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Romanian Journal of MEDICAL PRACTICE

Original articles
Ref: Ro J Med Pract. 2020;15(2)
DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.2.12

Theoretical and practical aspects in the

etiology, diagnostic and treatment in
surrounding tissues of the dental implant
affections: Peri-implantitis
Ilinca Ana LAZAR1, MD, PhD student, Lecturer Gabriela TANASE1, MD, PhD,
Prof. Augustin MIHAI1, MD, PhD, Assist Prof. Ioana VOINESCU1, MD, PhD student,
Assist. Prof. Viorel PERIEANU1, MD, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Glencora COSTACHE1, MD, PhD,
Assist. Prof. Madalina Violeta PERIEANU1, MD, PhD, Lecturer Claudia-Camelia BURCEA1, MD, PhD,
Lecturer Madalina MALITA1, MD, PhD, Assist. Prof. Irina Adriana BEURAN1, MD, PhD,
Assoc. Prof. Liliana BURLIBASA2, PhD, Lecturer Gabriela IORGULESCU, MD, PhD,
Lecturer Narcis MARCOV1, MD, PhD, Assist. Prof. Magdalena Natalia DINA1, MD, PhD,
Assoc. Prof. Mihai BURLIBASA1, MD, PhD, Lecturer Luminita OANCEA1, MD, PhD,
Assoc. Prof. Ileana IONESCU1, MD, PhD, Lecturer Elena-Cristina MARCOV1, MD, PhD
”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest, Romania

Introduction. Peri-implantitis is a non-specific inflammation, induced or maintained in the host tissues.
Peri-implantitis usually presents a succession of specific symptoms, such as: bleeding on palpation, mobili-
ty of the dental implant, pain, increased depth of the pockets located around dental implants.
Purpose. Thus, in this material we wanted to carry out a review of the main notions, both theoretical and
practical, which characterize the diseases of surrounding tissues of dental implant called peri-implantitis.
Material and method. For this study, we used 31 practitioners from Bucharest who frequently perform
implant-prosthetic rehabilitation treatments, based on a questionnaire consisting of 6 questions.
Results and discussions. The doctors included in the study showed that they have a thorough training
in the field of implant-prosthetic restorations and of course in the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis.
Conclusions. In-depth knowledge of the notions related to peri-implantitis leads to an early diagnosis,
favoring the rapid application of a treatment that prevents the occurrence of subsequent complications.

Keywords: peri-implant diseases, implant-prosthetic rehabilitation, oral implantology

INTRODUCTION prosthetic rehabilitation procedures have become,

and become daily, routine operations, for an increas-
If, more than 2 decades ago, in Romania, both the ing number of dentists.
insertion of dental implants and their prosthetic reha- In fact, we refer to a pioneering period in Romani-
bilitation represented a rather delicate problem an implantology and, it started shy in Romania, almost
among dental specialists, nowadays, these implant- immediately after 1990, but became a real trend in

Corresponding author:
Assist. Prof. Magdalena Natalia Dina, MD, PhD

186 Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020
Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020

