Healer Modality Types Ebook

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Of Contents
Introduction - Introduction - Why You’re Reading This eBook................................................. 3

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Five Healer Types ......................................................................... 5

Healer Types In Depth: ................................................................................................................... 6
Frequency Healer Type....................................................................................................................................................6
Intuitive Healer Type ........................................................................................................................................................6
Systemized Healer Type ..................................................................................................................................................7
Light Healer Type...............................................................................................................................................................8
Sound Healer Type ............................................................................................................................................................9
Which One Are You? ........................................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 - A Story Of Your Power ........................................................................ 11

Chapter 3 - Turning On Your Healing Modality ...................................................................... 14

A Healing Activation ...................................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 4 - A Chance To Activate Your Own Personal Unique Modality ................................ 18

Additional Links to Quiz & Healing Video Masterclass .................................................................... 21

About Author Jennifer McLean ............................................................................................. 22

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Introduction - Why You’re Reading This eBook
In this little eBook you are going to play with, and understand that there are the five healer types. You
will come to know what these healer types are, and which ones you have a preference for. You will also
learn about activating your modality of healing. So read the whole book, it’s short but powerful and I
suspect you will be glad you did.

What I am revealing in this book is, I discovered a way to actually turn on, and ignite your own personal
and unique healing modality. And this eBook is here to get you started.

Here’s how I discovered this... About ten years ago then over that same time frame, I spontaneously
assisted many clients in individually activating their personal modality. And each time we were both
shocked. Some of them have gone on to actually name it and have that as their own healing system.

I also was able to activate my own modality, which is called the Spontaneous Transformation Technique,
now becoming a global phenomenon with over 1000 certified practitioners.

And just like those clients, and me, you too can activate your modality.

As I spontaneously activated those healer modalities in several of my clients, I started thinking about
what happened. I started meditating on it and asking into what this is, and what’s behind it. And I felt
like I was being nudged to not only explore this more deeply but to share this with more healers (or
those that want to be healers). So I started with an intention of investigating and re-engineering this
idea of activating personal unique healing modalities.

And as I held that intention I started to channel through 5 distinct healer types. I immediately
recognized many of these types in the techniques I learned and experienced through working with and
taking courses with different healers.

I started to notice that these healers like, Barbara Brenna, Eric Pearl, Gary Craig, Dr Sutherland, Dr
Upledger, Peter Levine, all who I had studied, each of them had their own modality.

Yet in my hands their modalities were a technique. And while I as really good at these techniques I
noticed that I had my own angle of perceiving the ins and outs of their system, and I starting doing
things a little more my way, making it more mine.

As these spontaneous activations of my client’s personal modalities started to happen, and with my own
system of healing coming through, I realized that many, many more healers likely have their own
modality, and simply don’t know it.

That is when these 5 healer types started to make even more sense. As I channeled the information
though it revealed that these certain types of healers became amplified, as they cognitively and
energetically understood which Healer Types they were. It created an underlying grid work of energy for
activating personal modalities. I realized I had stuck healing gold. I knew I had to share this pathway of
activations right now during these extreme times of evolutionary expansion.

You see more than ever in human history we need healers like YOU.

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We need you to step up into your healing abilities and step forward to assist those that need your
leadership, support and knowledge. I’ve been guided to share with those of you reading these very
words, to take action on what you came to this planet to do.

Part of your purpose it to actually generate a solid income supporting others in their transformation
(and experiencing personal transformation in the process). For some of you it is a deep calling that is has
been pinging through you for a while. For others it is an inkling that is being called into your conscious
attention in this moment.

I believe it is time for you to not only claim and become the healer that we need, but to also learn how
to manage your boundaries to be in GREAT shape as you support others. Which is a very key piece of
the puzzle of being someone who is of service.

Even if you don’t think you are a healer there is evidence in this very moment. I believe we call these
moments forward when we are ready... and YOU my friend are ready.

By the way, there is another way to receive this material... if you want to experience this eBook in video
form that enables a real visceral experience of the activations there is a video Masterclass on How To
Turn On Your Healing Modality.

Click on or copy and paste the following link and register for a time and date that works best for you:
https://www.healertype.com/healer-mode-masterclass-reg I promise you will be glad you did. AND...
this book is a primer for that class.

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Chapter 1 - The Five Healer Types
In this chapter you will be able to review all five healing types.

[There is also a quiz that you can take to determine which is your predominate Healer Type is, see links
on last page.]

To start here is a quick overview, we will dive into each of these even more deeply later in this chapter...

Frequency Healer - you have an uncanny knack of being able to notice the higher and lower vibrations.
You clearly sense heaviness and lightness with ease. You have a sense of how and where energy and
frequencies move, and have an inkling of the energy that is influencing the frequency. You don’t need
to KNOW or understand, you trust the energies more than the science. Some people may have
described you as ethereal even “flighty.” Any etheric (some would call “woo woo”) disciplines of healing
are a good match for you.

Intuitive Healer - you have a sensed feeling; you experience nudges and are prompted to take action.
You sometimes receive premonitions, and know things before they happen. You are very psychic and
may have gifts for mediumship. You can often sense any dissonance in a room you enter (and may think
it’s just you... it’s not), in other words the red flags found in any situation are clear to you right away
(and you can trust them). You find yourself being drawn to something or someone clearly... or as a
healer drawn to a specific area of the body, emotion or thought of your client or friend and family.
Touch healing and medium / psychic work may be what you are drawn to and are gifted at.

