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A W=8xH=Rel Eel] x ReLHelet] Using the identity Re[Aei*] = 3[ Eels Breit] The instont Poywting vector Con be written as ={4lgeietseteloty } xf{trueiety wteiet lt ai (ACExHt + etx] + ST extel§ etuteit] } = 2 {Sd CexH*+ CE xnt)*] + SlExnele (Ex eit) ] } Using the above identity again, but this time in reverse order We Can write that ; a) tl ReCExnt)] + dlRe CE xH eo) ] 22. (6) Wrag =2lEXH"] = 5 ae = Se 0.03315 dy Watts/m = «b) Prod =§. WraadS = ee c Co. 03315)(r> Sine de da) = CC 03315) Cloo)* sing dedg” = 2M (0.03315) (100) ("sinode = 21(0-033/5)(100) = 2 =A4l65-95 watts 23.) DL = At Um . Am C200 £159) = 22.22 = 13.478 rod, 0? (128.66x103) Go = €xD, = 69 (22.22)=20 =13.0/dB (b) Dy = At Umax _ am(2o0 x63) DRL (125.66 x163) 7° =!8-01dB Go = €4: Do = 0.7 G@o)=16 =12.55dR 274 u= Be wsto = arcT/a Ya ne Pea= s \, Ussing de dg = a Cost sing 6 dg Wa = ane, 5 cos es Ped = 27 B, (- ests See). oot ee U= 6.3662 in B= 22 = 6.3662 6.3662 6 Clo8)™ - @839 = 6-3662 XIT°OS% = 6.366210 £ costa] = 6.3662 X106 watts Amt w= Us $3582 goiy = Wha mar (bh) D,= At Umar . am (63662) 2g = D. Prog 10 8 {4B © G= et De = 8 = 74B ' 0°<6 < 20° 6,)= if = UG6.#)= + 542 csc) 20°<8< 60" O° 8 J < 360 oO 60°S 6 < 180° 0.342 CSCO)X art Pract =( i, Uc, g) Sing 464g = 20 [ : coneaerfih Jo Jo 20° aT 13 sing de | ey -esa| + 0342-0 I ° vy =an{ [-esc4)tt] + 0.342 (F-F)} 2m { [op.aagere] + 08427 (af Tv { 0.0603] + 0.23876 f= 1.OTVZ Diabet = 6.6813 = 9.25255 48. 26 (@) p, ~ 44253 . 44253 . 39 29 15.94 dB Bia bea = 30.035) 2 Aem = = Dy Dy & TBI = 72.815 = 34.27 15.35 4B Oia + G24 (oy 635)? 4 Aem= 22, 27D, = At Umm Prod (@) U=Sind sing for os6<0, OSBET Ulwoae=| and it occurs When 6=8= 2. mcr a s Pra 5 i Ussinededg= {/ Sing des (° Sinrede = 2(H)=T. Thus De= 4T£) = 4 =6. 0208 The half power beamwidths are equal to HPBW Caz.)=20 7~ sin'€ 2] = 2 ¢ Fo°-30°) = [20° HPBW Cel. )=2[ fo" sin'C Ya) ] = 2 (P0"-30") = (20° Ina similar manner, it canbe Shown that for (b) UsSine sinty > De = 5.07% =7.0TdE HPBW Cel.) = (20% HPBWCaz.)= fo° () Ussing Sin8y > Do= 6 = 7-T2dB HPBWCef.) = 120°, HPBWCOZ)= T4.93° Cd) U=SmO Sine 3 DO. = 12T/g = 41 = 61348 HPBWCel.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.)= 120° (e) U=Sin*¢ sinty > D.=6=TTBdB, HPBWCaz.) = HPBWCeL)= fo° @ us Sie sive > D, = 74 = 70T= 8.498 HPBWCeL.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.) = 74.93" 28. Using the half power beamuidths found inthe previous problem 29: 2-10. (problem 2-7), the directivity for each intensity using eran? and Tai and Pereira’s formulas is given by U=sin6-sing } (a) Dp = 41253. _ 41253 = = 2.86=4.5° ia B24 120 (20) Eee ) = H28IE 12,818 2253-40300 @iat @.35 — Ci20)% 120) CO) De X 3.82= 5.6248 cb) = 3824=5.10d8 U =Siné Give 5 Ca) D, x 4.59 = 6.6248 U =Sine-Singo 3 ch) D, = 3.64 = 5-61 dB Us Sin’s-sing; Ca) DX 3.82 = 5.82 4B Cb) D, £3.24 = 5.10 4B U= Sin’g Sing; co) Dx 5.0f = 1.07 AB Cb) Dex 449 = 6.53 dB Us Sin*é singe; Co) D, = 6.12 = 78TAB cb) Oo = 5-3] =%254B © D=*T =-40 = 55317 = 7.433 dB Or@sx ¢1-5064)* ® o- Se) ee OF + @h 1-506 4)*4.1.5064)* = 