dental practice, only after 1996, when, a number of properly, it can even lead at the loss of the dental im-
extremely important factors, favored the implementa- plant.
tion in our country of these techniques (considered
revolutionary at that time) for oral rehabilitation, for
almost any type of edentation, maxillary and/or man-
dibular, by inserting dental implants, followed by their In almost any medical act, and especially in the acts
subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation by dental practi- with a pronounced surgical component, as are some
tioners with implant-supported restorations fixed or medical acts specific to oral implantology, accidents
mobile. Of those factors mentioned above, which have can occur, materialized both by failures and complica-
contributed to the emergence in Romania of im- tions. A classification of these accidents and complica-
plant-prosthetic rehabilitation techniques, we must tions can be stated as follows (1):
mention: a. accidents (intraoperative incidents);
−− the introduction in the educational curricula of b. complications arising during the period of osseo-
the faculties of dentistry in Romania as a study integration;
discipline of oral implantology; c. accidents that may occur when mounting the
−− the appearance of postgraduate courses in oral prosthetic abutment and when fixing or cementing
implantology, more or less accessible for dental the prosthetic superstructure;
practitioners in Romania. In our case, it is about d. late complications.
that competence in oral implantology that first Thus, peri-implantitis, conditions localized in the
appeared in Bucharest and which took place in tissues around dental implant that we have addressed
the Central Military Hospital, under the careful in this material, are part of the of late complications
coordination of Professor Augustin Mihai, MD, category, which we encounter in oral implantology (1).
PhD; But what peri-implantitis are actually?
−− introducing on the Romanian dental market Specifically, the “peri-implantitis” term was intro-
both a competitive equipment and instruments, duced by Mombelli et al., in a study on the microbial
but also some specific materials for the im- flora around dental implants, with and without bone
plant-prosthetic rehabilitation of a much newer loss, being defined as follows: “Peri-implantitis can be
generation. considered a localized infection, which has many as-
But, at the level of 2019, the implant-prosthetic re- pects in common with chronic periodontitis” (2,3).
habilitation has become, with the increasing number However, peri-implant disease, as defined in the first
of dental practitioners, a routine in the specialized Workshop of Periodontology – Ittingen, Switzerland,
dental offices. Basically, more and more dentists are since 1993, differ in two stages (3,4):
starting from the idea that, the rehabilitation of any 1. Peri-implantary mucositis: is a reversible in-
type of edentation can be done extremely quickly and flammatory reaction of the mucosa adjacent to
professionally, by inserting dental implants and their a dental implant;
subsequent prosthetic restoration. And, this aspect 2. Peri-implantitis: it is an inflammatory process
has become almost a normality among the dental that affects the tissues around an osseointe-
practitioners in Romania, considering the much great- grated dental implant that is functionally load-
er benefits that they have from the implant-prosthetic ed and causes loss of supporting bone tissue
rehabilitation treatments, compared to the traditional (3,4).
general dentistry treatments. However, the definitions associated with peri-im-
Unfortunately, implant-prosthetic rehabilitation is plantitis did not stop here. Thus, during the 6th Work-
not really a treatment with absolute success. As in any shop of Periodontology, some minor modifications of
medical act, a series of failures and complications can these definitions were made, namely: the terms “re-
occur, which can lead immediately or in time to some versible” / “irreversible” were removed, it was speci-
quite serious failures for both the patient and the fied that peri-implantitis is of an infectious nature and
medical team. Thus, even in the case of implant-pros- it was pointed out that: “peri-implant mucositis is an
thetic rehabilitation, a multitude of failures may occur, inflammatory lesion, which affects the mucosa around
due to complications occurring either during the inser- the dental implant, while peri-implantitis also affects
tion of dental implants, or after surgical step, immedi- the supporting bone tissue” (3,5,6).
ately and/or late. Such a complication that may occur In the specialty literature, several risk factors in the
during an implant-prosthetic rehabilitation is repre- production of peri-implantitis are highlighted, but
sented by peri-implantitis: we actually talk about a which are also associated with the presence of perio-
late complication of the implant treatment, it is of mi- dontal diseases (3,6). The risk factors in the production
crobial cause, and if it is not treated in time and/or of peri-implantitis are (3,6,7):

Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020

−− Smoking. The risk of peri-implantitis disease is −− Establishing an efficient control protocol of the
double in smokers, compared to non-smokers microbial plaque;
(3); −− Bone reintegration of dental implants.
−− The history of periodontal disease. Patients Thus, the enunciation of these general principles of
with periodontal disease treated with dental treatment, will constitute the first steps in the particu-
implants have an increased risk of developing larization of a specific treatment, for each case of
peri-implantitis. Specifically, untreated perio- peri-implantitis (11-18).
dontal disease is a risk factor in the evolution of But we, the authors, consider that these previously
treatment with dental implants (3); presented notions, regarding peri-implantitis, must be
−− Poor oral hygiene. Most clinical studies in the well known and well understood by all dental practi-
specialty literature associate poor oral hygiene tioners, especially those who perform mainly im-
with the appearance of peri-implantitis; plant-prosthetic rehabilitation treatments, aspect that
−− Microbial agents. Studies using electron mi- actually constitutes, and the purpose of this report
croscopy and techniques based on anaerobic (19-24).
bacterial cultures have shown that microorga-
nisms associated with healthy periodontal tissu-
es or with mild gingival inflammation are similar MATERIAL AND METHOD
to those found in clinically healthy sulcus around In carrying out this study, we used a questionnaire,
dental implant, the treatment failure it is largely which presented a number of advantages, such as (8-
determined by pathogenic microorganisms simi-
lar to those involved in adult periodontitis (3);
−− The speed and convenience of obtaining guid-
−− Surface of dental implants. There is a direct relati-
ance information for prospecting purposes;
onship between the surface roughness of dental
−− Trends of opinion;
implants used and the degree of microbial coloni-
−− Sincerity of the answers, due to anonymity and
zation above and below gingival margin (7).
But, when we discuss about the diagnosis of confidentiality;
peri-implantitis, this is, in most cases, similar to perio- −− Capture the influence of a facilitating and dis-
dontal disorders and is characterized by (3,7): ruptive factor, before the effects are factually
−− The presence of vertical destruction of the alve- visible.
olar bone; Specifically, a questionnaire consisting of 6 items
−− Formation of pockets around implants; was used. It was applied, subjected to anonymity, to a
−− Edematous tissues; number of 31 dental practitioners from the private
−− Mobility of the implant; system, from the Bucharest, who frequently perform
−− Bleeding and/or suppuration at slight palpati- specialized implant-prosthetic rehabilitation treat-
on, etc. ments, but insisting mainly on the surgical component
However, in order to establish a correct diagnosis of this type of treatment, namely, on the insertion of
in the case of peri-implantitis, both the use of high dental implants. Dental practitioner’s age ranged from
quality imaging examinations (conventional radiogra- 30 to 55 years, and gender distribution was as follows:
phy, panoramic radiography, digital radiography, etc.) 17 of the subjects were male (54.84%), while 14 sub-
and a firm and relevant interpretation of them are jects were female (45.16%) (Fig. 1).

Starting from these aspects presented in the Gen-
eral Data part, in the specialized literature, some gen-
eral objectives have been stated, regarding the treat-
ment of peri-implantitis, as follows (3,7):
−− Removal and/or modification of the microbial
plaque from the peri-implant sulcus;
−− Decontamination and conditioning of the sur- FIGURE 1. Gender distribution of subjects included in study
faces of dental implants; Questionnaire
−− Correction and / or elimination of sites, which 1. Before performing implant-prosthetic rehabilita-
cannot be properly cleaned; tion treatments:

Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020

a. You have taken postgraduate training courses Correct answers: a, b, c.

