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Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

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Review article

Genetic markers of the stress generation model: A systematic review

Anees Bahji a, *, Evan Forth b, Tegan Hargreaves c, Kate Harkness c, d
Department of Psychiatry, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Department of Psychiatry, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada


Keywords: Aim: Robust evidence suggests that depression, and risk for depression, are associated with the generation of
Humans stressful life events. This tendency to generate stress may be genetically determined. This systematic review
Adolescent aimed to identify specific molecular genetic markers associated with the generation of interpersonal stressful life
Young adult
events, at least in part dependent on individuals’ behavior.
Serotonin plasma membrane transport proteins
Method: We followed the PRISMA guidelines in searching six electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Psy­
Receptors cINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane, and EMBASE) from inception to January 2021, and we reviewed the reference lists of
Genetic markers eligible articles for additional records. We restricted eligibility to empirical studies involving at least one genetic
Oxytocin marker and including proximal life events. We evaluated the risk of bias using the Newcastle Ottawa Scale for
Serotonin observational studies. The outcome permitted a distinction between life events dependent on the individual’s
Polymorphism, single nucleotide agency versus independent events.
Genetic Profile Results: Seven studies, including 3585 participants, met eligibility criteria. Three were longitudinal, and four
were cross-sectional; six included adolescents and young adults, and one focused on middle adulthood. Four
Pituitary-Adrenal System
examined the serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region (5-HTTLPR), two examined the rs53576 single
Promoter Regions
Genetic nucleotide polymorphism of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR), and one examined a multilocus genetic profile
Molecular Biology score including four hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis genes. There were no significant direct corre­
lations between genotype and life events in any study. Instead, their relation was significantly moderated by
symptoms, exposure to early adversity, or attachment. Consistent with the stress generation hypothesis, this
moderation relation was significant in predicting exposure to dependent life events but was not significant in
predicting independent life event exposure.
Conclusions: There is evidence that genetic variation in the serotonin, HPA axis, and oxytocin systems moderates
the effects of psychosocial vulnerability markers on the generation of proximal, dependent life events. Future
research should examine additional genetic markers in systems known to confer risk for stress generation.
PROSPERO: CRD42019136886.

1. Background depression onset. Careful prospective behavioral genetic research shows

that the association between SLEs and depression is causal (Kendler
Globally, depression affects nearly 300 million people and is the et al., 1999). Exposure to life events is not random, however. A key
worldwide leading cause of morbidity (Herrman et al., 2019). Exposure driver of this vulnerability is the tendency of depression-vulnerable in­
to stressful life events (SLEs) is the strongest proximal trigger of dividuals to select themselves into high-risk environments (Kendler and

Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge the University of Calgary Health Sciences Librarians for their support in developing our search strategy.
Disclosure: Dr. Bahji is a recipient of the 2020 Friends of Matt Newell Endowment in Substance Abuse through the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of
Medicine.Funding Sources: none.Role of Authors: All the authors contributed to this study’s design, interpreting the data, subsequent manuscript drafts (and
revisions), and final approval for submission. Two co-authors conducted the initial systematic review (EB and AB). One author (AB) wrote the initial draft of the work
and managed revision feedback from the other authors. Finally, one co-author supervised and provided contextualized input throughout all stages of the manuscript’s
generation (KH).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Bahji).
Received 26 March 2021; Received in revised form 16 July 2021; Accepted 24 July 2021
Available online 26 July 2021
0165-1781/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

