Catalysts and Barriers To Increasing The Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables and Reducing The Prevalence of Hypertension

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Catalysts and barriers to increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and

reducing the prevalence of hypertension

Monitoring metrics, dietary quality, and farmland capacity

PhD Dissertation

Zach Conrad
Agriculture, Food, and Environment Program

Committee Members
Dr. Timothy Griffin (chair)
Dr. Christian Peters
Dr. Kenneth Chui
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Table of Contents
List of tables ..................................................................................................................................... i
List of figures ................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1
Different fruit and vegetable data collection programs for U.S. adults do not produce the same
results .............................................................................................................................................20
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................22
Introduction ................................................................................................................................23
Methods ......................................................................................................................................25
Results ........................................................................................................................................32
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................35
Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables can help hypertensive adults meet the nutrient targets of the
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet with fewer servings than is
recommended .................................................................................................................................44
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................46
Introduction ................................................................................................................................47
Methods ......................................................................................................................................49
Results ........................................................................................................................................58
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................66
Agricultural capacity to increase the production of selected nutrient dense fruits and vegetables
for treating hypertension ................................................................................................................73

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................73
Introduction ................................................................................................................................75
Methods ......................................................................................................................................79
Results ........................................................................................................................................84
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................93
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................106

Appendices ...................................................................................................................................112

List of tables
Daily per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable groups, 2007-2010 ......................................35
Daily per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable groups, 2011 ...............................................36
Number of servings and vegetable subgroup proportions of the current diet, USDA Food Pattern,
and DASH diet ...............................................................................................................................58
Nutrient intake among hypertensive adults compared to DASH diet nutrient targets, NHANES
2009-2010 ......................................................................................................................................60
Fruits and vegetables included in Scenario diets ...........................................................................62
Nutrient contribution of Scenario diet series CC (all F&V) compared to current intake ..............63
Nutrient contribution of Scenario diet series CC (consumer preferred F&V) compared to current
intake ..............................................................................................................................................63
Nutrient contribution of Scenario diets, all F&V...........................................................................64
Nutrient contribution of Scenario diets, consumer preferred F&V ...............................................66
National production centers of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables .............................................86
Current agricultural land area and potential agricultural land area suitable for the production of
nutrient dense fruits and vegetables ...............................................................................................92
Current and potential per capita availability of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables for
hypertensive adults.........................................................................................................................93

List of figures
Linkage between nutrition, public health, and agriculture ..............................................................3
Bland-Altman comparison between NHANES and LAFA, daily per capita consumption of fruits
and vegetables, 2007-2010.............................................................................................................34
Attributes of Scenario diets ............................................................................................................56
Suitable agricultural land for dates in Riverside County, California .............................................87
Suitable agricultural land for kiwis in a) Tulare County, California and b) Butte County,
California .......................................................................................................................................87
Suitable agricultural land for broccoli in a) Monterey County, California and b) Santa Barbara
County, California..........................................................................................................................87
Suitable agricultural land for lima beans in Sussex and Ken Counties, Delaware ........................89
Suitable agricultural land for sweet potatoes in a) Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson
Counties, North Carolina, b) Calhoun County, Mississippi, and c) Merced County, California ..90
Suitable agricultural land for Great Northern beans in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill
Counties, Nebraska ........................................................................................................................91


Hypertension is a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the leading
cause of death in the United States (US). Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables (F&V)
is associated with a reduced risk of developing hypertension and CVD, yet most Americans do
not meet the recommended daily consumption amounts for F&V. National public health goals
for 2020 include reducing the prevalence of hypertension and increasing the consumption of
F&V, but several barriers stand in the way of achieving these goals. Three different dietary data
collection programs are used to inform nutrition policies, interventions, and messages, but the
degree of agreement among the data generated by these programs has not been examined.
Additionally, although the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet – which
includes high amounts of F&V – is associated with a reduced risk of hypertension, CVD, and all-
cause mortality, the rate of adherence continues to be low. Finally, most F&V consumed in the
US are produced domestically, but the capacity of the US agricultural system to accommodate
increased consumption of nutrient dense F&V is not well documented. The goal of this
dissertation is to examine several catalysts and barriers to achieving the national public health
nutrition goals of increasing the consumption of F&V and reducing the prevalence of
hypertension; this will be accomplished through three separate studies. In the first study, I
estimate the comparability of daily per capita F&V consumption data generated from the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2007-2010; the Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2007-2011; and the Loss-Adjusted Food Availability
(LAFA) data series, 2007-2011; using statistical agreement tests and descriptive means
comparisons. In the second study, I develop a food pattern model to examine whether consuming
nutrient dense F&V, instead of those currently consumed, without increasing the amount
consumed, will provide enough fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium for hypertensive
adults to meet the nutrient targets of the DASH diet. In the third study, I create geospatial models
to investigate the degree to which the US agricultural system can increase the production of
selected nutrient dense F&V in eleven major production centers. The results of these studies are
as follows. In the first study, I found that NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA do not produce the same
results and should not be used interchangeably to estimate daily per capita F&V consumption at
the national level. In the second study, I found that consuming nutrient dense F&V instead of
those currently consumed, without increasing the amount consumed, will not provide enough
nutrients for hypertensive adults to meet the nutrient targets of the DASH diet; yet by choosing
more nutrient dense F&V and increasing the number of servings consumed, hypertensive adults
can meet the nutrient targets with fewer servings than is recommended. In the third study, I
found that there is enough suitable agricultural land within the major production centers to
accommodate a substantial increase in demand for selected nutrient dense F&V, but that further
increases in the per capita availability of F&V are needed for hypertensive adults to meet the
DASH diet. This research is important for several reasons. It shows that matching the research
question to the appropriate data source is essential to computing accurate estimates of daily per
capita consumption of F&V. This research also provides clinicians with information that can be
used to help their hypertensive patients adopt more healthy dietary patterns. Finally, this research
highlights the important role that smaller production centers and international food markets will
play if hypertensive adults adopt healthier eating patterns.


The linkage between public health nutrition and agriculture

The relationship between dietary quality and chronic disease outcomes is driven by dietary

patterns (Figure 1),1, 2 which can be defined as ―the quantities, proportions, variety, or

combination of different foods, drinks, and nutrients in diets, and the frequency with which they

are habitually consumed‖.3 Agricultural production is a response to the dietary patterns of large

populations because, at its most basic level, the purpose of an agricultural system is to produce

the types and amounts of food that are demanded by a given population. While food production

on a large scale can enhance ecosystem services, it also has the potential to deplete or degrade

natural resources, threaten environmental sustainability, and reduce yields, thereby limiting the

agricultural capacity to accommodate dietary patterns. There are also limits to how much, and

how quickly, agriculture can adapt to shifting food demands. Every crop has its own growing

conditions that need to be met in order to thrive, so the availability of suitable cropland can limit

the availability of certain foods for consumers.


Dietary data collection


Nutrition policies and


Agricultural Dietary patterns Agricultural

production capacity

Dietary quality
Disease outcomes

Figure 1: Linkage between nutrition, public health, and


Dietary patterns are also affected by nutrition policies, interventions, and messages, such as the

Dietary Guidelines for Americans,4 USDA MyPlate,5 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

(DASH) diet,6 and the Fruit & Veggies – More Matters7 campaign. These efforts are informed by

dietary data collection programs, which are used to estimate food consumption of population

groups and to track progress toward achieving public health goals.

The typical American diet is of low quality8 and people are continually urged to change the way

they eat. Yet shifts in dietary patterns depends on the integrity of the dietary data collection

programs that are used to craft nutrition policies, interventions, and messages, and also on the

agricultural capacity to accommodate more healthy dietary patterns. In this dissertation, I

examine the catalysts and barriers to achieving the national public health nutrition goals of

increasing the consumption of F&V9 and reducing the prevalence of hypertension,10

through three distinct studies. The focus is on fruits and vegetables (F&V) because different

methods to track progress toward achieving national consumption goals may result in

inconsistent policies, interventions, and messages; the negative health outcomes associated with

under-consuming F&V is a national public health concern; and it is unknown whether achieving

national public health goals related to F&V consumption is limited by the availability of suitable

agricultural land in the US.

In chapter 1, three prominent dietary data collection programs are used to measure F&V

consumption at the national level, and their results are compared with one another using a

combination of statistical methods. These findings will allow us to determine whether it is

appropriate to use these programs interchangeably to track progress toward achieving national

public health nutrition goals. This chapter is titled Different fruit and vegetable data collection

programs for U.S. adults do not produce the same results, and has been formatted to the

specifications of Nutrition Research. In chapter 2, F&V consumption and nutrient intake are

estimated for hypertensive adults, and we examine whether diets that include more nutrient dense

F&V can help this population achieve the nutrient targets associated with normalized blood

pressure. These results will allow clinicians to offer more targeted dietary guidance for their

patients, which could increase nutrient intake and reduce the prevalence of hypertension. This

chapter is titled Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables can help hypertensive adults meet the

nutrient targets of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet with fewer servings

than is recommended, and is formatted according to the specifications of Nutrition Research. In

chapter 3, we examine whether there is enough suitable agricultural land in the US to increase

the production of nutrient dense F&V for hypertensive adults. These results will help us to

understand whether agricultural production capacity limits the achievement of national public

health nutrition goals relating to F&V consumption and hypertension prevalence. This chapter is

titled Agricultural capacity to increase the production of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables for

treating hypertension, and is formatted according to the specifications of Renewable Agriculture

and Food Systems. Before presenting each of these chapters in turn, I provide some background

on the linkage between public health nutrition and agriculture as it relates specifically to F&V.

Monitoring consumption of fruits and vegetables

It is well established that regular consumption of F&V is associated with a reduced risk of

chronic disease.11, 12 There is particularly strong evidence for a risk reduction of cardiovascular

disease (CVD),11-13 which is the leading cause of death in the United States.14 Wang et al.

(2014)15 found that each serving of F&V consumed per day offered protection against all-cause

mortality, up to two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables. This is approximately the

same amount that is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, yet most people do

not meet these recommendations. Accordingly, national public health nutrition goals for 2020

call for increasing daily F&V consumption to two cup equivalents per 1,000kcal.9 Continuous

monitoring of F&V consumption at the national level is critical for assessing progress towards

this goal, and is used to inform public health messages and dietary interventions.

The first documented attempt to collect dietary data for public health purposes was in 1902 in

Winchester, England, in response to a localized outbreak of enteric fever.16 It was a simple

survey in which guests who had attended a dinner banquet were asked which foods they

consumed from the dinner menu. Today, dietary data is collected as part of carefully planned and

coordinated programs that are designed to be generalizable to large populations. At the national

level, F&V consumption is predominantly monitored using the National Health and Nutrition

Examination Survey (NHANES), 17-23 the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

(BRFSS),24-31 and the Loss-Adjusted Food Availability (LAFA) data series.32-39 NHANES

measures the amount of individual foods consumed in their whole (e.g. tomato), processed (e.g.

tomato juice), and formulated (e.g. tomatoes in pasta sauce) forms; BRFSS measures the

frequency of consumption of F&V subgroups (e.g. dark green, orange, starchy); and LAFA

measures the per capita availability of whole and processed forms of individual foods.

However, there is some indication that these programs may not be producing the same results.

For example, the proportion of adults meeting daily F&V consumption recommendations has

been observed at 13-20% using NHANES data23 and >25% using BRFSS data29. Using LAFA, it

was estimated that mean consumption was 50-70% of the recommended quantity33. These

differences could result in inconsistent public health messaging and dietary interventions, so

testing the comparability of these methods is critical to ensuring consistency among these efforts.

There are no studies that have directly compared F&V consumption estimates across all of these

programs. Studies that have compared nutrient intake40 and fresh F&V consumption41 between

NHANES and the Food Availability data series (which differs from LAFA in that it does not

include adjustments for food losses) observed similarities based on descriptive means

comparison, yet agreement tests are needed to directly compare these programs.

Agreement tests are useful when comparing methods of measurement because they allow for the

quantification of bias, and several methods are well suited for this purpose. The Bland-Altman

method, which was introduced in 198342 and subsequently refined43-45, is the most commonly

used method in nutrition studies46. Ordinary least products (OLP) regression is less commonly

used, more complex to execute, and more difficult to interpret47-49, but its utility in detecting bias

may be superior to the Bland-Altman method50. Luiz and Szklo (2005)51 remind us that all

approaches for agreement testing have limitations, and they and others50 suggest that method

comparison studies utilize several approaches to compensate for the limitations of any one

approach. This recommendation has been heeded here.

Fruits, vegetables, and hypertension

The inverse relationship between F&V consumption and CVD risk is partly due to the reduced

risk for hypertension,12 since this is a prominent risk factor for CVD.52, 53 Hypertension is a

condition characterized by systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood

pressure (DBP) ≥90 mm Hg.54 SBP is the force exerted on the arterial walls when the heart beats,

and DBP is the force between the beats. Uncontrolled hypertension can cause small arterial tears

that form scar tissue, and over time this scar tissue collects circulating materials in the blood,

which leads to the development of plaque. As plaque accumulates it stiffens and narrows the

arteries, making it more difficult for blood to reach the heart, causing it to die and leading to

heart failure.55 Approximately 30% of US adults are hypertensive and an additional ~25% of

adults are pre-hypertensive (SBP ≥120mmHg or DBP ≥80mmHg).56 National public health goals

for 2020 include reducing the prevalence of hypertension.10

Hypertension is one of the most modifiable risk factors for CVD, and lifestyle modifications are

recommended for all hypertensive individuals regardless of pharmacotherapy treatment.57 Key

among these lifestyle changes is the adoption of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

(DASH) diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat dairy.58 The DASH

diet is designed to meet specific daily nutrient targets by increasing the intake of some nutrients

(fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium) and limiting the intake of others (total fat, saturated fat,

sodium).59 The DASH diet has been consistently associated with normalized blood pressure60-62

and reduced risk of CVD and all-cause mortality.63-66 However, adhering to the DASH diet

requires most people modify their consumption of nearly every food group, and adherence rates

are consistently low.67, 68

Clinical interventions are projected to be one of the most effective means of reducing CVD-

related mortality 69. Clinicians play an important role in their patients’ adoption of hypertension

treatment regimens 70 partly because they are the first to detect the condition, as hypertension is

the most common primary diagnosis by physicians 71. In addition, patients who report receiving

lifestyle modification counseling by their primary care physician are much more likely to modify

their diet than those who report not receiving such counseling 72. However, improved clinical

strategies are needed to increase the rate of adherence to the DASH diet. Developing strategies

for clinicians to help adults adopt CVD related diet recommendations has been identified as a

critical research need by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 73.

According to some behavior change specialists, people are most likely to adopt simple, well-

defined health and nutrition recommendations.74 There is a growing body of research that shows

that recommendations to make modest lifestyle changes can be readily adopted and maintained,

and can result in positive health outcomes.75 Individuals with hypertension who have difficulty

modifying their consumption of all food groups may still benefit from modifying their

consumption of one or several food groups. A focus on fruits and vegetables (F&V) is warranted

given that these foods contain high amounts of nutrients to encourage (fiber, calcium,

magnesium, and potassium) and low amounts of nutrients to limit (total fat, saturated fat,

sodium). 11, 76, 77 If clinicians provided recommendations to their hypertensive patients to increase

their consumption of nutrient dense F&V, these individuals may be able to increase their nutrient

intake and meet the DASH diet nutrient targets for fiber, Ca, Mg, and K without increasing the

amount of F&V currently consumed.