such as a competence in implantology and/or 6. The classic treatment principles of peri-implanti-
have taken other types of theoretical and prac- tis are the following?
tical training courses? a. Removal and/or modification of the microbial
b. Did you learn from other qualified persons? plaque from the peri-implant sulcus;
c. Did you learn strictly based on an individual b. Decontamination and conditioning of dental
study? implants surfaces;
Correct answer: a. c. Correction and/or removal of areas that cannot
2. Accidents and complications in oral implantology be properly cleaned;
can be systematized as follows?
d. Establishing an efficient control protocol of the
a. Accidents (intraoperative incidents), but also
microbial plaque;
complications that occurred during the osseoin-
e. Bone reintegration of the dental implant;
tegration period;
b. Accidents that may occur when mounting the f. Emergency removal of the entire implant-sup-
prosthetic abutment and fixing or cementing ported prosthetic restoration.
the prosthetic superstructure, but also late Correct answers: a, b, c, d, e.
c. Accidents of antagonist teeth / accidents of the RESULTS
soft tissues.
Correct answers: a, b. The first thing we observe, and which gives greater
3. Peri-implantitis is a localized infection, which has value to the study, is that all participants in this study
many aspects in common with chronic periodontitis, have attended and graduated in different forms spe-
and is different in several aspects as? cialized courses in oral implantology. This shows the
a. Peri-implantary mucositis, which is an inflam- interest of those involved in the study for practicing
matory reaction of the mucosa adjacent to a correctly with solid knowledge in order to obtain the
dental implant; best results.
b. Peri-implantitis, which is an inflammatory pro- About the accidents and complications existing in
cess, which affects the tissues around an osseo- the oral implantology, 22 doctors (representing
integrated prosthetically functional loaded den- 70.97%) answered correctly, while only 9 doctors in-
tal implant, and which causes the loss of cluded besides the correct variants and the answer
supporting bone; variant c (Fig. 2).
c. Periodontitis, which is a chronic irreversible dis-
ease, with the presence of gingival inflamma-
tion located in areas in which there was a
pathological attachment loss of fibers from the
periodontal ligament to cement, with the apical
migration of the junctional epithelium and a
bone loss that can be radiologically detected?
Correct answers: a, b.
4. The risk factors in the production of peri-implan-
titis are?
a. Smoking and history of periodontal disease;
b. Poor oral hygiene and microbial agents;
c. Surface of dental implants;
d. Polluting and climatic factors. FIGURE 2. Systematization of accidents and complications in
Correct answers: a, b, c. oral implantology
5. The diagnosis of peri-implantitis is similar to per-
iodontal disease and includes the following aspects? The differences between chronic periodontitis and
a. Presence of vertical destruction of the alveolar peri-implantitis were correctly reported by the major-
bone and formation of peri-implant pockets; ity of study participants (29 representing 93.55%),
b. Edematous tissues, bleeding and/or suppura- while only 2 participants (representing 6.45%) an-
tion at slight palpation, implant mobility; swered incorrectly (Fig. 3).
c. A radiologic examination is also required;
d. Removal from the first moment of the dental

Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020

velopment of treatment schemes for peri-implantitis.

In a review published by Smeets et al. in 2014 are ana-
lyzed based on the literature: definition, etiology, pre-
vention and treatment of peri-implantitis (25). In
2018, Schwarz et al. conducted an exhaustive narra-
tive review, and if the first study focused more on the
treatment side, Schwarz et al. they tried to shed light
on several aspects of peri-implantitis. They analyzed
as follows: current definition, conversion from peri-im-
plant mucositis to peri-implantitis, onset and pattern
of disease progression, characteristics of peri-implan-
titis, risk factors / indicators for peri-implantitis, pro-
gressive crestal bone loss in the absence of soft tissue
inflammation (26). The most widely accepted defini-
tion is the one stated in “The Consensus Report of
FIGURE 3. Differences between chronic periodontitis and peri- Workgroup 4 of the 2017 World Workshop on the
implantitis Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases
and Conditions: peri-implantitis is an inflammatory
Regarding the risk factors in the production of process from a microbial origin that causes bone loss
peri-implantitis, only 12 respondents answered incor- and if not treated could lead to the loss of the im-
rectly (representing 38.71%), while the rest of 19 re- plant-supported restoration (27). In 2019, Monje et al.
spondents answered correctly, namely smoking, peri- conducted another review to highlight the correlation
odontal disease in history, poor oral hygiene and the between peri-implantitis, dental plaque and predis-
surface of the implants (Fig. 4). posing factors (28).
For these reasons, several important study direc-
tions are outlined, namely: establishing the diagnosis,
correlating with risk factors, prevention and treatment
of peri-implantitis.
While the aforementioned studies describe in de-
tail the elements on the basis of which the diagnosis of
peri-implantitis is established, there are numerous
other studies that cover the rest of the research area.
In a study published in 2015, Jepsen et al. described
FIGURE 4. Risk factors in the production of peri-implantitis the management of peri-implant mucositis in order to
prevent the occurrence of peri-implantitis (29).
Regarding the risk factors, Stacchi et al. conducted
Concerning the elements that establish the diagno-
sis of peri-implantitis all participants in the study an- a review connected to the role of the history of perio-
swered correctly. dontal disease and smoking habits for peri-implantitis.
Also to the last question about the classical princi- The conclusion they reached is that the history of per-
ples in the treatment of peri-implantitis all the practi- iodontal disease could be a risk factor while for smok-
tioners included in the study answered correctly. This ing there is not enough data to assess its role in the
shows the increased level of professional training of appearance of peri-implantitis (30). Analyzing the im-
those who participated in this study. plant-based factors as possible risk factors for peri-im-
plantitis, Zandim-Barcelos et al. concluded that there
is a connection between the occurrence of peri-im-
DISCUSSION plantitis and the implant-based factors, but for a bet-
With the widespread use of dental implants, sever- ter understanding further evidences are require (31).
al aspects began to be analyzed in addition to the sur- Also Ahn et al. in their study showed that there is a
gical and osseointegration stages. Just as the tooth is statistically significant link between smoking and
fixed in the bone through the root and the dental peri-implantitis. Another significant factor was pros-
crown is visible in the oral cavity, so the implant is fixed thetic splinting (32).
in the bone and the prosthetic work fixed on the im- Regarding the treatment, one thing is clear, once
plant is visible in the oral cavity. the condition is detected, it is necessary to intervene
The use of prosthetic works on implants over time to remove the inflammatory factors and restore the
has led to the detection, diagnosis and subsequent de- affected tissues. Whether a preventive therapy of