Systemized Healer - you are strategic in your nature and you are able to take in the whole picture. You
have visions and are visionary and holistic in your thinking. You have been told that you are rational and
able to see things in a linear way, cleanly and clearly. You LOVE to research. You can “see” the possible
outcomes and the possible influences as a whole. Healing touch, astrology, numerology, and systems
that focus on the science of healing (and have a lot of scientific or research support), are a comfortable
fit. Some other healers may not think of you as a healer because of your strong intellect and linear
approach but you use these gifts in important ways in your healing discipline.

Light Healer - you see auras, symbols, sacred geometry, and are drawn to light in art and photographic
composition. You see depth in colors. Your house must have light streaming through. You are very
visual by nature, and have a visual interpretation of the light and color. You might be drawn to color
and art therapy yet you can play in just about any discipline of healing. Often described as fairy-like,
there is a lightness and depth of color to your light and life.

Sound Healer - you hear inner promptings in words and concepts (some even hear voices), and you
understand something better when you can talk it out. You are an auditory learner and your psychic
abilities often show up as clairaudient. Music is healing to you. You have sensed feeling of the vibration
and frequency of words, speaking voice, music and sound and how they impact healing. Sound vibration
and/or talk therapy resonates deeply with you.

Now, let’s go a little deeper into why are these important.

What guidance has shared with me is, when you understand and you know what your preference of
your primary, secondary, and your tertiary types are from these five healer types, you actually become a

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©McLean MasterWorks /Jennifer McLean 2020 - All Rights Reserved
better healer. Why? Because your conscious attention is now aware of your gifts. Awareness means
awakening (and awakening means higher vibration). In other words you are about to awaken your gifts
as a healer through the simple act of identifying your healer types.

Conscious attention on anything makes it more. So when you understand your five healer types, you
actually are more. You then get to the granular level of why what works for you works for you. And
when you understand “the why,” in your life, everything accelerates. As you become more consciously
aware of your power you are simply become more powerful.

Here's the best part, you really are all five of these healer types. And like any personality test, this is kind
of a “healer personality,” if you will. You have aspects of all of these. What this means is, yes, you're in
fact a healer.

Let’s now dive more in-depth into the five healer types. You might seek out your preference for your
main healer type, and there are likely two others that will resonate. And as I'm describing them below,
just kind of move into a meditative state, move into a state that I call the observer, which means you're
really centered, clear and present in the moment of being.

To prepare you for these insights, let's just play with that right now. Ask yourself this question (seriously
take a moment and do this right now)...

Ask yourself: “What if right now I were centered and clear and present? What would that be like?” Ask;
“what would it be like to allow my mind to get on board with this? What would it be like if right now if I
were present, clear, and centered?” Take a moment and move into that presence, feel and sense the
freedom there.

Being present and clear and centered allows you to then hear and feel and sense which is your primary,
secondary, and your third preference for these healer types.

Also it is important to note that if you are nodding your head at one or several of these Healer types and
thinking to yourself “duh, can’t everyone feel/sense this? The answer is no, they can’t feel these things,
that is why it is your gift.

Also note that this is different than the “Claires” as in Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant etc. this is a
whole different system that is addressing your healing modality. You may notice some overlap but know
that we are addressing these in very different ways for different reasons. Let any preconceived notions
go, this is a completely new and original take on what it is to be a healer.

Healer Types In Depth:

Frequency Healer...
The first healer type is the frequency healer type. Now the frequency healer type is basically has a
consistent and present focus on frequency, on vibration.

With frequency healing as your dominant Healer Type, you are able to notice the higher and lower
vibrations of things. You notice the difference between a higher and lower frequency. And that also
comes with a noticing of heaviness and lightness of energies.

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As I think about a friend right now who is a frequency healer they talk lot in their work about, “is it
lighter or is it heavier?” So you sense heaviness, you sense lightness with a movement that comes from
ease, it just comes naturally to you. It's not something you have to work at. You have a sense of how and
where energy frequencies move.

You also have an inkling of the energy that is influencing the frequency. So you can tell when something
or someone is bringing a frequency lower and when something is bringing a frequency higher. And you
deeply understand how frequencies move.

You may see frequencies almost like you would see a river, and you notice where the frequencies are
and where they aren't. Where it's light in energy, where it's heavy in energy. You can see where the
frequencies are moving and where the frequencies aren't moving.

For those who are dominate in this, this is your handle, this is your go to, this is your default approach.

Now for those who aren't dominate in this, while this probably feels comfortable in that you’ve
probably had moments where you have noticed frequencies higher or lower, this may not be your
default first thought, first movement first approach. Just notice that for now.

Intuitive Healer...
The next one is intuitive. With the intuitive, it's exactly what it says. You have a sensed feeling. You have
a sense about things. You experience intuitive internal nudges. You're prompted to take action from the
nudges you're experiencing. It's pure intuition that is opening up. You have a strong feeling about things.
You have a strong gut sensation about things.

As a healer, the intuitive, is are able to “tap into” a persons motivations and understand them. The
intuitive is obviously psychic and might have medium gifts as well, but it's more of a felt sense psychic
and medium. So most people call themselves intuitives, and there's a lot of truth to that because almost
everyone who is a healer has an aspect of this intuitive piece.

