oscillations in Transformers", A Compan- (6) To what degree were shunted resistances used in the case
ion paper. investigated? Were they used only between selected nodes or between
all nodes?
(11) G.M. Stein, "A Study of the Initial Surge (7) Could the authors state what all the constants of Eq. (9) are
equal too?
Distribution in Concentric Transformer (8) Of what magnitude have you found delta h to be in Eq. (17)?
Windings", IEEE Trans., vol. PAS-83, (9) It seems to me that the finer the representation of the coil,
Sept. 1964, pp. 877-93. the greater the chance for ill-conditioning. What have the authors found
to be true?
(12) J.H. Wilkinson, The Algebraic Eigenvalue
Problem, Oxford Univ. Press, 1965. Manuscript received July 25, 1973.

(13) M. Enns et al., "Practical Aspects of

State-Space Methods Part 2 System Analy-
sis and Simulation", Scientific Paper
64-lD3-295-P2 (Westinghouse El.Co.), Oct. J. H. McWhirter (Westinghouse Elec. Corp., Pittsburgh, Penn. 15235):
1964. The authors of this paper have done a commendable job in devising a
solution to the calculation of impulse voltage which is practical anid at
(14) J. Grad, M.A. Brebner, "Algorithm 343,- the same time has a well founded physical and mathematical basis. The
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Real assumptions are clearly stated.
General Matrix [F2]", Comm. of the ACM,
vol. 11, No. 12, Dec. 1968. Manuscript received August 6, 1973.

The work can be divided into two parts a) the formulation of the 1. The particular choice of state variables was made in order to
mathematical model and b) the solution of the equations. The equation obtain a sparse and convenient A-matrix.
solution is well done and I would like to comment only on the physical This matrix will have its two left quadrants full. The upper right
model from the viewpoint of my own experience which, in general, quadrant is the identity matrix, the lower quadrant is zero (Eq. 33)).
supports the model used in this paper. This particular structure can be efficiently made use of in the
The authors state that the transient response is determined by the calculation procedure, where the series expansion of eAt is desired. The
leakage inductances which are, for practical purposes, independent of more conventional choice of current through inductances and voltage
frequency and voltage amplitude. This is something which often has not across capacitances as state-variables would fill up the upper right
been clearly recognized in the past. This statement concerning leakage quadrant of A also. This would adversely affect the computation time
inductances is consistent with work done by my colleagues and myself if the series expansion technique is to be applied.
which is reported in reference 4 of the paper. A possible difference may The procedure used to find eigenvalues is, however, unaffected by
be that the authors calculate leakage reactance from self and mutual in- the sparsity of the A-matrix.
ductances and we calculated the leakage inductances directly. The 2. Repeated eigenvalues have not been encountered so far in our
model described in reference 4 has been quite successful. The calcula- transient analysis of transformer windings. As this possibility however
tion of leakage inductance is based on the assumption of infinite iron exists, we did construct a network which possessed this feature and were
relative permeability contrasting with an assumption of unity which satisfied that the analysis was unaffected.
has been common. Actually the results would be essentially the same Using the QR-method, eigenvalues will be found whether they are
if a relative permeability of, say, ten were used and in most cases repeated or single. In order to find a set of eigenvectors however, re-
would not be drastically affected by assuming a permeability of one. peated eigenvalues are first separated by a small amount (10-9). This
We do have experimental evidence that the effective permeability is approximation has no effect on the response.
much greater than one. The following is a description of this experi- 3. The necessary number of sections used to represent a core
mental evidence: form transformer disc type winding was found to be 6 - 8. This will give
1. Place a simple winding on a core and apply an impulse at an 24 - 32 sections in a 4-winding transformer provided all windings are
appropriate level, measuring current and voltage. The current is much represented with the same number of sections (which may be convenient
less than if the core were air. but not necessary). In a homogeneous winding, the axial position of a
2. Place two windings on a core but widely separated so that the particular section was found to be of no importance for its self-induct-
air core coupling would be small. Impulse one winding and measure the ance. All sections are mutually coupled inductively as stated in the
resultant induced voltage in the other. The induced voltage will be con- paper. Fig. 2 of the paper shows the capacitive and resistive network.
sistent with the assumption of infinite core permeability but the as- 4. The National Standards for impulse testing in Norway do not
sumption of unit permeability will give poor results. include chopped or front of wave tests. Therefore our comparisons were
The authors claim that until their work was completed there only made for the full wave impulse. Lacking experimental data to
remained to be developed support our statement, we can only say that the method of analysis is
- a method for analyzing multiwinding transformers expected to be suitable for any impulse wave form which can be approx-
- a method of taking into account the effect of the iron core on imated by two (or more) exponentials.
the inductances 5. The a and & terms appearing in Fig. 3 are the real and imaginary
- a method of representing the losses. parts respectively of an eigenvalue (absolute values). See also Eq. (9).
This seems to be ungenerous toward previous work done by others. For 6. Resistances were inserted between all nodes as shown in Fig. 2.
example, the work in reference 4 by myself and colleagues works well As pointed out in the paper, they were given values (by experience)
for multiwinding transformers and, I believe, takes account of the core which within reasonable limits had a very minor influence on the final
quite precisely. lt is true that the damping is not considered and the response as long as the damping is calculated as described in the paper.
authors have done a fine job in including damping. The ability to include 7. As the expressions for some of the constants in Eq. (9) are
damping provides a sense of security which is desirable but it has been somewhat lengthy, this part was omitted in the paper. We refer Mr. Wirgau
my experience that damping is so small as to be of secondary practical to pp. 47 - 50 of P. I. Fergestad's thesis (ref 1 of the paper) where the
importance. Would the authors comment on the practical importance derivation of the constants is described.
of damping in their experience? 8. The time step Ah with 7 terms in the series expansion was chosen
Ah = 0.7
g where the norm of the A-matrix is
IIA 1 =min. maxiX laijl,maxj 2 laijI
P. I. Fergestad and T. Henriksen: The authors thank Mr. Wirgau and
Mr. McWhirter for their discussion. 9. We agree with Mr. Wirgau about the effect of a finer representa-
Mr. Wirgau raises a number of questions. We will refer him to illconiti -msprea rn
tion of the coils. the d ofequeesponcreases A will refersen
reference (1) of the paper for further details, as our answers in this As seen from Eq. (23) of the paper, the system becomes increasingly
connection have to be somewhat brief. ill-conditioned as the spread in eigenvalues increases. A finer representa-


