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Individual Assignment
This Assignment is to be completed on an individual basis. It is comprised of three (3) sub-sections: 1A,
1B and 1C, each worth 5%. The total for this Assignment is 15%.
Answer all questions. Copy and paste to your own Word doc. Then complete your answers. Once
completed, upload to the Assignment folder.

Due date: Wednesday October 13 (Week 6). All Sections to be completed by this date, and should be
submitted by 11.59 pm through the SLATE Assignments folder

If you take any information from the Internet, understand it, then write it in your own words. If
you do use a direct quotation from the Internet or any other source, you must cite the source.
Failure to do this will mean you have plagiarized. For this you will receive zero, you will be
reported, and the incident will be placed on your record. You also need to include a reference
page at the end, where you must list the bibliographic information of the sources of information
Late submissions:
There will be penalties for late assignments as follows:
 1 day late - 10% reduction of the mark attained
 2 days late -30% reduction from mark attained
 3 days late -50% reduction from mark attained
 More than 3 days will result in a zero mark

Assignment #1A (5%):

Assignment #1A is based on material covered in Weeks 1 and 2 – Strategic Human Resource

Answer the 3 questions below on a Word Document (.doc). Be clear and concise with your submission
using full sentence structure and point form when appropriate. Submission should not exceed 2 pages
double spaced.

This is an individual assignment where the questions are based on your critical thinking and application
of the course concepts into responses based on your own words.

1. What are 2 reasons why all employees need to know about and understand HRM? (2 marks)

2. Assume that you and one of your classmates have been discussing the future of work
flexibility in Canada.  What is important to you, regarding flexibility in a work setting? Why?
(3 marks)

3. Using any search engine, search the phrase “Gen Z” (total 5 marks).

a. Access 3 entries and create a list of 5 ways Gen Z are described. (4 marks)
b. Does the description sound like the people you know in this generation? Why or why
not? (1 marks)

Above expectations Meets expectations Below expectations
Understanding 2 1 0
HRM Incorporated all demonstrates strong Incorporated all components and Did not complete.
understanding and application of meets requirements Demonstrates little understanding
concepts Demonstrates understanding and and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort application of concepts Exhibits very little effort
Exhibits effort
Future 3 2 1
Workforce Incorporated all demonstrates strong Incorporated all components and Did not complete.
Flexibility understanding and application of meets requirements Demonstrates little understanding
concepts Demonstrates understanding and and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort application of concepts Exhibits very little effort
Exhibits effort
5-4 3-2.5 2.5-0
Incorporated all demonstrates strong Incorporated all components and Did not complete.
Gen Z Research understanding and application of meets requirements Demonstrates little understanding
concepts Demonstrates understanding and and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort application of concepts Exhibits very little effort
Exhibits effort

Assignment 1B (5%):
Assignment #1B– based on Weeks 3 and 4 topic: Legislation
Instructions: There are three question-sets, from which you must choose one (1) question-set.
The questions are provided as Section a, Section b, Section c. Choose either Section a, OR
Section b, OR Section c, and answer all the questions in that Section. Answers are to be in
your own words.
Section a – answer both questions
1. In your own words, first explain the following types of discrimination; then provide one
example of each. Note: the example must not be used as the explanation. You must explain and
discuss first, then, the example must be complete and clearly explained. It can be an actual story,
or you can make up your own example. 6 marks
Types of discrimination: discrimination by association; harassment; indirect discrimination

2. Describe what is happening in the image below. Is this right, or wrong? Explain thoroughly.
Also: Name and explain three (3) situations i.e. grounds [based on the Human Rights legislation]
where an employer is not allowed to fire an employee. 6 marks


Section b – answer both questions

1. In your own words, explain the following: underutilization, glass ceiling, and old boys’
network. After you have explained then provide a real life example of each i.e. explain first –
the example must not be used as your explanation. 6 marks

2. In this picture we see 3 persons. It appears that the men are discussing something that is
making the lady uncomfortable. Is this something that is right or something that is wrong?
Explain thoroughly. 6 marks


Section c – answer both questions

1. There is much concern about how people behave in the workplace. We use words like
“respectful” to indicate how employees are to treat everyone. Based on our discussions on
discrimination [including harassment and sexual harassment] as far as you are concerned, what
does “respectful” mean? 6 marks

2. What does the picture below tell you about diversity at this workplace? Be thorough in your
discussion. Remember there are different “types” of diversity. Also, answer the following
question: “Are there any types of diversity that are not represented here”? Discuss. 6 marks


Above expectations Meets expectations Below expectations
Q1 5-6 3-4 Under 3
Incorporated all demonstrates strong Incorporated all components and Did not complete.
understanding and application of meets requirements Demonstrates little understanding
concepts Demonstrates understanding and and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort application of concepts Exhibits very little effort
Exhibits effort
Q2 5-6 3-4 Under 3
Incorporated all demonstrates strong Incorporated all components and Did not complete.
understanding and application of meets requirements Demonstrates little understanding
concepts Demonstrates understanding and and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort application of concepts Exhibits very little effort
Exhibits effort

Assignment #1C (5%):

Job analysis is the study of a job to identify key components such as its specification and skill
requirements to use in key HR activities such as wage setting and information used in the
recruitment process. Job description provides specificities (such as accountabilities, conditions
and competencies) required for a particular job.

This assignment is based on content covered in Weeks 5and 6 (Chapter 2) Job Analysis and

For a current job you have (or past job) answer the questions below.

*If you have not worked in the past or prefer to write about a different job, select one of the
following jobs: Cashier, Teacher, Truck Driver, Server, Mail Carrier, Nurse and answer the
questions below based on your knowledge of the job.

Based on the selected job, answer the questions below:

a) what was the job title and company you worked for. If you have not worked in the
past, select one of the jobs provided and use N/A for company. (0 marks)

b) identify one duty/responsibility statement for the job (1 mark)

c) identify two knowledge/skill requirements for the job (2 marks)

d) identify one working condition statement for the job (1 marks)

e) List two new/different things that the employer of this job might do to have you/the
employee feel more empowered? Explain your answer. (hint: see employee
considerations in the slide lecture/textbook) (4 marks)

Above expectations Meets expectations Below expectations Unsatisfactory
8-6 marks 5-4 3-2 1-0
Incorporated all concepts. Demonstrates understanding and Demonstrates some understanding and Did not complete or
Demonstrates strong understanding application of concepts application of concepts demonstrates little understanding
and application of concepts Exhibits effort. One or more Exhibits minimal effort. Suggest and/or no application of concepts
Exhibits superior effort components are missing. reviewing related concepts in chapter 2 Exhibits very little effort.
Suggest reviewing related concepts in
chapter 2

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