6.8906 dB = 4.88725 (8) Dp= AT Umar = Umar Pret Us Hi scancx HSS) Tass J . Froa mA c Using de dg = anf usinedé = 2n{ (“sede ‘: (e550 de + (ésin de j =20 {€osey|** fe ges oreo} 10" CG@ntinuedl) 2-10 Conta) = ay {Gosssr + ( =28te866) + (= 20408 yf Prag = 24 {0.866 +1 ~ 0.254 0.433 +0.05 } = 21 (0367) = 0.13841 = 2.3057 D = 44 = 6.4496 = 73636 6B 23059 cb) De Gdipole) = 1.5 = 1.761 dB D. Cabove dipele) = (73636 1-761) dB = 5.6026 dB De Cabove dipole) = — = 3.633 = 5.60348 w : 211. @ Pay = 00" ue Sine dade =[Sineay Gs“esing do ate =O)C5) =F Uno = U(G=0?, w= 2) =4. Do = 4 Umr. AT = 29 =13.0 4B *\weiPeadz Cl78) (® Elevation Plane: @ varies » B Fixed > cheese = "/z UG,g="2)=a@st9 , Of E¢ V2 47 HB! z oe cos*[-HPBwiet) ] = HPBW Cel.) = 2. @S'{VO5} = 65.5%, segs lS. =(° “flucasrsnesede = an. { (node + (ose = af ‘ce Sai +( a abe se sinedé = an{ cose | oe (- oss )| _ fren bekeert + 0.4337 = 3.5626 <2 AT Umax _ 47 1). _ De pay sens 3.5273 = 5.474503 2) y= 25) =0.5 9 C6 = 0-5(0.866)=0.433, 6= @5 (0.433) = 64.24" " ars 2064.34) = 128.68" = 2.246 rod = Bay Ds aati = = ge 2.4712 = 3.76414B we Gar (2.246)* 2-13 a. 35d8 b. 20 Le4.| ane! = 35, beogiel Booed = $B 1.75 Emax | = jo!52 56 234 EE i Tr fas Qe14 &. Ussine, Umax=L, Prod ~ "Cusine dedg = (-"("sints dedg’= Dy= Smee = AF = = 1.2782 b. HPBW= 120% 21/3 2 The directivity based on (2-334) is equal £0, Daze While that based on (2-33b) is equal 0, D,=-/g2 aenfaaee a Cx Computer Progam Do= 1.2932 4 me 7 on 2 2-15. a. U=sin8e, Umox=4, Proa = {7 [i.sinte dodgy = aD, = b. HRBW= 74.93° ‘Fret €2=98<) Dy so EE = eae c (1433) 0.0029(74.73°)* From (2-336), p= 772.4 +19 fo BB+ ppg = | ORF S Computer preqtarm De= 1.67766 5 The value of Do 61.6776) is similar to that of (4-Pior 1.643 = 16897/ 2-16. a. usJi?ckasing) , a= Mio, kasing=Zsing. HPBW=73.10° From (2-330) D, = Iol/E (72.10)- 0.002°7¢ $8.10)*] = |.4K9/20 From (2-33) Do 24+ 1911 0818+ 931g, = 1.47729] Q=A/20, Rasing=Zsing, HPBW=9)10° From (2-330) Do= 17033, Ftom (2-336), D,= 1.502 bask” “Fred = ("("a%ckasing) sinedodg = 0.638045 . . io AD 10 _ = AN (098 73) — |. Umex = 0.0873, .. De amaaoee: 1 A6P/P3 amet Ms a Frod = fe lf S7CVe ‘sin 6) sinededg =o 22664 Umax = 0.024074, Dia AnCo.02terit) 1.49257 wh 202604 3 If the radius of feop is smaller than Nios, the directivity approach to 1.5. 217 Using the numerical techniques, the directivity foreach Intensity of (Prob. 2-7) with 10° uniform divisions is equal to Us Sine-sing ; Cay Midpoint ; Do = 40 Umax Unmaw = 4 Prad a Bo ! Prod = te (is) sing; & sin’; OS g ete 44nd, "16 BeHZtG-VE, Ge 438,58 Praa = (HE)? Cil.38656) (8.7924) = S.UIF D = AUG) _ 2 ss 3.114 4.03 = 6.05dB &) Trailing edge of each division = ACVB), 451,23, -77 018 Trailing eek 6 BS CB), JH 23, °- 118 Prad = (GE) *Cil.25640) (8.76785) = 3-076 D. = AM = 4.09=6.11dB Th a Similar mawner U=Sing Sine 5 @) Prad =2.463 = Do= S10 = 7 oTdB Ussing Sin’e ; Cb) Pad =2-45| DO, = 513=7l0dB (9) Rad = 2-072 PDO = 6.01 = 7.T7AB Cb) Pad = 2.086 Dy = 6.02 = TB0dB U=Sine Sing 5 Ca) Prd 32.467 > = 474 = 6-648 Cb) Prad = 2.618 9 De = 4.80 = 68148 U=Sin’e. Sinte 5 @) Prad = 2072 2D.