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Part 6
Read the description of weekend events. Then check ( ✓ ) True or False.

True False

Example: The Jazz Ensemble is free on Thursday. ( ) (F )

25. The concert at the Metro Symphony is at 7:30. ( ) ( )

26. The Museum of Modern Art is open on Mondays. ( ) ( )

27. The art exhibit at the Barker School is free. ( ) ( )

Read the answers in each conversation. Complete the questions.

Example: A: __Who___ do you ____look___ the most like, your father or your mother?

B: Oh, I look the most like my mother.

A:                               WHERE        do your children                          LIVE          ?

17. 18.

B: Both of them still live at home with their mother and me.

A:                       WHAT              kind of movies do you    WANT                                 to see?

19. 20.

B: I like to see funny movies with happy endings.

Read and answer each question. Use complete sentences. Use at least
two sentences in each answer.

1. What is good about having a small family?

The financial costs to support the family are lower.

It is easier to combine your professional career with family life.

2. What is good about having a large family?

Children learn faster to share, to help at home and to be more careful with their


That there will always be someone to play with, share your sorrows and joys on all

occasions. There will be a family member who will support you.

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