JRA-CDA-PL-492-REV-0 - Hydraulic Maitenance of The PLS Workfloor.

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¥ TechnipFMC TAREFA FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM N° da JRA Nivel OF Level 01 - JRA no NP da JRA Level O2 Level 02 - JRA no, JRA-CDA-PL492, Participants: Ido know the hazardsirisks, aspects/impaets involved and controls required to make the job safely and stop the job for Time out for Safety, if necessary. raulien mewn | Revito & Data oe yaaa Msneane of he PLS wore Mute yranien mesa | Reve & Dv REVO 160572019 Enuarena TOP CDA Departamento [Piplay Loca do Trabalho PLS woklor lente? Parobeas (Wes! Deparment / Working area Glen Nova Revita ; JRA hon py — Rau] Motive para Reis / Reason for Revising: Gest de Mudangn_——[]_Investigngo de Aidente > Auitvin 1 Aleras sense | Manag.of Change J Accident Investigation J Audit HSE Alerts: [7 Outros specitiae: Other Spe Participanes: Eu conheyo os prigotscos, aspctoslimpactosenvevidose controls neessros para realizar o trabalho seguro e quando neceshrn fare inferrupfo para seguranga (TOFS). Validagio da JRA pela Pessoa Lider da JRA. Fungto Empresa Visto Responsivel Fungo Empresa Visto JRA Team Leader 1 Function Hewes |) ie [ea bE 1 Funetion Company 1 Signature RP) Gwenolé Kerjean CPE TeehniprMc [| y Nom dor part Fungio Empresa Visto eee enero Fungo Empresa Visto ene es {Function 1-Company Signature Tenia 1 Funetion 1 Company Signature Bruno Amaral Eng, Hyd TOP Raphael Vargas Mechanie Tech ‘TechnipFMC Gea ed cereal eapren dll oar Autoridade Ewiivora ou OGM oi Gertnela Onshore Issuing Authority 1A) or OCM or Onshore Manager Documentos de Referncin / Reference Docunents BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21160 Rev 2 Risk Assessment BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21180 Rev I~ ISSOW BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21230 Rev 0 - Work at Height BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21240 Rev | ~ Toolbox Talks Procedure BMOS-FMS3-HSM-23190 Rev 0 — Housekeeping Management BMOS-FMS3-HSM-221 60 Rey 0 - Dropped Objects BMOS-FMS3-HSM-231 10 Rey 0 - Barriers and Signage BMOS-FMS3-HSM-23190 Rev 0 - Housekeeping Management ‘Comentirios / Comments: PPE => coverall, helmet, safety goggles, safety glove (antl-choc gloves have to be use to handle and remove the pads), ear protector and safety boot, safety harness. EPI => Macacto, capacete, éculos de seguranga, luva de seguranga (lavas ant-impacto obrigatér ‘durante 0 manuseio das sapatas), protetor auricular e bota de seguran¢a, cinto de seguranca [BMOS-FMS3-IISM-21160-01 - Rev. 4— 081062017 Page: 1/7 FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE N° da JRA Nivel OF Level 0! - JRA no. do PLS ¥ TechnipFMC TAREFA ‘N° da JRA Level 02 SRA-CDA-PL-492, JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM Level 02 - JRA no. “Auvidade Tsk Hydrate Mantenance ofthe PLS workoor/ Manutngiohydraalin da mena | Revto & Data REVO 1anga019 N | sana reco casas CONSERUENEHS| EDOAS DE CONTROLEENSTENTES imagions | wepoisoecournaut | AYALA | Ame | cana renises Teenseouevces STNG CONTROLS MEASURES renin | ameuilieroe | foe Ee ‘e170 | uaa og et lini a oes ypmragsee | commocwcasures || aac inion Puine |e rscumae | pon Seine, | ean “ra et hes ae nas oe ec manda san PR ‘ ‘Bosco events race eapanse | Malmontnns * ‘Mus be Required whan PR sbows 92 | RESIOUA ji co Pood vad ieee coi 1 resronsavencsroushe | Mi’ scaler trae neo on ‘roan 71a prspaason | Mant anding | Mang ayeaipment © | Pos njuy | Meximum baling ad fon eon before and afer working ee M23 Kg/ Worn =20 Kg 2 persons = 31 Ke3pesons=35 Ke As forlpiequited ‘rea Barer Meinntsto | Movimento de Dano apeoas | Respite dcr por pesos ran apenas pesado para omen =23 KyMule 20 tea de aba 2 pena = 3K pessoas 35K Scar aja fr nesessrio ‘Arca baring Sip pl a arson npg | Chesk working a ele moving eupmen or sa Lack ofrgniaton and | andesuipment Job towering damaged Maxima haning oad fo on en: Man=23 Kg Worn =20 Ke 2 penons~31 Kp. persons 35 KE ‘Ask for oped Prepare Howickeeping fer ample tne depos | Fscomepto, | Fala de organiza fimpeza trope equ Dano apessoa.e | Vrifcrlcl daha fin ates de movimeniar cavipamenton | magus eupaents ow 0 coer vida Reset line era por pessoas Home 23 KyMler-20 Kg 2 pesos = 31K 5 peas “33K Shc ajuda se for nsesso Organizar local ¢ ferramentas antes © depois da atividade BMOS-FMS3-HSM21 160401 -Rev- 408062017 Page: 2/7 FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE | ,'7)*4n7'8°" ¥ TechnipFMC TAREFA Naa IRA Level 02 TRLCDAE Casa | JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM evel 02-JRA “Attrldnde / Taal: Maintenance ofthe PLS worker & flaps! Manutengo de mesa edo apr. do erate & Dats REVO 16/03/2019 N | Etarapa renco CAUSA CONSEQUENCS 'NEDIOAS DE CONTROLE ENSTENTES WNALAGIODE | MEDOASDECONTROLE | AVALIAG cule sTuowe hszae0 causes 1cONSEQUENCES esr CONTROLS WEASURES mscoment | anoows/anorona — | “Boos (ses | nee | crac, ay Sonex ge eed pon aera | ae | rt cn cteamponne | "Meiers po — cc a see reno er 0 resroxsiveniesrowsave | “ish Nan onan Bar ets ne Poste — Oneratian z 2] Open totch and | Sip tp an aT | Wdequate man nding | Pesonal injury | Sulatle wea condtons, Sea ase 24 | Pinched point | Ship movement | Toa box talk 4)? 4)? iahatoen Lack of PI Permit to Wok sama ‘Slippery floor Correct PPE for task. (reference document: PR-BFL-04~ ‘OPR.06), ‘Check wth ridge for weather Freas and review ep. — BS ‘Acc de | ee aneta | Mansi mere nadeqido | Dano a pessoas ane atin dsc Aa Conde cc, same Pr emia oe Pha exemption DS ane do neo da taefa EPI come par wef (Soimeno de refernla PR-BFL- oLornean4) Verifiqse om ponte previsto do tempo eesti de revs. = PSS [BMOS-FMS3-HSM21160-01- Rev, 4 08/06/2017 Page: 3/7 FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE TAREFA NP da JRA Nivel OF Level 01 - JRA no, NP da JRA Level 02 » 3 TechnipFMC JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM Level 02 - JRA no. JRA-CDA-PL492 Maintenance of the PLS workfloor & flaps/ Manutengio da mesa e dos flaps do Revisto & Data Revision & Date REVO 16/03/2019 Pus 3 | Ferraine —] Sp ipsa] Sipe Toor Fess ay | FAW and THT be permed porte ma oftejo> ] Wang era waren 7 maintenance | Pinched point | Ships movements Pollution Isolation of HPU on PLC and Toeal isolation (valve) ‘motor shaft and moon pool is | 4 tiervorine | Stacey Cetera cit | Equpmen | ont HU on FLC md probed wn C) a fatsta | takoreremorinaceune | dammpe Barna ‘ins beteca mse sa Oil leakage PPE and/or PPE damaged rained and competent per and moon pool ean only be Poor visibility. ‘Watch