Yet the intuitive Healer has a default, go to, as an instantaneous gut feeling that goes to the felt sense,
that is naturally very stronger in you. It's the filter through which you notice just about everything in
your life (and in the lives of others).

So later when I talk about the sound healer, they might be a psychic and medium as well and yet they
hear the insights come through. Whereas the intuitive is a psychic and medium would feel and sense the
intuitive insights coming.

And all of these might have visionary aspects and might not have any vision pieces. So the intuitive
might have a vision that accompanies the feeling, the intuitive has this sensed feeling, the intuition, the
gut is what is prominent, is dominant.

Now again, you might be starting to notice, that this could be your secondary or third one. That might
be true. Just notice that. And I hope you're still in that observer state as you're doing this.

Systemized Healer...

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The next one is the Systemized Healer. Now this is a fascinating one. I was blown away by this one
because I have met so many healers that are like this. In fact, I studied polarity therapy for many, many
years. And a lot of the healers that came out of the '30s, '40s, and '50s, like Dr. Randolph Stone who
invented polarity. Dr Sutherland was an osteopath that researched and brought forward the cranial
sacral system. These guys were scientists. But they were scientists in energy. And so this is pure energy

The systemized healer is very strategic in nature, very intellectual. You're able to take in the whole
picture. Systemized Healers love research. They love the science behind the healing. They have a real
and true need to understand what is happening.

The Systemized healer is visionary, which means that you take a very holistic in your outlook. You can
see the big picture. You're not in the microcosm. You're in the macrocosm. You've been told that you're
rational, that you're able to see things clearly and cleanly. You have a very strong intellect, as I've

It’s as if you can kind of see the possible outcomes and possible influences as a whole. As I said, it's
holistic in nature. So anything that has of a lot of research behind it, or a lot of science of healing behind
it, is definitely going to be in your wheelhouse.

A systemized healer might really enjoy things like polarity therapy and cranial sacral therapy and
osteopathy. You may enjoy astrology and numerology where there is a lot of studying that is needed to
become proficient.

Those things have a very strong research, and some have that anatomy based orientation. They have a
lot of science and experiment based. There's a lot of literature. There's hundreds of books that the
people who created those modalities of healing spent a lot of time creating systems so that people
could understand what it is. That's a systemized healer. That's someone who has really uses their
intellect to understand and know. The systemized healer really appreciates and acts from this state of

In many healing circles, they look at intellect as bad. No, no, no. For this systemized healer, the intellect
is a gift that motivates, inspires and supports their healing modality and those drawn to them

Light Healer...
The light healer sees light, works with light, and sees light. Light comes out of their hands. They see
auras. They see symbols. For the light healer when they close their eyes at night, they might see
symbols. They see colors; they might work with color too as part of their healing system or systems they
are drawn to.

As a light healer you might see light. You might see images. The light healers are people that really
require light. You need sunshine. You need light streaming through your house. You might be an artist.
You might use your healing modality in art, like color therapy, art therapy. Light and color are what
you're drawn to as a light healer.

I have a friend of mine who is definitely a light healer, and they focus so much attention on color, they
are a color genius, and that's their whole system of healing is. Some of the Light Healers are also the

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people that might create cards. Like Colette Baron-Reid probably has elements of the Light Healer in
there because she's so drawn to bringing these beautiful, colorful oracle cards to life. If you're drawn to
oracle cards, that might be an aspect that you are playing with, which is the light and color healer.

You are also visual by nature as well, and you really appreciate the light and texture in art. So you're
seeing where the light is shining in art. You're watching where the light is within a composition. That's
where your focus is naturally. The light healers are able to delineate between different kinds of colors.

For example, a friend of mine painted a bunch of swatches of green on a wall and asked me which one
do I liked the best. And all I saw was green. And they saw five distinct colors of green, yet I just saw
green. These light and color healers notice light. They notice color. They notice the difference between

A personal insight that might be helpful to you; this is actually one of mine because I do see auras, I do
see symbols, I do see sacred geometry. But it's not my main one just because that story I told you I don’t
see nuanced colors. So I'm drawn to this, but it's not my main form of being a healer. Maybe that’s true
for you too?

Sound Healer...
The final one is being a Sound Healer. And sound is not just sound vibration. It's not just music. It's
actually sound, vocalization and words. What that means for those of you who are sound healers is that
you are an auditory learner, meaning you need to talk things out to come to a full understanding. You
are hearing inner prompts in words... Your words and concepts are verbal. You might even be hearing

For example I hear words. And it's not normal hearing. It's not like it's standing beside me talking. But
I'm hearing it.

As mentioned, the sound healer is someone who needs to talk it through in order to come to a decision
or a conclusion. I'll give you another example for me, and this might be helpful for the sound healers.
That is I am terrible at typos, I usually I have typos in part because I'm dyslexic so I just don't see it. It's
like they just aren’t there. Yet, when I read it out loud, I catch every typo. That's a sound healer.

Now, the Spontaneous Transformation Technique, which is my modality of healing, that system of
healing is a sound healing system. Why? Because it's verbal. It’s a talk system. It has 11 steps that all
include a lot of verbal guidance. My shamanic journeys I offer are verbal. And I do actual musical sound
vibration and I use my voice in what I call “Channeled Soul Songs”.

