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Chapter 7

Carbonyl Method of Metal Powder Production

Irina V. Frishberg, Fine Metal Powders R&D Company, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Chemical Precipitation with carbon monoxide at elevated pressures and tem-

peratures followed by thermal decomposition of the
Physical and chemical techniques of gas-phase man- metal carbonyls with deposition of the metal as pow-
ufacturing of metal powders have a common theoret- der, and recycling of the carbon monoxide according
ical basis, so that in a number of processes they can to the scheme:
hardly be separated. A chemical reaction may answer
for the formation of the metal vapor; its precipitation
may proceed as a result of simple condensation. At
the same time, the evaporation–condensation proc- M x B z  yCO  [zB]  M x (CO)y  xM  yCO
esses also involve chemical interactions.
Synthesis Thermal decomposition
The process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of carbonyl of carbonyl
mainly of high purity refractory metals requires
reagents able to vaporize without decomposition,
creating a sufficient concentration of the vapor of where B stands for the ‘ballast’ matters (oxygen, salt
the metal-containing compound and giving, upon residue, impurities, etc.); x, y and z stand for the coef-
decomposition of the latter and deposition of the ficients, the values of which depend on the nature of
metal, only gaseous and chemically inert substances. the metal; Mx(CO)y is the carbonyl of the metal M.
The decomposition of metal-containing compounds The flow sheet of the synthesis and decomposition
takes place as a result of a heat impact (plasma dis- of carbonyls is shown in Figure 7.1.
charge, laser radiation). For chemical deposition, The carbonyl process is used for manufacturing
reducing agents are used, e.g. hydrogen for deposition powders of non-ferrous metals of VI, VII and VIII
of tungsten from halides (see Chapter 21) and zinc or groups of the Periodic Table (nickel, partly tung-
magnesium vapors for a quick deposition of titanium, sten, molybdenum, cobalt and some platinum group
zirconium and beryllium from their halides. Using metals). Characteristic features of this process are low
hydrogen lowers the process temperature. raw material and energy consumption, versatility of
When a metal is used as a reducing agent, its raw materials, high yield and purity of powders pro-
quantity must strictly correspond to the stoichiome- duced, possibility of completely automated operation.
try of the reaction to prevent its co-precipitation and The technique affords control of particle size, shape
appearance in the powder. A lowered pressure serves and structure. It makes possible the production of
the same purpose. metallic films, coatings, filamentary crystals, as well
The method of chemical deposition from the gas as of composite materials.
phase is universal; it enables the manufacture of Applicability only to a limited range of metals is
powders of the highest purity of the majority of one of the shortcomings of the method. The others
refractory metals with targeted chemical composi- are the toxicity of the materials and high pressures
tion, particle size and shape, and the introduction of involved in the process, necessity of environmental
necessary additives as well. control and of health and safety measures.

Preparation of Metal Carbonyls Theoretical Basis of the Synthesis

The carbonyl method is one of the most widely used Metal carbonyls are volatile and low-melting com-
methods of chemical deposition [1–4]. Its basis con- pounds of the Mx(CO)y type that decompose on heat-
sists of the treatment of metal-containing materials ing into carbon monoxide and metal, their properties
Carbonyl Method of Metal Powder Production 155

Figure 7.1 Flow sheet of the carbonyl process.

being conditioned by the structure of the carbonyl formed compared to the starting materials. Therefore,
molecules and the type of chemical bonds in them. the process requires high pressures and moderate
In the molecules of metal carbonyls, CO-groups are temperatures (Figure 7.2).
bound to the atom of the metal via carbon atoms: The synthesis of carbonyls takes place at the
the electron pair of the carbon atom is transferred gas–solid boundary and goes through the follow-
to the metal atom with formation a -bond, and - ing stages: carbon monoxide diffusion from the gas
electrons of the metal are transferred to vacant phase towards the solid surface that has cracks and
anti-bonding *-orbitals of CO (-bond). The metal pores; formation of an absorbed layer of CO on the
coordinates such a number of CO-groups as to fill its surface; chemical reaction of CO with the metal in
electron orbitals to the electron structure of the fol- this layer, with the initial formation of sub-carbonyls,
lowing inert gas. It is assumed that CO donates two followed by the formation of the Mx(CO)y molecule;
electrons and the metal is in the zero oxidation state diffusion of metal carbonyl molecules from the solid
(in the neutral metal carbonyls). surface into the gas phase. The reaction rate is, as
There are metal carbonyls of mononuclear and a rule, limited by the diffusion of the gaseous com-
polynuclear structure. In the polynuclear carbon- pounds. Activation of the solid surface accelerates
yls, the metal atoms are bound to each other directly the synthesis reaction.
and, in many cases, also via bridging CO-groups. The Metal carbonyls are obtained by a direct reaction
formula of carbonyls is determined according to the of carbon monoxide with free metals according to
equations: the reaction (Eqn (1)) or by the reaction of carbon
monoxide with metal compounds in the presence of
(xm  2y) reducing agents such as H2, Zn, Mg, Na, aluminum-
G  x 1 (1) organic compounds, complex metal hydrides etc, for
Y  (x/2)  (G  m  x  1) (2) Ni3S2  4Cu  12CO  3Ni(CO)4  2Cu2S (4)