=6.0l = T'T7AB Cb) Prad = 2.086 90,= 6.025 7.8048 Us sin*s.Sin’y 5 ca) Prad = TTT DQ = TOT = 84908 0b) Prag = LTTE SD= 7.08 = 6.50AB | 2-18. Using the computer Program Directivity at the end of chapter 2, the directivities for each radiation intensity Of Problem 2.7 are equal to @. U=sine sing ; Prag = 3.1316 Umax = 4. Do = AT-Umex 5 Mox . € Bisle 4.6125 > 6.034dB b. U=sine-si3y 5 Prag = 2.4590 Uanog 21 ccenisiieDete Ae, « Zasyo ~ Sll035e > 7.0845 4B c. U=Sine-sins ; Pra = 20870 = FAT AS AML. Umax = 1 1 Do Fear ~ 602124 > 780d d. U=sinresing ; Pog =2.6579 b AMA Umax = 4 1 D> Sopp = 472773 9 6.74608 €. U=sino sine ; Prod = 20870 = ATL D= Soe7 = 6.02126 > 7.7768 JB f Ussin’a-sinte ; ie 1.7714 = 7.07K03 2 &.5087dB R=+ aot 249. los Els CoSEE C258 ~) gy diet nattO=0°% 0107 Emax = °-707-C1) = Cos [ZH (cose, ~19I coS'(2) = oles not exist Ficose-1) = AF sei = a @S'(0) = 4% = & rad Or =@= 2CE)=0 D, = 4T = 44 2 H2).293 2). bd, TIPE ee Cb). Using the computer program at the end of chapter 2 Do= 2.00787 = 3.027 AB Sine the pattern is not very arrow, the answer obtainedt using Kraus’? approximate formula is not as accurate. 220. 6. Elma = 5 (050+) [yg = 1 of B27 097 = Os (Fles6, +1) my q {eee hg SPSS (-2) > does not exist FG) : Da > 9° 27rd 6ir= bar = 2(Z)=7. De® 45 = $ <0.273 = 1otrds be Computer Program Dp = 2-00787 = 3.02748 Pra = (7° wssinensing sneds dg = 2 Uy: Edi (8) = WoT Sidr) 2 te \ Fer = 448 al 6%. Do= ATUmy _ AM Ue _ Prac Uo tJ) & Bw) = 0.447072735 61622 b Computer Presa Prag = (2° (7 us sincesing) sing dadg = 27-(044.7672735616/8) Do= 4.4735 2:22: (a), Using the Computer program at the end of Chapter2. De= 14.0707 = 1.4808 © Ulnar = SERS], 1 when 60° 3 eer sincmgine,)]* U> 2 Uma = 2 C1) = [ T sine, | Iteratively we obtain 64 = 26.3", Therefore @ig = Ora = 2E63)= 52.6". and Dp, = 41253 (52.6)* = 14.91 =U-13 dB using the Kraus’ formula (€) for Tai and Pereira’s formula R= 285 _ 72.815 ~ 4 = 1B6 SHA dB 2-03 2 (52.6) 223 U ap IEI* = ag Smo cos => Umar = @). rat = 2 ha ah Sine os'p ded = 4G) eh Do= 4tCUmax — A taney ceca Prac = 7 cb). Umar = 3 x at ema 0 In the elevation plane through the maximum <0 and us aysine, The 3-dB point occurs when U= 0-5 Umar = 0.5L) = sb sing, 9 G2 Sin (5) =30° Therefore @ia = 270-0) = 120° Tn the azimuth plane through the maximum 6=%/2 and U=mosiZ. The 3-dB point occurs eshen UX 0.5 Umax = 0-5 (37) = Hes" > B, = CS"(0.707)= 45°, @,y =2CPO"~45°) = Fo" Therefore using Kraus formila Do= 425 =3.02+5-82d8 2) Using Tai and Pereira’s formula Dox T28IS = 12,85 924-5008 Oat Gra Cr0y"*CFo)* CA) Using the computer program at the end of Chapter 2. De = 5.16425 = 7-13 4B 10 224. = [ScKasino]*. ceoy* [SE ae Us [cenanongs sine fea sing kasine (0) Umax = Ue(t)"= Ye and it occurs when kasing <0 36 =0° The 2-48 point ts obtained usin Us £Umox = Ys =u, [ SiLeesine)] “=p TiCkosind) - 9 2535 kasing AReasing With the aid of the JiG)/x tables of Appendix V. X=RGING, = 1.61 => Os= Sin'( Soy) = 14.847°D Oar = 27-674" (Since Oi = Oar = 27.674", the directivity is equal to Dox A253 =~ 46.79 = (6.10 dB (29. 