Romanian Journal of Medical Practice – Vol. XV, No. 2 (71), 2020

maintenance is approached, as described in the study training courses, which is very important, because
conducted by Rösing el al. (33), or more aggressive they wanted the acquisition of theoretical and practi-
therapy when the condition is detected late or as a re- cal knowledge in the field of oral implantology, to be
sult of material defects as described by Wang et al. realized by the teaching by specialized personnel and
(34). with a lot of didactic experience. At the same time, the
As can be seen, there are recent studies (2014- dental practitioners involved in the study have stated
2019), which means that it is a constantly evolving that obtaining a diploma for graduating such training
condition and its understanding and treatment are not courses gives them a legal status in approaching the
complete. implant-prosthetic rehabilitation treatments.
For this reason, the knowledge of the elements
that lead to the diagnosis of peri-implantitis, as well as
the elements that help the differential diagnosis of
marginal periodontitis, as we showed in this article, More than 2/3 of the dental practitioners (about
plays an important role in the early detection of this 71%) who chose to answer the questions are aware of
condition. In the same way, the risk factors that favor the risks, accidents and complications, following the
the appearance of peri-implantitis must be known, in implant-prosthetic rehabilitation treatments.
this sense being many studies that highlighted a series Most of the dental practitioners involved in the
of factors involved in the appearance of peri-implanti- study (about 97%), make a clear and categorical dis-
tis such as: smoking, periodontal disease in history, tinction between peri-implantitis, peri-mucositis and
poor oral hygiene, surface of the implants. periodontal disease.
What is more important besides the theory part, Almost 2/3 of the subjects involved in the study
specific to researchers and those from university (approximately 62%) have a strong knowledge regard-
centers, is the knowledge and understanding of these ing the risk factors incriminated in the production of
aspects by doctors who perform implant-prosthetic peri-implantitis, while 1/3 of the dental practitioners
treatments in the private health network, which we who have chosen to answer the questionnaire do
tried to highlight by this study. some little confusion about these details.
The subjects from this study were between the Both regarding the diagnosis of peri-implantitis
ages of 30 and 55, which denotes an extremely inter- and the classical principles of treatment of these con-
esting thing, in this age range, this type of maneuvers ditions, all the practitioners involved in the study have
with surgical component (insertion of dental implants), proven that they know very well both the theoretical
has such an excellent accuracy. and practical notions related to these vital aspects in
It should be noted that compared to other surgical the survival of a dental implant on the arch.
specialties among practitioners dealing with the surgi-
cal insertion of dental implants we find both women Acknowledgement
and men in a portion that tends to be equalized. In this article, all the authors have equal contribu-
All the subjects involved in the study have followed tion with the first author.
postgraduate training courses as implantology compe-
tence and/or other types of theoretical and practical

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