man on deck ‘performed on port, with lifejacket ere Chk UT rt communication wih ach man on Talay hates este senior oth hee, rn Dnt wets eed forte iho Ascoring © MOS MSSM 23160 an BMOS-NSESM- ma: Che PP cry ior tothe sta of eb {het os op porte sat he eb Soyo bene niger Noite Adlon! hing Dept npc rexel anacnto | esconane, | Pio esorepo Lesa pss Mikes | toptecueta | Movimoastedacniacasto | Feate PF eS deve eres so od ao do PLS Pensamento de | Equipamento no isolado Dano em {colamento de HPU ne PLC ¢ locakmemte (viva) “Trabathar entse 0 cine do motor rreninss | Fale Er cow EP Panny | Peon cope e wie Gimme caborts ome ce Freoer | Ineo co EP aids Uso conn S serra do EP aes do ‘hae pti undo 0 Stoumaoon | nd ini drab mwnanome ‘movimento Espago rest Umma pessoa como vigia no convés c/ou emibaixo da mesa aa Seth ue penton eschews tomae Yemen ‘cr soni UNF cm ova pen ae apostle doe do wnanlo reo iho, aecareanse cae Us apo frames aed pus rb; SSrovsne em sesepurapne (De crs com BMOS-NS3-I8M23160¢ BMOS- fio dere OM) rss4ts227) ‘Verificar condigao das ferramentas antes d iniciat eric cnbges ds EP ets oid lo Usa SOPEP no po exomeato necro. Instalar refletor extra caso a iluminagto ni exteja sue, Page:4/7 'BMOS-FMS3-HSM-21160.01 - Rev. 408062017 ¥ TechnipFMC FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE TAREFA JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM’ NP da JRA Nivel OF Level 0! -JRA no. NP da JRA Level 2 Level 02- JRA no, JRA-CDA-PL492 5 ay ime Revisto € Data amar Malnenanes of he PLS workioo & Map Manutenso da mes e dor Mapsdo | Reve § Date REVO 16572019 | Dessonesting Slip tip and all Sppery Noor esnal jay] PTW and THT to be pefomed porto thesia oFtejoo |, ‘Wain iewesnworktoor |, hyratichoses | Pind point | Ships movements Polaton Isolion of HPU on PLC and cl lon (re). ‘motor sal and moon pools Siuek by Equant no folate Equipment Beh pie eels protbited ass (IC) Falla sea Lisl of PPE andor inadequate | damage Teer lapse eta, ‘Working beeen moc shat Oil leakage. PPE and/or PPE damaged rained and competent personn and moon pool can only be Poor visibility ‘Watch men om dock: ‘performed on port, with lifejacket Rested space Check UH radio communication with he watch man on Ta sy hanes and esos {eck prior othe stat ofthe ob. plan. (PIC) Only we oos ddd fer thigh jo (Aceording to BMOS-PMSI-HSM-23160 and BMOS-EMSIASM- m0, Chek PE inert prio othe tat of he job Check oo intary prior othe tar ofthe jo Spe ki standby incase oo leak ‘Adina iting tobe pin ple i mcded Po ceomerates c PF €DDS deve se realizes do nod tabatho Sl eho gordo Desconexto das | Escort. Movimentago da embarcasso | pone" | stemeno da PU no PLC elocamente (Alla) damesn a borda da mesa de manpucess | tpeghocqueds | Egtipamenio nto kao Dano em Pessoas competemee weinadas trabalho ¢ probe quando 0 Indeticas | Prema de | Ft Plt teats | Pavinemeno | Uso corto de verifier intesdade dos EP wes do ravi est no ma — Fabia be hoi. | ahha Ha Pee et oem | Fava esto {ima pessou como vigin no conves cou embaixo da mesa movimento (na etruda dn escoi do sesso) ‘quando o navio esti atracado & creer ‘Verficr a emnicaydo UHF com ovgie pessoa Sim rgnene dete Some ‘esponsivel nes do ni do aba e drat bao. Sava vide emo de segura e eo sar apenas frames equa par otal. plano de resale (PC) {De