694) 225 (e) Linear because AS =0. @ Linear beause As~O. ) Circular because 4. Bx =Ey 2. 4g= é CCW because Ey teads Ex , AR=1 ,. T= % cd) Circular because 4. Ex =Ey 2. Ag=-"2 CW beause Ey tags Ex. ARe4ty cbse ©) Elliptial because 48 is not multiples of Va. CCW becuse Ey feads Ex, AR= O4/os Letting Ex =Ey =Eo = ELosciti+ve)] *= 130656 & 1.30686 OA = Fel. ie Years ~ = 2414 0B = E.Co5Citi-va)] "= 0.541196 Eo oB4IT6 “T= To" ton’ [242 cosas) ] = Fo" graw'( LS) ial = fo° S(70") = 45° C$) Elliptical because. Ap is vot Multiples of Tz Cw because Ey fogs. Ex From abe OA= 1-30686 Fo paar = 130886 = 2.414 0B = 0.54176 et OBA T6 From above T= %°- X(90°)=45° C Continued) 11 225GitG). Eliptiol because 1. Ee # Ey 2. 4B is not zero or multiples of 7. CCW because Ey leads Ex. : pes M3 OA= Eft (pas 0.082 6 By pow OB = Ey{d[0.5+1-0.75]}=058, T= YO zton'(S) = Jo"~ 3 (180%) = 0° Ch) Elliptial beause 1. Ex #Ey 2. 4€ is not zero or muttiples of 7. CW because Ey fags E . From above 0A =Ey } Sars OB =05 Ey T=%°- ECi80") = 0° 226. E,Cz,t) = Re LEx @HEt RE+M%)) = Ey CSC wtt kE+ Be) 6, (zt) = Re [Eyelet E+ Ry) ) = Ey @sCot+ kz+ey) where Ex and Ey are real pasttive constants. Choosing Z=0 and fetting AG = By-Bx= By-0-8 Exe) = Ex @SCwt) “) Ed) = Ey Cos(wt +2) anol Ect) = JEM EF = (Etostwt) +E fCs ott) 2) ‘The moximum and minimum values of C2) are the majer and minor axes of the polarizction ellipse. Bpuaring and using the hal f-angle identity, €quation c2) can be written as a= Sf bes Ey*+ Er@sawt) + Bf @s*lzwt+e) 1} (3) Since Ex and Ey ave @nstants, the maximum and wninimum values of (3) occur when fo= Ee @SQwt) +5*@s [2coxtes] (4) is maximum er minimum. These are found by diftere mbating @) ond setting it equal 40 zero. Thus Shag - Fé sin @ut) - Ef sin [acor+e)] =0 ( Gntinued > 12 2-26 Conta) or ESin@ws) = -6,*sin Ruwt+ 91 = -E/{Sinawr csag + cos awt Sinag ¢ «BD Dividing (5) by @s@wt) yields Ed tan Qu) = - Ey tan[2wt] @SQg) +Sin@g)] or fant) = ~Efsin (29) EP + Ey cost. from which we obtain thet © 7 “SO? Qs(awk) = Eb+ B*0Sap) (sy et - Ej+ Et Cos@g) Span CSE CoSQwt+ 2g) = (1) 8) where @ = VEX + Ef +2 ErEy @S(ax) Substituting (6)~(6) into () yields E's ZL ECtE pt FCC] whose. mavimum value is . 4 72 on = {AL EA 5+ (Ett Bft 2E76 cesae Yt Ems Emin = 08 ={3CE2+E- (6,44 Bf +282 Bt cosag)”] }* The silt angle T canbe obtained by expanding (4) and writing tthe two os Ee 26tyass + & = sins oD ER Ex By Cu hich is the equation of a tiltedl Ellipse - aoey Ghese principal axes coincide with the major tiltecl ellipse, We can write that Ex = Exsin(z) “& coscz) €y = Ex coscz) + 6 sincz) ae where E,’ ond Ej are. the new Fielol Values along the new principal ONES x5 ye Substituting Ce) inte C7) yields REG Coscasinez) _ 2EZ Ey @SLz)Sin(z) _ 2EL EF cose (Sin?z -@s*z) =0 Be 5 Ex Ey @ Gerdinate System minor aves of the (Continued ) 13 2-26, (cont) which when Selyed forthe tilt angle t veduces to fan[2CE-z)) = 2EEy Os# Ee EF See $-4 tal (2B 5288 ) for more details on the tilt anyle derivation: See J.D. kraus, Antennas , McGraw-Hill, 1750, pp. 464-476. 227) pu = bx 59, + By sing, fa = drasg.