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1. Explain why a coil in a motor turns and explain why it continues to turn.

Ans: Opposite sides of the coil will experience opposite forces. The force is experienced due to interaction of the
permanent magnetic field with the magnetic field induced around the current carrying conductor. The force
experienced causes a motion depending on Fleming’s Left Hand rule. The split ring commutator changes
current direction.

2. Explain why the current in a rotating coil decreases over time.

Ans: Magnetic lines of flux are cut which results in an emf being induced. The size of the emf increases with
speed. Lenz’s law states that the direction of induced emf is such as to oppose the change that created it.
This opposes the current, reducing the average.

3. Outline the atomic processes that produce emission spectra.

Ans: There are various energy levels around the atom. Electrons can drop down energy levels to return to original
or ground state. The large energy difference gives a large photon energy. 𝐸 = ℎ𝑓

4. Describe the key observations and conclusions from Rutherfords Alpha Scattering Experiment.

Ans: Most of the alpha particles went straight through the gold foil, indicating that the atom is mostly empty
space as the alpha particle did not get near any matter. Some alpha particles were deflected at angles
between 10° - 90°, indicating that there is a charge in the centre.

Very few alpha particles were deflected at angles greater than 90°, showing that most of the atoms is
located in a small dense nucleus.

5. Explain what measurements should be taken to investigate whether momentum is conserved in a Newton’s Cradle

Ans: Height of centre of ball should be measured using a meter rule, and the time taken to fall through a height to
the next ball measured. Speed can be measured using 𝑣2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠. Speed on impact and speed of next
ejected sphere measured. This can be found using a light gate. Momentum can then be measured using
𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣 , and 𝑝𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 before can be compared to 𝑝𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟

6. Explain why 2 current carrying conductors attract each other if current is flowing in the same direction.

Ans: Current in a wire produces a magnetic field, determined using the right hand grip rule. Each wire is in the
magnetic field of the other wire, and a current carrying conductor experiences a force in a magnetic field.
The direction of the force is dependent on Fleming’s left hand rule.

7. Explain the role of electric and magnetic fields in a particle detector.

Ans: Electric fields can be used to accelerate charged particles and also deflect charged particles. The direction
of force/deflection indicates the direction of movement of charge. Magnetic fields are used to deflect
charged particles in a circular motion. They provide a centripetal force. The direction of the deflection can
indicate the charge on the particle. The radius of curvature can be used to indicate momentum, speed and
𝑝 𝑚𝑣 2
mass of the charged particles based on the equations. 𝑟 = and 𝐵𝑞𝑣 =
𝐵𝑞 𝑟
8. Describe how direction of movement and charge of a particle in a detector can be determined.

Ans: The direction of a magnetic field in a particle detector is always known. The direction of deflection gives the
direction of the centripetal force. Knowing both the force and the magnetic field direction allows us to
determine the direction of flow of charge which will tell us if it is a positive or negative charge; using
Fleming’s left hand rule. 𝑟 =

9. Explain how a linac produces a beam of high speed particles.

Ans: A linac is used to accelerate charged particles. These charged particles are emitted from an ion emitter into
an electric field. While in the electric field, an electric charge experiences a force and accelerated into a drift
tube. While in the drift tube, the direction of the electric field changes due to the alternating potential
difference between the tubes. As the charged particle emerges, it accelerates across to the next drift tube
which is longer as the velocity increases. Drift tubes increase in length, but the frequency of alternating
potential difference is constant as the time within each drift tube is constant.

10. In alpha emission, explain why the emitting nucleus recoils and why its speed is small compared to the alpha particle.

Ans: The nucleus and the alpha particle exert on equal but opposite force on each other. The mass of the alpha
particle is smaller than the mass of the nucleus, which means the acceleration of the nucleus is smaller than
that of the alpha particle. As a result of the force being equal, the change in velocity of the alpha particle is a
lot greater than that of the nucleus in the same time.

11. A high energy photon, leaving no trace, interacts and causes 2 particles to be formed. Describe, with reasons, what can be
deduced about the photon and the 2 particles formed. (Radii are equal, move in opposite directions)

Ans: Only charged particles leave a trail due to ionisation of the hydrogen. The two particles that are produced
are charged as they leave a track. These 2 particles are oppositely charged because they curve in opposite
directions, and it must also conserve charge. Knowing the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of
the force allows determination of charge movement due to Fleming’s left hand rule. These particles have an
identical curvature on the spirals and follow an identical shape. This shows that these particle have the same
momentum. The direction of the photon that resulted in these 2 particles can be found using the principle of
conservation of momentum.