Fruits, vegetables, and agricultural capacity

Given that the majority of the fruits and nuts (~60%) and vegetables (~80%) consumed in the US

(by volume) are produced domestically,78 if hypertensive individuals increased their

consumption of nutrient dense F&V, domestic production of these foods would need to increase

in response. Although recent increases in domestic F&V production are largely attributable to

technological innovations (e.g. improved disease and pest resistance and improved fruit set) and

the adoption of intensive management practices (e.g. high density planting and global positioning

systems), the viability of these approaches is dependent on the availability of suitable agricultural

land. In fact, in some cases yield improvements were the result of relocation to more productive

cropland.79, 80

Although the land use requirements for F&V are small compared to grains and oilseeds,36, 81

many F&V require highly specific growing conditions which can limit the areas in which they

can thrive. Therefore, identifying viable agricultural sites is of primary importance to increasing

production. In order to do this, a methodology known as site suitability analysis is required, and

Geographic information systems (GIS) software is the preferred tool for this purpose.82 Site

suitability analysis involves identifying the factors that are required for adequate crop growth,

and then operationalizing these factors so that they can be parameterized in a GIS. A GIS is a

tool that is used to process spatial and geographic data.

The connection between F&V demand and agricultural land use has been examined at a variety

of spatial scales, including sub-state regions (Willamette Valley, Oregon),83 major metropolitan

areas (Philadelphia84 and Detroit85), individual states (New York),86 and nationally.36, 37 Half of

these studies84-86 used a GIS, yet of these only Peters et al.86 used a site suitability analysis. None

of these studies investigated the connection between changes in food demand and agricultural

land use for specific F&V. In this dissertation, I create a crop-specific GIS-based site suitability

model that is parameterized for precipitation, temperature, soil depth, soil type, and agricultural

land availability.


Public health nutrition and agriculture are inherently linked, and this is particularly true for F&V.

Testing the agreement between different dietary data collection programs for F&V is essential

for ensuring consistent nutrition policies, interventions, and messages, which will influence the

adoption of healthy dietary patterns. Examining the effect of small changes to dietary patterns on

daily nutrient intake will allow health care practitioners to provide more targeted dietary advice

for their hypertensive patients, which could increase the prevalence of individuals who adopt

healthy dietary patterns. Investigating the domestic agricultural capacity to accommodate more

healthy dietary patterns can be used to integrate farm policy, international food trade agreements,

and public health recommendations. The research presented in this dissertation explicitly bridges

the disciplines of public health nutrition and agriculture to provide a detailed and comprehensive

approach to improving the health of the American population.


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Different fruit and vegetable data collection programs for U.S. adults do not produce the same


Author names and affiliations

Zach Conrad,a Kenneth Chui,b Christian Peters,a Timothy Griffina*

150 Harrison Avenue, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University,

Boston, MA 02111, USA

136 Harrison Avenue, School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Corresponding author,, 617-636-3613

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare

Sources of funding

There are no funding sources to declare

Ethics of human subject participation

This research does not involve the use or collection of protected health information, and received

exempt status from the Tufts Medical Center/Tufts University Health Sciences Institutional

Review Board.


24HR; 24-hour recall

BRFSS; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CI; confidence interval

Cup-eq.; cup-equivalent

DGA; Dietary Guidelines for Americans

ERS; Economic Research Service

FFQ; food frequency questionnaire

F&V; fruits and vegetables

kcal; kilocalorie

LAFA; Loss-Adjusted Food Availability data series

LOA; limits of agreement

NHANES; National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

OLP; ordinary least products regression

OLS; ordinary least squares regression

USDA; United States Department of Agriculture

US HHS; United States Department of Health and Human Services



Continuous monitoring of fruit and vegetable consumption at the national level is critical for

assessing progress towards national public health nutrition goals. Several different dietary data

collection programs are often used interchangeably to monitor fruit and vegetable consumption

at the national level, yet there is some indication that these programs produce different results. It

is important to test the comparability of these programs because they are used to generate public

health messages and conduct dietary interventions, and inconsistent efforts can threaten progress

toward to achieving public health nutrition goals. This study will estimate the comparability of

daily fruit and vegetable consumption data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey (NHANES), the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), and the Loss-

Adjusted Food Availability (LAFA) data series. The Bland-Altman method, ordinary least

products regression, and descriptive means comparison were used to compare estimates of adult

daily per capita fruit and vegetable consumption between dietary data collection programs (2007-

2011). Ordinary least products regression revealed proportional bias (95% CI: 0.752, 0.949) but

not fixed bias (95% CI: -0.002, 0.002), and the Bland-Altman method revealed proportional bias

(95% CI= -0.316, -0.058). Descriptive means comparisons yielded inconsistent results. These

programs do not produce comparable estimates of daily per capita fruit and vegetable

consumption, and should not be used interchangeably to monitor progress toward achieving

national nutrition goals. NHANES is best suited for monitoring fruit and vegetable consumption

at the national level, although BRFSS and LAFA retain certain advantages for related research


Keywords: Dietary assessment method, comparison, surveillance, diet, food group


1. Introduction

Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables (F&V) is associated with a reduced risk of chronic

disease, including hypertension, stroke, and cardiovascular disease [1-3]. Hypertension and

stroke are primary risk factors for cardiovascular disease [4, 5], which is the leading cause of

death in the United States (US) [6]. Recently, Wang et al. [3] reported a protective effect of each

serving of F&V consumed per day on all-cause mortality, up to two servings of fruit and three

servings of vegetables per day. Most Americans, however, do not meet the recommended daily

consumption of F&V [7]. For that reason, national public health goals include increasing daily

fruit and vegetable consumption to 0.9 and 1.1 cup-equivalents per 1,000 kcal, respectively, by

2020 [8]. Continuous monitoring of F&V consumption at the national level is critical for

assessing progress towards this goal.

At the national level, food consumption data are predominantly collected using the National

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) [9], the Behavioral Risk Factor

Surveillance System (BRFSS) [10], and the Loss-Adjusted Food Availability (LAFA) data series

[11]. These dietary data collection programs each utilize a distinct methodology (see below), and

their data can be used for distinct purposes. For example, NHANES is well-suited for nutrient

intake analysis [12, 13], BRFSS for examining state [14] and regional [15] differences in F&V

consumption, and LAFA for tracking the adequacy of the national food supply [16-19].

However, these programs are also often used for the same purpose: estimating F&V consumption

at the national level [7, 14-17, 20-25].


Studies using data from NHANES [7], BRFSS [14], and LAFA [25] have shown that Americans

consume fewer F&V than is recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). The

prevalence of adults meeting F&V recommendations varies widely depending on the method

used. For example, the proportion of adults meeting these recommendations has been observed

at 13-20% using NHANES data [7] and >25% using BRFSS data [14]. Using LAFA, it was

estimated that mean consumption was 50-70% of the recommended quantity [25]. There are no

studies that have directly compared F&V consumption estimates across all of these programs.

Studies that have compared nutrient intake [26] and fresh F&V consumption [27] between

NHANES and the Food Availability data series (which differs from LAFA in that it does not

include adjustments for food losses) observed similarities based on descriptive means

comparison, yet agreement tests are needed to directly compare these programs.

Dietary data collection programs provide essential information that is used to track progress

toward public health goals. Policymakers and nutrition educators use this information to generate

public health messages and to conduct dietary interventions. If different dietary data collection

programs produce different estimates of food consumption, this could result in inconsistent

messaging and interventions, thereby attenuating progress toward the stated goals. This study

will estimate the comparability of F&V consumption data from NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA.

This will be achieved by 1) comparing the daily per capita consumption of individual F&V by

processing form using statistical agreement tests, and 2) comparing the daily per capita

consumption of F&V groups using descriptive means comparison.


2. Methods

2.1. Dietary assessment data

NHANES is a continuous survey that collects health and nutrition data from a nationally

representative sample of ~5,000 individuals annually [9]. Participants complete a 24-hour recall

(24HR) administered by a trained interviewer using United States Department of Agriculture’s

(USDA) Automated Multiple Pass Method [28], and a subset of the study population completes

a subsequent 24HR by telephone. Data are published in two-year cycles. NHANES is a program

of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (US HHS, CDC).

BRFSS is a continuous survey that collects data on health and nutrition from ~500,000

participants annually, making it the largest telephone survey in the world [10]. State health

departments are responsible for data collection, and technical and methodological assistance is

provided by US HHS, CDC. Participants ≥18 years of age are selected by random-digit dialing,

and F&V consumption is measured by a six-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)

administered in odd numbered years. Beginning in 2011, several important changes were made

to the survey design. The weighting methodology was changed from a post-stratification

approach to a raking approach (also known as iterative proportional fitting), and a cell phone

sampling frame was added to account for the nearly one-third of households that rely on a cell

phone instead of a landline telephone [29]. Additionally, changes were made to the F&V module

to better capture consumption data for vegetable groups.


In contrast to NHANES and BRFSS, which measure self-reported food intake, LAFA provides

estimates of the per capita availability of food, which is a proxy for individual food consumption

[11]. Food availability for over 200 individual agricultural crops is computed as a residual based

on inflows (imports and domestic production), outflows (exports), and ending stocks. The

residual is divided by the US population and adjusted for food losses that occur throughout the

supply chain. LAFA is maintained by USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), which collects

data from a variety of government agencies as well as non-government sources, and remaining

data gaps are addressed by statistical imputation.

2.2. Data compilation

NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA report F&V consumption in different measurement units.

NHANES reports consumption of composite dishes (e.g. sandwiches, soups, casseroles) and

individual foods in units of mass, BRFSS reports frequency of servings of F&V subgroups, and

LAFA reports the availability of individual F&V in cup-equivalents. This section describes the

methods used to standardize these units. This study received exempt status from the Tufts

Medical Center/Tufts University Health Sciences Institutional Review Board.

Data on fruit, vegetable, and legume consumption were retrieved from NHANES 2007-2008 [30]

and 2009-2010 [31]. Individuals at least 18 years of age with two days of dietary information

were included in the analysis (2007-2008, n=4,896; 2009-2010, n=5,284). Consumption of F&V

in the form of composite dishes were estimated using the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary

Studies 4.1 [32] and 5.0 [33], which correspond to the 2007–2008 and 2009–2010 cycles,

respectively. Processed forms (i.e. fresh, canned, frozen, dried, and juice) of each F&V were

identified using the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26 [34].

Units of mass were converted to cup-equivalents using the Food Patterns Equivalents Database

2007-2008 [35] and 2009-2010 [36], which provide the mass-to-volume conversions for most of

the foods included in the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 4.1 and 5.0.

Data from BRFSS were collected for 2007 (n=430,912) [37], 2009 (n=432,607) [38], and 2011

(n=506,467) [39]. Data on fresh fruit, fruit juice, green salad, potatoes, carrots, and other

vegetables were retrieved from BRFSS 2007 and 2009, and data on fresh fruit, fruit juice, dark

green vegetables, orange vegetables, beans, and other vegetables were retrieved from BRFSS

2011. Data reported as frequency of consumption per year, per month, and per week were

converted to frequency of consumption per day. Frequencies were assumed to be commensurate

with servings based on BRFSS questionnaire language [40, 41], and two servings were assumed

per cup-equivalent in accordance with DGA 2005 [42].

LAFA provided data on 69 F&V, measured in cup-equivalents. Each F&V represented one or

several processing forms, resulting in 119 total F&V processing form combinations (e.g. fresh

apples and canned apples are considered to be distinct F&V processing form combinations). Data

on chili peppers were not included because of small consumption amounts. Frozen potatoes were

not included because the majority are processed into French fries [43], and the nutrient profile of

fried foods is distinct from that of F&V: fried potato items contribute appreciable amounts of

solid fat to the average American diet [44], and solid fat is a food group that is discouraged by

the DGA, which is in contrast to what is recommended for F&V [45]. For these reasons, potato

chips and shoestring potatoes were also not included in this analysis. This resulted in 68 F&V

and 116 F&V processing form combinations.

Because LAFA does not report consumption data by age group, we estimated the consumption of

each F&V processing form combination (hereafter referred to as F&V forms) for individuals ≥18

years of age by applying the proportion calories of each F&V form consumed by individuals ≥18

years of age in the NHANES sample to the consumption amounts reported by LAFA.

2.3. Agreement tests

Agreement tests are useful when comparing methods of measurement because they allow for the

quantification of bias, and several methods are well suited for this purpose. The Bland-Altman

method, which was introduced in 1983 [46] and subsequently refined [47-49], is the most

commonly used method in nutrition studies [50]. Ordinary least products (OLP) regression is less

commonly used, more complex to execute, and more difficult to interpret [51-53], but its utility

in detecting bias may be superior to the Bland-Altman method [54]. Luiz and Szklo (2005) [55]

remind us that all approaches for agreement testing have limitations, and they and others [54]

suggest that method comparison studies utilize several approaches to compensate for the

limitations of any one approach. We have heeded that recommendation here.

The agreement between daily per capita consumption estimates of F&V forms, measured in cup-

equivalents, was tested between NHANES (mean of 2007-2008 and 2009-2010) and LAFA

(mean of 2007-2010). Data from BRFSS were not included in the agreement tests because these

data are reported as six F&V subgroups, and this number of observations is unlikely to offer

sufficient statistical power for this analysis. Data for F&V forms not included in LAFA were

omitted from the NHANES dataset; thus, 106 F&V forms were included in this analysis

(Appendix A).

Agreement between NHANES and LAFA was examined using OLP regression as well as the

Bland-Altman method supplemented by ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Although OLS

regression is not a suitable method for specifically testing agreement [53], it retains its

functionality as a test for proportional bias (but not fixed bias) in the Bland-Altman method [52].

Proportional bias means that one method gives values that are progressively different from those

of another method, and fixed bias means that one method gives values that are different from

those of another method by a consistent amount. Agreement was tested based on the absence of

fixed and proportional biases. The Bland-Altman method also offers limits of agreement, which

were used to identify extreme values [48]. We used the equations provided by Ludbrook [56] to

calculate the coefficients for the slope, intercept, and confidence intervals of the OLP regression.

Proportional bias is indicated if the slope is significantly different than one at the P≤0.05 level

(two-sided test), and the presence of fixed bias is indicated if the intercept is significantly

different than zero at the P≤0.05 level.

In the Bland-Altman method, the difference between two data sources is plotted against the mean

of two data sources, and limits of agreement contain 95% of the values around the mean

difference. The difference (D) was estimated as:


D = ̅ LAFA/Y – ̅ NHANES/Y, (1)

where ̅ LAFA is the mean per capita consumption of a given F&V and a given processing form in

a given year for individuals at least 18 years of age from LAFA, Y is the number of years for

which data were collected, and ̅ NHANES is the mean per capita consumption of a given F&V and

a given processing form in a given year for individuals ≥18 years of age from NHANES. Mean

consumption of LAFA and NHANES ( ̅ BOTH) was estimated as:

̅ BOTH = ( ̅ LAFA/Y + ̅ NHANES/Y)/2. (2)

Limits of agreement (LOA) were estimated as:

LOA = ̅ ± 1.96s, (3)

where s is the standard deviation of the mean difference ( ̅ ), and ̅ was estimated as:

̅ = ( ̅ LAFA/Y – ̅ NHANES/Y)/n, (4)

where Y is the number of years for which data were collected, and n is the number of F&V forms

included in the analysis.


OLS regression was used to detect proportional bias in the Bland-Altman method by predicting

the differences (D) from the means ( ̅ BOTH). The presence of proportional bias is indicated if the

slope is significantly different than zero at the P≤0.05 level.