+ dysings PLE= [fu Ga [72 | Cex O59, +4 sing, )- (Geog +dysingss|* =| cose Cosd, + Sings Singa]* = [SCH “AL |* oy Gu = 8x Sine cosy, + By Simei sings +8 @S8, 6a = dxSinds @sgut aysingg Sing, + de O86 PLE = | Gu f[*= [ Sm6i St, SmO.@spy + SimrSin fi Sm durSinB + S56 @S6,|* PLE = [Sin6,Smn6, (cos gi, -@SB. + Sing Sing) + @S0, GSO3(* PLF = | Sing Sin6s GS (P,-~,) + @S6, @SO2 228. Assuming electric Field is x+ -palarized, ©) Ey= GEO > fy = de Ea = (do ~jds) Ef ene.g) »=(45*) PLF = Iw fal?= 2[ Garg ~} o% By |* Since y= & @S8 ase + dy @sé6 sing - dzsin Op = ~& sing + 4 @s PLF = 3CGs*0 Gs*p + Sint) () when Ea> 6 d6+j}dy )E.f(r.6,9), PLE is also PLE = 2 C cos Gs*p + Sin7e) A more general, but also more oe expression Gnbe derived when the incident electric field is of the form By= Cade +bdy)@**® where a,b are real constants It canbe shown CUsing the Same. prececure ) that PLE = Gans l Lo, cos6 asp + bsinosing)? + casing —bCosg)* ala [> 14 LID Sonica) Ev BG tjG IIs = ACas;a) Ew Ea = Ex (do ~ joy) $cr.8,9)9 Ca= & Cds ~ jap) 3 (70 yen aes. PLE= 2| Cot ja})-(0 jG) | *s 4 1¢d ds dds) Eee ae ela 39) Converting the spherical unit vectors #0 rectal ps ee tee | as it was done in Problem 2.27, Leads to PLF= 2(CoS@ +1)> cb) when Ew= Bo (de £3 dy) Eq + Es (ob +jdp) 050.9) the PLE is equal to PLE = 2 ( Coso F1)* eae 230. — Ew= (dsesg ~ de sing eso) Fer, 0,9) or Ss Ey= [ dy cose — de Singase Eee flea) VOs*¥ + sinty ws6 ly Thus by = dacs — dasinposs 10s '¥ + Sine @sO and pues ig ils | ( ase =dasingcse ), Veos'a + siniocoss Trassforving the rectangular unit vector 40 spheriak using Gx = GrSingasy + de ase cosy ~ dy Sing’ cos*6 2 the PLF veduces to PLF= Osf+singos® The Same. answer is obtained by transforming the spherical unit vectors 4 Tectanglar, as was dene in Prob 2-27, 231, eax Gh a) G)F08,8)= (ZEA) 1 fovea) Fo nasenas a es z © = (SBA) => weve is Right Hand (RH) ae és fads 254) se (Antenna. is LH in receivin T= -0-4576 dB using the +Si9 ede, and RH in transmitting) (Antenna is RH in receivin PLES lé- Al= { HOtEIO AE USN He sgh se andl tH In transmiting YD C Continued ) 15 2-31 cond coy by = (HAIG) > Wave is Left Hand CLHD v2 fs (2& ich) ‘S. ih Pe (Awtenna is LH in receivin: PLE = [dw @|= { 15 = "1648 Using the + Sign wade ond fin tranmitingh eae ; sign (Antenna, is RH in recivi ae ae) sa mode amd LH ite) 2:32,% © fear eaereas. 2 eo 2 fa Ge tay. ppa| &tY | ack +jd, 4 PLE= 4 =00B Continued > 16 234 Cont'd) cb) ES eae a4 oe rF=[6y-Al'=| (SM) ( S34) PLE= 0 = -codB 235, B= GES | Gack E*= (Gr }G) Ee: (S95) ane = é= (24) (2) ew = 2 @ Dole ful *= Be Gol Bgl” © &D.= &) At 10GHz > A= F = Bxi08 i Ss Eg = S210" = 3x15" (OX I 10x lo? ~ G. Aem = 254. (és: Owl *= exe Clay | de (24, (diet 3d De = tx6* ascs)= ta? (2)= lonean(2) =10 = 10 boy,.Goldim) > Ge cdim) =lo*=10 Aem = 0-3581x10> m2 (Pr = Aem Wi = (6.3581 108 )C1oxid%) =8.581x108 watts Pr = S581 x10 watts 2. & Eqs (2d 8) ay Ee G= adk 4} 4 we A 4 @) Ev = GeEw> Ovo de PLE = (fw: al?