For the Sound Healer Music is also important and healing to you. So not only is music nice, but when you
hear that piece of music, it is healing. It causes transformation. And yet you don't have to be doing
sound vibration healing to be a Sound Healer. You don't have to use music, although you might be
interested in checking that out. It might be worth it if you are resonating to this Healer Type. That is true
also for talk therapy and sound vibration therapy, these are things that might really resonate for you as
a sound healer.

Which One Are You?

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Now, we've gone through all of them. There's the frequency, intuitive, systemized, light, and sound. And
you might be starting to get an inkling of which one you are.

Let's just play with this in a deeper way right now. What does it feel like in your field of being right now
to get a better understanding of which healer type you are? Just notice it. Notice what does it feel like?

As you start tapping into which of these might be yours (go back and read through them), notice which
of them might be your first/dominant one, and what might your second and third ones be. And
remember you are also all of these, they are all are part of you as a healer.

As you start to tap in, you might start to notice things in the past where you have used these different
aspects of the healer types. Maybe subconsciously you’ve used these gifts to support people and help
people, even if you weren't a healer.

Does that feel true?

And what does it feel like now to notice that? (take a moment and really feel this... there is an activation
when you bring your attention to this).

The point here is that this could be very empowering. That you can now stand in a little more confidence
right in this moment... that by knowing which healer type you are, you can stand in your power in that
healer type. Does that feel true?

Take a moment and notice what perspective you're experiencing right now as your take all this
information and feelings in. Is it frequency, intuitive, systemized, light, or sound? Which is it? And if you
don't know it, that's okay. You're just starting with this so it does okay if you don’t 100% know.

And notice if your mind is getting a little confused by this. That's okay too. Your mind is trying to
interpret and make sense of it all, and that's all good. Yet, what I've been sharing with you in this eBook
is not a mind-oriented approach; it is more of a feeling, a sensation, a state of being. This is a 6th Sensory
conversation from a frequency, intuitive, systemized, light, and sound state of being. It's who you are Vs.
“what your are.” It's the “I Am that I Am.”

You might notice a slight activation that is occurring right now as you start to notice your healer type
from this state of being. Does that feel true? I call it shining the light of consciousness. As you bring your
attention to it, it accelerates and heightens the energies within you even more. As you bring conscious
awareness to which healer type you are (and sensing that you're all of them), noticing there is a
dominant, secondary and tertiary one for you... this knowledge expands your energy.

To reiterate when you understand your healer type, it allows you to be more present in your healer
type, which expands it. Plus, when your conscious knowing expands, and you have deeper attention on
what it is, you are now going to see evidence in the world, and opportunities to, enhance your gifts as a

If you would like to feel and experience the true vibrational activation of these 5 Healer Types then
attend one of the many scheduled Masterclass video presentations available. Simply click on, or copy
and past, the following URL to book the time and date that works best for you:
https://www.healertype.com/healer-mode-masterclass-reg And I will “see” you on the video class.

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Chapter 2 - A Story Of Your Power
There's a friend of mine, Pam Grout, she wrote a book called; E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy
Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. And it was about different tactics and
techniques you can use to enhance your understanding of synchronicities and your power as a
vibrational being.

One of the things she talked about in her book was orange cars, and she said, "Okay. I'm going to say
orange car... Now how many times have you seen an orange car in the past month? You might say one
or maybe zero. Yet starting now and this afternoon and tomorrow and the coming days, you know how
many orange cars you're going to see? A ton.”

Now why is this? Because your attention is now brought to that, in this case, orange cars. You have
brought awareness to it, and now you will see more orange cars because you have a conscious
awareness of orange cars. The same thing is happening here with the healer types.

The healer type that you now have an inkling that you are, well, you now have your attention on it. And
you're now going to see synchronicities and opportunities in front of you so clearly around that healer
type. You might even have some memories of times in the past when those healings gifts (of that healer
type) showed up... just as clearly as seeing the orange cars. You're going to be drawn to those aspects of
your Healers Types more powerfully, more succinctly, in more accelerated ways now. On top of that,
when we understand our healer type, and we “stand” in that energy with more confidence, you are right
now in this new vibration.

Plus as you’re in a new state of space with your healer type, you create more space filled with that
intention. In fact there is likely even more space around you right now. That also means that there's
more place in that space for the healer type manifestations to establish themselves in your energy
fields. This attention helps you to become more of the healer that you are. And it also can attract more
clients, or helps you to become a better healer to manifest what’s next for you in your established or
about to be created practice. It’s like there is more space in your field-of-being for those creations to
land upon.

As you claim your power of knowing your healer type, and knowing what your second and third one is,
you now are in a place of more power and that then creates what’s next. That is a place of powerful
manifestation. Could be true for you?

So when you are consciously aware of who you are, this now becomes an; “I am” frequency, that then
pings through your field. Now, say yours out loud, whatever your dominant Healer Type is as an I Am
Statement. For example say out loud right now: “I am a frequency... intuitive; systemized; light; or
sound. Whichever one you are, say it out loud. Once you say it out loud you might sense there is a
“ping” that happens as your soul says “YES I AM.” Does that feel true?

