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My Reaction Paper in Beowulf

I was dismayed when I first heard the title since it sounded so uninteresting that it
would make me feel sleepy and exhausted. I like the hero’s name since it is unusual
and intriguing, but it will be even more appealing if the title is not. They should have
come up with a distinctive name. The fact that the title is the hero’s name is quite
natural. It’s really common. I didn’t give it more thought because it’s self-evident that
the title is the protagonist of the tale or picture.
The film’s influence drew my attention. The animation astounded me greatly. It
appears to be made up of half real people and half cartoons. I enjoy the effects, but
there’s one scene that I’m not really satisfied with. Some scenes are violent, and they
may have an impact on the audience. I couldn’t even open my eyes through some of it
because it was so awful.

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