= [G-l= #5 0.8 =-0.7691 dB Ey = dyEw > Ow = dy Pur Iba Alte Lyglte a o.ze- 6698 237, Ey= Bj +B/ = 3@sat +2 @swk = Seswk Fr= Eft Ef = 7@s(wt+ F)+3coswt-£) = -TSinwt +3Sin@t = -48inot AR = 251-25 dlr (b) At wtao, B= 5 ay At wt="2 9E=-46% > Rotation in CCW 238. @) pLE= & independent of > must have CP SeRR= 1 (D). Polarization will be elliptical with mojer axies aligned With X-axis. Guess tL AR=2 verify: @y = (26x +}ay)/VE PLr =I fy alt= | 2@SbrJsin¥/ “— deste sin'y Ver RLE= 6.6 W=fO: PLF=0.2 (C) PLF= 1 ak Y=45°and 225° PLF=0 at W = 135° and 315° Polarization muct be finear with thal angle of 45° ~ AR = 00 18 a9 a = I, ht A ee (5041+ 73) +j (254425) ~ 12445675 3 (12.442 -j 6.7724) x 103s 14.166 X109L28-56° Rr=73 8 xX =42.5 (0. R= 3 Re (Vp Io) = Re Ci2.442 +} 6.1124) X19 12-442x15" W Cb). Pes Z/Igl*Re = 7325x105 W G), PL= ZITA Ri = 6. 1003x108 w The remaining Supplied power is dissipated as heat In *he internal resistor of the generar, or Pa = ZIDR, = 5.016 PX 1OSW Thus =3: PrtPa t+ Py = C7325 + 0.1003 + 5.0169)XI07 = 12.4422 x16 2=R ZUO. The impedance transfer equation of “ 3 2 Zn = [ z +32 tanckL) Ze +) 2. tanckh) Yeduces for 4= 7/2 to Zin = 2 Therefore the equivalent Load impedanae at *he terminals of the rr is the same as that for Problem 2.39 Thus the Supplied, radiated, amd dissipatesl powers are the same as these cf Problem 2:37 loy Aswon |_| m=50+j}50.0 ita: Zyy= L100)* = (0000 66 So+jo 5000 2 Fevaitable =z) = = 5 Vog = A (Ed** + Te e5**) vee Re & ue laws 4 ce _ TeopeJ#*) = Fig 4. VO)= ACI + Teo)) LO=£- re) From Fig 4; —y, + 1co)% + Woo) =0 =e +2 (1-Te)) zo +A Cit Tex=0 =Ve +A ATO) +A + ATO? =O 2Azk&e > Aare Paccepted =Re[ vor I) ] Vio) = ¥ (1+T0@)) Le) = $6.1 - Te) = Zin~Zo os Zn + Ze CGntinued ) 20 = Zin — Ze 242 Cont'd) 2 vod= BC+ B=) = EC) + RintjXin 7 Zo = eee = ( Rint }Xint 2 + Rin ti Xin ~#:) = Rin + Xin + Zo Vio) = Vs (Rint) Xin) Rin tj Xin +Zo = Neo pot Sine Bac an vous Zin theo Sin tS HOS as Se) Bes zh nee ) 16) SNSs oe Ys ZmtZo Rint }Xin tt Zo Re [ Vo) Toy] = Re[ ME Rin tj VeXin yy Vs ] Rint ZtjXin Rint Zo-jXin Paccopted = Re (2. Weil Binns Reals ): MERI (Rim Ze) *+ hon Rint B+ xe z vst —Sin__ = 4B = (Rint &)*+ Xin Realised Guy Rin AER (Rint Zo)? + Xion i 243. (2) RL Reg C2-gob ) = TMP = Me 2TXIO* CAT AIO : Saran eee ee pe 2700) (ears 0.4415X 1075 0.004415 (hms) (by Re CA[g) 28002 (A)*= bowr(ze)* = 0.21932 > Rin= Ry = 0.21932 Ohms C because of assumed Constant current) Re Ae 202 sg 0.98047 RitRr 6.21732 + 6.004415 Ce) ca (2-70 ) = Cg = 78.027 % GG) ZL=CR+Rin) +) Xin = (0-UP2+ 0.004.415) +) Xin = 0.2237 +5 Xin Ze Meo _ Xin XB 120 Sn lla) 4 jag Un Ge ) J an (RL) tan (32 A 1.2040 — A [A0+ [een | 252. BOE rf 0.1051 C Continued ) 24 243, (Contd) _ #i- ze = = 0.9996 Bit Ze (0.2237- j 232.8806 )+ 50 1+IFl vane SSR CHSIC a ~xoo iMrana oem ee 244, i Radiation Efficiency of a dipole Iz@) =I, @s[ Laren Hg (r= = a els eas ara OS (ZEI heise ds =adgdz = differential patch of area dw > power loss into this patch dw= Z[Hp|*Rs adgdz (time avs) z cs" [ Zz ]adgde Ww (total lass) = abe BERS cost Ez] adgde €ERs = Skin Resistance ) 28 dw = -(%) 2 a : 27 - Rs cos* [Fz] dz = = 28 | Sar ewe ERE Ri = 2 210 245. E={¢ 0<6<¢ 45° 2 45°69 < Fo" a 7O°< 6 < 180° Getaee Se ssie* re ay 7 1 Umea eons © continued? 