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3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.

Activity 1.4.3 Puntos totales 7/27

Assessment 1.2.2

Correo *

0 de 0 puntos

Last Name: *

Gutierrez Luna

First Name: *

Pablo… 1/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

Section 1 2 de 6 puntos

Read the article about Caterina and Roque then choose the sentence that best describes the situation.

Skating Success

Caterina has been a skater since 1998. 1/1

She is still a skater.… 2/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

She is not a skater anymore.

She has had long hair since she was a little girl. 0/1

She has short hair now.

She has long hair now.

Respuesta correcta

She has long hair now.

She has lived in the same apartment for ten years. 0/1

She lived in a different apartment eleven years ago.

She moved a few years ago.

Respuesta correcta

She lived in a different apartment eleven years ago.… 3/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

Caterina and Roque have been married for five years. 0/1

They are not married now.

They got married five years ago.

Respuesta correcta

They got married five years ago.

They haven't been on a vacation since 2001. 0/1

They are on a vacation now.

They were on a vacation in 2001.

Respuesta correcta

They were on a vacation in 2001.… 4/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

Caterina hasn't won a contest for two years. 1/1

She won a championship two years ago.

She didn't win a championship two years ago.

Section 2 5 de 9 puntos

Complete the sentences using SINCE or FOR.

Mariana Andrade has lived in Sao Paolo __________ 1995 1/1

1. since

2. for

She has been a sportwriter four years 1/1… 5/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3
She has been a sportwriter __________ four years. 1/1

1. since

2. for

__________ June she has written several articles about skateboarding. 1/1

1. since

2. for

This sport has been very popular in Brazil __________ many years. 1/1

1. since

2. for

Mariana has met Burnquist twice __________ she started her job. 1/1

1. since

2. for… 6/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

She loves to skate, but she hasn't skated __________ a long time. 0/1

1. since

2. for

Respuesta correcta


She has been married to Alvaro, another skater, __________ 2003. 0/1

1. since

2. for

Respuesta correcta

since… 7/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

They've had their own house _________ two years, and they've been 0/2
parents __________ July.

1. since / for

2. for / since

3. since / since

4. for / for

Respuesta correcta

for / since

Section 3 0 de 12 puntos

Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verb and with SINCE or FOR.… 8/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

Skateboarding Facts

1. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

has been… 9/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

Has been

2. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta


3. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

have been

Have been… 10/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

4. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta


5. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

have changed

Have changed… 11/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

6. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta


7. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta

since… 12/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

8. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

have taken

Have taken

9. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta

since… 13/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

10. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

have opened

Have opened

11. 0/1

1. for

2. since

Respuesta correcta

since… 14/15
3/11/21 15:59 Activity 1.4.3

12. 0/1

Respuestas correctas

have gone

Have gone

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 Formularios… 15/15

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