t I --. -
measured response
hr = 60
linear distribution
~measured response


Winding in air
g 10 15 20'. 25
(a) (b)
Fig. 11

Manuscript received October 16, 1973.

tion of the coils (increasing the number of sections) therefore produces P..U winout loss
a more ill-conditioned system. It is our experience, however, that analys- with loss
ing windings with a large difference in the number of turns produces the 1.0
largest spread in eigenvalues.
Mr. McWhirter raises in his discussion the question of iron core
permeability. As stated in Fig. 15 of the companion paper (ref. 10), we
agree that, within reasonable limits, the permeability has a moderate
influence on the transient response as long as the winding connection
complies with the assumptions in the paper. Figs. 4 and 5 of the com-
panion paper might provide a more quantitative assessment of the effect
of the iron core. It is seen that the iron core behaves quite different from
an air core even at frequencies of hundreds of kHz. It is also evident,
however, that the core permeability in the high frequency range is con- .6 ' /1
siderably less than in the low frequency (50 Hz) range, where a relative 11 s~~
~ ~ ~~~~~~~~
permeability of infinity may be a reasonable assumption. Fig. 11 of the
companion paper shows that while Mr = 60 gives good correspondence
between measured and calculated inductive coupling, Pr = 1 gives poor
results. So does also the straight line distribution, which results from the
5 10 15 25 30 40' 45 50
frequently made assumption of a radial leakage field. It should be noted
that this assumption actually does not follow from setting Pr = - and it
gives poorer results than introducing Mr = oo in the authors program. Fig. 12. Same condition as Fig. 8.
Fig. 11 shows the measured response for a single winding placed on an
iron core (a) and in air (b). The responses are significantly different,
hence Pr = I is a poor approximation for the iron core. Fig. 11 also state this explicitely, the experiences reported in the paper refer to this
shows that the calculated response with Mr = 60 is noticeably better than work.
the straight line approximation for the mutual inductances. Our work on shell form is still in progress, and we are interested to
It should be noted that although the differences become less pro- hear about Mr. McWhirter's good experience with his digital/analogue-
nounced when short circuited windings are introduced, this example calculation method (ref. 4 of our paper) based on 50 Hz short circuit
serves to illustrate the importance of the iron core. reactances. While this approach may well be satisfactory for shell form,
We therefore agree with Mr. McWhirter that if a choice between it is inadequate for core form where for instance the 50 Hz reactance
Pr = I and Pr = oo has to be made, Mr = oo is the better approximation. between an upper section in one winding and a lower section in another
However, introducing Mr at an intermediate value (50 - 100) has proved winding will be very inaccurate.
to give more accurate results. An example of the effect of including damping is shown in Fig. 12.
To clarify a possible difference between the scope of the authors The calculated maximum voltage with damping is 3% off (Fig. 8) while
and Mr. McWhirter, it should be pointed out that while his work refers the calculated maximum voltage without damping is 14% off. The average
to shell form transformers, our goal was to consider core form as well as deviation foi our method, now within 5%, could hardly be expected to
shell form. We started out with core form and, although we failed to be below 15-20% if damping was omitted.


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