22 2A5 Cont'd) fae 45° 5 [es a ae [ [ Sine de hy $ singe ] = = [av] [-os6]7+4-cos0)|% J sae [~@S45°+ coso* ~ HOS tae" + Za po] Proa = 0.54287 250° D = AT Umar postage “ot = 3684 Prod 0.54287 2Mr+/y RS (») When the fist is equal to (o%/m, for @=0° /( } 6 _ ¢ 10 Wm 0¢6¢ 45° a Fee j ° AB%6 $90" Ax10M%/m 70°<6 < (Bo? Poa = EP (ae Occ TU! ff [El oma E[Asinade } de ] Rod = 2 (84281) (47) |tol* = 36,1973 Prod = J | TIARr = [Trms|* Re PR = 86193 = 36193 = | gare (Zmms |* ce 246 f=i5eMHe, A=2m a imdipole ts 2 in electrial length 9 Rea 73.0. ,Zin> 734j425 2 Oe eevee ae ag Tost DATES HAAS Ons LBP A 5. Puissip = Pass = ElTant]*Russ = (67 mW @\xloav C. Prod = 5 lTant|7Rr =2L36W d. @g= Rr _ 8 t100_ gg, SS ae ens 7340.62 11% 23 2-47. Using equation (2-94), the effective qperture of an antenna Can be Written as fare WER here Wz = IEI*/2y ie we Wilzal » where li Defining the effective Jength fe as V7 =Ele reduces Ae & Aa eer 9g. = fAalzel 1 Ze[* Rr For moximum power transfer and fossless antenna CR.s0) Xa = -Xr, Re =Rr > (Zel = 2Re =2Rr this fee [Atom Re 2 > [Aem Rr co. [hem Rr aq Rr a % 2B. Aen = 2147 = (PE): ecg = “11D “1 Be fa]? Dy = a Ga! B50 whe 5 AS BAe eae 7S +50 1oox 10® ety ice 2 1E = 3,125 FE [1-2] 249. Wi = 10% W/nt Aem = Xo. , D.= 20dB = (oReg XD X=lee < 8 ~ See SAO" = 0.03 m = 3xId2m Tox 10> = maya xin =. Aem (ie Dee ie ~ (100) = 0.97/6X15%= ZU6X 163 4 re : Pre = 16% (22107) = 2A 0. 916K15F = 7.16 X 15% Watts Prec = 7216 x16% watts. I oe > a 250 Aem = z &D, = XG. 4. Ge = 14.8 4B 9 G, Cpower ratio) = (0! = 30.2 $ = B2GHe 7 A=3.6585 om Aen = G85)" (39,2) = 32167 On* The physical apertuye is equal to Ap= 5:5(24)* b. Ge =16-54B 9 Ge Cpowey ratie) = 10" = 44.666 F = 10.3 GHe > AF2zH2 Om Aem = 232)" ta4 668) = 304.2 Gm C. Go = 18.048 % G Cpower ratio) = to! = 63.096 f =12.4 GHz DAH=2ZAIP Cm Aem = 2A) ces 096) = 29-387 Com> 251 Gain= 3008, F=2GHe , Prd =5W Receiving antenna VSWR=2 , efficiency = 95% Ee = (2dk+jG)Fe(@8), Use Friis transmission formula (2-118) Pr = Pe Ceat Gear CL URAC ITFL2) (AAR) Dele fe) Dobe fr)» PLE Pr=l0*W, Ccae= 4 (we assume that), Ccdr =0.95, I-IRI?=4 . as =IVSWR-I]- 2-1 _ = oe ie 29 (rl =|WSWRY 251 = 3 (Init) = &% RE a = 0.15m > R= 4006 Xie? m, mole Os ae -18 hene (2g)*= (aoa) = 89X10 ‘ Dé = 3048 = 103, PLE? Pe = Bed jh) > 1B Bl "= 0.1 erm We Cady +jdy) > oH = 5 (4) (0.95)C4) (4) (8-910") (108) Dr (0-1) Dr = 2-661 2 Hence Aem = oa 2.66| = 0.00476 m> 252. uce.a) = (e320), 0°£6 <90° } one $360" O 5 WS6< Ibo" Aen = 2D, D = 4 Umax Prod seen Prat = =e ie Uce, p) sine dedg = arf Bedi SAS ar[- z Prad = 2m (- ee De= Biter. Anes Pra a5 per Bea 3x108 - 3x (0? = 0.03m Aem = 10 (0.03)*_ 19X10) *_ Ig. (9x 1074) _ igre Tmt ar ar cecal, Aem = 7/6/97 x10* 753. etatus mile = 1609.3 meter, 22,300 (stabs miles)=3.58873/eI0m eo aR Ot Samar = Sa 4.943410" Watts/m2, ( De= 6046, =10°) (EA= 015m ) Rem = (5)*08= 1790,493, m* pak aT Ft Aem:Pa = (790.493) (4.943x10"") 8.85. 10'> watts. » b, Aes= XD, Preceived = 254 Aem = 0.7162 Aem = (B)* ea (t= irl9) 1ew De = Aem = 75-50 _ = 3x108 _ Baas?) p07 OZ A Siecaies ~ S D= 2.262 a (I-103P) D, = |-04t7 26 255. Pe = Ws Aen = Wea clin) (24) D.