Know that “ping,” is a creative force in the universe. The universe is also agreeing and saying, "Oh, yes.
You are." And will respond in kind. The universe right now is accelerating toward you with resources,
support, new clients, with new ideas about it, with new insights about it, with new information about it,
with new discernments about what kind of healer you are and how you're going to implement these
aspects of you as a healer.

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You may notice a healing or a shift happening right now, as you start to understand and claim and know
your I Am. When you know who you are, you are unstoppable. As a healer, knowing which type of
healer you are, makes you unstoppable, makes you powerful, makes you stand in the most potent
energy on the planet, which is; I Am.

I want tell you a little story about the your power as “I Am.” I had an amazing life changing experience
when I went on a plant medicine journey (known as ayahuasca) in the middle of the Amazon jungle. I
went with Lynne Twist and her Pachamama group, and I was supported by a shaman who had never left
his jungle home in his whole life. He was part of a line of Amazon shamans that went back tens of
thousand of years. It was quite an honor and a beautiful experience.

While I was on the ayahuasca medicine journey itself, I got to hang out with my sister who had passed
away in 2013. Now this was 2015. And it was really such an amazing experience to be with her. I was
able to be with her not as she was when she was my sister here, but as she is now, as light. And I went
to her, and we were talking about some things. During my discussion with her, I asked some spiritual
questions, and the conversation led to her sharing with me a very profound insight about our individual

And she said, "You are the most powerful being on the planet, in the universe. You are the most
important being in the universe." Now just prior to that, I had spent time on that same journey living in
a concept of “nothing matters.” Meaning that we can completely live because we don't make things
dense by making it matter. Nothing really matters so LIVE.

So I was a little confused by her saying “I was the most important thing in the universe.” So I said, "Yeah,
but nothing matters." And her answer back was to again share, "You are the most important thing in the
universe," but this time she asked me; "Say that," she said; “Say to yourself; I am the most important
thing in the universe.” And then of course I asked her about, "What about nothing matters?" And she
said, "The operative word is the “I am.” “I Am” is the most powerful think in the universe. “I Am” is the
power, your I Am, their I Am each of our I Am’s. This is the signature of our true power. That's where the
power lies in us, it’s in knowing our I Am.

AND, I want you to say it right now to yourself, just as my sister directed me to say it on that ayahuasca
medicine journey, say to yourself right now; "I am the most important thing in the universe." then pause
for a moment and take in what that feels like. Does that feel like that's a true statement? Do you get an
inkling of a possibility of maybe that knowing YOUR “I Am” can create a shift, and even might be true?

Now to take this back to the Healer Types, as a healer, you are so important at this time on the planet.
Your job is of the utmost significance. If you're not a healer yet, you awakening to that possibility is so
important. That's why you're reading this eBook right now right now. You're being drawn to this for a
reason. You as the Healer that you are, is so needed at this time.

As healers we are here right now in history to guide, love, honor, acknowledge, and assist people that
are moving through the pain of this transformation. We are being shown in many ways how to care for
ourselves and understand our boundaries so we can support many souls. In that support we create a
new frequency, a wave of healing if you will, that in turn supports everyone. What is really happening
on the planet is, we are being asked to wake up. This is for all of us, there is no one on the planet that
isn't being nudged into an awakening, and we, as healers, are the midwives of that opening.

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In fact, all are being compressed right now powerfully to wake up. And that is not necessarily an easy or
light process. So we need you. We need you to wake up as the powerful healer that you are. We need
you to be in your I Am power. That's why these healer types are so profound because it helps you to
claim your true I Am as a healer. AND...

You can experience this EVEN MORE through the video Masterclass that has some upcoming times and

It is such a powerful 57 minutes of activation, discovery and healing that completely compliments this

Click on or copy and paste the following URL to register for the best time a date for this special video
presentation: https://www.healertype.com/healer-mode-masterclass-reg

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Chapter 3 - Turning On Your Healing Modality
Every single healer who has a system in the world right now, well, that's their modality.

So every system of healing invented by a healer that is his or her own modality. My modality for
example is the Spontaneous Transformation Technique. Eric Pearl has his modality The Reconnection.
John Upledger delivered his version of cranial sacral therapy, Barbara Brennan has Hands of Light, Gary
Craig invented EFT, but all of these healing systems are those particular healer’s modalities.

These modalities came through each of them (and mine came through me). Those of us who have their
own modality worked with the vibration in a way that is congruent with our field and our souls journey.
And each of us has a modality. AND, every one of you, that is reading this book right now, you have your
own modality of healing. Does that feel like that could be true? Notice how that sits with you right now
(even if its an inkling or a niggling of excitement).

It is great to learn someone else's modalities. Totally okay. I learned many. I trained in cranial sacral
therapy and polarity, and even Reiki. Even Reiki was invented by someone is a modality thousands of
years ago.

Here's the switch over. Someone else's modality in your hands is a technique. It doesn't diminish it. It
just means that it's their modality, is therefore your technique. For my Spontaneous Transformation
Technique (STT) practitioners, in the hands of my 1000 plus practitioners it's a technique. For me, it's my

Again applying the techniques of someone else’s modality doesn't diminish the power of it. And it
certainly doesn’t make less of or any of the certifications you might have. It just means that you've been
using someone else's modality. And one of the best ways to become a healer is to inculcate and embody
someone else's modality as your technique. When you are expressing someone’s modality it gives you
confidence as it grows you as a healer and turns on your own healing understanding.