2.4. Descriptive means comparison

Daily per capita consumption of F&V groups, measured in cup-equivalents, was compared

between NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA. Due to the methodological and reporting changes that

were made to the 2011 BRFSS, analyses were conducted for two time frames: 2007-2010

(NHANES 2007-2008 and 2009-2010, BRFSS 2007 and 2009, and LAFA 2007-2010), and

2010-2011 (NHANES 2009-2010, BRFSS 2011, and LAFA 2011). Individual F&V from

NHANES and LAFA were categorized according to BRFSS 2007 and 2009 groups for time

frame 2007-2010 (Appendix B), and were categorized according to BRFSS 2011 groups for time

frame 2010-2011 (Appendix C). The USDA MyPlate [57] categorization scheme was used to

assign individual F&V to groups in cases where BRFSS questionnaires [40, 41, 58] lacked

sufficient specificity.

Data management, statistical analyses, and complex weighting of NHANES and BRFSS data

were performed using Stata 12. Complex survey weights were incorporated into the analysis

whenever appropriate.


OLP regression revealed proportional bias (95% CI: 0.752, 0.949) but not fixed bias (95% CI: -

0.002, 0.002), and the Bland-Altman method revealed proportional bias (95% CI= -0.316, -

0.058). Approximately 7% (7 out of 106) of the F&V forms were outside of the limits of

agreement (Figure 1) in the Bland-Altman method. These included dried potatoes, leaf lettuce,

dry beans, orange juice, fresh potatoes, fresh bananas, and fresh apples.

Total F&V consumption from NHANES was 14% higher than from BRFSS and 34% higher than

from LAFA in 2007-2010 (Table 1). Most of this difference was due to fruit, which accounted

for 52% of total F&V consumption in NHANES, compared to 39% and 42% of total F&V

consumption in BRFSS and LAFA, respectively. Although NHANES and BRFSS produced

identical fruit juice estimates, the percent of fruit juice consumption out of fruit consumption was

most similar between NHANES (26%) and LAFA (25%). NHANES and BRFSS yielded similar

vegetable consumption estimates. None of the programs produced estimates for any of the

vegetable groups that were within 10% of one another, except for green salad and other

vegetables between NHANES and BRFSS.



0 .05 .10 .15 .20

Cup-eq. per day, (LAFA+NHANES)/2

Fig. 1 - Bland-Altman comparison between NHANES and

LAFA, daily per capita consumption of fruits and vegetables,
Solid line represents mean difference
Dashed lines represent Limits of Agreement at +/- 1.96 standard deviations from
mean difference
Cup eq., cup-equivalent
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
LAFA, Loss-Adjusted Food Availability Data Series

BRFSS and LAFA produced nearly identical F&V consumption estimates for 2011, and the

estimate produced by NHANES was ~28% higher (Table 2). Fruit accounted for 54%, 43%, and

31% of F&V consumption from NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA, respectively. Although

discordant fruit consumption estimates were observed across the programs, the percent of fruit

juice out of fruit consumption was similar (~30%). A 10% difference was observed for

consumption estimates of vegetables, as well as of each vegetable group, between NHANES and


Table 1 Daily per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable groups, 2007-2010
a b c

Cup-eq. (95% CI)d

Fruit and vegetables 2.22 (2.15-2.30) 1.94 (1.94-1.95) 1.66 (1.61-1.71)
Fruit 1.15 (1.10-1.20) 0.76 (0.76-0.77) 0.69 (0.67-0.70)
Fruit juice 0.30 (0.29-0.32) 0.30 (0.30-0.31) 0.17 (0.15-0.19)
Fruit, non-juice 0.84 (0.80-0.88) 0.46 (0.46-0.46) 0.52 (0.50-0.54)
Vegetables 1.08 (1.04-1.12) 1.18 (1.18-1.18) 0.97 (0.93-1.02)
Green salad 0.24 (0.22-0.25) 0.26 (0.25-0.26) 0.20 (0.19-0.22)
Carrots 0.06 (0.05-0.07) 0.14 (0.13-0.14) 0.04 (0.04-0.04)
Potatoese 0.18 (0.17-0.20) 0.13 (0.13-0.14) 0.32 (0.30-0.34)
Other 0.60 (0.57-0.63) 0.65 (0.65-0.66) 0.41 (0.40-0.42)
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
LAFA, Loss-Adjusted Food Availability data series
Cup-eq., cup equivalent
CI, confidence interval
Mean, 2007-2008 and 2009-2010
Mean, 2007 and 2009
Mean, 2007-2010
Confidence intervals for NHANES and BRFSS represent respondent differences between pooled data,
and confidence intervals for LAFA represent year-to-year variation

Table 2 Daily per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable groups, 2011
Cup-eq. (95% CI)
Fruit and vegetables 2.31 (2.22-2.40) 1.66 (1.66-1.67) 1.67 (NA)
Fruit 1.06 (1.02-1.11) 0.72 (0.72-0.73) 0.51 (NA)
Fruit juice 0.30 (0.28-0.32) 0.22 (0.22-0.23) 0.16 (NA)
Fruit, non-juice 0.76 (0.73-0.79) 0.50 (0.50-0.50) 0.35 (NA)
Vegetables 1.25 (1.17-1.32) 0.94 (0.94-0.95) 1.16 (NA)
Dark green 0.15 (0.14-0.16) 0.27 (0.27-0.27) 0.16 (NA)
Orange 0.08 (0.07-0.09) 0.13 (0.13-0.14) 0.08 (NA)
Beans 0.09 (0.07-0.10) 0.15 (0.15-0.15) 0.08 (NA)
Otherc 0.93 (0.86-1.00) 0.39 (0.39-0.39) 0.85 (NA)
NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
LAFA, Loss-Adjusted Food Availability data series
Cup-eq., cup equivalent
CI, confidence interval
Does not include fried potato items


The presence of proportional bias in the agreement tests indicates that daily per capita

consumption estimates of F&V forms between NHANES and LAFA are not in agreement.

Means comparisons yielded similar estimates for some F&V groups between NHANES, BRFSS,

and LAFA, but these similarities were inconsistent. Overall, we cannot conclude that these

programs produced comparable estimates of daily per capita F&V consumption.

On average, NHANES estimates of F&V forms are 19% higher than LAFA estimates. The

difference between these programs increases as consumption amounts increase, such that all of

the F&V forms that are outside of the limits of agreement are within the 90th percentile of

consumption amounts. However, removing these extreme values did not improve the agreement,

suggesting that the presence of proportional bias is not a product of the extreme values.

Ahuja and others [26] observed higher nutrient intake estimates using the Food Availability data

series 2006 compared to NHANES 2007-2008, but estimates from the Food Availability data

series were not adjusted for food losses and were not particular to F&V, so these results are not

comparable to the results presented here. Hoelzer and others [27] compared daily per capita

estimates of fresh F&V consumption between LAFA 2006 and NHANES 1999-2006 using

descriptive means comparison. The authors cautioned against interpreting data based on relative

differences reported with a high level of precision, and favored using absolute differences

rounded to the nearest whole number; it was concluded that the programs were comparable. To

the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that have used agreement testing to examine the

comparability between dietary data collection programs.

Examining the consumption estimates of F&V groups between programs for 2007-2010 revealed

similar estimates between some programs for some F&V groups, but these similarities were

inconsistent. For 2010-2011, BRFSS and LAFA yielded nearly identical estimates for total F&V,

but there were no consistent similarities except between NHANES and LAFA for vegetable


A number of factors inherent in the design of the programs used in this study may account for the

observed differences. Participants in surveys may alter their reported consumption patterns to

simplify the interview or to impress the interviewer [2, 59]. The accuracy of dietary surveys

relies partly on respondents’ memory, and the time frame from which respondents are asked to

recall their food consumption is different between BRFSS, which uses a food frequency

questionnaire (represents a typical diet pattern) [10], and NHANES, which uses a 24 hour recall

(represents a diet pattern for a specific 24 hour period) [9]. NHANES can be paired with

supplementary datasets to identify foods consumed as part of mixed dishes [60] and to compute

cup-equivalents [61], yet no such datasets are currently available for BRFSS. Indeed, our method

of converting frequency of consumption to cup-equivalents in the BRFSS datasets may be overly

simplistic, and we look forward to the development of more substantive methods (Grimm, K.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pers. Comm. April 23, 2014).

LAFA does not include all F&V that are available to consumers. Additionally, it does not

capture foods purchased directly from producers [11], such as those sold at farmers’ markets,

community supported agriculture programs, pick-your-own operations, and others, although

these channels account for less than 1% of total food sales [62]. The conversion factors used by

USDA ERS to estimate food losses are applied in a stepwise fashion as foods move from being

agricultural crops to consumer goods, yet losses at the consumer level (inedible portions and

uneaten portions) are combined rather than applied independently, which may result in an

overestimation of food loss. We explored this possibility by applying these conversion factors

independently instead of combined, and observed an increase in consumption estimates for some

popular F&V forms (fresh bananas and leaf lettuce increased by 16% and 9%, respectively), but

these nonetheless remained far below corresponding estimates from NHANES.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use statistical agreement tests

supplemented with means comparisons to determine whether NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA

produce similar estimates of daily per capita F&V consumption at the national level. This

endeavor has important public health implications because data from each of these programs are

used to develop public health messages and to conduct dietary interventions, and inconsistent

efforts can threaten progress toward public health nutrition goals. We found that F&V

consumption data from NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA do not agree with one another, which

means that the public health messages and dietary interventions that are based on these data are

at risk of being inconsistent. While it is true that each of these programs show that adults

consume far fewer F&V than what is recommended, this is due to the paucity of F&V in the

typical American diet and should not be interpreted as representing congruity between these

programs (in other words, the bar is low). The nature of public health messages and dietary

interventions is informed by whether Americans are meeting goals and how close they are to

meeting those goals. Additionally, if F&V consumption were to increase in the future, the

differences we observed between these programs could result in a situation where one of these

programs indicates that public health nutrition goals were achieved while the other programs

indicate otherwise.

We recommend that these programs should not be used interchangeably to monitor progress

toward achieving national nutrition goals. NHANES is best suited for this purpose because it

allows for the amount of individual F&V (as well as F&V groups) to be discerned from

composite foods with multiple ingredients, which allows for a complete accounting of F&V

consumption from all sources in the diet. NHANES is also structured for subpopulation analysis

and covariate control, which can be used to estimate consumption patterns for specific

population groups while adjusting for the effects of other variables. By comparison, BRFSS does

not collect consumption data from composite dishes and does not collect data on individual

F&V. LAFA does not collect data on all of the F&V included in NHANES, does not collect data

on all processing forms of each F&V, and does not allow for subpopulation analysis and

covariate control. However, BRFSS and LAFA retain advantages for related research protocols.

BRFSS is the only program that collects F&V consumption data at the state level, which makes

it useful for state and regional comparisons. LAFA provides the only nationally representative

estimates of food losses at various points in the supply chain, which makes it useful for

examining the adequacy of the food supply at the agricultural, retail, and consumer levels.


The authors thank Dr. Kate Clancy for her helpful comments. This research was not supported

by a specific funding agency. The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to declare.


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Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables can help hypertensive adults meet the nutrient targets of the

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet with fewer servings than is


Author names and affiliations

Zach S. Conrad,a Kenneth K.H. Chui,b Christian J. Peters,a Timothy S. Griffina*

150 Harrison Avenue, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University,

Boston, MA 02111, USA

136 Harrison Avenue, School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Corresponding author,, 1-617-987-0658

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare

Sources of funding

There are no funding sources to declare

Ethics of human subject participation

This research does not involve the use or collection of protected health information, and received

exempt status from the Tufts Medical Center/Tufts University Health Sciences Institutional

Review Board.


24HR; 24-hour recall

Ca; calcium

CVD; cardiovascular disease

DASH; Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

FNDDS; Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies

F&V: fruits and vegetables

kcal; kilocalorie

Mg; magnesium

NHANES; National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NDB; National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

K; potassium

USDA; US Department of Agriculture



Hypertension is a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of

mortality in the US. Over one-half of adults are hypertensive or pre-hypertensive, and adherence

to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet continues to be low. In order to

meet the nutrient targets of the DASH diet most individuals must modify their consumption of

nearly every food group, which is difficult for many people to achieve. A better understanding of

whether moderate changes to dietary patterns can help hypertensive adults meet the DASH diet

nutrient targets is needed. To address this research gap, we developed and combined a nutrient

density index and a food pattern model to investigate whether the DASH diet nutrient targets for

fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium can be met by consuming nutrient dense fruits and

vegetables (F&V) and not making any modifications to other food groups. Data on food

consumption and nutrient intake among hypertensive adults were retrieved from the National

Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2009-2010 (n=738). Our results show

that diets that include nutrient dense F&V can meet the DASH diet nutrient targets with fewer

F&V servings than is recommended by the USDA Food Pattern and the DASH diet. These

findings provide clinicians with the information needed to recommend achievable diet patterns

for their hypertensive patients, which could increase the prevalence of individuals meeting

recommended nutrient intakes.


Diet pattern, intervention, nutrient gap, number of servings


1. Introduction

Hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 140mm Hg and

diastolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 90mm Hg [1], and is a prominent risk factor for

cardiovascular disease (CVD) [2, 3], the leading cause of mortality in the US [4]. Approximately

30% of US adults are hypertensive, and an additional ~25% of adults are pre-hypertensive

(systolic blood pressure at or over 120mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure at or over 80mm Hg)

[5]. However, hypertension is one of the most modifiable risk factors for CVD. Lifestyle

modifications are recommended for all hypertensive individuals regardless of pharmacotherapy

treatment[6], and key among these lifestyle modifications is the adoption of the Dietary

Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole

grains, and low fat dairy products [7]. The DASH diet has been consistently shown to normalize

blood pressure [8-10], and is associated with a reduced risk of CVD and all-cause mortality [11-

13]. However, the proportion of hypertensive adults adhering to the DASH diet decreased from

29% in 1988-1994 to 22% in 1999-2004 [14], and continues to be low according to a review

published in 2013[15].

Clinical interventions are projected to be one of the most effective means of reducing CVD-

related mortality [16]. Clinicians play an important role in their patients’ adoption of

hypertension treatment regimens [17] partly because they are the first to detect the condition, as

hypertension is the most common primary diagnosis by physicians [18]. In addition, patients

who report receiving lifestyle modification counseling by their primary care physician are much

more likely to modify their diet than those who report not receiving such counseling [19].

However, improved clinical strategies are needed to increase the rate of adherence to the DASH

diet. Developing strategies for clinicians to help adults adopt CVD related diet recommendations

has been identified as a critical research need by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute


The DASH diet is designed to increase the intake of some nutrients (fiber, calcium, potassium,

magnesium) and limit the intake of others (total fat, saturated fat, sodium), with the goal of

meeting specific daily targets [21]. In order to achieve these nutrient targets, most individuals

must modify their consumption of most or all of the food groups [7, 22], which is difficult for

many people to achieve beyond the trial phase [15].

Behavior change specialists posit that people are most likely to adopt simple, well-defined health

and nutrition recommendations [23]. Hills et al. [24] summarize a growing body of research that

shows that recommendations to make modest lifestyle changes can be readily adopted and

maintained, and can result in positive health outcomes. Research is needed to better understand

whether moderate changes to one or several food groups can help hypertensive individuals meet

the DASH diet nutrient targets. A focus on fruits and vegetables (F&V) is warranted given that

these foods contain high amounts of nutrients to encourage (fiber, calcium, magnesium, and

potassium) and low amounts of nutrients to limit (total fat, saturated fat, sodium) [25]. If

hypertensive individuals consumed nutrient dense F&V, they may be able to increase their

nutrient intake and meet the DASH diet nutrient targets for fiber, Ca, Mg, and K without

increasing the number of servings of F&V currently consumed.


