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UEF supervisor: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hương, MA

Site supervisor: Bui Dinh Giang
Student’s name: Nguyen Hoang Minh Anh
Student ID: 165060453
Class: 16D1TA-PD01

Ho Chi Minh City, 2021


In a short period of time, 12 weeks, I fortunately had a chance to

learn and grow not only as an employee but also as a student coming out of
school along with friendly, dedicated people in Vina Aspire.

I would like to show my first and foremost gratitude to my

supervisor, Mr. Bui Dinh Giang, for devotedly helping me during the internship.
Without him, I would not have got the opportunity to observe and learn such
precious lessons, enjoy working in a flexible environment. Thanks to this, I can
gain lots of valuable social skills and knowledge in the cybersecurity and
technology area.

Secondly, I highly appreciate my mentor, Mrs. Huong, for guiding

me through my report. Without her support, the report would not be completed

Moreover, I am also thankful for my family and friends. Without

their unconditional encouragement, my internship period would not be filled with
joy, and this report would not have been possible.
Supervisor’s Comments

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. I
SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS ........................................................................ II
PART 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1
1.1. The reason for choosing the comapany ............................................... 1
1.2. Internship program overview .............................................................. 1
1.3. The structure of the report ................................................................... 1
PART 2: INTERNSHIP REPORT..................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1: VINA ASPIRE CO., LTD .................................................................. 3
2.1.1. Basic information about the company ................................................. 3
2.1.2. Organizational structure of the company ............................................ 3
2.1.3. Business results of the company ......................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: PROCEDURES AND ASSIGNED TASKS .............................................. 6
2.2.1. Procedures of Marketing in the company ........................................... 6
2.2.2. My tasks in the company ..................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 3: LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE INTERNSHIP .................................. 9
PART 3: CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 11
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. IV

1.1. The reason for choosing the comapany

Vina Aspire is an information technology startup company,

established in 2016. There are therefore reasons why I choose such a new
company like this for the internship.

Although personal careers in corporations bring many benefits,

working for a completed company is often claustrophobic and has no room for
further development, not to mention a number of specification constraints.

Startups, small companies with fewer employees than interns, so

students who go to internships will definitely have the opportunity to work
intensively under the guidance of trainers. In the meantime, in large corporations
with a high degree of specialization and a large number of employees, interns are
generally allowed to perform only part of the work they expect to do.

Moreover, in small companies, competitiveness is not high when

everyone is unanimously aiming to make the company grow more, a more well-
known name instead of focusing on self-esteem to promote itself. At that time,
trainees can easily make friends, build relationships with colleagues and seniors
are also completely comfortable sharing work experience with them.

1.2. Internship program overview

During the 12 – week internship at Vina Aspire, I will be informed

and equipped with some skills necessary for a media's work such as teamwork,
graphic designing and moreover. Besides, I will also get acquainted with the
professional working culture of the business, adhere to the time as well as
familiarize myself with the work pressure and responsibilities related to my

1.3. The structure of the report

There are three key sections of this report. The first section is a
description of the internship and why I choose this company as I mentioned
previously. In section two, three sub-sections will be used. The first is the
company overview and the following is an assessment of what I learned and of
the skills I have developed. The last part of the report concludes with my general


Chapter 1: Vina Aspire Co., Ltd

2.1.1. Basic information about the company

Vina Aspire, 61 Dien Bien Phu, Dakao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi

Minh City, was established in January 2016. As a Cybersecurity business unit,
the firm offers a variety of solutions and services for small to medium-sized to
large companies such as anti-malware, anti-virus, email safety and so forth. In
addition to its skilled, high-quality experts and employees, the business has
earned the trust of many businesses since its establishment, along with its slogan
'striving tirelessly to offer the best goods and services, to produce countless
individual and social value.'

2.1.2. Organizational structure of the company

The company organization is arranged into 4 departments: Human

Resources, Commercial & Business development, Technical, and Financal.
These 4 departments work seperately but have interrelated relationships, all aims
for the company development.

Vina Aspire dignifies group harmony and creativity. Thus, the

company, at their best, make the office as pleasant and active as possible in order
to enhance members’ performance.

After getting use to the company environment, and supervisor’s

training in addition, I finally was able to have a full picture of the company’s


Commercial &
Financial Business Technical

Sales Marketing Translators

2.1.3. Business results of the company

Through the data in Table 2.1 we can see that 2017 and 2018 have
no revenue. Because the company was newly established in 2016, there are no
products and customers to sell. However, administrative and business expenses
in 2018 cost 3,171 million VND, an increase of 1,171 million VND compared to
2017 is 2 million VND (equivalent to an increase of 0.5855% compared to 2017).
The earnings of 2017 and 2018 were negative 2 million and adversely 3,171
million, a gap of VND 1,171 million, as a result of management fee investment,
with no receipts for two successive years.