12. Describe the roles of the electric and magnetic field in a cyclotron.

Ans: In a cyclotron, an electric field is applied across the dees to provide a force to a charged particle. This
charged particle will experience a force and accelerate, gaining energy. This electric field is reversed/
switched every half cycle while the charged particle is within a dee.

The magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the dees. This provides a force on a moving charged particle
which is at right angles to the direction of motion. This acts as a centripetal force and results in a circular

Relevant equations:
13. Explain the shape of an emf-time graph for a magnet attached to a spring going through a coil.

Ans: There is a changing magnetic field, causing a change in flux linkage within the coil. This cutting of flux lines
induces an emf within the coil. The magnitude of the induced emf is directly proportional to the rate at
which the field lines are cut. When a magnet is stationary, there’s no change in flux linkage and so the
induced emf is 0. This is also the case for the magnet at maximum displacement. The direction of the
induced emf depends on the direction of motion of the magnet. The frequency of oscillation of the magnet
matches the frequency of the emf variation.

14. Explain which type of collision (fixed target or colliding beams) can create a particle with the largest mass.

Ans: For a fixed target, there is a momentum before the collision and so there must be a momentum after the
collision. This means some of the kinetic energy came from the particle. Therefore, not all initial kinetic
energy is converted to mass.

With regard to colliding beams, if the particles have the same mass and speed, then the total initial
momentum is zero. This means the total momentum after the collision must be zero. If one stationary
particle is created, all of the kinetic energy is converted to mass.

15. In the LHC, a magnetic field allows charged particles to move at a constant speed in a circular path. Referencing the force
acting on the charged particle, explain how this is achieved.

Ans: The magnetic field is perpendicular to the motion of the particle. This magnetic field causes an acceleration
to the centre of the circle, and results in a centripetal force. This force is given by the equation
𝑚𝑣 2
𝐹 = 𝐵𝑞𝑣 = .

*As the mass of the particle increases, the frequency of alternating potential difference must also

As the velocity increases, the magnetic field must also increase to ensure the radius is kept constant.

16. Describe how you can use 2 light gates, 2 timers, 2 gliders with cards to verify the law of conservation of momentum.

Ans: Measure the mass of each glider, as well as the length of each card on the gliders. The time taken for the
card to pass through the light gate is recorded. Velocity can be calculated using length of card divided by
time taken. The law of conservation of momentum states that the momentum before the collision is equal to
the momentum after the collision.

𝑚1 𝑣1 = (𝑚1 + 𝑚2 )𝑣2

17. Draw and explain the shape of a graph of emf against time for a bar magnet falling through a coil connected to a data logger.

Ans: The size of the induced emf is directly proportional to the rate at which the magnetic lines of flux are cut. As
the magnet falls it accelerates, increasing its velocity. The negative value reaches a higher maximum emf as
the time for the second pulse is shorter. The flux linkage is constant and so the areas of both sections of the
graph will be the same. The direction of induced emf is such as to oppose the change that created it, which is why the
direction changes as the magnet leaves the coil.
18. Describe 2 differences and similarities between a cyclotron and a linac.

Ans: The similarities between a cyclotron and a linac are that they both use an electric field to accelerate the
charged particle. The time spent within each dee or drift tube is also constant, and the increase in velocity
only occurs between the dees or drift tubes, it remains constant within them.

The main difference is that a cyclotron uses a magnetic field to give a circular path. A linac doesn’t use
magnetic fields. The speed of the particles is handled in different ways. In a linac, the drift tubes get longer
but in a cyclotron, the radius of the path increases.

19. Explain why very high energies are required for experiments at CERN.

Ans: High energies are required for particle creation, as mass-energy is conserved. High energies are needed for
creation of high-mass particles according to E = mc2 and 𝑐2 is a large multiplying factor. It is also
needed to overcome repulsive forces. There are electrostatic forces of repulsion between particles of similar
charge. High energies are required for this to allow protons to get closer to each other.

20. 2 metal plates separated by a gap have uniformly distributed electric charge. Explain the direction of the field at a point in
the middle of these plates due to all charges on the pates.

Ans: An electric field shows the direction of the force on a positive charge. A positive charge, at P, is repelled from
the top plate and attracted to the bottom plate therefore experiencing a downward force component due to
each of the charges. The components parallel to the plate to the left are balanced by the components
parallel to the plate on the right. The field at P is perpendicular to the plates from positive to negative.

21. Explain, using Lenz’s law, how a magnet does work as it enters a coil.

Ans: Lenz’s law states that the direction of the induced emf is such as to oppose the charge that created it. This
induced current produces a magnetic field to oppose the motion, so there is a force on the magnet in the
opposite direction to its motion. As 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 = 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, work is done as the magnet moves.

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