Karkowski-Shuman, 1997a). This is an example of what Plomin et al. subsequently criticized following several failures to replicate and the
referred to as ‘active genotype-environment correlation,’ or the in­ inability to detect robust effects through meta-analysis (Risch et al.,
dividual’s tendency to contribute to their environment actively and even 2009). Thus, while this research question has been revitalized somewhat
seek out environments consistent with their genotype (Plomin et al., by examining profile risk scores and using Genome-Wide Association
1977). Study (GWAS) designs, there is generally dampened enthusiasm for
A special case of active genotype-environment correlation is “stress molecular genetics studies that predict depression outcomes in the face
generation” (Hammen, 1991, 2020). The stress generation hypothesis of of stress due to a failure to replicate effects.
depression proposes that some individuals with a history of depression, Far fewer molecular genetic studies exist examining SLE exposure
or depressogenic vulnerabilities, may generate SLEs due, at least in part, itself as the outcome, and even fewer have examined the genetic markers
to maladaptive personality characteristics that may be genetically involved in the generation of dependent SLEs, specifically. However, it is
mediated. One of the unique insights reflected in this hypothesis is that important to note that this latter design may be more powerful than the
not all environmental contexts can be generated. In particular, the stress former for several reasons. First, depression is a very heterogeneous
generation hypothesis distinguishes between SLEs that are dependent on outcome with considerable variability in syndromal presentation, eti­
an individual’s characteristics or behaviors (e.g., the break-up of a ology, and pathology (Buch and Liston, 2021). In contrast, the genera­
romantic relationship, getting fired from a job due to incompetence) and tion of dependent life events may represent a more homogenous and
those that are independent or ‘fateful’ (e.g., death of a relative by can­ transdiagnostic intermediate phenotype. Second, as noted above, the
cer) (Hammen, 1991). A very robust literature has provided support for literature supports the basic stress generation phenomenon and supports
the basic tenets of the stress generation hypothesis; specifically, in­ proxies of genetic vulnerability (e.g., family history, twin designs) as a
dividuals with depression report higher prospective rates of exposure to robust correlate. Finally, the generation of dependent stress is predicted
dependent, but not independent, life events than non-depressed groups by characteristics known to have a strong genetic basis (e.g., neuroti­
(Liu, 2013; Hammen, 2020). The stress generation hypothesis has sub­ cism) (Kushner et al., 2017).
sequently been extended to other clinical conditions, including bipolar Likely as a result of the large body of literature focusing on the 5-
disorder and borderline personality disorder (Allen et al., 2020; Alloy HTTLPR in molecular genetic work in depression, this marker has also
et al., 2020). Further, healthy individuals with particular risk markers received the most attention in the studies reviewed below examining
for psychopathology, such as maternal history of depression, are also at stress generation as the outcome. Genetic markers in two additional
greater risk for generating dependent stress than those without (Adrian neurobiological systems have also been targeted. First, variations in
and Hammen, 1993). genes that regulate the function of corticotropin-releasing hormone
Stress generation is an important clinical phenomenon that has (CRHR1 gene), glucocorticoid (FKBP5 gene), and mineralocorticoid
negative prognostic implications in depression. Longitudinal studies (NR3C1 gene) receptors have all been associated with dysregulations in
have confirmed that stress generation contributes strongly to the chro­ the cortisol response to laboratory stress and, thus, represent targets that
nicity and recurrence of depression (Hammen et al., 2012) and is related may have implications for driving heightened exposure to stress (Derijk,
to inadequate response to depression treatment (Bulmash et al., 2009; 2009; Mahon et al., 2013; Zannas and Binder, 2014). Notably, the effects
Fournier et al., 2009). Further, individuals at risk for stress generation reported in these studies appear to be stronger in individuals with a
have shown high continuity of stress exposure over decades (Hazel et al., history of childhood maltreatment, thus suggesting that the relation of
2008). This long-term stress burden imposed by stress generation has these genetic markers to future stress processes may be moderated by
considerable maladaptive consequences for physical and mental health distal stress exposure (Cicchetti et al., 2011; Sumner et al., 2014). Sec­
(McEwen and Morrison, 2013). Therefore, understanding the mecha­ ond, markers in the oxytocin system have been targeted due to the role
nisms underlying the generation of stress has implications for depression of oxytocin in modulating attachment-related behaviors that may be
prevention (Hammen, 2020). relevant to the generation of interpersonal stress. In particular, the
Using twin designs as a proxy for genetic risk, early behavioral ge­ G-allele of the rs53576 SNP of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) has
netics research set the stage for considering genetic background as a risk been associated in previous research with various pro-social outcomes,
factor for stress generation. For example, using data from their sample of including higher levels of empathy (Rodrigues et al., 2009) and
over 2000 female twin pairs from the Virginia Twin Registry, Kendler pro-sociality (Kogan et al., 2011). In contrast, the A (minor) allele has
and colleagues found that lifetime history depression in the co-twin been associated in these studies with negative social behaviors.
significantly predicted odds of exposure to dependent life events in We provide the first systematic review of the molecular genetic
the proband, including marital problems, divorce, job loss, and financial correlates of stress generation. We expect the studies in this area to be
problems (Kendler et al., 1993; Kendler and Karkowski-Shuman, 1997b, heterogeneous regarding the diagnostic sample, genetic marker(s),
1999). Moreover, these associations held even after controlling for the design (cross-sectional; prospective), and stress assessment. Therefore,
proband’s own current level of depression. In contrast, the twin’s lia­ given the early state of this literature, we have chosen to conduct a
bility to depression did not predict odds of exposure to independent broad, systematic review of all studies on this topic instead of limiting
events in the proband, including deaths or illnesses of others, or being our focus to a homogenous subset of studies for meta-analysis. In
the victim of a robbery or other crime (Kendler et al., 1993, 1999). addition, this review pays particular attention to evaluating the meth­
However, only very recently have studies begun to examine which odological rigor of stress assessment and its appropriateness for the
particular set of molecular genetic markers drive associations with stress generation hypothesis’s specific predictions. Specifically, as
dependent versus independent SLEs. mentioned above, a crucial distinction in addressing stress generation is
For the past 20 years, molecular genetics research incorporating SLEs between events that are dependent on, versus independent of, the in­
has focused on predicting depression as the outcome from an interaction dividual’s agency. Relatedly, it is critical for research in this area to
of molecular genetic markers and distal (e.g., childhood maltreatment) assess the dependent variable (i.e., exposure to SLEs in the environment)
or proximal (e.g., past-year SLEs) stress exposure. Early GxE work in with a measure that is not confounded by any biases inherent in the
depression focused specifically on a polymorphism in the promoter re­ independent variable (e.g., genetically mediated personality traits)
gion of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR). Several studies re­ (Monroe and Reid, 2008; Karg et al., 2011). That is, the question posed
ported that individuals homozygous or heterozygous for the short (S) in the current study, and the stress generation hypothesis in general, is
allele of the 5-HTTLPR—showing less transcriptional activity and lower not about whether individuals with particular genetic risk perceive, or
serotonin uptake—had a greater risk for depression than those homo­ appraise, their environments as more stressful; it is about whether these
zygous for the long (L) allele, but only in the context of stress exposure vulnerabilities are associated with heightened exposure to actual life
(Heils et al., 1996; Caspi et al., 2003). However, this work was events in the external environment. There is robust evidence that

