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yuan FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE TAREFA | ©. i384 teat /JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM N° da JRA Level 02 | JRA-CDA-PL-485 N° da JRA Level 02 Pressure Test ofthe UmbilicalFlowline eircuit/ Teste de pressio dos Umbileal/Flowiine clreuito Revisto/ Revision | REVO 09/03/2019 pant Atividade / Job ei? na Embareagio ‘TOP CDA Departamento | PIPELAY Local do Trabalho Carousel /EPU Cliente / Petrobras {Wessel [Departinent ‘Working area Pipelay switeh board | cient | ‘Nova Revisiio a JRA ko SRSeeel Motive para Revista / Reason for Revising Gestio de Mudanga 1 Manag.of Change Outros - Especifique: LOther Speetf conhego os perigosiriscos, aspectos/impactos envolyidos e controles necess Participants: Ido know the hazards/risks, aspectsimpacts involved and controls required to make the job safely and stop the job for Time out fr safety, ifnecessary. Mets de si Investigasto de Acdente [>] Auioria Qo Oo TSE dere V Accident Investigation Audit ios para realizar o trabalho seguro e quando necessrio fare a interrupgto para seguranga (TOPS). 15RA Team Leader 1 Fmetion Company ‘1Signatire | se Validation by foe Person (np) | __! Futon Company 4 Signature ‘Gwenolé Kerjean cre Teehniprmc [AWA cea oa Fungo epee aves ‘Nome ds parielpanes da JRA Fungo Empresa a [in pavebmer tamer 1 Function 1Conpany | /Sienanve 7 URA Pertpamts Names LFmeion 1 Company 1 Signature Bruno Amaral Eng. Hyd Me. Rafael Vargas Mech ngtt [> Z ‘Téeni ‘ou Eng. de Seguranga Safety Technician or Engineer Auto ‘OGM ou Gerdncia Onshore Issuing Authority (1A) or OCM or Onshore Manager inde Emissora Documentos de Referéneia / Reference Documents: [BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21180 Rev 3 [BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21160 Rev O— Rsk Assessment BMOS-FMS3-HSM-24010 Rev 1 -PPE Management [BMOS-FMS3-11SM-21240 Rev 1 ~ Toolbox Talk Procedure BMOS-FMS3-HSM-23210 Rev 0 Manual Handling Techniques [BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21265 — HSE inspection Program BMOS-FMS3-HSM-30150 Rev 0 - Occupational Health Management SOW Integrated Safty System of Work Manual [BMOS-FMS3-HSM.23160 ~ Hand Tools) BMOS-FMS3-HSM-23280 Presure Testing Comentirios / Comments [solar a éreae identifcar ela com placas padtio seguindo o documento anexado a PTW ou definide no deseritivo de trabalho no verso da PTW / Isolated area defined and identity it with standard signage following attached document or work description atthe verso ofthe PTWTodas os responsiveis pelos

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