These other modalities allow you to know who you are as a healer. Cranial sacral therapy revealed who I
was as a healer. I suspect many of you right now might be nodding your head and getting an inkling that
there is a modality within you. And those reading who are certified in one or more disciplines are likely
noticing that you bring a special sauce to these modalities.

Now here's the really cool part, when you are learning someone else's modality, your modality is likely
going to be incorporated into it as you execute it as a technique. So that's why there are some people on
the planet who take someone else's modality and become superstars with it. I'm thinking of EFT. Carol
Look and Nick Ortner, those two are superstars in EFT, and it's not their modality. Why are they great at
it? Because there's a and energy as their modality underneath that is from them, and that EFT technique
is being elevated in a new and powerful way through them. It's why they've been so powerfully
successful with it.

So everyone has a modality. Cranial sacral therapy was my favorite technique. I loved it. I took a lot of
advanced courses in it. I was really good at it. And yet I created a modality of healing called the
Spontaneous Transformation Technique that is based on talk and delivered through verbal guidance
matching my dominant Healer type of sound Healer. And if you really dig in to my modality of The

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Spontaneous Transformation Technique, it's kind of verbal cranial sacral therapy using talk therapy. I
share this so you might start seeing how you have integrated the healing certifications with what is
about to become your healing modality. There really is a special energetic sauce (your modality) that is
successfully fueling the technique you’re using.

If we now bring conscious awakened awareness of what our modality is to our current practice and
someone else's technique. The sky is the limit in terms of having a healing business, and being
successful, as well as getting referrals. Not only successful as in generating a solid income, but successful
as in really, really helping people. Significantly helping them break through, which we need more than
ever right now, don't we?

So when you understand what your modality is, when you feel it and sense it and know it with a very
huge conscious awareness, as in your; “I Am modality...” manifestation accelerates. In my case “I Am
Spontaneous Transformation,” meaning I Am the Spontaneous Transformation Technique and system of
healing. I am it. I Am the Spontaneous Transformation system of healing. That's my modality. That's me.
That's my I Am as a vibrational system of healing in the world. And when you get your “I Am,” modality
you can do the kinds of things that I’ve been able to do with my modality, such as creating products,
building a strong clientele, and maybe even certifying people in your modality of healing.

A little caveat here, there's only a certain group of people that are being attracted to this eBook. And
there's only a certain number of you that have made it this far in the book. And I'm talking to you now...
You are ready to be one of those healers that creates their own modality, and in turn brand it into the
world as a system of healing that maybe even has its own unique name.

And you might be able to certify your people in this modality. If you've read this far, you are definitely
one of the people that have been thinking about this. It's been an inkling in there somewhere. And even
if you're just starting as a healer, you have leap frogged right to here. Congratulations. The universe
called you, and you said yes. And here we are.

So what would it feel like and be like if you really had your own system, your own modality of healing?
Just play with this idea, Just pretend with me for a minute that that's true...

What does that feel like in your physical body?

What does that feel like in your thoughts?
What kind of emotions are present as you think about that?

Really take a moment right now and just be in that energy. That is a creative energy that you're in right
now that is manifesting for you.

What would it be like if, fast-forwarding into the future and you are at the end of the eight sessions (plus
the bonus extended recorded, AND 3 Hour LIVE Modality-a-thon), and you could sense that this was
100% true, that you were at the end and actually knowing your modality?

Again, pretend right now (really take a moment and play with this in this moment, pretend with me),
it’s the end of the course and you truly do know your modality. What would that be like if that were

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Notice that there is now a little bubbling up or butterflies in the stomach. That's okay. It's just vibration
moving, energy moving. What would it be like if that were true, that you had your modality? Tap into
that potentiality, that vibrational reality right now.

Now let's take that five years into the future. For the last five years, you've been playing in your
modality. You've been developing your healing system. You've been establishing your platform and
creating ways to get people enrolled. You've been getting a lot of individuals that are now doing well
with your modality. And you've been noticing that they are coming out of the woodwork. Again for five
years now you've been playing with it and expanding it since this completion of this course.

And there you are five years from now really being known for this modality. Does that feel like that
could be true? What if it were true, what would that be like five years from now that you've done it?
You've got your modality. You're in the world. You're really making a difference at a time when people
really, really need you. And just feel he shift that is happening right now. Allow that. Allow that energy
in. Breathe in what it feels like.

As you do that, notice there's something else happening here... you are becoming aligned with this
vision. You are creating a vibrational frequency right now that is a “yes” to that future intention. And
whether it's this course or something else, you've created an intention right here and now. This is a very
strong and powerful intention in the universe planted in this moment. There is usually a noticeable
vibration shift that happens right here, take a moment and bring your attention to this and breath into
the new energies being created by your intention in this moment.

From this vibrational platform, let's just enhance this further by imagining that we can feel and sense in
our physical body what it feels like to stand in our modality. Just take a moment right now and pretend
you can feel that and experience that in your body, in your cells, in your phsysiology. Just pretend.

And for those of you, that are systemized healers, as in a little intellectual, just use your intellect as part
of this process. And just pretend right now that you can be in your modality right now. Just feel what it
feels like, experience it.

