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Ans1.The purchase decision process generally involves five major steps. Let us try to relate these steps
with the case.

1. Problem recognition: Car has become a necessity as it helps us in facilitating daily tasks as we all
are leading a busy life. To keep it simple, it will save our time in the long run. And also owning a
car is a symbol of social status especially in India
2. Information search: Information search includes visiting online websites, recommendations
from friends and family. This helps them in identifying brand names that meet their criteria.
They visit authorized dealers, inquire about their suitable brands, take test drives and gather
more information like technology, loan facility, mileage etc. They develop value perceptions.
3. Alternative evaluation: When the customers have interacted intensely with the salespeople,
they assess value and examine the alternatives in their evoked set. Objective and subjective
attributes (looks, engine sound) of the brands are evaluated in this stage.
4. Purchase decision: This stage involves choosing the right dealer to purchase. Consumers also
decide on when to buy. They look for the perfect time to purchase considering factors like
discounts offered, dealer persuasiveness and financial situation
5. Post purchase behavior: They try to assess whether or not they are happy with the purchase.
They carry a word of mouth reviews of their purchase. Dealers make sure the consumers are
comfortable by making follow up calls and feedback mails.

Online car websites are playing a huge role in reducing complexity of the purchasing process. This
process has become more fluent and all of the research is done by the consumer independently. They
know every information of the vehicle before they have a conversation with salespeople unlike before.
The websites have emerged in such a way that buyers can get access to complete information without
visiting the showroom. Some exclusive information like expert reviews, search functions and visual
insights made the consumers comfortable to take their decision.
Ans2. Demographic segmentation should be an important segment for Trucar because they suggest all
the dealers within a specific region. Other factors like income, family situation and in some cases gender
should also be considered. Behavioral segmentation is another key target segment for them. The
company should be aware of the factors like purchasing habits, spending habits, user status and brand
interactions. They should try to understand the market landscape and plan their advertising campaigns
as they are already short of funds.

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