Classification Essay

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Classification of Bosses

Bosses have an effect on the performance of their employees. The way a boss handles their

employees can intimidate or boost their work morale. Bosses can be categorized according to the

way they operate their business, the way they interact with workers and their personalities.

It is common to come across the work first type of boss. Such bosses are those that ensure that

from the time they meet employees, you know exactly who incharge.They focus on the

importance of finishing work and that it is submitted on time. Most times after work such bosses

show their lighter side. Their lighter side shows employees that after work hours they know how

to enjoy themselves. They interact with employees by going to the local bar, grabbing a bite or

even going clubbing. Work first boss takes measures to show their fun sides.Employess find such

bosses easy to work with and likeable as long as they are professional in the work place. Bosses

like this know how to create a balance when it comes to work and play.

Another boss type is the fun times boss. Their objective is to create a fun and employee friendly

work environment. When it comes to company activities, they are quite creative and are always

looking for ways to increase positive vibes in the work environment. You will find them joking

and hanging around their employees. The disadvantage of such employees is the fact that it may

be difficult to take them serious. The work ethic might not be a priority for this type of bosses.
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You can identify this bosses by their relationship with employees. They are very friendly and

connect on a more personal basis with employees. Employee are likely to refer to them by their

first name instead of their titles instead or Mr. or Mrs. Although most people wish to have such

an employee there are some that prefer slightly strict bosses.

The feared type of boss is the aggressive one. This type of boss has gotten a position that they

really do not deserve or know how to handle and the employees are aware. Most times they are

young and overly confident. Employees find such a boss difficult to deal with since they are so

self-absorbed. As for work ethic, employees get little or no recognition for their performance or

exceptional skills. With this type of manager the work environment feels dull and

unappreciative. The rules set by such a boss are usually unnecessary or vague and are quick to

throw a fit when things do not go their way. When it comes to making business moves they

enjoy taking risks without considering the effect it will have on employees. With this type of

boss you need to be careful because you do not know when you might get embarrasses or even


In conclusion every boss is different. Their styles and way they interact with employees vary.

Employees need to understand the type of boss they are dealing with so that you can handle them

in the best way. An employee may need to evaluate the motives of the boss because there are

those who have no qualms about humiliating employees. In such work environment it is common

to find employees resigning to go look for a conducive work environment.

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Work cited

Scully, Judith A., et al.”Tough times make tough bosses: A meso analysis of CEO leader

behavior’ ’the leadership Quarterly 5.1919194):59-83.

‘’Classification Bosses.’’Graduateway, 28 Feb 2018, https/graduate


Karodia, Anis Mahomed, and Sayed Moinuddin Rehman. “Management Styles and Their Impact

on Employee Motivation at a Small to Medium Sized Manufacturing Business with Particular

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Konina, O. V., E. D. Natenadze, and A. B. Simonov. “Entrepreneurial Culture and Management

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