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

contextual life event interviews that employ independent raters to assess search was done on January 21, 2021. We performed backward searches
the presence and severity of SLEs provide more valid and reliable to complement this search (i.e., examining reference lists of eligible
measures of SLE exposure, unconfounded by subjective biases inherent studies).
in the correlate of interest (e.g., genetic risk, personality, state psycho­
pathology) than self-report life event checklists. 2.4. Selection of studies
Our overarching goal with this review is to summarize the state of
knowledge on the molecular genetic markers of stress generation to Following the removal of duplicates, two co-authors (AB and EF)
stimulate further research bearing on this question. We hypothesize completed two independent rounds of screening (first by title and ab­
that, in general, risk makers in the 5-HTTLPR, OXTR, and HPA axis gene stract and then by full-text review). Most discrepancies between re­
systems will be significantly associated with heightened exposure to viewers were resolved by consensus after each screening; however, a
dependent but not independent SLEs. Further, we hypothesize that these third reviewer (KH) provided input on select articles’ suitability.
relations may be significantly moderated by distal stress markers, such
as a history of childhood maltreatment. 2.5. Data collection process and items

2. Methods Two co-authors (AB and EF) abstracted data from included studies
and contacted study authors for data confirmation or clarification where
2.1. Protocol and registration necessary, and we resolved disagreements by consensus. We extracted
the following data from each study: study author and title, aim, relevant
We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews background (as per the stress generation hypothesis), study design, a
and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Liberati et al., 2009). In summary of the study population, investigated genetic marker, SLE
addition, we registered this review using PROSPERO assessment, a summary of findings, and study conclusion.
2.6. Risk of bias in individual studies
2.2. Eligibility criteria
We extracted sufficient data to assess study quality using the New­
Eligible studies examined the relation of one or more genetic markers castle Ottawa Scale (NOS) for cohort studies (Luchini et al., 2017; Wells
to the generation of proximal SLEs. We defined a genetic marker as any et al., 2019). The NOS uses a star system to evaluate nonrandomized
DNA sequence that causes disease or is associated with an illness studies regarding three domains of quality (selection, comparability,
(Wikipedia, 2021). We defined proximal SLEs as stressful life events and outcome) using eight criteria: representativeness of the exposed
occurring within 12 months of the life event assessment and assessed cohort, selection of the non-exposed cohort, ascertainment of exposure,
using a validated instrument. We included studies reporting the same demonstration that the outcome of interest was not present at the start of
sample so long as different biomarkers were considered. We excluded the study, comparability of cohorts based on the design or analysis,
studies that did not contain proximal SLEs as a primary outcome. We assessment of outcome, sufficient length of follow-up for outcomes to
also excluded studies that did not allow us to distinguish the types of occur, and adequacy of follow-up of the cohort. For each criterion, we
proximal SLEs central to the stress generation hypothesis. Specifically, assigned a star, with the sum of stars providing an overall quality score
studies had to assess the relation of a genetic marker(s) to either (a) (maximum score: 8 points). Thus, studies with 6 points or higher were of
independent versus dependent life events separately or (b) clearly the highest quality, studies that achieved a total rating of 3 or fewer
defined dependent events. To that end, the independent life events can points were of the lowest quality, and we rated those between 4 and 5
be considered the control comparison. Therefore, we excluded studies points as fair quality. We adapted this scoring system from a previous
that simply examined correlations between genetic marker(s) and an meta-analysis (Bahji et al., 2020b). Two co-authors (AB and EF) inde­
overall index of life events, collapsing distinctions based on event in­ pendently scored studies using the NOS and resolved discrepancies by
dependence. As the primary outcome of interest in this review was the consensus (Table 2). Note that we did not exclude studies based on their
generation of proximal SLEs, we excluded gene-environment interaction NOS rating.
studies with the presence or severity of psychopathology as the outcome
(dependent) variable. Because the stress generation phenomenon has 2.7. Synthesis of findings
been documented across several clinical conditions and in healthy in­
dividuals at risk for psychopathology, we did not restrict study eligibility Given the small number of studies that emerged from our review and
to particular clinical samples. We considered all study designs involving the very heterogeneous methods, we chose not to conduct a meta-
primary data collection (e.g., case-control, longitudinal prospective, analysis. Instead, we synthesized study findings using descriptive ta­
randomized controlled trials). We excluded secondary studies, such as bles and thematic summaries, using previously described methods
review articles, commentaries, letters to the editor, editorials, and (Bahji and Stephenson, 2019; Elbatarny et al., 2019; Bahji et al., 2020a).
post-hoc analyses of primary data sets. We also excluded studies without
an English-language translation. 3. Results

2.3. Search strategy 3.1. Study selection

After meeting with an experienced research librarian, we developed Seven studies (Starr et al., 2012, 2013; Thompson et al., 2014;
a systematic review protocol involving six electronic databases. To Harkness et al., 2015; Brinksma et al., 2018; Ebbert et al., 2019; Huang
identify pertinent studies, the following ten databases were systemati­ and Starr, 2020) met the eligibility criteria for the systematic review
cally searched: AMED, ProQuest, Web of Science, PubMed, MEDLINE, (Fig. 1).
PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane, EMBASE, and two clinical trials regis­
tries. In addition, the following types of search terms were used: bio­ 3.2. Characteristics of studies
markers, neurotransmitter transport proteins, plasma membrane
neurotransmitter transport proteins, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, We provide the characteristics of all studies in Table 1. Three studies
orexins, depression, and stress generation (Appendix 1). The initial included longitudinal designs (Brinksma et al., 2018; Starr et al., 2013,
searches were conducted in May 2019 from inception; however, a repeat 2012) while the remaining four were cross-sectional (Thompson et al.,

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

Fig. 1. PRISMA study flow diagram.

