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Special Project

Name: Antonio Jones Date: 01/28/2021

Part A: Description of Business Context

Write a brief summary of the business context (e.g., manufacturing,

marketing, finance, etc.) including the name of the company or organization.
Rockstar games is a video game developer and publisher company. The
company is internationally known for titles such as the Grand Theft Auto series,
Max Payne, Midnight Club or Red Dead.

Part B: Problem/Issue

State the business problem/issue to be addressed using statistics and why this
problem/issue is important to the company/organization.
Rockstar games is interest in knowing what matters most in a video game for
players, in order to create more attractive video games.
The company wants to determine among the gaming community if all aspects of
a video game: gameplay, story, graphics and price are equally important to

Part C: Statistical Procedure

Explain the statistical procedure (NOTE: Focus on ONE statistical procedure

1. Independent variable:
a) What is the variable: the aspects of video games.
b) How it is measured, i.e. what units or categories are used (e.g.,
revenue measured in “dollars”; height measured as “short, average,
tall”): Gameplay, story, graphics and price
c) Level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio):
2. Dependent variable:
a) What is the variable: Score of each aspect
b) How it is measured, i.e. what units or categories are used (e.g.,
revenue measured in “dollars”; height measured as “short, average,
tall”): score from 1 to 10

MNS 601 Special Project 1

c) Level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio): Ratio
3. Name of the procedure/formula (e.g., ANOVA, Chi-Square, Hypothesis
Test using z formula, Regression Analysis, etc.). NOTE: The
procedure/ formula must be one that was covered in the course:
4. Describe the statistical rationale/justification for choosing this
procedure/formula: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) can be used to test
for the equality of means for three or more populations from data
obtained in observational or experimental studies.
5. Describe how the data are collected by the business/organization:
Company hired a market research firm to conduct a survey of a sample of
customers drawn from the target population. Response data were
collected via a survey made through platforms commonly used by
6. Describe how the data are analyzed (i.e., identify the steps in the
statistical procedure):
Using the notation: 1= Gameplay, 2=Story, 3=Graphics, 4=Price, the null
and alternative hypotheses are defined (H 0:µ1=µ2=µ3=µ4, H1: Not all
population means are equal) an alpha level is set (0.05); F statistic is
calculated using the ANOVA; the calculated F statistic is compared to the
critical F value (found in the F table); if F calculated < F critical H 0 is not
rejected and if F calculated > F critical H0 is rejected.

Part D: Decision/Interpretation

Explain the type of business decision that the company/organization would

make as a result of this statistical analysis.
If H0 is not rejected, Rockstar games can conclude that all aspects of a video
game: gameplay, story, graphics and price are equally important to the
videogame’s consumers. If H 0 were rejected, Rockstar games would further
analyze the survey results to determine which aspect(s) to specifically target to
improve in future video game developments.

MNS 601 Special Project 2

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