We develop a nutrient density index to estimate the amount of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K in a serving

size of individual F&V (objective #1). We use the output of the nutrient density index to

construct a food pattern model to investigate the degree to which diets that include nutrient dense

F&V contribute higher amounts of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K compared to a typical consumption

pattern (objective #2), and to examine the effects of increasing the number of servings of F&V

and modifying the vegetable subgroup proportions, on meeting the DASH diet nutrient targets

for fiber, Ca, Mg, and K (objective #3). These findings will allow health care practitioners to

provide more targeted dietary advice for their hypertensive patients, which could increase the

prevalence of individuals meeting recommended nutrient intakes.

2. Methods

2.1 Study design

This is a secondary data analysis using multiple publically available data sources. To develop the

nutrient density index we collected data on the amount of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K per serving size

of over 400 F&V, and ranked these F&V by their nutrient density. The most nutrient dense F&V

were used to develop forty-eight modeled F&V diets (Scenario diets) (Figure 1), which differed

from one another by the number of F&V servings, the relative proportion of vegetable

subgroups, and consumer preference for individual F&V. To investigate the degree to which

diets that include nutrient dense F&V contribute higher amounts of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K

compared to a typical consumption pattern, we collected daily nutrient intake data for

hypertensive adults (Sample diet), and compared this to the nutrient content of a Scenario diet

that included the same number of servings of F&V and the same relative proportion of vegetable

subgroups as the Sample diet. To examine the effects of increasing the number of servings of

F&V and modifying the vegetable subgroup proportions on meeting the DASH diet nutrient

targets for fiber, Ca, Mg, and K, we compared the Scenario diets to one another on the basis of

closing the nutrient gaps between daily nutrient intakes from non-F&V and the DASH diet

nutrient targets. For all Scenario diets the nutrient contribution from all non-F&V food groups

was held constant. The details are provided below.

2.2 Sample diet

Data on food consumption and nutrient intake were acquired from the National Health and

Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009-2010, which collects health and nutrition data

from a nationally representative sample of ~5,000 individuals annually. Data are collected

continuously and published in two year cycles [26]. In the dietary component of the survey,

trained interviewers administer a 24-hour recall (24HR) using US Department of Agriculture’s

(USDA) Automated Multiple Pass Method [27], and a subset of the study population completes

a subsequent 24HR by telephone.

The amount of F&V in composite dishes (e.g. sandwiches, soups, casseroles), as well as their

nutrient contents, were estimated using the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies

(FNDDS) 5.0 [28]. Cup-equivalents were estimated using the Food Patterns Equivalents

Database 2009-2010 [29]. Fried potato items, such as French fries and potato chips, were not

classified as vegetables because the saturated fat content of these foods makes their nutrient

profile distinct from that of vegetables. USDA MyPlate [30] classifies mature legumes (i.e. those

harvested after maturing on the plant) as beans and peas within the vegetable category if

consumption of protein foods is sufficient. We estimated sufficient protein intake among our

sample (39 grams per 1,000 kcal) and therefore classified mature legumes as beans and peas.

Immature legumes (i.e. those harvested from the plant before maturation) were classified as

starchy vegetables [30]. Peanuts and processed soy products were not classified as vegetables

because many consumers do not consider these foods to be vegetables [31]. Fruits and vegetables

in composite dishes that were not included in FNDDS 5.0 could not be disaggregated into

individual F&V, and were therefore not included in this analysis. Stata 12 was used to account

for the complex sampling design of the survey.

Non-pregnant, non-lactating individuals [32] greater than 18 years of age [33], with two or more

systolic blood pressure readings greater than 120mm Hg and two or more diastolic blood

pressure readings greater than 80mm Hg [34] (includes pre-hypertensive and hypertensive

individuals) [17], with two days of dietary information [26] were included in the analysis

(n=738). Mean daily F&V consumption from this sample represented the Sample diet. Nutrient

supplements were not included in this analysis because these are not recommended for

hypertensive patients due to their inconsistent effects on lowering blood pressure and potential

complications with prescription medications [35].

2.3 DASH diet nutrient targets and nutrient gaps


The DASH diet nutrient targets [7] were indexed to the mean daily kilocalorie (kcal) intake of

the study population by solving:

Tn = (Tnh – Tnl) / (Eh - El) (1)

where T is the target for a given nutrient (n) for the highest (h) and lowest (l) energy levels, and

E is the energy level. This method was derived from Lin et. al. [36]. The nutrient gap was

estimated for each nutrient as the difference between the daily nutrient intake from non-F&V and

the DASH diet nutrient target for a given nutrient.

2.4 Nutrient density index

Nutrient data for all fruits, vegetables, and legumes (n=1480) were acquired from USDA

National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (NDB) Release 26 [37], and downloaded into

Microsoft Excel 2010. Legumes were appended to the vegetables list. Foods prepared with added

ingredients (e.g. oil, salt, sweeteners) or foods with ambiguous or subjective processing forms

(e.g. dried foods subsequently stewed, undiluted beverages) were excluded (52%). Foods not

listed in the 2007 USDA Census of Agriculture [38] or the USDA Loss-Adjusted Food

Availability data series [39] (e.g. oheloberries, sapote, soursop), were assumed to be unfamiliar

to most people and would not represent common food choices for most consumers, so these were

also excluded (13%). Foods listed without a primary volume measurement and those lacking data

on fiber, Ca, Mg, or K were excluded (12%). In total, 407 F&V were included in the analysis.

We assumed two servings per cup-equivalent, in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for

Americans 2005 [40] and the National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute’s outreach materials for

the DASH diet [41]. Nutrient density of individual F&V was defined as the nutrient content per

serving (e.g. mg Ca per serving).

Foods were grouped into juices and non-juices (fresh, frozen, canned, dried) according to their

NDB description. The nutrient densities of all varieties of the same foods (e.g. Fuji apples and

Gala apples) within these categories were averaged. Juices were not included with the other

processing forms because doing so would result in artificially low nutrient index rankings for

foods which have juice forms: the nutrient index reflects the relative nutrient densities of each

nutrient of interest and most juices contain very little (if any) fiber [37].

To compute an index that measured the nutrient densities of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K for each food,

we adopted the methodology Swain et al. [42] used to evaluate the relative nutrient contents of

the controlled feeding menus in the DASH trial. The nutrient density of each food was assigned a

relative rank for each nutrient of interest, so that the food with the highest nutrient density

received a rank of one, and all others were ranked in descending order. Thus, each food was

accompanied by four rankings, one for each nutrient. The rankings of each nutrient for each food

were summed to generate a single ranking for each food.

2.5 Scenario diets

Each food in the nutrient density index was categorized as a fruit or a vegetable, and vegetables

were categorized into one of the following subgroups, based on the USDA MyPlate [30]

classification scheme: dark green, starchy, red and orange, beans and peas, and other vegetables.

Based on this scheme, immature legumes were classified as starchy vegetables, and mature

legumes (also known as dry beans and peas) were classified as beans and peas.

Forty-eight Scenario diets were developed using the most nutrient dense F&V from each

subgroup, as informed by the nutrient density index. These Scenario diets differed from one

another by four factors: the number of servings, the proportion of total vegetables in each

vegetable subgroup, the relative nutrient density of the F&V in each diet, and consumer

preference for the F&V in each diet (Fig. 1). First we describe the naming scheme for the

Scenario diets, then we describe how each of these four factors was used to create the Scenario


Vegetable subgroup CUdp UUdp DUdp

Current diet

CCdp UCdp DCdp

Current diet USDA Food DASH diet

Number of F&V servings

Fig. 1 - Attributes of Scenario diet series

All scenario diets include nutrient dense F&V
F&V, fruits and vegetables
USDA, United States Department of Agriculture
DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
dRepresents nutrient density in the following levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, where 1 = most nutrient dense
F&V, 2 = second most nutrient dense F&V, 3 = third most nutrient dense F&V, 4 = fourth
most nutrient dense F&V (see Table 3 for list of F&V)
pRepresents consumer preference: 1,2, where 1 = all nutrient dense F&V, 2 = consumer
preferred nutrient dense F&V

The naming scheme for the Scenario diets is as follows: the first letter represents the number of

servings (C is the number of servings in the Current diet, U is the number of servings in the

USDA Food Pattern [43], and D is the number of servings in the DASH diet [44]); the second

letter represents the proportion of total vegetables in each vegetable subgroup (C is the vegetable

subgroup proportions in the Current diet and U is vegetable subgroup proportions in the USDA

Food Pattern [43]); d represents the relative nutrient density of the F&V in each diet (four levels

of nutrient density were included), and p represents whether the F&V included in a given diet

were all nutrient dense F&V or only nutrient dense F&V with positive consumption trends from

2007-2011[45]. Consumption trends were indicated by the sign of a regression coefficient using

the five time points to predict the consumption trend; we refer to the slope without the associated

P value because the sample size was only five time points within the time period that we

studied). The Scenario diets were grouped into six series, and each series contains eights diets.

For example, series CCdp includes eight Scenario diets with the number of servings and

vegetable subgroup proportions held constant. Four diets in the series (numbered 1 through 4)

include the most nutrient dense F&V (diet 1 is composed of the most nutrient dense F&V in each

subgroup, diet 2 is composed of the next most nutrient dense F&V in each subgroup, and so on);

and four diets (numbered 1 through 4) include only nutrient dense F&V with positive

consumption trends (diet 1 is composed of the most nutrient dense F&V in each subgroup, diet 2

is composed of the next most nutrient dense F&V in each subgroup, and so on). Subsequent

sections describe how each of these factors (the number of servings, the proportion of total

vegetables in each vegetable subgroup, the relative nutrient density of the F&V in each diet, and

consumer preference for the F&V in each diet) was used to create the Scenario diets.

The number of servings for each Scenario diet were modeled after the Current diet (i.e. sample of

hypertensive adults from NHANES, discussed above), the USDA Food Pattern [43], and the

DASH diet [44] (Table 1). The number of servings of the USDA Food Pattern was indexed to the

mean daily energy intake of the sample (2,300 kcal) by adopting the midpoint values of the

ranges reported for 2,200 kcal/day and 2,400 kcal/day. For the DASH diet, the midpoint values

of the ranges reported for 2,000kcal/day and 2,600 kcal/day were adopted, and the recommended

number of servings of nuts, seeds, and legumes in the DASH diet was added to the vegetables

group (the USDA Food Pattern already includes legumes in the vegetables group). The vegetable

subgroup proportions were modeled after the Current diet and the USDA Food Pattern [43]

(Table 1).

Table 1 - Number of servings and vegetable subgroup

proportions of the current diet, USDA Food Pattern, and DASH
Food group/ USDA Food
a b c c
subgroup Current diet Pattern DASH diet
Fruit 2.08 (2.85) 4.00 5.00
Choice 1 0.50 (n/a) 0.50 n/a
Choice 2 0.50 (n/a) 0.50 n/a
Vegetables 2.46 (2.02) 6.00 5.86
Dark-green 0.09 (n/a) 0.10 n/a
Red and orange 0.21 (n/a) 0.29 n/a
Beans and peas 0.05 (n/a) 0.10 n/a
Starchy 0.23 (n/a) 0.29 n/a
Other 0.42 (n/a) 0.24 n/a

USDA, United States Department of Agriculture

DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
n/a, not applicable
Values for food groups represent number of servings, values for
subgroups represent proportions of parent food group
Values are mean (SD)
Number of servings indexed to the mean daily energy intake of the
study population (2,300 kcal/day)

Each of the 48 Scenario diets contains two fruits and five vegetables (one vegetable for each

subgroup). The two fruits with the highest and second highest nutrient densities, and the

vegetables with the highest nutrient densities in each subgroup, were assigned to Scenario diet 1

in each series. The two fruits with the third and fourth highest nutrient densities, and the

vegetables with the second highest nutrient densities in each subgroup, were assigned to Scenario

diet 2 in each series. This assignment scheme was extended to Scenario diets 3 and 4 in each

series. Although F&V with positive consumption trends do not necessarily represent the most

commonly consumed F&V, they represent those that are most likely to be adopted by consumers

as food patterns change.

3. Results

In this sample of hypertensive adults, nutrient intake from F&V accounted for 16-57% of total

fiber, Ca, Mg, and K intake, with Ca representing the lower bound and fiber representing the

upper bound (Table 2). The nutrient gap represents the difference between the DASH nutrient

target and total nutrient intake from all non-F&V food groups. For example, the nutrient gap for

fiber is 25 grams, which means that nutrient dense F&V consumption would need to provide at

least 25 grams of fiber in order to close the nutrient gap. Expressed as a proportion of the DASH

diet nutrient targets, the nutrient gap was highest for fiber, followed by K, Mg, and Ca, in

descending order.
Table 2 - Nutrient intake among hypertensive adults compared to DASH diet nutrient targets, NHANES 2009-2010
Current intake
F&V nutrient intake, Nutrient gap,
Total nutrient F&V nutrient proportion of total Total nutrient DASH nutrient proportion of DASH
a a b c
Nutrient intake intake nutrient intake (%) intake, less F&V target Nutrient gap diet nutrient target (%)
Fiber (g) 17 (10) 10 (12) 57 7 32 25 77
Calcium (mg) 1059 (639) 173 (280) 16 886 1301 415 32
Magnesium (mg) 321 (148) 83 (95) 26 238 495 257 52
Potassium (mg) 2923 (1363) 1256 (1428) 43 1667 4844 3176 66
Values may not total due to rounding
DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
F&V, fruits and vegetables
Values are mean (SD)
Indexed to the mean daily energy intake of the study population (2,300 kcal/day)
DASH nutrient target - Total nutrient intake, less F&V

Table 3 displays the F&V included in the Scenario diets, which was informed by the nutrient

density index. Date, passion-fruit, spinach, sweet potato, lima bean, daikon, and white bean were

the most nutrient dense foods in their respective F&V subgroups. Of the foods with positive

consumption trends, date, kiwi, spinach, sweet potato, avocado, and great northern bean were the

most nutrient dense in their respective F&V subgroups. There were no F&V with a positive

consumption trend in the starchy vegetables subgroup, so the most nutrient dense starchy

vegetables were included in this subgroup despite having negative consumption trends. In the

green vegetables subgroup, there were no F&V with a positive consumption trend that had a

higher nutrient density than broccoli, so broccoli was listed in Scenario diet 3 and 4. Seven out of

twenty-eight (25%) of the most nutrient dense F&V had positive consumption trends. Prune juice

and tangerine juice were the only juices that were included in the Scenario diets.

Table 4a displays the nutrient contribution of all nutrient dense F&V in Scenario diet series CC

compared to the current intake of nutrients (i.e. nutrient content of the Sample diet). Scenario

diet series CC contains the same number of F&V servings and the same number of vegetable

subgroup proportions as the Sample diet. Scenario diet CC1 was the only diet that contained

higher amounts of all nutrients compared to the Sample diet. Table 4b displays the nutrient

contribution of the F&V with positive consumption trends in Scenario diet series CC compared

to the current intake of nutrients. None of the diets containing F&V with positive consumption

trends contained higher amounts of all nutrients compared to the current intake, although

Scenario diet CC1 was limited only by Ca.