2014; Harkness et al., 2015; Ebbert et al., 2019; Huang and Starr, 2020). Brinksma et al. evaluated a sample of 1306 adolescents from the
Across all seven studies, the total number of participants was 3585; Tracking Adolescent Individuals’ Lives Survey (TRAILS) (Brinksma
however, the participants included in Starr et al. (2012, 2013) and et al., 2018). They found that, among adolescents who were homozy­
Thompson et al. (2014) were drawn from the same larger sample and, gous for the S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR, elevated symptoms of
thus, were overlapping. Six studies included adolescents and young Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in middle adolescence
adults, while one focused on middle adulthood (Ebbert et al., 2019). significantly predicted the generation of dependent-interpersonal life
Four of the seven studies examined the serotonin-transporter-linked events in late adolescence (β=0.20, p<0.001). However, ADHD symp­
promoter region (5-HTTLPR) (Starr et al., 2012, 2013; Harkness et al., toms did not indicate stress generation in those with the LS (β=0.03, p =
2015; Brinksma et al., 2018), one examined an MGPS including 10 SNPs 0.48) or LL genotypes (β=− 0.04, p = 0.58). Further, neither genotype
from four hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis genes (Huang and nor ADHD symptoms significantly predicted subsequent exposure to
Starr, 2020), and two examined the rs53576 SNP of the OXTR independent life events.
(Thompson et al., 2014; Ebbert et al., 2019). Similarly, in a sample of 381 adolescents recruited from the Mater
University Study of Pregnancy who over-sampled for maternal depres­
sion, Starr et al. reported that among adolescents—who were homozy­
3.3. Direct tests of the stress generation hypothesis
gous or heterozygous for the S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR—elevated
symptoms of depression at age 15 significantly predicted the generation
Five studies had their explicit purpose of testing the stress generation
of dependent-interpersonal life events at age 20 (β=0.24, p <0.001)
hypothesis (Starr et al., 2012, 2013; Harkness et al., 2015; Brinksma
(Starr et al., 2012). However, this association was not significant for
et al., 2018; Huang and Starr, 2020). These five studies scored high on
those with the LL genotype (β<0.001, p = 0.99). Further, neither ge­
the Newcastle Ottawa risk assessment instrument, indicating high
notype nor depression symptoms significantly predicted exposure to
quality (Table 2). Four studies examined the 5-HTTLPR, and one
independent life events at age 20.
examined the MGPS. All five studies included rigorous assessments of
Starr et al. subsequently analyzed data from 354 adolescents
SLEs and analyzed the genetic marker’s relation to dependent versus
recruited from the same Mater University Study of Pregnancy (Starr
independent events separately. Specifically, four used gold-standard,
et al., 2013). They found that, among adolescents who were homozy­
contextual interviews of life events that employed independent judges
gous or heterozygous for the S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR, lower levels of
to rate the severity and independence of events using standardized
relational (attachment) security at age 15 predicted higher levels of
criteria (Starr et al., 2012, 2013; Harkness et al., 2015). One used a
dependent-interpersonal life events at age 20 (β=− 0.15, p = 0.046). In
22-item self-report checklist; however, endorsed SLEs were subse­
direct contrast, among those with high relational security, the S-allele
quently rated for independence by a team of judges according to the
presence predicted significantly lower levels of dependent-interpersonal
standardized criteria used in the contextual interview approach
life events at age 20 (β=− 0.20, p = 0.008). This latter result suggests
(Brinksma et al., 2018). None of these studies showed a significant direct
that high attachment security served to buffer against adolescents’ ge­
correlation between the genetic marker and dependent or independent
netic vulnerability to generating interpersonal stress. But, again,
life events. Instead, in all five studies, the genetic marker’s relation to
consistent with the stress generation hypothesis, relational security did
life events was significantly moderated by a third variable. Consistent
not predict stress generation in those with the LL genotype (β=0.13, p =
with the stress generation hypothesis, however, in all five studies, this
0.23). And, neither genotype nor relational security significantly pre­
moderation relation was significant in predicting exposure to dependent
dicted subsequent exposure to independent life events.
life events but was not significant in predicting exposure to independent
In a cross-sectional sample of 297 adolescents and young adults,
life events.