What's it like? What's the sensation of being in your modality? It's as if you're kind of standing in a
shower. You step under the shower of your modality. What's it feel like? Just get a sensation of that.

Now breathe in that sensation. There's a shift right here in that shower of your modality. That shift has
created a crack in the door, an opening, for you to really move into understanding your modality. You're
now in a state of inkling. You're in a state of potentiality, of possibility.

And that inkling, that potentiality, that possibility, is a creative force that accelerates everything. This
conscious attention you have right now is accelerating your modality coming into your conscious
awareness. Now as you are in this state of being in this inkling of your modality, you are creating more
opportunities in the world, and in your life, to move into that.

This moment of transformation we just went through is powerful, and has initiated something really
special right now. this is your start to identifying and claiming your modality.

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In the next chapter I will talk a bit more about a special program I have created that can take what is in
this eBook to a whole new quantum level. But for now feel the opening that you just created... it’s
already started.

If you want to go even deeper into this material, join the video Masterclass, there is a time and date
coming up soon.

Go to the link below to watch and then more actively receive the healings from this eBook in a powerful
video presentation.

You will be guided even more profoundly than by simply reading.

Click on or copy and paste the following URL to schedule the times and date that works best for you:

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Chapter 4 - A Chance To Activate Your Own Personal
Unique Modality
First if you are enjoying this eBook you will LOVE the Video Masterclass that this eBook is based on.

Prepare to receive the healings and the activations more profoundly as you watch this special video
presentation. Simply click on, or copy and paste the following URL to register into one of the times and
dates for this masterclass video:

Second a REALLY amazing opportunity...

Oh my gosh. I'm so excited to share with you a incredibly unique opportunity at a profoundly important
time in human history and evolution. It's called the Turn On Your Modality course, and this powerful
course is here to support you in becoming the healer that is your “I Am.”

As mentioned earlier, when we know that when we are in the center of our I Am, we are unstoppable.
We are that much more powerful, that much more successful in changing our circumstance, improving
our lives and the lives of those we interact with in any capacity.

When we know the “I AM Healer” then we go even deeper, we now confidently help our clients, and
when we are successful in helping our clients, they are referrals. You become a referral machine, and
you start to build or expand your business as a healer.

And you start to generate real, solid and congruent income, in your healing/therapeutic practice there's
a beautiful value exchange in that your “I Am healer modality” is helping people. And they subsequently
commit to, "Yes, I want to exchange with you financially for that help." That's an energetic value
exchange that serves all.

When that's happening, the universe sighs with joy. The universe says, "Yes. There's a perfect circle of
giving and receiving. Yes. Yes." The universe says; you give of your gifts, of your I Am.

And those you give your gift to, of your brilliant modality, say, "Thank you," and happily pay you as they
change and shift and transform. And they give you this monetary value for that exchange of healing. And
then all of us benefit from these beautiful souls out in the planet that are humming in their power
because of your modality.

That is what is possible for you next through this special course...

Let me share a little bit about this program, it is nine powerful sessions of already record and waiting for
you, deeply transformative material. You are going to receive some very special Healer Modality
Activating attunements. You’ll experience deeply moving and profound sound vibration healing. There's
going to be many enlightening and igniting healing journeys to activate your Healer Types and your
personal modality.

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I will also deliver some Spontaneous Transformation Technique sessions to release any emotional blocks
you may be holding in your subconscious that may slow down activating your Modality. And we of
course are going to turn on and activate your personal unique modality of healing.

Click on or copy and paste the following link to leapfrog straight to enrollment:

You're might be wondering at this stage, "Well, how do you know how to do this?" So here's my
experience. Previously to creating this course over the last dozen years or so, it spontaneously came up
in sessions where I was able to trigger a true “modality” within them.

In fact I didn't do it, they did it, however here was a co-creation there. I can't take all the credit for it
really. It came from them, through me to them as we worked together, and it ignited. Since then, I have
discovered the now proven exact step-by-step formula for how to turn on the modality. I've done it
enough times to know it, and now thousands have been through the course and have established that
this is REAL.

Within this course there are many sessions that are focused on activating and igniting the modality and
then practicing it. There is a Facebook group where you can practice your modality with partners too.

I will not only be activating your modality in a way that you know what it is, how it works, and how to
use it, I'm also going to be activating the five types within you. These Healer Types are about to become
even stronger in your healing vibrational space. There is a class here for each type initiating you into
opening each of these important frequency types so that you're going to be completely, holistically
present and powerful in all five types.

This course has been in the works for about 10 years, and I have been talking about creating it forever. I
believe it’s here now because the world needs you in your power as a healer more than ever. This
program is now being validated by the thousands that have Turned On their Healing Modalities, and the
buzz it has created.

I think you had a part in this... I'm a big believer that you call forward through me (and others) what you
need. In fact I believe we create these moments. And I even feel that I am actual a part of you speaking
to you.

And those times when you prayed, when you asked, my guides and my soul heard you... And I'm one of
the ones that raised my hand and said, "Okay. I'll do it."

So I’m here before you, in response to you asking for it subconsciously, through prayers and dreams. I
even suspect that long before we came to Earth this time around, we probably decided that we would
do this together. So there is some destiny here that I would be honored to fulfill, and I would so love to
play with you in this.