Table 3 - Fruits and vegetables included in Scenario diets

Fruit 1 Fruit 2 Green Red and orange Starchy Other Beans and peas
Scenario Nutrient
diet density All F&V
1 High Date Passion-fruit Spinach Sweet potato Lima bean* Daikon White bean
2 Guava Fig Beet green Carrot Cowpea Avocado Navy bean
3 Prune Kiwi Turnip green Pumpkin Edamame Okra French bean
4 Low Prune juice Currant Chard Tomato Green pea Parsnip Pink bean
F&V with positive consumption trend

1 High Date Kiwi Spinach Swt. potato Lima bean* Avocado Great N. bean
2 Orange Tangerine Collard Tomato Cowpea* Okra Black bean
3 Lemon Papaya Broccoli Winter squash Edamame Artichoke Lima bean
4 Low Strawberry Tangerine juice Broccoli Red bell pepper Green pea Asparagus Split pea
F&V, fruits and vegetables
Great N., Great Northern
Immature (harvested from the plant before reaching maturity)

Table 4a - Nutrient contribution of Scenario diet series CC (all

F&V) compared to current intake
Current Series CC, all F&V
Nutrient intake 1 2 3 4
Fiber (g) 10 29* 18* 12* 10*
Calcium (mg) 173 222* 156 180* 112
Magnesium (mg) 83 166* 110* 115* 92*
Potassium (mg) 1256 2094* 1245 1192 1272*

F&V, fruits and vegetables

*Equal to or greater than current intake

Table 4b - Nutrient contribution of Scenario diet series CC

(consumer preferred F&V) compared to current intake
Current Series CC, consumer preferred F&V
Nutrient intake 1 2 3 4
Fiber (g) 10 21* 11* 12* 8
Calcium (mg) 173 142 216* 108 84
Magnesium (mg) 83 142* 101* 96* 56
Potassium (mg) 1256 1808* 922 909 786

Subscripts represent diets that include all fruits and vegetables (a) and
diets that include only fruits and vegetables with a positive
F&V, fruits and vegetables
Consumer preference was determined based on the presence of a
positive consumption trend from 2007-2011
*Equal to or greater than current intake

In Table 5a, the nutrient contribution from all nutrient dense F&V in each Scenario diet was

compared to the nutrient gap for each nutrient. In series CC and CU, diet 1 closed the nutrient

gap for fiber, but there were no diets that closed all of the nutrient gaps. In series UC, UU, DC,

and DU, diet 1 was the only diet that closed all of the nutrient gaps. All of the diets in series UC,

UU, DC, and DU closed at least one nutrient gap except for Scenario diet 4 in Series UC and

UU. Scenario diets composed of the same number of servings but different vegetable subgroup

proportions (series CC vs. series CU, series UC vs. series UU, and series DC vs. series DU)

showed no differential effect in closing the nutrient gaps.

Table 5a - Nutrient contribution of Scenario diets, all F&V

Series CC
Nutrient Nutrient gap 1 2 3 4
Fiber (g) 25 29* 18 12 10
Calcium (mg) 415 222 156 180 112
Magnesium (mg) 257 166 110 115 92
Potassium (mg) 3176 2094 1245 1192 1272
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series CU
Fiber (g) 25 28* 17 12 9
Calcium (mg) 415 186 155 161 106
Magnesium (mg) 257 159 101 105 86
Potassium (mg) 3176 1906 1202 1177 1216
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series UC
Fiber (g) 25 61* 40* 28* 24
Calcium (mg) 415 517* 345 416* 251
Magnesium (mg) 257 368* 249 264* 208
Potassium (mg) 3176 4621* 2757 2578 2781
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series UU
Fiber (g) 25 62* 41* 30* 23
Calcium (mg) 415 461* 379 399 258
Magnesium (mg) 257 387* 259* 269* 220
Potassium (mg) 3176 4428* 2881 2759 2845
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series DC
Fiber (g) 25 69* 43* 30* 25*
Calcium (mg) 415 528* 372 430* 266
Magnesium (mg) 257 396* 262* 275* 219
Potassium (mg) 3176 5000* 2972 2849 3038
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series DU
Fiber (g) 25 70* 45* 33* 25*
Calcium (mg) 415 474* 405 414 274
Magnesium (mg) 257 414* 272* 280* 231
Potassium (mg) 3176 4811* 3093 3025 3101
Equal to or greater than the nutrient gap

Table 5b is similar to 5a, except that the Scenario diets include only nutrient dense F&V with

positive consumption trends. There were no diets in series CC and CU that closed any nutrient

gaps. In series UC, UU, DC, and DU, diet 1 closed all of the nutrient gaps except for Ca.

Scenario diets composed of the same number of servings but different vegetable subgroup

proportions showed no differential effect in closing the nutrient gaps.

Using the most nutrient dense F&V included in Scenario diet 1, the least number of servings

needed to close all of the nutrient gaps while maintaining the daily fruit-to-vegetable servings

ratio and the vegetable subgroup proportions of the Sample diet, was 8.9 (data not shown; 56 g

fiber, 432 g Ca, 323 mg Mg, and 4081 mg K); this was 11% lower than the number of servings

in series UC and UU, and 18% lower than the number of servings in series DC and DU. Using

only the nutrient dense F&V with positive consumption trends included in diet 1, the least

number of servings needed to close all of the nutrient gaps was 14 (data not shown; 64 g fiber,

437 g Ca, 437 mg Mg, and 5579 mg K).


Table 5b - Nutrient contribution of Scenario diets, consumer

preferred F&V
Series CC
Nutrient Nutrient gap 1 2 3 4
Fiber (g) 25 21 11 12 8
Calcium (mg) 415 142 216 108 84
Magnesium (mg) 257 142 101 96 56
Potassium (mg) 3176 1808 922 909 786
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series CU
Fiber (g) 25 18 10 11 7
Calcium (mg) 415 145 197 105 77
Magnesium (mg) 257 136 89 87 53
Potassium (mg) 3176 1684 917 853 723
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series UC
Fiber (g) 25 46* 24 28* 18
Calcium (mg) 415 316 490* 241 184
Magnesium (mg) 257 321* 234 221 125
Potassium (mg) 3176 3991* 2080 2066 1722
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series UU
Fiber (g) 25 44* 26* 28* 20
Calcium (mg) 415 351 475* 255 181
Magnesium (mg) 257 336* 236 232 135
Potassium (mg) 3176 3930* 2308 2175 1722
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series DC
Fiber (g) 25 50* 25* 30* 18
Calcium (mg) 415 338 514* 258 200
Magnesium (mg) 257 338* 240 228 133
Potassium (mg) 3176 4317* 2201 2169 1878
Nutrient Nutrient gap Series DU
Fiber (g) 25 47* 29* 31* 22
Calcium (mg) 415 372 503* 273 232
Magnesium (mg) 257 353* 236 245 158
Potassium (mg) 3176 4258* 2334 2347 2225

Equal to or greater than the nutrient gap

4. Discussion

Hypertensive adults can substantially increase the nutrient content of their diets by choosing the

most nutrient dense F&V instead of those currently consumed. However, neither choosing more

nutrient dense F&V nor adopting the vegetable subgroup proportions of the USDA Food Pattern

can close all of the nutrient gaps without simultaneously increasing the number of servings

consumed. By consuming only the most nutrient dense F&V, individuals can close all of the

nutrient gaps with 8.9 servings, which is less than what is recommended by the DASH diet (more

than 10 servings). However, increasing consumption from 4.5 servings (Sample diet) to 8.9

servings may be challenging for most people. This would offer very few F&V to choose from,

even though three of the seven F&V with increasing trends of consumption were also the most

nutrient dense overall.

In the Scenario diets that included only nutrient dense F&V with positive consumption trends,

diet 1 in each series (with the exception of series CC and CU) would have closed all of the

nutrient gaps if it were not limited by Ca. Although some F&V are good sources of Ca

(particularly dark green leafy vegetables), F&V accounted for only 18% of total Ca intake in the

Sample diet. Compared to F&V, dairy foods contain more Ca [46] and it is more bioavailable

[47]. Fulgoni III et al. [48] show that meeting Ca recommendations without increasing dairy

consumption is difficult to achieve.

The nutrient contribution from non-F&V was held constant throughout the range of Scenario

diets we explored, in order to isolate the effects of F&V choice on nutrient intake. This approach

precluded substituting F&V for other food groups, which would be needed to reduce the

consumption of total fat, saturated fat, and sodium, all of which were higher in this sample (34%

of total kcal, 11% of total kcal, and 3,772mg, respectively) than what is recommended by the

DASH diet (27% of total kcal, 6% of total kcal, and 2,300mg, respectively). Mellen et al. [14]

observed similar nutrient intake patterns among hypertensive adults in 1999-2004.

The limitations associated with using 24-hour recalls (24HR) to estimate food consumption

include participants intentionally misreporting their consumption patterns to simplify the survey

process or to impress the survey administrator [49, 50], and participants’ inability to accurately

recall food consumption from memory. Additional limitations have been described in detail

elsewhere [50, 51].

Nicklas and others [52] have noted the substantial methodological variation in studies examining

nutrient density. Nutrient density can be computed as the amount of nutrients per kcal, per

weight of food, or per serving size, and this decision ultimately reflects how the nutrient density

score will be utilized. We defined nutrient density as the amount of nutrients per serving size

because it is likely the easiest unit of measurement for consumers to understand.

In developing the nutrient density index we assigned equal weights to each nutrient, an approach

that has precedence in DASH diet adherence studies [53, 54]. However, some of the Scenario

diets have very high amounts of fiber (upwards of 50 grams), and the bulky nature of fiber can

limit the amount of food that can be consumed comfortably [55]. Stewart et al. [56] observed

slightly higher self-reported rates of bloating, cramping, flatulence, and stomach noises

associated with diets containing ~30 grams of fiber versus those containing less than 20 grams of

fiber. The nutrient density index used in the present study could be improved by reducing the

weight of fiber relative to the other nutrients of interest, although more work is needed to

determine the nature of a more complex weighting scheme.

This research addresses the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes critical research need to

develop strategies for clinicians to help adults adopt CVD related diet recommendations [20].

We show that diets that include nutrient dense F&V can provide substantially more fiber, Ca,

Mg, and K than the Current diet. We also show that although the DASH diet nutrient targets

cannot be met without also increasing the number of servings of F&V consumed, choosing

nutrient dense F&V offers a way to meet the nutrient targets with fewer servings than is currently

recommended by the DASH diet. For hypertensive adults who struggle to increase their

consumption of F&V, consuming nutrient dense F&V will bring them closer to achieving the

DASH diet nutrient targets and may be an achievable first step toward modifying their

consumption of additional food groups. Therefore, we suggest that clinicians recommend that

their hypertensive patients consume nutrient dense F&V as a way to substantially increase their

intake of key nutrients (i.e. fiber, Ca, Mg, and K). For patients who are able to make additional

modifications to their diet, clinicians should emphasize the added benefits of replacing foods that

contain high amounts of total fat, saturated fat, and sodium (such as fast food and snacks) with

low-fat dairy products.



The authors thank Dr. Edward Saltzman for his helpful comments. This research was not

supported by a specific funding agency. The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to



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[45] US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (ERS). 2007-2011. Loss-
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Agricultural capacity to increase the production of selected nutrient dense fruits and vegetables

for treating hypertension


Hypertension is a prominent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and over 50% of US adults

are hypertensive or pre-hypertensive. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)

diet, which features high amounts of fruits and vegetables (F&V), is associated with reduced risk

of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality. Evidence shows the important

role that nutrient dense F&V can have on achieving the nutrient targets of the DASH diet.

Despite the growing importance of international food markets, most F&V consumed in the US

are produced domestically. Therefore, if hypertensive adults consumed more nutrient dense F&V

domestic production would likely increase to some degree, but the agricultural capacity to meet

increased demand is not well documented. We examine the capacity of the US agricultural land

base to increase the per capita availability of nutrient dense F&V for hypertensive adults by 1)

identifying national production centers of nutrient dense F&V, 2) estimating the amount of

agricultural land suitable for the production of nutrient dense F&V in and around production

centers, and 3) computing the amount of nutrient dense F&V that can be produced from these

suitable land areas. A nutrient density index from a previous study was used to identify nutrient

dense F&V. National agricultural production centers of these F&V were identified using data on

harvested land area at the county level. Geospatial data on precipitation, temperature, soil depth,

soil type, and land use were used to estimate the amount of agricultural land suitable for the

production of these F&V. Data on crop yields were applied to data on the amount of suitable

agricultural land to estimate the production potential for each crop, which were adjusted for food

losses that occur throughout he supply chain, and divided by the population size of hypertensive

adults to estimate daily per capita availability. We identified 11 national production centers

located in six states. There is enough suitable agricultural land in (and adjacent to) existing

production centers to substantially increase the availability of nutrient dense F&V for

hypertensive adults in the US. Yet additional production of F&V (nutrient dense and otherwise)

would be needed in order to increase the availability of F&V to the point where hypertensive

adults can meet the DASH diet. These findings highlight the important role that smaller US

production centers that were not identified in this study, as well as international food markets,

will play if individuals adopt healthier eating patterns.


Blood pressure, consumption, output, nutrition, GIS, model


Zach Conrad1, Christian Peters1, Kenneth Chui,2 Timothy Griffin1

150 Harrison Avenue, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University,

Boston, MA 02111, USA

136 Harrison Avenue, School of Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Corresponding author:


Increased access to international food markets over the past several decades has greatly increased

the variety of foods available to consumers in the United States (US)1. For foods which follow

seasonal production patterns, imports are essential to minimizing temporal fluctuations in food

availability and price2, 3. Additionally, American consumers depend almost entirely on imports

for some of their favorite foods, like bananas, cocoa, and coffee4. Yet despite the growing

importance of international food markets, the US still produces most of the food (by volume) that

the population consumes4. Increased consumer demand for many types of food would likely spur

increased domestic production of agricultural goods. However, the capacity of US agriculture to

increase the output of specific foods to accommodate increased demand is not well documented.

One way that shifts in consumer food demand would occur is if a greater number of Americans

adhered to federal dietary recommendations. Adequate fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption is

now a mainstay of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans5-9 because of the relationship between

regular consumption of these foods and the reduced risk of chronic disease10, 11; the evidence

base for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death in the

United States12, is particularly strong10, 11, 13. However, despite federal public health messaging14,
and an ongoing national campaign16 to increase F&V consumption, there has not been an

improvement in consumption patterns for decades17 and Americans fall far short of meeting

recommended daily consumption amounts18. It therefore seems unlikely that non-targeted dietary

interventions delivered by federal agencies will encourage Americans to modify their dietary


Compared to the general population, one group that may be more likely to modify their dietary

patterns is hypertensive adults. Hypertension is the most common primary diagnosis by

physicians19, and those who receive lifestyle modification counseling from their physician are

more likely to make changes to their diet than those who report not receiving such counseling20.

Regular consumption of F&V is strongly associated with the prevention and treatment of

hypertension11, which is a prominent risk factor for CVD21, 22. Clinical interventions are

projected to be one of the most effective means of reducing CVD-related mortality in the near

and long-term23. Clinicians are encouraged to recommend the Dietary Approaches to Stop

Hypertension (DASH) diet24, 25 for their hypertensive patients18, 19, which features F&V and low-

fat dairy because these foods are good sources of fiber, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and

potassium (K), which are nutrients that control blood pressure26, 27. Consistent evidence shows

the role of the DASH diet in normalizing blood pressure28-30 and reducing the risk of CVD and

all-cause mortality31-33. However, adhering to the DASH diet requires people to modify their

consumption of most (or all) food groups, which is difficult for many people to achieve34, 35.

Fortunately, evidence shows the important role that nutrient dense F&V can have on achieving

the nutrient targets of the DASH diet (Conrad et al., forthcoming), and clinical recommendations

for hypertensive patients to incorporate more nutrient dense F&V into their current dietary

patterns may be warranted.