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

Table 1
Characteristics of included studies (n = 7).
Authors Sample Design Assessments Genetic Marker Findings

Starr et al., Secondary analysis of 381 Prospective longitudinal UCLA Life Stress Interview (Adrian and 5-HTTLPR (SS, LS, LL) Higher severity of depression
2012 adolescents from the design: age 15 to age 20 Hammen, 1993; Hammen and Brennan, symptoms at age 15 was
Mater University Study of waves 2001; Rao et al., 1999): Contextual life significantly more strongly
Pregnancy. Adolescents event interview employing independent associated with higher levels
were oversampled for judges to rate severity and of dependent-interpersonal
maternal depression independence of SLEs according to SLEs at age 20 in adolescents
(60.9% female: 95% standardized criteria homozygous or heterozygous
White) Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck for the S-allele of the 5-
et al., 1996): 21-item self-report HTTLPR than in adolescents
measure of presence and severity of homozygous for the
depression symptoms L-allele. There was no
evidence for moderation in
predicting levels of
independent SLEs.
Starr et al., Secondary analysis of 354 Prospective longitudinal UCLA Life Stress Interview (Adrian and 5-HTTLPR (SS, LS, LL) Among adolescents
2013 adolescents from the design: age 15 to age 20 Hammen, 1993; Hammen and Brennan, homozygous or heterozygous
Mater University Study of waves 2001; Rao et al., 1999) for the S-allele of the 5-
Pregnancy. Adolescents Bartholomew Relationship HTTLPR, low relational
were oversampled for Questionnaire (Bartholomew and security at age 15 predicted
maternal depression Horowitz, 1991): Self-report rating of higher levels of dependent-
(61.3% female: 100% attachment prototypes interpersonal SLEs at age 20.
White) Still, high relational security
at age 15 predicted lower
levels of dependent-
interpersonal SLEs at age 20.
There was no evidence for
relational security to predict
SLEs among those
homozygous for the L-allele
of the 5-HTTLPR. Further,
there was no evidence for
moderation in predicting
levels of independent SLEs at
age 20.
Thompson Secondary analysis of 441 Cross-sectional analysis UCLA Life Stress Interview (Adrian and OXTR rs53576 Maternal history of
et al., adolescents from the at adolescent age 15 Hammen, 1993; Hammen and Brennan, (AA, AG, GG) depression significantly
2014 Mater University Study of 2001; Rao et al., 1999) predicted higher levels of
Pregnancy. Adolescents Structured Clinical Interview for chronic interpersonal stress
were over-sampled for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID) (First at youth age 15, but only for
maternal depression and Gibbon, 2004)” Structured youth homozygous or
(59.2% female: 93.7% interviews administered to mothers to heterozygous for the A-allele
White) assess the history of depression in the of OXTR.
first five years of adolescents’ life
Harkness 297 adolescents and young Cross-sectional Life Events and Difficulties Schedule-II 5-HTTLPR (SS, LS, LL) Participants homozygous or
et al., adults recruited from the (LEDS-II) (Bifulco et al., 1989; Frank heterozygous for the S-allele
2015 community (77.6% et al., 1997): Contextual life event of the 5-HTTLPR reported
female; 76% White; 50.5% interviews employ independent judges significantly higher
in a current major to rate the severity and independence of dependent-interpersonal
depressive episode) SLEs according to standardized and SLEs than those homozygous
manualized criteria. for the L-allele. However, this
Childhood Experience of Care and only occurred in those who
Abuse (CECA) interview (Bifulco et al., had maternal emotional
1994): Contextual interview of maltreatment or sexual
emotional, physical, and sexual abuse maltreatment. There was no
employing independent judges to rate evidence for an interaction of
the severity of abuse according to childhood maltreatment and
standardized and manualized criteria. genotype in the association
with levels of independent
Brinksma Secondary analysis of Prospective longitudinal Long-Term Difficulties Questionnaire 5-HTTLPR (SS, LS, LL) Among adolescents
et al., 1306 adolescents from the design following (LDQ) (Amone-P’Olak et al., 2009; homozygous or heterozygous
2018 Tracking Adolescents’ adolescents across three Oldehinkel et al., 2015): Self-report for the S-allele of the 5-
Individual Lives Survey time points, each two questionnaire administered to child and HTTLPR, higher severity of
(TRAILS; 50% female). years apart. Adolescents parent to assess 22 SLEs. A team of ADHD symptoms in middle
ranged in age from 10.0 independent judges subsequently rated adolescence (Time 2)
to 12.6 years at Time 1. SLEs as either “person-centered” predicted a higher number of
(dependent-interpersonal) or dependent-interpersonal
“environment-related” (independent) SLEs in late adolescence
ADHD Problems subscale of the Child (Time 3). However, there
Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach, was no evidence for this
1991): Parent report of 7 ADHD relation among adolescents
symptoms during previous six months homozygous for the L-allele
of the 5-HTTLPR. Further,
(continued on next page)