I hope you'll join me to take what we've just activated in this eBook, what we've just moved into today,
and take it to the next, and the next, and the next, and the next, quantum level through these nine
powerful workshops. I am very confident that you will, expand your capacity as a healer, expand your
success. The success I am referencing is twofold; 1) your clients love you and are referring the heck out

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of you. And 2) your business is flourishing. That's what happens when you are in your state of being in
your I Am, when you stand in your modality.

Know also that when you are being in your modality, you initially accelerate our own healing
exponentially. Instead of executing someone else’s technique and coming from content and knowledge
and a technique and “their” step-by-step, it's actually YOU. It's now who you are, it is a vibrational
platform of YOUR modality. So you become more whole. You heal more personally and you can now
support others more powerfully in their healing.

The minute I stepped into my modality, my whole life changed, completely changed. When I stepped
into my modality is when I got the business idea for Healing with the Masters to get myself known as a
healer. And 18 months after I started my business is when I made my first million. When you tap into
your modality, it is powerful.

The other thing that happens is when you are in your modality, you have a stronger understanding and
sense of who you are and what your boundaries are. Some healers tell me how they take stuff on, they
take on the issues of their clients. NOW, when you claim your modality, you're boundaries are stronger
and more self-contained, more authentic and clear.

The state of being that is I Am Healing Modality, creates very strong boundaries. I Am creates huge
space in your field of being. I see our individual universes as these big balls of light that are us. The
borders of our universe now become so much stronger to contain all that I Am power in space as your
Modality. AND those are actually boundaries.

This course helps to establish and maintain a natural, effortless and potent protection as you stand in
your “I Am” modality. Gone are the days when you take on any of your clients’ stuff. I'm confident this
will happen for you as well. This is your chance to expand your business, to be an even better healer
than you already are, to have a stronger border and boundary as you stand in your power of your I Am

Another unique point and perspective is why you became a healer in the first place. I’ve been shown
that becoming a healer and being certified in different techniques can be something you pursue to
subconsciously heal yourself. And that's a huge part of this course, deep personal healing and
transformation. AND that is also what happens when you bring your own modality to clients and
potentially teach it to your students, it accelerates your personal healing profoundly.

I've talked to many well-known healers. Some of you may know, I ran a series called Healing With The
Masters where I worked with and interviewed the top healers on the planet. They without exception,
talk about when they started teaching their system of healing, they healed so much faster. And that will
happen for you as well when you step into your I Am modality.

My hope is you'll enroll in and immerse yourself into the course.

You can do that by clicking on or copying and pasting the following link to learn more and enroll:

I also hope you also got a little bit out of this eBook, and if taking the course is not in the cards, all is
well. And if you decide that you want to join me on this amazing adventure of Turning On Your Healing

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Modality, there are no accidents that you're reading these words. There is a reason why you're here. I
hope you'll say yes. And I can't wait to play with you. We're going to have so much fun.

And to fill in any gaps about the course, it includes prove Energy Medicine techniques to activate your
healer types and your Modality. These include attunements as well as some pretty profound and
healing sound vibration. It also includes some remarkable shamanic-like healing journeys to your
healer type to activate them. I studied Shamanic healing and journeying decades ago and have brought
them into my Energy Medicine practices and healing techniques for you in this course.

And I'm also going to activate all five of the types within you so you have this complete holistic
perspective on your healer type. This will ensure you have your preference and you’ve clearly identified
your other top 2 - 3.

And here's the last final thought, and this is the most important piece... We need you.

We need you standing in your power. The world needs you. All your soon-to-be clients, your fiends and
family need you fully in your I Am healer modality, in your I Am power. We need you more than ever at
this tumultuous time on the planet. And I hope you join and consider that this is a great way to claim
that, to make a difference on the planet and in your own life.

Thank you for being you. Thank you so much for your healing work that you've already done in the
world. Thank you for the co creation, for calling me to create this eBook and this course. If it is meant to
be, I'm really excited to play with you in it more deeply.

To enroll in this special, one-of-a-kind course click on or copy and paste the following link:

Click on or Copy and paste the following links...

Take the Which Healer Type Are You Quiz:


Register for the Master Class Video Presentation that expands the content of this

Enroll in the Turn On Your Healing Modality 9 Session course:


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About Jennifer McLean:
Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed
Healer, Author, Speaker, Edge Pusher, and
Transformational Change Agent. She is the creator of
the renowned healing accelerant: “The Spontaneous
Transformation Technique (STT),” that delivers instant
transformation and healing.

For more than two decades, this innovative healing

modality has helped tens of thousands of individuals
shift held energy in the body. Individuals have been
able to liberate themselves from old hurts, and
patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset,
and create new neural pathways and patterns of
Quantum Wholeness. With almost 1000 STT
Practitioners in this unique system, it is quickly
becoming a “go to” for creating real change in
extreme times.

Jennifer also has an uncanny knack for assisting

healers in discovering their personal unique healing
modality. Activating this, and helping them develop
their proprietary system of healing, just like she did
for herself developing The Spontaneous
Transformation Technique.=

Jennifer has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, and online

summits and is covered in renowned media
publications. STT and other healing philosophies are
covered in her 5 best selling books and dozens of
online healing programs.

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©McLean MasterWorks /Jennifer McLean 2020 - All Rights Reserved

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