If hypertensive adults consumed more nutrient dense F&V, domestic production would likely

increase to some degree because most of the fruits and nuts (~60%) and vegetables (~80%)

consumed in the US (by volume) are produced domestically.4 While yield improvements from

technological innovations (e.g. improved disease and pest resistance and improved fruit set) and

the adoption of intensive management practices (e.g. high density planting and global positioning

systems) are largely responsible for recent increases in F&V production, the viability of these

approaches is dependent on the availability of suitable agricultural land36, 37. In fact, in some

cases, yield improvements were the result of relocation to more productive cropland36, 37.

Because many F&V crops require highly specific growing conditions, identifying suitable

agricultural sites is of primary importance to increasing production.

A growing body of research has examined the connection between F&V demand (actual and

potential), agricultural land use, and food production at different spatial scales. Giombolini et

al.38 found that the Willamette Valley in Oregon produced enough food to meet approximately

20-30% and 10-30% of the Willamette Valley population’s fruit and vegetable

recommendations, respectively, as part of a complete diet. Kremer and Shrueder39 estimated that

the Philadelphia foodshed (which represents 37 counties around Philadelphia that have farms that

supply food to the city’s residents) produces more than enough F&V to meet the current and

recommended consumption amounts of the city’s residents. In Detroit Michigan, Colasanti and

Hamm40 found that vacant land areas could produce enough F&V to meet 42% and 76% of

current fresh fruit and vegetable consumption, respectively, of the city’s residents, using food

storage and season extension technologies. Peters et al.41 estimated that if the share of the

population in New York State consuming local food increased, it was more likely that land in the

state would be allocated to higher value crops like F&V at the expense of grains and dairy. At

the national level, Young and Kantor42 estimated that an additional 5-7 million acres (2-2.8

million hectares) of land would be need to be cultivated in order for the population to meet F&V

consumption recommendations; later, Buzby et al.43 updated this estimate to 13 million acres

(5.3 million hectares). These studies present useful methodologies for estimating the agricultural

capacity to increase the production of F&V for the general population at different spatial scales.

To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to examine the agricultural capacity to

increase the production of specific F&V for a specific population at the national level:

hypertensive adults. Our approach is innovative in that it uses a series of geospatial models that

are parameterized for precipitation, temperature, soil depth, soil type, and land availability. In

addition, we recognize that supply chain infrastructure is needed to accommodate increased

agricultural production, so we focus on whether agricultural production can be expanded in and

around current production centers because these co-locate with the requisite supply chain


Increasing F&V consumption is a crucial step toward reducing the risk of hypertension and CVD

among the US population. Evidence shows the important role that nutrient dense F&V can play

in achieving the nutrient targets of the DASH diet (Conrad et al., forthcoming). Increased

demand for nutrient dense F&V would encourage increased domestic production, yet the limits

of production have not been fully examined. In the present study, our goal is to examine the

capacity of the US agricultural land base to increase the per capita availability of selected

nutrient dense F&V for hypertensive adults. This will be achieved by 1) identifying national

production centers of nutrient dense F&V, 2) estimating the amount of agricultural land suitable

for the production of nutrient dense F&V in and around production centers, and 3) computing the

amount of nutrient dense F&V that can be produced from these suitable land areas.


To identify national production centers of nutrient dense F&V, we used a nutrient density index

from a previous study to identify nutrient dense F&V. National agricultural production centers of

these F&V were identified using data on harvested land area at the county level. To estimate the

amount of agricultural land suitable for the production of nutrient dense F&V in and around

production centers, growing conditions for each crop were identified through published reports

and subsequently verified by personal communication with farm advisors and plant scientists

from the Cooperative Extension System. Geospatial data on precipitation, temperature, soil

depth, soil type, and land use were collected, and these data were used to construct geospatial

models to estimate the amount of suitable agricultural land for each F&V. To compute the

amount of nutrient dense F&V that can be produced from these suitable land areas, data on crop

yields were applied to data on the amount of suitable agricultural land to estimate the production

potential for each crop. These data were adjusted for food losses that occur throughout the supply

chain, and divided by the population size of hypertensive adults to estimate daily per capita

availability. Each of these components is described in detail below.

Identifying nutrient dense fruits and vegetables

The F&V included in this analysis were selected based on the following criteria: 1) these

represented the most nutrient dense F&V in each of the MyPlate subgroups44, 2) these displayed

positive trends of consumption during the most recent five-year period at the time the data were

collected (2007-2011),45 and 3) these displayed positive national production trends during the

most recent five-year period at the time the data were collected (2009-2013); in some cases a

lack of data availability resulted in data being collected from the most recent four-year period


Nutrient dense F&V were identified using an indexing method developed by Conrad et al.

(forthcoming) that computed a nutrient density score for each of 407 F&V47 on the basis of fiber,

Ca, Mg, and K per serving. For each F&V, a positive consumption trend was identified based on

the slope of a simple regression equation that predicted consumption amount from the associated

year.45 We assumed that F&V with positive consumption trends were more likely to be adopted

by consumers than those with flat or negative consumption trends. For each F&V, a positive

trend of national production was identified based on the slope of a simple regression equation

that predicted production amount from the associated year.46 We assumed that F&V with

positive production trends were more likely to experience an increase in domestic production as

a result of increased demand compared to those with flat or negative production trends. The most

nutrient dense vegetables in each MyPlate subgroup44 with positive trends of consumption and

production were included in this analysis. Because the fruit group does not include subgroups,

the top two most nutrient dense fruits with positive trends of consumption and production were

included in this group in order to provide dietary variety. In total, two fruits and five vegetables

were included in this analysis.


Establishing production centers

The complex and specialized nature of F&V supply chains means that supply chain enterprises

co-locate with areas of high agricultural production48 (hereafter, production centers), and the

difficulties of relocating or replicating this infrastructure can be prohibitive. We therefore

recognize that increased cultivation of nutrient dense F&V is most likely to occur near current

production centers, so we focus our analysis on these areas. For each crop included in this

analysis, we identified production centers as counties that represented at least 10% of mean

(2002-2012) national acreage, or represented at least 10% of mean (2002-2012) state acreage if

the state contained the highest proportion of mean (2002-2012) national acreage.46 Production

centers were identified based on acreage rather than output because of limitations on data

availability of output data at the county level. In cases where production centers abutted one

another, the counties were considered to be a single production center. In order to examine the

potential to increase food production under scenarios of increased cultivated land area, we

constructed a series of buffer areas around each production center that extended 5km, 10km,

15km, and 20km from all sides of each production center (in other words, increasing the area

while maintaining the shape).

Mapping suitable land areas

For each nutrient dense F&V in each production center, a site suitability geographic information

system (ArcGIS 10.1) model was created to identify suitable land areas for crop production in

(and around) each production center. For each crop model, data were mapped using a State Plane

North American Datum 1983 projected coordinate system that was particular to the given

production center. All data were analyzed in raster format with a resolution of 30m x 30m. In

addition to estimating the amount of suitable land area, cluster analysis (average nearest

neighbor) was performed to estimate whether suitable land areas were clustered, dispersed, or

spaced randomly; statistical significance was assessed at P≤0.05.

Land areas were considered to be suitable for the production of a given crop if all of the crop-

specific growing conditions were satisfied. Growing conditions for each crop were identified

through published reports49-58 and subsequently verified by personal communication with farm

advisors and plant scientists from the Cooperative Extension System (see Appendices D through

M). Growing conditions that are typically overcome by farm management practices were not

included. For example, degree of soil stratification was not included because this is typically

overcome with deep tillage. The following growing conditions were included in this analysis:

mean monthly (1981-2010) precipitation and mean monthly (1981-2010) surface temperature

(minimum and maximum) were collected from the Parameter-elevation Regressions on

Independent Slopes Model, maintained by the PRISM Climate Group at Orgon State

University59, 60; soil depth (minimum) and type (particle size) were collected from the Gridded

Soil Survey Geographic database, maintained by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural

Resources Conservation Service61; and land use (fallow agricultural land in 2013) was collected

from the Cropland Data Layer, maintained by USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service62.

Only the growing conditions relevant to a given crop were included in a given crop model.

In cases where geospatial data lacked sufficient temporal resolution to be parameterized

according to the information provided by published reports and personal communication with

experts, the range of values for the production center of a given crop were used to represent the

growing conditions for that crop. For example, monthly lower and upper temperature bounds for

each crop in each production center were established by adopting the monthly minimum and

maximum temperature readings, respectively, in that production center. In cases where

geospatial data were available62, we identified clusters of land within counties in which at least

95% of a given crop was cultivated, and used these clusters to establish the monthly lower and

upper temperature bounds for that crop.

Estimating current and potential food availability

State-level yield data were collected from USDA Census of Agriculture for each crop63. Yield

data were applied to the land area data generated from the site suitability analysis in order to

estimate potential production in and around each production center, on a farm-weight basis.

These data were adjusted for food losses and waste that occur as food moves through the supply

chain, and were ultimately converted to cup-equivalents using the conversion factors provided by

the USDA Loss-Adjusted Food Availability (LAFA) data series45. For the purposes of this

analysis, we assumed that all potential food availability would be distributed amongst

hypertensive adults. Therefore, data on total food availability were divided by the hypertensive

adult population64 in order to estimate per capita consumption. State-level yield data for lima

beans was adopted from Griffin et al.65 due to lack of data availability.


Dates, kiwis, broccoli, sweet potatoes, Great Northern beans, and mushrooms (agaricus) were

identified as the most nutrient dense F&V with positive trends of consumption and production

within their respective F&V subgroups (Table 1). In addition, lima beans (immature) were

included in this study to represent the starchy vegetables subgroup even though they did not

display a positive consumption trend and data were unavailable on the production trends of all

processing types; lima beans were included because there were no starchy vegetables with

positive consumption trends, and lima beans represented the most nutrient dense vegetable

within this subgroup. These seven crops were associated with 11 national production centers

located in six states. Three production centers included multiple counties: lima beans in Sussex

and Kent Counties, Delaware; sweet potatoes in Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson Counties,

Nebraska; and Great Northern beans in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska.

In terms of the proportion of national acreage of a given crop in each production center, this

ranged from a high of 70% (Great Northern beans in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill

Counties, Nebraska) to a low of 11% (sweet potatoes in Merced County, California).


Table 1. National production centers of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables.

Production center
MyPlate Proportion of national
Crop subgroup County State acreage (%)

Dates n/a Riverside California 55
Kiwis n/a Tulare California 35
Butte California 24
Broccoli Dark green Monterey California 39
Santa Barbara California 20
Lima beans Starchy Sussex and Kent Delaware 25
Sweet potatoes Red and orange Johnston, Nash, North Carolina 27
Sampson, and Wilson
Calhoun Mississippi 12
Merced California 11
Great Northern Beans and peas Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, Nebraska 70
beans and Morrill
Mushrooms, Other Chester Pennsylvania 29

Figures 1-7 display the results of the GIS crop models. All models showed statistically

significant (P<0.001) clustering patterns, meaning that the location of suitable agricultural land

was not random or evenly dispersed.


Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas

Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes

Figure 1. Suitable agricultural land for

dates in Riverside County, California



Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas
Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km, Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county 15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes visual purposes

Figure 2. Suitable agricultural land for kiwis in a) Tulare County, California and b) Butte
County, California

Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas
Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km, Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county 15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes visual purposes

Figure 3. Suitable agricultural land for broccoli in a) Monterey County, California and b)
Santa Barbara County, California

Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas

Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes

Figure 4. Suitable agricultural land for

lima beans in Sussex and Kent
Counties, Delaware


Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas
Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km, Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km, Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county 15km, and 20km on all sides of county 15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for Data are presented in vector (point) format for Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes visual purposes visual purposes
Figure 5. Suitable agricultural land for sweet potatoes in a) Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina,
b) Calhoun County, Mississippi, and c) Merced County, California

Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas

Black dots represent suitable agricultural areas
Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county Grey lines represent expansion of 5km, 10km,
15km, and 20km on all sides of county
Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes Data are presented in vector (point) format for
visual purposes
Figure 6. Suitable agricultural land for Figure 7. Suitable agricultural land for
Great Northern beans in Scotts Bluff, mushrooms (agaricus) in Chester
Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, County, Pennsylvania

For each crop, suitable land area was identified under the no expansion scenario (i.e. additional

land that could be used within the production center), and the amount of suitable land increased

with every 5km expansion of the production centers (Table 2). For example, 6,000 ha of suitable

land were identified for dates under the no expansion scenario, and this increased to 7,300 ha,

8,600 ha, 9,800 ha, and 10,000 ha when the periphery of the production center was expanded by

5 km, 10 km, 15 km, and 20 km, respectively. Compared to the currently harvested land area, the

greatest proportional increase in suitable land area under the no expansion scenario was for kiwis

(590%), followed by dates (200%), sweet potatoes (190%), Great Northern beans (110%),

broccoli (20%), lima beans (20%), and mushrooms (20%).


Table 2. Current agricultural land area and potential agricultural land area suitable for the production of
nutrient dense fruits and vegetables.
Production center expansion
Currently No
Crop harvested expansion 5km 10km 15km 20km

103 ha3
Dates 3.0 6.0 7.3 8.6 9.8 10
Kiwis 1.7 10 15 19 25 31
Broccoli 54 11 12 15 21 28
Lima beans 19 3.8 4.3 5.1 6.3 8.1
Sweet potatoes 44 83 134 189 235 285
Great Northern beans 27 31 37 44 47 50
Mushrooms, agaricus 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.4
National mean (2002-2012), Census of Agriculture
Represents distance from all sides of production center
Values are cumulative

Table 3 displays the current daily per capita availability of nutrient dense F&V compared to the

potential daily per capita availability of these F&V if suitable agricultural land circumjacent to

each production center were brought into production. For example, the daily per capita

availability of kiwis, measured in cup-equivalents, was 0.016 under the no expansion scenario,

and this increased to 0.023, 0.031, 0.040, and 0.049 when the production center was expanded by

5 km, 10 km, 15 km, and 20 km, respectively. Compared to the current daily per capita

availability, the greatest proportional increase under the no expansion scenario was for kiwis

(1,432%), followed by sweet potatoes (1,360%), Great Northern beans (1,249%), dates (852%),

broccoli (85%), lima beans (79%), and mushrooms (28%).

Table 3. Current and potential per capita availability of nutrient dense fruits and vegetables for hypertensive
Production center expansion2
Crop Current1 expansion 5km 10km 15km 20km
10-3 cup eq. per person per day3, 4, 5
Dates 2.4 21 25 30 34 35
Kiwis 1.1 16 23 31 40 49
Broccoli 43 37 42 50 72 94
Lima beans 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.5
Sweet potatoes 10 141 226 317 395 476
Great Northern beans 3.5 44 53 63 67 72
Mushrooms, agaricus 26 7.4 18 34 63 114
National mean (2007-2011), Loss-Adjusted Food Availability (LAFA) data series
Represents distance from all sides of production center
Population of hypertensive adults adopted from Guo et al., 2012
Adjusted for losses at the farm, retail, and consumer levels
Values are cumulative


We identified enough suitable land within the existing production centers to substantially

increase the daily per capita availability of nutrient dense F&V for hypertensive adults. We also

identified additional suitable land with every 5 km expansion of the production centers. Under

the no expansion scenario, a total of nearly 144,000 ha of land could be brought into production,

resulting in an additional 0.27 daily per capita cup-equivalents of nutrient dense F&V. This

represents an 11% increase over the 2.25 total daily per-capita cup equivalents of F&V

consumed by hypertensive individuals (Conrad et al., forthcoming). Expanding the production

centers by 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, and 20 km could increase the daily per capita availability of total

F&V by 17%, 23%, 30%, and 37%, respectively. This is a substantial increase over the amount

of F&V that is currently consumed, but even a 37% increase (which would increase daily

consumption to 3.09 cup-equivalents) is far less than what is needed to achieve the Dietary

Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet (5 cup-equivalents).