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

Table 1 (continued )
Authors Sample Design Assessments Genetic Marker Findings

there was no evidence for

moderation in predicting
levels of independent SLEs.
Ebbert 614 participants in midlife Cross-sectional Childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) OXTR rs53576 Among participants with
et al., (aged 40–65) recruited (Bernstein et al., 2003): Retrospective (AA, AG, GG) higher levels of emotional
2019 from the AS U Live Project self-report scale assessing the history of abuse, those homozygous or
(52% female; 71.6% emotional abuse heterozygous for the A-allele
White) Perceived social support and strain ( of OXTR reported
Walen and Lachman, 2000): 12-item significantly more strain in
self-report scale assessing support and family relationships than
strain in the family, spouse/partner, and those homozygous for the G-
friend relationships allele.
Huang and 192 adolescents recruited Cross-sectional UCLA Life Stress Interview (Adrian and MGPS for 10 SNPs from Higher ICA was significantly
Starr, from the community Hammen, 1993; Hammen and Brennan, four HPA axis genes: associated with higher
2020 (53.1% female; 100% 2001; Rao et al., 1999) CRHR1 (rs4792887 T- dependent-interpersonal
White) Youth Life Stress Interview (Rudolph allele, rs110402 G-allele, stress among adolescents at
et al., 2000): Contextual interview rs242941 T-allele, high MGPS but not at low
administered to parents to assess rs242939 G-allele, MGPS. However, this
“interpersonal childhood adversity.” An rs1876828 G-allele); moderation effect was not
independent team of judges coded NR3C1 (rs41423247 G- significant for non-
responses. allele, rs10482605 T-allele, interpersonal or independent
rs10052957 A-allele); stress.
NR3C2 (rs5522 G-allele);
and FKB5 (rs1360780 T-

Note: ADHD = Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; SLE=stressful life event; 5-HTTLPR: Serotonin-transporter-linked promoter region; MGPS = Multilocus
Genetic Profile Score; SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism; OXTR: Oxytocin Receptor.

Table 2
Newcastle Ottawa Scale of Study Quality for Cohort Studies.
Study Representativeness Selection of Ascertainment Outcomes Comparability of Assessment Duration of Adequacy of Overall
of cohort non-exposed of exposure absent at the cohorts based on of outcome follow-up follow-up rating
cohort start of the design

Starr et al., * * * * * * * * High

2012 quality
Starr et al., * * * * * * * * High
2013 quality
Thompson * * * Low
et al., quality
Harkness * * * * * * High
et al., quality
Brinksma * * * * * * * * High
et al., quality
Ebbert et al., * * * Low
2019 quality
Huang and * * * * * * High
Starr, quality

Harkness et al. found that S-allele carriers of the 5-HTTLPR reported rs242939 G-allele, rs1876828 G-allele), NR3C1 (rs41423247 G-allele,
significantly higher dependent-interpersonal events than those in the rs10482605 T-allele, rs10052957 A-allele), NR3C2 (rs5522 G-allele),
previous three months homozygous for the L-allele (Harkness et al., and FKB5 (rs1360780 T-allele). The authors used Pagliaccio’s (2014)
2015). However, this was only observed among those who reported a (Pagliaccio et al., 2014) established MGPS procedures. The decision to
history of severe emotional maltreatment (β=0.22, p = 0.005). focus on HPA axis genes was based on meta-analytic literature con­
Furthermore, this relation of genotype to dependent-interpersonal firming HPA axis dysregulation as a strong consequence of childhood
events was not significant among those with no history of emotional adversity (Bernard et al., 2017). Consistent with the previous four
maltreatment (β=0.02, p = 0.92). Further, neither genotype nor child­ studies’ results, higher levels of childhood adversity are significantly
hood maltreatment, or their interaction, were associated with reports of associated with higher proximal dependent-interpersonal stress levels.
independent life events. However, this relation only emerged among adolescents at high MGPS
The final study included a cross-sectional sample of 192 adolescents (b=0.72, p<0.001) and not among those at low MGPS (b=0.03, p =
(Huang and Starr, 2020). This study was the only in our review to go 0.89). Further, this moderation effect was not significant for
beyond a single genetic marker and used more sophisticated methods to non-interpersonal or independent stress.
calculate a local multilocus genetic profile score. Specifically, they
created an MGPS using genotypes for 10 SNPs from four HPA axis genes:
CRHR1 (rs4792887 T-allele, rs110402 G-allele, rs242941 T-allele,