In 2019, however, Vina Aspire won VND 524,179,600 for its

market plan. Although the revenue increased compared to the last 2 years, the
same is that the administrative cost also increased with 408,290,894 VND, an
increase of 405,119,894 VND, equivalent to 127.75% compared to 2018.
According to the data in Table 2.1 , in 2019, the company has made progress in
the business, but that is not enough to remove capital into operating expenses of
the previous 2 years, so the profit in 2019 is only negative 102,837,365 VND, the
difference is about 31 , 43% compared to 2018, with the difference of VND

Unit: Vietnam Dong (VND)

Table 2.1 Business results of Vina Aspire in the period of 2017-2019

Chapter 2: Procedures and assigned tasks
2.2.1. Procedures of Marketing in the company

Marketing department has a huge responsibility of making a

business viable and profitable. It needs to do this by creating awareness,
engaging customers, researching competitors and their product, preparing
promotional activities and materials and a whole host of other responsibilities.
The marketing department is like the jack of all trades in any organization.
Anything that other departments do not handle is given to the marketing
department to deal with. When we look in-depth at the responsibilities of the
marketing department, it becomes very clear why it is the key department of any
organization, without which it would be very difficult for the business to exist

In the marketing department we have two people in charge of two

different segments, including content and image:

Marketing Analyst or Researchers: These individuals are

responsible for research and analysis that drives the marketing department and
guides its marketing strategies by finding out about the target customers and the
competition of the business. Marketing Analysts employ marketing tools such as
surveys or studies to discover information that may be useful for marketing.

Social Media Creative services are responsible for designing and

presentation part of the company, including web pages, reports, ads, mailers and
e-mailers, and all other advertising material required by the marketing
department. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers
use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic
of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience.

2.2.2. My tasks in the company

• Research, gather information, create the brief, and define our goal.

• Sketching concept.

• Perfect the design

• Send the completed first copy to the supervisor, so they can see if any
edits are needed. If nothing changes, releasing. If there is any correction,
return to step 3

The main objective of the marketing team of the company is to

increase the brand recognition of Vina Aspire to customers.

In addition to being in charge of step 2 and step 3 of the company's

marketing process, I am also with the person in charge of Marketing Analyst or
Researchers to understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants.

Then I create three to five separate finished concepts to make a

decision for my supervisor. Notice and interpret the feedback of the supervisor as
they express their thoughts or perspectives on my ideas. I will build and be more
attentive to a particular design from here. I use visual compositions, typography,
colour and shape to overcome challenges, and to express ideas. In step 2: I have
several choices and styles for design. I also decide in this phase how my concept
conveys the message, how it will carry visual effects, how the animation will be,
and the possible risks to the solution. Can be ordered. Can be bought. Colors are
used, for instance, for forms.

It is time to develop my concept into something I can show to the

supervisor after I have had fun testing and experimenting. Start with a little self-
criticism. Looking at what I have designed so far, it would be possible to see if it
responses well to the brief I have been provided in step 1. Start comparing it with

our market research. Are my target audience applicable? Is it appropriate for its
competitors to stand out?

Once I have answered these and other questions that I consider to

be important, return to my design programmes and start tinkering again. Keep
my design to tinker and refine until I don't just think it looks great, but until I
think it's tackled.

Chapter 3: Lessons learned from the internship
During the 3 months of internship, I learned the necessary skills
and learned a lot of lessons for myself as well as realized the shortcomings that
need to be overcome.

First, in the course of my work I have learned that businesses use

social media in a myriad of different ways. For example, a business that is
concerned about what people are saying about its brand would monitor social
media conversations and response to relevant mentions (social media listening
and engagement). A business that wants to understand how it’s performing on
social media would analyze its reach, engagement, and sales on social media
with an analytics tool (social media analytics). A business that wants to reach a
specific set of audience at scale would run highly-targeted social media ads
(social media advertising).

When working with Vina Aspire, I have cultivated the discipline in

getting to work on time, working under pressure of deadlines and, above all, the
number of jobs assigned. Time management skills are also an important factor in
this position. In fact, it won't be possible to spend too much time on a project, so
I have to know how to organize my work in the most desirable way to get the job
done on time. Besides, without knowing much about the Adobe software, I might
feel like curling into a ball and rocking in place while starting at a blank spot on
the wall. Adobe is well known for their design products. Photoshop, InDesign,
and Illustrator are just three of the tools that can help bring the images inside
your head to life in an online format. Having a basic skills of how those
programs work can help me and my designer save time.

Next, learning and cultivating job-related skills is also an important

way to develop yourself at work. Patience is a leading factor in getting an edition
done, as the number of graphices a day an editor must look is a lot. Besides,
attentive listening and communication is also a subtle way to receive customer

suggestions to help businesses grow further. Moreover, being proactive in
handling and solving problems is also an experience I have learned.

Last but not least, besides knowledge and skills, attitude is also an
important factor in the process of developing at work, especially in a professional
environment such as Vina Aspire. For me, the attitude always receives higher
evaluation than capacity. In addition, trusting and connecting with colleagues in
the working environment will promote closer relationships between employees
and the work will be completed more quickly.


The internship is definitely important. It is a work experience

process for students to envision their future careers and to make sure they are
walking on the right path.

Fortunately, I met such a wonderful supervisor who cares not only

about my progress in work but also my personality. Every person in my office
were all delightful and enthusiastic. The office had gone through several
unexpected birthday parties, holidays and more, since my supervisor wanted us
not to work plainly but work happily, work together. Hence, the office I spent a
short span of time was filled with joy and bliss, which I will always appreciate.

Thanks to the valuable time in Vina Aspire, the opportunity I

obtained. I am now fully confident in my career and ready to walk through it.
With my every day improving and upgrading myself endeavor plus my attempt
to become a good translator, I will conquer my career as best as I can.


Vina Aspire Company. (2020). Vina Aspire Profile. Retrieved from https://vina-


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