| fa Ql? Wi= SWim2, cq =4 Chossles: - Zin-2e _ 73-50 _ : Reed Zitz 730 — %-187 N= 3x10 = 20m, Do=2156dB = 1.642 , PLF=4 lox to Pe= (5)C1)(1~ (0.187)*) (38°) (1.643)¢1) = 567.78 Watts = Pp Pe = 567.78 Watts 256 Pr: eens Re (re) Gor Got , Gor =Got = 16-3 > G Cpower ratio) =42.66 $= 10 GHz = A =0.03 meters. Py = 200 muotts = 0.2 Watts @. R=5m : Pe= [$43]* (4266)*0.2) = 82.7 uhatts b R=S0m : R= 0.829 wwatts C. R=500m : Pe=G27 n watts The VSWR was not needed becayse the jen was ger Ros Sea! pe cite: EL” (ate) Gee Gor Got = 20dB 9 Gor (power ratio) = |o*= loo Gor =|5dB > Gor (Power ratio) = $= 1GHz > A=0.3 meters R= 1x (03 meters a. Fon tee: @[* 4 Pr = (72:35 )* (100)(81.628)([50xl0) = 270.344 M Watts b When transmitting antennas is civcwlarly polarized and receiving antenna iS Lineurly polarized, the PLF is equal to 16 Onl *= | (si8) de] *= 2 Thus p= £ (270.344 x16%) = [B5.172K10% = 135, 172 Mats ak 258. 253) 260 261, lossless : Cea = 4. polarization matched «Iw fal“= 4, Line matched : C1 -1e}2) =4 D. = 20d =0* = (00=D,, = Dot Pe = Pe (Big)* Dee Der = 10 ( 5," Cloe)c100) = 0.253 watts Pe = 0253 watts Lossless: Ccd=4, PLF=4, ine matched : ((-IFI+)=4. Dy = 30dB = 163 = (000 = Dor = Dot Pr = Pe (ae faa) Cle00) *= 20: (aR) * 100 = 12.665 warts 3x108 axon cl Gor = 20dB =100, Got = 25dB = 316.23. A= P= Pel&e-bel® (ZE)> Gor: Got = l00:(t)-Ceresto) “Cieo) 316-23) = 6x10 watts = Pr f = loGHe, > As Suet =0.03m Got = Gor = 15dB = lo! = 31.62 R= lokm = lo4m Pr > lonw =i w Wee-fl? = -3d8 = Frils Transmission Equation : Pp, 2a 82 De = Got Gor a)" |G Fl = ((0'*)* G28 z)* (2) = 285x o" Pos 2esxio" Pe % 10° W > (P)min = 351 262. fos P exer Dee Dor (Ag)” = (P)( Ore Ccat) (Cre Gear) (ae )* Doe: Dor £ = (4) (@re (19) Cere (4) (Ag)? Doe Dor NE § 23aut =3m, R= loxto*= [0*. Fin) *= (gga) (Sext0*)'= (0.23072154) = 9.697 A10% 08 (Bg) 7 = 5.699165 Gre Gr = (1-1) =(1~|B2282]*) = (1- |222 |) 3450 i233 = (1~ (0.18897 )*) = (1 - 0.0357) = 0.9643 Cette = Rear = 4 Det = Dor = 1-643 BE = (09643)*C.643)*( 5.6992 1B") (ORIEN om) ¢5.09010") =25]-(5.679x5") = (4.30510 ° Pe = gee 6TH 10” Cx (5) = 6.99 x 07= 679. Pe = 699 watts 5 3x08 _ 3xtoe _ B-(B) Gee Gor, N= FyU09 Joxo8 30 ie spiotiece ee 3x15 toxto® 156 c= = lane] Ger = to Gor = (68 (4x3 xt08) > Go = (63 (an x3-x10%) = [27x (0* = [2007 Ge = (200 1 = 3,759.7) = 10 Hoppa (80 767-910 dB Go = 3,767.91 = 35.76 dB 264, 9 ¢=mat= 25127 Got = Gor = 16-3 dB > Got ( power ratio) =10 $= 0GHe FAS003m fe Got & = oe ee Cee) Of 5 =R. = 200A = 6 meters; = 254? (42.66)* P_A P= 2507 Ee) [ caraeony+]* @.2) = 200 nwatts 8 A266 b. R=R, = 5000 = [5 meters ; P, = 0.23 nwatts 265 ot * Gor P. = Pps: See Gor [% 2 [jo PSOE ewe ATR Ra. 5X0? Pr = (0% (3). 150% p_oos eo yt ar AT C(0®) Pr = b22x10® Watts E06. Be Saree eK ]3e Peat [sree F Sere et a 40 AT RR, Pe Gor-Got a As 3x08 Ly 3x0! off = 0.1425 x103 (AT) [Seeceoceeey] “s al4zmiat (000 (75675) t 267, g= Pram [ Re Pe Gor’ Got eS = 3x08 A> -Txe = 38 O= 201+ (4m) | am (700)c700)\* itoo fc 3 | SBC ER 6 = 94,14.5 me

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