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

3.4. Indirect tests of the stress generation hypothesis significantly raises the risk for the generation of acute and chronic
proximal stress in individuals’ interpersonal relationships in the context
Two additional studies provided a preliminary test of the stress of additional psychosocial vulnerability.
generation hypothesis (Ebbert et al., 2019; Thompson et al., 2014). Findings emerged most strongly for the 5-HTTLPR. All four studies
Specifically, they examined dependent-interpersonal stress as an investigating this marker differentiated relations to dependent-
outcome but did not provide a contrasting examination of interpersonal versus independent stress with contextual stress assess­
non-interpersonal or independent stress. Nevertheless, they are included ment methods. Further, in two of these studies, the moderator variables
in this review because they tested the hypothesis that genetic risk would were also assessed with rigorous independent interviews, and three
predict stress exposure. studies included rigorous prospective designs. Several complementary
First, in a cross-sectional study of 441 15-year-old adolescents mechanisms have been theorized to mediate the relation of the 5-
recruited from the same Mater University Study of Pregnancy as above HTTLPR polymorphism and stress generation, particularly in the
(Starr et al., 2012, 2013), Thompson et al. found that those with a context of elevated levels of symptoms and/or early psychosocial
maternal history of depression reported higher levels of chronic inter­ vulnerability. For example, the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of the sero­
personal (i.e., relationship) stress than those without maternal depres­ tonin transporter gene has been theorized to mediate an amygdala-
sion (Thompson et al., 2014). However, this association only emerged as anterior cingulate-cortical circuit that underlies rumination (Pezawas
significant among participants who were A-allele carriers of the OXTR et al., 2005). In addition, rumination is a common pathological feature
rs53576 SNP (interaction β=0.21, p<0.05). An essential strength of this of depression (Olatunji et al., 2013), a robust prospective predictor of
study was that chronic interpersonal stress was assessed using a rigorous dependent-interpersonal stress exposure (McLaughlin and Nolen-Hoek­
contextual interview with ’independent judges’ ratings. sema, 2012), and elevated among youth with a history of emotional
Second, in a cross-sectional study of 614 participants in middle maltreatment and/or maternal history of depression (Woody et al.,
adulthood (age 40–65), Ebert et al. examined the moderating effect of 2016). In particular, Antypa and Van der Does report that young adults
OXTR genotype on the relation of childhood emotional abuse on strain with a history of emotional maltreatment had higher levels of rumina­
in adult relationships (Ebbert et al., 2019). They found a significant tion than those without, but only among S-allele carriers of the
moderating effect in predicting strain in family relationships but no 5-HTTLPR (Antypa et al., 2010). Therefore, perhaps youth with elevated
spouse/partner or friend relationships. Specifically, among those with a symptoms or early vulnerability are only likely to generate stress in their
history of emotional abuse, those with the risk A-allele reported signif­ interpersonal relationships if they are also at risk of ruminating on these
icantly lower self-reported quality of family relationships than those vulnerabilities’ causes and consequences.
homozygous for the G-allele (statistics for the simple slopes were not The stress generation hypothesis also suggests that maladaptive
reported). However, relationship strain was assessed in this study using personality characteristics and negative interpersonal behaviors drive
a self-report questionnaire and was appropriately termed “perceived so­ the generation of conflict and tension in interpersonal relationships.
cial strain.” Therefore, the authors cannot rule out the interpretation Furthermore, there is evidence that the sorts of personality traits that
that their effects are spurious, driven by the possibility that psycholog­ underlie negative interpersonal behaviors, such as high levels of
ical factors under similar genetic control bias responses on the ques­ Neuroticism, are under genetic control by the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism
tionnaire. Further, as noted above, neither of the above two studies of the serotonin transporter gene (Schinka et al., 2004). However, future
contrasted associations of the OXTR rs53576 to interpersonal stress with research is needed to develop an integrated model for understanding
associations to non-interpersonal or independent stress. how genetic risk and early psychosocial vulnerability are translated
behaviorally into the generation of dependent interpersonal stress.
4. Discussion Similar results to the above were found in the one study examining
an MGPS of HPA axis genes. Conclusions regarding the role of HPA axis
The purpose of the current systematic review was to critically review genes in stress generation should be considered preliminary given the
studies examining the molecular genetic markers associated with evidence space consists of just this one study. Nevertheless, the methods
exposure to specific environments that are at least in part dependent of this study were strong. First, it used rigorous contextual interviews of
upon or generated by the individual. Consistent with the stress gener­ both proximal life event exposure and the moderator, childhood
ation hypothesis, all seven studies in the current review found evidence adversity. Second, instead of relying on a single genetic marker, it
for a significant relation of genetic risk to exposure to dependent created an MGPS based on established procedures. The MGPS approach
stressors, particularly in the interpersonal domain. In contrast, none of has been found to have greater predictive validity than examining single
the five studies that included both dependent-interpersonal and inde­ SNPs because the multiple SNPs are selected theoretically to capture the
pendent stressors found a significant association of genetic risk to these cumulative, polygenic effects of a specific biological system (Pagliaccio
latter stressors independent of the individual’s agency. Importantly, in et al., 2014). The MGPS investigated by Huang and Starr has been shown
all seven studies, there was no evidence for a direct relation of genetic to predict neuroendocrine, limbic, and affective reactivity to stress.
risk to dependent interpersonal stress; instead, this relation emerged Therefore, future research is required to determine whether these
only in the context of moderation by additional psychosocial vulnera­ genetically linked mechanisms in the HPA axis system also drive the
bilities. These moderators included elevated levels of symptoms, and generation of stress in those with a strong history of early adversity.
markers of a negative early environment, including a history of Conclusions regarding the OXTR rs53576 should also be considered
emotional maltreatment, interpersonal childhood adversity (e.g., death preliminary. First, neither of the two studies investigating this poly­
of, or separation from, a parent), maternal history of depression, and an morphism contrasted the generation of dependent-interpersonal stress
insecure attachment style. with independent stress. Further, these studies provided proxy measures
In general, the methods employed by these studies were robust. For for stress exposure and, in one, relying on subjective perceptions of
example, all but one study used gold standard contextual methods for interpersonal relationship strain. Therefore, the results of these studies
defining and rating stressful life events that minimize reporting bias. should be replicated using more rigorous contextual interviews and
This is important because it strengthens conclusions that what is under rating measures. Nevertheless, these studies’ findings suggest that
at least partial genetic control is actual exposure to, or generation of, the negative early experiences predict later interpersonal stress more
stress in the environment, and not simply perceptions of, or sensitivity strongly in those at genetic risk for lower social competence. As noted
to, that stress. In sum, the seven studies included in this review provide above, the A-allele of the OXTR rs53576 has been associated with lower
consistent evidence that genetic risk, defined as the S-allele 5-HTTLPR, levels of trust, less accurate and empathic processing of social infor­
the A-allele of the OXTR, or multilocus risk in HPA axis genes, mation, and less secure attachment. Therefore, it may be challenging for