and em BMOS-FMSS.HSM.23160¢ BMOS- FMSS.196.23270) ‘Vera conde das eramentas antes de nicer ‘Verificar condigdes dos EPI antes do inicio do trabalho Kit sopp em andy cao sea necesro Inala elo esr cao alumina no een safe, [BMOS-FMSS-HSM21160-01-Rev. 408062017 Page: 5/7 FORMULARIO DE ANALISE DE RISCOS DE | oer" 1F Technipemc TAREFA N° da JRA Level 02 ‘JRA-CDA-PLA92 JOB RISK ASSESSMENT (JRA) FORM Level 02 - JRA na. Maintenance of the PLS workfloor & flaps! Manutengao da mesa e dos flaps do | Revisto & Data REVO 16/03/2019 Pus Revision & Date N conseauencns. NEIOAS OE CONTROLE EXSTENTES ‘auachone | weDossDEcoNTROLE | AALAG x oS ee wot | Aecenasiacora | ous ‘login a cane 908 anos yuu ee covimat neAsunEs aot au cass oncom e ima cnriaine | NE ‘nut ented en Pas 22 | neous [RESPONSAVEL | RESPONSAVEL — Pant Pen ‘Hierarquia para as Medidas dle Controle Ayaliaglo de Riseo / Risk Analysis 1 Control Measures Hierarchy: PR - Potencial de Riseo Risk Potential P—Probabilidade / Probabiliny nag / elimination sttuigho / substitution 1 =Desconhecida / Not known to ee roles de engenharia / engineering 1 =Desprezivel/ Negligible | ocour 2 Moderado / Moderate 2 = Remota / Not Likely to occur reins piste cen ontrelea 4 = Significante / Significant |4 = Possibilidade razoavel / 1ato8 Same administratvos/ Signage, alerts andor peers ee cere MET/MET - 16 fdniniatveconrels 16 = Catastrofieo/ 8 =Provivel Likely to occur M03 7 Pas - Equipamentos de protego individual Cotaiophic 16 =Muitoprovivel/ Very Lely to | MIMI 64210286 | (pty) Personal Proterne Equipment (PPE) Lista com exemplos de perigos / Hazard list of Guldewords Lest pessoal Harm to people “Meio Ambiente / Environment Dano Materiat/ Damage Project / Project Schedule [BMOS-FIS3-HSM21160-01 - Rev. 4—08/0672017 Page: 6/7 L1L:98ed £102/90/80~ M0Ul- 1-091 HASH ESHS-SONG Tig Wai FonaSI 6 praalvarlas epmbpedanyeptauiery 0 soa paddoscy j soyefqo ap wpangy © uoyisog Apog | oMIUBUOIISeg Oo s]00) fo asu jaassoouy } Ao Pe ont eee _womsod POM 1 8 ‘dt sowouenig 9p onainouy of] © 2 ea Cau 0d /pePMARAERA © woouofy fo-y207 | ogsemsoyuy 9p vie © aang eoudhnbg mevadnb Agno. j wownagis / OYA © Mo} paonaisge /wpInsge OFLA O mousszesy Mrgaedinbepeuied 0] S77 sunydsomy /exsgteute AN © ee inns pny atonbapouy ; epenbapeuy sas ap asz¥y | goupysqns aqyoooypoysnoparcopy/ausoydig f Suey jovseuqwanqy © aydong yBnoug soy jswourad ap W030 syooiopy Jo youy j stwusowKW ap IEA ©) — EANLOIPER!/USOLI04/valso[dx9 wUBISGIS Oo ampraduuay j eamusaday, © Sones seg Sujmunyg fo 4207 | owamefouryd op weA o aiqouueyy / @pepINeMEL Oo anon / pM ‘oySuayunuaos ap eyed © (Psp) s82204,f 24409Uy | uoypjosy ABioug / OOLZID OwaLEE|OS| © aonds pouyfuo j opeuyuod odedsq © peuwosiog paztuoymour / s10}s14 | oxsutoout ope ooeud © eye enka, sipeqionv opt seosed / 0814 somo fo 507 joyssod ap ping. © sanog fo si7] | serbia © Bor etaenae imc no oivn rend saitog fo 5807 j oySeayBsoUDs9q pinoy ON (psioedel Fe] uopo0edg 08g 42410 } oysisadg yBnous 10 } ron9 /oRsIeD © riesgo fopsedsueieg 0] omoiypu wa seseiode sesing) © sranuney ome © vd 210 9 HoIK}Aay por /2pepisny 10ee091 0am Fr | oy say sop 9 eso ep onsuoynueyy dey 9 Joop HOM ST 2H) J029NENNEHNL ou pair ~20 2001 WOA (VAL) LNANSSASSV MSTA TOL tortavar-vur rayeurr ve #9 Vara. 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