Additional production of F&V (nutrient dense and otherwise) in the US could be achieved by

further expanding the size of the production centers, increasing the number of production

centers, converting land currently used for crops like grains and oilseeds to F&V production, and

technological innovations to increase F&V crop yields. Several factors present challenges to

these approaches, such as barriers to adoption among producers, labor availability, supply chain

capacity, and threats to crop yields from environmental concerns.


Many F&V crops require specialized knowledge, planning, and management from producers in

order to ensure adequate production, and the time needed to develop this knowledge and

implement these practices could be a barrier to adoption for non F&V producers66. Additionally,

many F&V require specialized equipment for planting and harvesting that cannot be repurposed

for other crops, and capital investment in this equipment is high52, 54. Uncertainty, risk, and

market volatility are prominent features of F&V production because of the highly perishable and

seasonal nature of these crops2, 48. In particular, some orchard crops can take several years to

bear edible fruit and up to nine or ten years to reach full productive potential, during which time

the costs of production are not fully compensated by product sales.57

Access to labor is particularly problematic for F&V firms because of the knowledge and know-

how needed to complete highly specialized tasks, which can include dethorning, pollinating,

pruning, fruit bunch tie down, picking, field grading, weeding, and scouting for pests. Although

mechanization is more common for vegetables than fruit, and for processed produce than for

fresh varieties, even crops grown under a mechanized production system may still require field

grading and packing by hand (such as sweet potatoes)67. (In this analysis the exception is Great

Northern beans, which have a production structure that is almost entirely mechanized, and

resembles that of agronomic crops like soybeans rather than F&V). Mechanization can also

introduce challenges that cannot be easily overcome. Not all crops in a field mature at the same

rate, so nonselective machine harvesters can reduce usable yields when they harvest everything

in a field. Also, machines cannot replicate the dexterity of farmworkers, which is needed to

prevent crop damage that can reduce the market value of harvested crops67. The future

availability of farmworkers is also uncertain, given the decline in the number of seasonal, short-

term workers since the late 1990s68.

Supply chain networks for F&V are complex and specialized, which limits their capacity to

accommodate increased volume in the short term. Depending on the type of F&V and whether it

is marketed as fresh or processed, its supply chain can include packinghouses, third party

certifiers, storage facilities, distributors, marketers, brokers, shippers, processors, wholesalers,

and retailers48, 69. Adequate coordination across these entities is essential for moving F&V from

producers to consumers, but this can be challenging because of the diversity of the handling

requirements and market demands of different F&V48, 52, 54. Although storage times for many

F&V have increased over the past several decades due to genetic innovations and improvements

in atmospheric control systems in storage and transport facilities, storage times vary widely

across different types of F&V and between fresh and processed varieties2, 70. Limited storage

space at the retail level often requires store produce managers to place orders from distribution

centers on a near daily basis. Although the adoption of computerized database systems has

facilitated coordination between supply chain entities, maintaining these databases requires

continuous human input at multiple points throughout the supply chain70.

Multi-year drought conditions have reduced water availability in California, threatening the

vitality of the largest F&V industry in the country71. Reduced crop yields were reported on

nearly 1.2 million acres (0.49 million hectares) in 2013 due to a shortage of surface and ground

water72. For some areas in California, aquifer recharge after a prolonged drought could take

many years to reach pre-drought levels73. This is particularly problematic for crops such as

broccoli and sweet potatoes, since nearly 100% of their acreage in California is irrigated52. The

prospect for increasing F&V production in California is made even more uncertain by the effects

of salinization of soil and water sources74, 75, as well as the effects of climate change projections

that include altered patterns of precipitation and temperature76-78, all of which have the potential

to reduce yields for some crops in some areas79-81.

Even if the challenges associated with increasing domestic production were overcome, imports

of F&V would still be essential for meeting increased consumer demand. Imports are needed to

smooth out otherwise strong seasonal price fluctuations that often result from climatic

seasonality or unexpected weather events2, 3. In cases where the availability of domestically

produced F&V lags behind demand (as a result of the time it takes to establish productive

orchards, increase labor availability, or increase the capacity of the supply chain), imported F&V

can fill this gap. Some F&V that display positive consumption trends, such as avocados, are

sourced primarily from international markets, and the proportion of consumption that is

represented by imports has increased dramatically over the past several decades. In these cases, it

is likely that further increases in consumption would be met predominantly by imports. Although

the US currently produces the majority of F&V its population consumes, imports for fresh and

all processing types of F&V have increased steadily since 197582, 83.

This study has several limitations. It has been reported that recent drought conditions in

California have encouraged producers to fallow at least 410,000 acres (166,000 hectares) of

cropland84. This land could have been identified as suitable cropland by the geospatial models

we used in this study, and may have contributed to an overestimation of suitable land area for

crops with production centers in California. This study may not have included all of the

production centers for each crop because of limited data availability for some crops in some

areas. For example, the Census of Agriculture46 reports that nearly 30% of the national acreage

of dates is located in Arizona, yet data are not disclosed for counties with the highest acreage of

dates in that state. Incomplete data on the location of national production centers would likely

have contributed to an underestimation of suitable land area for some crops. To estimate food

loss, USDA collects data from household surveys, landfill garbage inspections, and plate waste

studies, and each has limitations45. Household survey participants may not report their actual

consumption patterns in order to impress the interview administrator or to simplify the interview

process10, 85, and landfill garbage inspections and plate waste studies are not nationally

representative. Additionally, USDA does not collect data on the temporal variation of food


Additional research is needed to examine the availability of suitable agricultural land in and

around smaller production centers throughout the country in order to fully capture the national

potential to increase F&V production. These site suitability analyses could be integrated into

existing modeling frameworks86-88 that have been used to examine the capacity of supply chain

infrastructure to handle additional volume. This research should focus on the potential to

increase production in areas least likely to experience environmental degradation and natural

resource limitations.

There are several key strengths to this study. We included a broad range of parameters that

allowed for a robust analysis of site suitability. Our models were specific to each crop, which

allowed for a higher level of specificity when establishing the upper and lower bounds of the

relevant growing conditions than would have been possible if our crop focus was more broadly

defined (for example, field crops vs. specialty crops, or annual vs. perennial crops). By

narrowing our focus to crops with increasing trends of consumption and domestic production, we

were able to identify, based on our assumptions, crops that would be most likely to be adopted

by consumers and producers. Finally, we focused our analyses on areas where supply chain

infrastructure was likely to be present in order to address the reality that agricultural production

requires the co-location of supply chain infrastructure in order for food to reach consumers.

In this study we show that there is enough suitable agricultural land in (and adjacent to) existing

production centers to substantially increase the availability of certain nutrient dense F&V for

hypertensive adults in the US. Yet additional production of F&V (nutrient dense and otherwise)

would be needed in order to increase the availability of F&V to the point where hypertensive

adults can meet the DASH diet. These findings highlight the important role that smaller US

production centers (that were not identified in this study), as well as international food markets,

will play hypertensive adults adopt healthier eating patterns. US agricultural policy and

international food trade agreements could be better informed by considering the interplay

between nutrition (public health recommendations), food consumption (trends in consumer

demand), and agriculture (production capacity).


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Summary of results

In this dissertation I investigate the capacity of the US agricultural system to accommodate

national public health nutrition goals through three distinct studies. In the first study, titled

Different fruit and vegetable data collection programs for U.S. adults do not produce the same

results, I found that three prominent dietary data collection methods that are used to estimate

daily per capita F&V consumption at the national level do not produce the same results.

Statistical agreement tests (Bland-Altman method and ordinary least products regression)

indicated the presence of proportional bias between NHANES and LAFA, and descriptive means

comparisons yielded inconsistent similarities between NHANES, BRFSS, and LAFA. Based on

these findings, I recommend that these programs should not be used interchangeably to estimate

daily per capita F&V consumption, and that each should be used for distinct purposes. NHANES

is best suited for estimating daily per capita consumption because it allows for the amount of

individual F&V (as well as F&V groups) to be discerned from composite foods with multiple

ingredients, which allows for a complete accounting of F&V consumption from all sources in the

diet. NHANES is also structured for subpopulation analysis and covariate control, which can be

used to estimate consumption patterns for specific population groups while adjusting for the

effects of other variables. Although BRFSS does allow for subpopulation analysis and covariate

control, it does not include consumption data from composite dishes and does not collect data on

individual F&V. Yet BRFSS is the only program that collects data at the state level and is

therefore best suited for state and regional comparisons. LAFA provides the only nationally

representative estimates of food losses at various points in the supply chain, which makes it best

suited for examining the adequacy of the food supply at the agricultural, retail, and consumer


In the second study, titled Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables can help hypertensive adults meet

the nutrient targets of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet with fewer

servings than is recommended, I found that consuming nutrient dense F&V instead of those

currently consumed, without increasing the amount consumed, will not provide enough nutrients

for hypertensive adults to meet the nutrient targets of the DASH diet. However, by choosing

more nutrient dense F&V and increasing the number of servings of F&V consumed, individuals

can meet the nutrient targets of the DASH diet with 1.1 fewer servings than is recommended. I

suggest that clinicians recommend that their hypertensive patients consume nutrient dense F&V

as a way to substantially increase their intake of fiber, Ca, Mg, and K. For patients who are able

to make additional modifications to their diet, clinicians should emphasize the added benefits of

replacing foods that contain high amounts of total fat, saturated fat, and sodium (such as fast

food and snacks) with low-fat dairy products.

In the third study, titled Agricultural capacity to increase the production of nutrient dense fruits

and vegetables for treating hypertension, I found that there is enough suitable agricultural land in

(and adjacent to) existing production centers to substantially increase the availability of certain

nutrient dense F&V for hypertensive adults in the US. Yet additional production of F&V

(nutrient dense and otherwise) would be needed in order to increase the availability of F&V to

the point where hypertensive adults can meet the DASH diet. These findings highlight the

important role that smaller US production centers (that were not identified in this study), as well

as international food markets, will play if individuals adopt healthier eating patterns. US

agricultural policy and international food trade agreements could be better informed by

considering the interplay between nutrition (public health recommendations), food consumption

(trends in consumer demand), and agriculture (production capacity).

Importance of this research

This research is important for several reasons. It shows that nutrition policies, interventions, and

messages are at risk of being inconsistent if researchers continue to use different dietary data

collection programs interchangeably to estimate daily per capita F&V consumption. This

research also provides clinicians with the information that can be used to help their hypertensive

patients adopt more healthful dietary patterns. Finally, this research shows that the US

agricultural system is limited in its capacity to accommodate improved dietary patterns for

hypertensive adults, which highlights the importance of international food markets in meeting

public health nutrition goals.

Future research directions

These findings present several avenues for future research. A more complete understanding of

the comparability between NHANES and LAFA could be achieved by testing the agreement for

other food groups (dairy, grains, meat, seafood, oils, and sweeteners), as well as by testing the

comparability between the temporal trends of each food group produced from these programs.

Future research should investigate whether calibration methods can be applied to these programs

to remove differences, perhaps by using the method used by Del Gobbo et al.1 With effective

calibration methods it may be possible to blend the data generated from these programs, which

would allow researchers to take advantage of the benefits afforded by each of these programs.

For example, if calibration methods could be used to align data from NHANES and LAFA it

may be possible to apply LAFA food loss coefficients to NHANES data, which would allow

researchers to use NHANES data for food system analyses. Additional research should examine

how the different results generated by these programs have resulted in different policy

formulations and interventions.

Additional research should modify the food pattern model used in this study by removing the

calcium constraint from the F&V group, which would reduce the number of servings of F&V

needed to achieve the DASH diet nutrient targets for fiber, Mg, and K. At the same time, low-fat

dairy options should be included in the model to address Ca intake. While the model used in this

dissertation was useful for examining the impacts on nutrient intake as a result of modifying only

F&V consumption, the proposed changes to the model would be useful for examining the

impacts on nutrient intake if individuals modified their consumption of F&V and diary. These

changes would allow researchers to examine whether small modifications to F&V and dairy

consumption would elicit more favorable impacts on nutrient status than larger modifications to

just F&V consumption.

The geospatial models that were developed as part of this dissertation provide a solid foundation

for examining environmental sustainability, supply chain capacity, and economic outcomes.

Environmental sustainability could be addressed by expanding the models to include erosion

potential, soil quality, pesticide application rates, proximity to water bodies, and others. While

some of these parameters could be addressed at the map unit level, others could be addressed at

the county level for specific crops. Supply chain capacity and economic outcomes could be

addressed by linking the models used in this dissertation to other models, such as those used by

Etemadnia et al.2, Atallah et al.,3 and Nicholson et al.4

Importance of food systems perspective for public health nutrition research

This dissertation identifies several barriers (and catalysts) to achieving national public health

nutrition goals at multiple parts of the food system. This was accomplished by integrating the

methodologies and tools from related disciplines into a single research framework, which allows

for a more comprehensive analysis than is customarily afforded by single discipline endeavors.

This approach recognizes that public health nutrition is a key component of a food system, and

therefore affects – and is affected by – agriculture. To be sure, single discipline research

frameworks are useful for addressing highly technical issues within the confines of linear

problem solving frameworks, and should not be discounted; however, they are incomplete

methods for adequately addressing many public health nutrition problems because these are

multidisciplinary by nature. Investigating ways to improve the nutrition-related health of large

populations requires food system analyses that combine the methodologies and tools of nutrition

science, public policy, supply chain analyses, and agricultural science.



1. Del Gobbo, LC; Khatibzadeh, S; Imamura, F, et al. 2015. Assessing global dietary habits: a

comparison of national estimates from the FAO and the Global Dietary Database. American

Journal of Clinical Nutrition 101: 1038-46.

2. Etemadnia, H; Goetz, SJ; Canning, P, et al. 2015. Optimal wholesale facilities location

within the fruit and vegetables supply chain with bimodal transportation options: An LP-MIP

heuristic approach. European Journal of Operational Research 244: 648-61.

3. Atallah, SS; Gomez, MI and Bjorkman, T. 2014. Localization effects for a fresh vegetable

product supply chain: Broccoli in the eastern United States. Food Policy 49: 151-9.

4. Nicholson, CF; Gómez, MI and Gao, OH. 2011. The costs of increased localization for a

multiple-product food supply chain: Dairy in the United States. Food Policy 36: 300-10.