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

A-allele carriers who grow up with a depressed mother or suffer hippocampal atrophy and reduced telomere length following stress
emotional abuse to develop social competencies necessary for promot­ (Aguilera et al., 2009; Aso et al., 2008). The field also requires more
ing healthy interpersonal functioning later in life. Future research is studies using sophisticated genetic marker assessment, including
needed to identify the specific interpersonal processes affected by OXTR creating MGPS or haplotypes or applying GWAS methods. These meth­
in the generation of stress. odologies have been successfully employed in gene-by-environment
interaction studies predicting psychopathology (Arnau-Soler et al.,
4.1. Limitations and directions for future research 2019; Feurer et al., 2017) and could be easily applied to
gene-environment correlation (stress generation) designs. Also, there is
The current review is limited by the design features of the reviewed solid and compelling evidence that early vulnerabilities, including a
studies. First, one study did not employ a gold standard contextual maternal history of depression and exposure to childhood abuse, induce
interview. It thus cannot rule out depressive or other biases in driving epigenetic changes (Yehuda and Lehrner, 2018). These epigenetic
the relationship of genetic risk to stress generation. Several authors have changes have been shown to underlie, at least in part, the intergenera­
emphasized how important it is in genetic studies to use environmental tional transmission of depression (Sawyer et al., 2019). An intriguing
measures that do not confound stress exposure with the stress response hypothesis for future research is that interpersonal stress generation
(Karg et al., 2011; Monroe and Reid, 2008). Second, all but one of the may mediate this relation. Finally, future research at neurobiological,
included studies focused on adolescent participants, and ethnic and cognitive-emotional, and behavioral levels of analysis is now required to
socioeconomic diversity were limited. Third, it is important to note that elucidate the mechanisms that translate genotype into behavior to
three of the studies reviewed here included the same sample of partic­ develop interventions that can remediate maladaptive interpersonal
ipants, with minor variations in sample size based on inclusion criteria functioning among those at the highest risk.
for each publication’s specific analysis. Therefore, the results reported in
this systematic review may be inflated, and more replication in inde­ 5. Conclusions
pendently collected samples is required. Finally, the psychosocial
moderators across studies, including early adverse events, maternal The current systematic review is the first to integrate and critically
depression, and attachment style, were diverse and suggested poten­ evaluate the literature on the relation of molecular genetic markers to
tially unique mechanisms. Therefore, there is a need for future research the generation of SLEs. Compared with the body of literature examining
to determine how each of these moderators uniquely relate to stress gene-by-environment interaction in predicting psychopathology, the
generation and, as such, whether they might prove differentially gene-stress generation literature is in its infancy. Only seven studies
modifiable through intervention were identified that examined the relation of genetic markers to SLEs
The stress generation hypothesis offers exciting insights into the relevant to stress generation (i.e., SLEs at least in part dependent on the
pathophysiology of depression. This review focused on genetics as one individual’s agency). All seven of these studies were consistent in
potential contribution to the stress generation hypothesis of depression, finding no evidence for a direct relation of genotype to dependent SLEs.
but this is a very open study area with many questions left to be Instead, in all studies, the effect of genotype on stress generation was
explored. For example, future studies should expand to include addi­ moderated by the additional vulnerability. However, consistent with the
tional genetic markers in neural systems associated with stress, such as stress generation hypothesis, these moderation effects significantly
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) genes (Aso et al., 2008; predicted exposure to dependent- interpersonal stress but not indepen­
Aguilera et al., 2009; Toyokawa et al., 2012). BDNF is critical for pro­ dent stress. Therefore, these encouraging preliminary results support
moting neurogenesis, and decreased synthesis of BDNF in the context of early behavioral genetics findings showing that exposure to the envi­
risk polymorphisms of the BDNF gene have been associated with ronment is partly under genetic control.

Supplementary materials

Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114139.

Appendix 1. Search syntaxes

AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine): 1985 to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 Stress 5
2 Life 196
3 Depress* 7940
4 1 or 2 201
5 3 and 4 54

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 Stress generation. mp 0
2 Life events. mp 4
3 Depress* 95,268
4 1 or 2 4
5 4 and 5 1

A. Bahji et al. Psychiatry Research 304 (2021) 114139

OVID Embase: 1947 to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 Stress generation. mp 604
2 Depress* 776,142
3 1 and 2 116
OVID MEDLINE (R): 1946 to January 21, 2021
# Searches Results
1 Stress 563
2 Depress* 510,734
3 1 and 2 102

OVID PsycINFO: 1806 to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 Stress generation. mp 236
2 Depress* 336,734
3 1 and 2 186

PubMed: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 “Stress generation,” 547
2 Depress* 512,101
3 1 and 2 102

Web of Science Core Collection: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 “Stress generation,” 1626
2 Depress* 579,397
3 1 and 2 288

CINAHL: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 “Stress generation,” 326
2 Depress* 154,683
3 1 and 2 71

International Clinical Trials Registry Platform: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 “Stress generation,” and depression 0

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global: inception to January 21, 2021

# Searches Results
1 “Stress generation” and “depression” 1127

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