Appendix A Fruit and vegetable forms included in Bland-Altman method and

ordinary least products regression analysis

Processing form
Food Fresh Canned Frozen Dried Juice
Apple    
Apricot        
Avocado       
Banana         
Blackberry    
    
Blueberry  
       
Cantaloupe        
Cherry   
  
    
Cranberry       
Date       
 
Fig         
Grape  
      
Grapefruit         
Honeydew        
Kiwi         
Lemon         
Lime         
Mango        
Olive  
      
Orange  
      
Papaya        
Peach   
  
   
 
Peara        
Pineapple        

Plum        
Prune      

Raisin       
 
Raspberry     
   
Strawberry 
        
Tangerine        
Watermelon         
Artichoke         
      

Asparagus   
Dry bean    
 
Lima bean 
    
  
Snap bean   
     
Bell pepper      
Broccoli     
   
Brusells sprout       
Cabbage        
Carrot   
  
   
Cauliflower       
Celery       
Collard green        
Cucumber        
Eggplant        
Escarole/endive        
Garlic        
Kale        
Lentil and       
split pea
Lettuce, head 
      
Lettuce, leaf        
Mushroom   
     
Mustard green       
Okra        
Onion       
 
Pea, green  
  
  
Pickle       
Potato 
     
 
Pumpkin       
Radish        
Spinach     
   
Squash       
Sweet corn   
  
   
Sweet potato      
Tomato   
     
Turnip green       
      
2001-2005 data used for dried pears because data for subsequent years not available

Appendix B Fruit and vegetable group categorization scheme for 2007-2010 means comparison

Fruit Vegetables

Fruit Fruit, Green

Food juice non-juice salad Potatoes Carrots Other

Acerola juice 
Apple juice           
Apricot juice           
Blackberry juice           
Grape juice           
Grapefruit juice           
Guanabana juice           
Guava juice           
Lemon juice           
Lime juice           
Mango juice           
Orange juice           
Papaya juice           
Passion-fruit juice           
Peach juice           
Pineapple juice           
Pomegranate juice           
Prune juice           
Tamarind juice           
Tangerine juice           
Tomato juice           
Abiyuch  
        
Acerola           
Apple           
Apricot           
Avacoado           
Banana           
Blackberry           
Blueberry           
Boysenberry           
Breadfruit           
Carissa           
Casaba melon           
Cantaloupe melon           
Chayote           
         

Cherimoya 
Cherry           
Clementine           
Cranberry           
Currant           
Date           
Durian           
Elderberry           
Feijoa           
Fig           
Gooseberry           
Grape           
Grapefruit           
Guava           
Honeydew melon           
Horned melon           
Jackfruit           
Java-plum           
Jujube           
Kiwi           
Kumquat           
Lemon           
Lime           
Litchi           
Loganberry           
Longan           
Loquat           
Mango           
Mangosteen           
Mulberry           
Nance           
Naranjillo           
Nectarine           
Oheloberry           
Orange           
Papaya           
Passion-fruit           
Peach           
Pear           
Persimmon           
Pineapple           
         

Plantain 
Plum           
Pomegranate           
Prune           
Pummelo           
Quince           
Raisin           
Rambutan           
Raspberry           
Rowal           
Sapodilla           
Sapote           
Soursop           
Starfruit           
Strawberry           
Tamarind           
Tangerine           
Tomato           
Watermelon           
Amaranth leaf    
      
Arugala           
Beet green           
Bitter gourd leafy          
tip 
Brocolli raab           
Butterbur           
Cabbage           
Cardoon           
Celtuce           
Chard           
Chicory green           
Chinese cabbage           
Chrysanthemum green           
Cilantro           
Collard           
Cowpea leafy tip           
Dandelion green           
Dock           
Drumstick leaf           
Endive           
Fireweed           
         

Grape leaf 
Head lettuce           
Kale           
Lambs quarter           
Leaf lettuce           
Mustard green           
Pumpkin leaf           
Seaweed           
Spinach           
Sweet potato leaf           
Taro leaf           
Turnip green           
Watercress           
Winged bean leaf           
Potato      
    
Carrot        
  
Arrowhead          
Arrowroot           
Artichoke           
Asparagus           
Bamboo shoot           
Bean and peas in          
pod 
Beet           
Bitter gourd           
Borage           
Broccoli           
Brussels sprout           
Burdock root           
Cabbage           
Cassava           
Cauliflower           
Celeriac           
Celery           
Chicory           
Chive           
Cress           
Cucumber           
Daikon           
Eggplant           
Epazote           
         

Eppaw 
Fennel           
Fiddlehead           
Garlic           
Ginger           
Gourd           
Green pea           
Heart of palm           
Jute           
Kohlrabi           
Leek           
Lemon grass           
Lotus root           
Mushroom           
Nopales           
Okra           
Olive           
Onion           
Parsley           
Parsnip           
Pepeao           
Pepper           
Pickle           
Pimento           
Poi           
Pokeberry shoot           
Pumpkin           
Purslane           
Radicchio           
Radish           
Rhubarb           
Roselle           
Rutabega           
Salsify           
Sesbania           
Shallot           
Snap bean           
Sprouted bean, pea,          
lentil, and seed
Squash           
Sweet corn           
         

Sweet potato 
Taro           
Tree fern           
Turnip           
Waterchestnut           
Winged bean tuber           
Yam           
         
        
        
Appendix C Fruit and vegetable group categorization scheme for 2011 means comparison

Fruit Vegetables

Fruit Fruit, Dark

Food juice non-juice green Beans Orange Other
Acerola juice 
Apple juice           
Apricot juice           
Blackberry juice           
Grape juice           
Grapefruit juice           
Guanabana juice           
Guava juice           
Lemon juice           
Lime juice           
Mango juice           
Orange juice           
Papaya juice           
Passion-fruit juice           
Peach juice           
Pineapple juice           
Pomegranate juice           
Prune juice           
Tamarind juice           
Tangerine juice           
Abiyuch  
        
Acerola           
Apple           
Apricot           
Avocado           
Banana           
         

Blackberry 
Blueberry           
Boysenberry           
Breadfruit           
Starfruit           
Carissa           
Chayote           
Cherimoya           
Cherry           
Clementine           
Cranberry           
Currant           
Date           
Durian           
Elderberry           
Feijoa           
Fig           
Gooseberry           
Grapefruit           
Grape           
Guava           
Horned melon           
Jackfruit           
Java-plum           
Jujube           
Kiwi           
Kumquat           
Lemon           
Lime           
Litchi           
Loganberry           
Longan           
Loquat           
Mango           
Mangosteen           
Cantaloupe melon           
Casaba melon           
Honeydew melon           
Mulberry           
Nance           
Naranjillo           
         

Nectarine 
Oheloberry           
Orange           
Papaya           
Passion-fruit           
Peach           
Pear           
Persimmon           
Pineapple           
Plantain           
Plum           
Pomegranate           
Prune           
Pummelo           
Quince           
Raisin           
Rambutan           
Raspberry           
Rowal           
Sapodilla           
Sapote           
Soursop           
Strawberry           
Tamarind           
Tangerine           
Watermelon           
Amaranth leaf    
      
Arugula           
Bitter gourd leafy          
tip 
Beet green           
Broccoli           
Chinese broccoli           
Butterbur           
Chinese cabbage           
Cabbage           
Cardoon           
Celtuce           
Chard           
Chicory green           
Chrysanthemum           
         

Collard 
Cilantro           
Cowpea leafy tip           
Dandelion green           
Dock           
Drumstick leaf           
Endive           
Fireweed           
Grape leaf           
Kale           
Lambs quarter           
Leaf lettuce           
Spinach           
Mustard green           
Pumpkin leaf           
Seaweed           
Swamp cabbage           
Sweet potato leaf           
Taro leaf           
Turnip green           
Watercress           
Winged bean leaf           
Adzuki bean      
    
Black bean           
Cranberry bean           
French bean (podded)           
Great northern bean           
Kidney bean           
Lima bean           
Mung mean           
Navy bean           
Pink bean           
Pinto bean           
White bean           
Yellow bean           
Fava bean           
Chickpea           
Black eyed pea           
Cowpea (podded)           
Edamame           
Lentil           
         

Split pea 
Pigeon pea           
Soybean           
Tempeh           
Winged bean           
Jicama           
Yardlong bean (podded)           
Carrot       
  
Yam           
Pumpkin           
Winter squash           
Sweet potato           
Arrowhead          
Arrowroot           
Artichoke           
Asparagus           
Bamboo shoot           
Beans and peas in pod           
Beet           
Bitter-gourd           
Borage           
Brusells sprout           
Burdock root           
Cabbage           
Cassava           
Cauliflower           
Celeriac           
Celery           
Chicory           
Chive           
Cress           
Cucumber           
Daikon           
Eggplant           
Epazote           
Eppaw           
Fennel           
Fiddlehead           
Garlic           
Ginger           
Gourd           
         

Green pea 
Head lettuce           
Heart of palm           
Jute           
Kohlrabi           
Leek           
Lemon grass           
Lotus root           
Mushroom           
Nopales           
Okra           
Olive           
Onion           
Parsley           
Parsnip           
Pepeao           
Pepper           
Pickle           
Pimento           
Poi           
Pokeberry shoot           
Potato           
Pumpkin flower           
Purslane           
Radicchio           
Radish           
Rhubarb           
Roselle           
Rutabega           
Salsify           
Sesbiana           
Shallot           
Snap bean           
Sprouted bean, pea,          
lentil, and seed
Summer squash           
Sweet corn           
Taro           
Tomato           
Tree fern           
Turnip           
         

Waterchestnut 
Winged bean tuber           
   
  
  
  
 

Appendix D. Growing conditions for dates in Riverside County, California, by month
precipitation Minimum Maximum
Month (mm)1 temperature (°C)2 temperature (°C)3 Notes4
May 45.24 -3.41 35.77 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited
June 45.24 0.66 40.38 moisture is typically overcome with irrigation.
July 45.24 4.72 42.63 Maximum soil depth is 0.91 meters. Acceptible soil
August 45.24 4.53 41.94 types are: sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, sandy clay
September 45.24 1.64 39.40 5
loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, clay, and clay loam.
October 45.24 -2.50 33.76
Represents maximum precipitation in Riverside County, California in August (mean 1981-2010), when dates are most susceptible to
Represents minimum temperature in Riverside County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Riverside County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator. Available at website: (verified 13 June 2015)

Appendix E. Growing conditions for kiwis in Tulare County, California, by month

Minimum Maximum
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C)2 Notes3
March -15.11 20.78 Minimum precipitation is not
April -13.50 25.33 incldued because limited moisture is
May -8.96 30.17 typically overcome with irrigation.
June -3.83 34.28 Maximum precipitation is not
July -0.30 37.84 included because excessive
August -0.71 37.29 moisture is uncommon. Maximum
September -3.61 34.28 soil depth is 0.91 meters.
October -7.52 28.26 Acceptible soil types are: sandy
November -11.71 19.70 loam and silt loam.4
Represents minimum temperature in Tulare County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Tulare County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil
Texture Calculator. Available at website:
(verified 13 June 2015)

Appendix F. Growing conditions for kiwis in Butte County, California, by month

Minimum Maximum
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C)2 Notes3
March -3.85 19.16 Minimum precipitation is not
April -2.34 23.20 incldued because limited moisture is
May 1.16 27.85 typically overcome with irrigation.
June 4.48 32.67 Maximum precipitation is not
July 7.85 36.87 included because excessive
August 7.15 36.61 moisture is uncommon. Maximum
September 5.20 33.38 soil depth is 0.91 meters.
October 0.82 27.26 Acceptible soil types are: sandy
November -3.28 18.09 4
loam and silt loam.
Represents minimum temperature in Butte County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Butte County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil
Texture Calculator. Available at website:
(verified 13 June 2015)

Appendix G. Growing conditions for broccoli in Monterey County, California, by month

Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
January -1.23 19.76 Minimum precipitation is not
February 0.21 19.07 incldued because limited moisture is
March 1.13 20.84 typically overcome with irrigation.
April 1.73 24.25 Maximum precipitation is not
May 4.63 28.84 included because excessive
June 7.31 32.41 moisture is uncommon. Maximum
July 8.69 36.14 soil depth is 0.61 meters. Can be
August 9.24 36.42 grown in all types of soil.4
September 8.19 34.08
October 4.93 28.79
November 0.57 22.70
December -1.43 19.08
Represents minimum temperature in Monterey County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Monterey County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil
Texture Calculator. Available at website:
(verified 13 June 2015)

Appendix H. Growing conditions for broccoli in Santa Barbara County, California, by month
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
January -1.75 19.29 Minimum precipitation is not
February -1.06 19.37 incldued because limited moisture is
March 0.11 20.70 typically overcome with irrigation.
April 1.23 24.04 Maximum precipitation is not
May 4.62 27.57 included because excessive
June 7.73 32.46 moisture is uncommon. Maximum
July 10.29 36.12 soil depth is 0.61 meters. Can be
August 10.50 35.96 grown in all types of soil.4
September 8.09 32.48
October 4.36 28.27
November 0.98 22.34
December -1.86 19.03
Represents minimum temperature in Santa Barbara County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Santa Barbara County, California (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil
Texture Calculator. Available at website:
(verified 13 June 2015)
Appendix I. Growing conditions for lima beans in Sussex and Kent Counties, Delaware, by month
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
June 16.24 29.17 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited moisture
July 18.78 31.45 is typically overcome with irrigation. Maximum precipitation is
August 17.92 30.31 not included because excessive moisture is uncommon.
September 13.93 26.94 Maximum soil depth is 0.30 meters. Can be grown in all types
October 7.46 21.16 4
of soil.
Represents minimum temperature in Sussex and Kent Counties, Delaware (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Sussex and Kent Counties, Delaware (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator.
Available at website:
(verified 13 June 2015)
Appendix J. Growing conditions for sweet potatoes in Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina, by month
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
June 17.66 31.06 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited moisture is typically
July 19.83 32.59 overcome with irrigation. Maximum precipitation is not included because
August 18.91 31.62 excessive moisture is uncommon. Maximum soil depth is 0.20 meters.
September 15.23 28.83 4
Acceptible soil types are: sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam.
October 8.57 24.22
Represents minimum temperature in Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Johnston, Nash, Sampson, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator. Available at
(verified 13 June 2015)
Appendix K. Growing conditions for sweet potatoes in Calhoun County, Mississippi, by month
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
June 18.52 30.97 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited moisture is typically
July 20.49 32.73 overcome with irrigation. Maximum precipitation is not included because
August 19.84 32.82 excessive moisture is uncommon. Maximum soil depth is 0.20 meters.
September 15.75 29.86 Acceptible soil types are: sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam.4
October 9.34 24.47
Represents minimum temperature in Calhoun County, Mississippi (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Calhoun County, Mississippi (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator. Available at
website: (verified 13 June 2015)
Appendix L. Growing conditions for sweet potatoes in Merced County, California, by month
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3
Month temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
June 13.64 32.57 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited moisture is typically
July 15.63 35.30 overcome with irrigation. Maximum precipitation is not included because
August 14.71 34.48 excessive moisture is uncommon. Maximum soil depth is 0.20 meters.
September 13.08 31.98 Acceptible soil types are: sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam.4
October 9.74 26.77
Represents minimum temperature in area of Merced County, California, in which 95% of the county's sweet potato land is
cultivated (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in area of Merced County, California, in which 95% of the county's sweet potato land is
cultivated (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator. Available at
website: (verified 13 June 2015)
Appendix M. Growing conditions for Great Northern beans in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska, by month
precipitation Minimum Maximum
1 2 3 4
Month (mm) temperature (°C) temperature (°C) Notes
June 51.60 9.59 28.52 Minimum precipitation is not incldued because limited moisture is
July 51.60 12.86 32.86 typically overcome with irrigation. Maximum soil depth is 0.8 meters.
August 51.60 12.32 31.72 5
Acceptible soil types are: sandy loam, loam, and silt loam.
September 51.60 5.94 26.54
Represents maximum precipitation in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska in August and September (mean 1981-2010),
when Great Northern beans are most susceptible to damage
Represents minimum temperature in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska (mean 1981-2010)
Represents maximum temperature in Scotts Bluff, Box Butte, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska (mean 1981-2010)
Notes apply to all months
Proportion of sand, silt, and clay for each soil type was retrieved from: USDA NRCS. Soil Texture Calculator. Available at website: (verified 13 June 2015)

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