where m stands for the metal atomic number and G The latter method is widely employed in practice
stands for the atomic number of the nearest inert gas due to its higher tolerance to the purity grade of the
following the metal in the Periodic Table. raw materials.
Some properties of metal carbonyls are given in Another known technique is carbonyl formation
Table 7.1. carried out in aqueous media or organic solvents:
Metal carbonyls arise upon reaction of the metal,
in its active state, with carbon monoxide according
ether, dichloroethane
to the reversible reaction: 2MoCl5  5Zn  12CO ⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
2Mo(CO)6  5ZnCl 2 (5)
xM  yCO  M x (CO)y (3)
The reaction is exothermic, it is accompanied by WCl6  3Zn  6CO ⎯ ⎯⎯ → W(CO)6  3ZnCl 2
a decrease in the number of moles of the products (6)
Table 7.1 Properties of metal carbonyls

Carbonyl Physical Color Temperature (°C) Density at Reaction Solvents of carbonyls

state 20°C (kg/m3) with air
Evaporation Boiling Melting Decomposition

Group V of Periodic table

V (CO)6 Solid Blue-green 40 ... ... 70 ... Yes Ethers, pyridine, toluene,
Group VI
Cr (CO)6 Solid Colorless 30 153 147 90–230 1.77 No Chloroform, ethers, benzene,
Mo (CO)6 Solid Colorless 40 155 148 130–400 1.96 No Ethers, benzene
W (CO)6 Solid Colorless 50 175 169 140–500 2.65 No Chloroform, ethers, alcohols
Group VII
Mn2 (CO)10 Solid Golden-yellow 50 P 154 110–300 1.81 Weak Ethers, organic solvents
Tc2 (CO)10 Solid Colorless 50 ... 159 60–70 - No Ether, acetone
Group VIII
Fe (CO)6 Liquid Light-yellow 100 103 20 60–250 1.47 No Petrol, benzene, ethers
Os (CO)5 Liquid Colorless ... ... 15 ... ... - Benzene (weakly)
Os3 (CO)12 Solid Light-yellow 130 ... 224 ... ... No Benzene (weakly)
Co2 (CO)8 Solid Orange 45 P 51 25–52 1.82 Yes Petrol, benzene, alcohols
Co4 (CO)12 Solid Dark green ... P ... 60 ... Yes Pentene, benzene
Rh2 (CO)8 Solid Orange-yellow - P 76 ... ... Yes Organic solvents
[Rh (CO)3] x Solid Brown -red ... ... ... 200 ... No Benzene (weakly)
Rh6 (CO)15 Solid Black ... ... ... 220 ... Yes Organic solvents (weakly)
Ir2 (CO)8 Solid Greenish-yellow 160 ... ... 100–160 ... Yes Ethers, CCl4
Ni (CO)4 Liquid Colorless 30 43 25 60–200 1.31 No Ethers, benzene, alcohols,
(freezing) acetone
[Pt (CO)2]x Solid Dark red ... P ... 210 3.55 Yes Ketones, aniline, pyridine,

P-decomposes below boiling point.

Carbonyl Method of Metal Powder Production 157

0.1 MPa crushing, granulating, or briquetting the starting

1.00 materials including simultaneous addition of sulfur
25 MPa and oxidation, quenching, treatment with abrasives
The carbonyl content of the gas phase Nc,

16 etc. are used for this purpose.

10 Impurities can act either as inhibitors or as cata-
0.75 lysts of the synthesis. Thus, copper, mercury, iron,
sulfur, selenium, phosphorus and some other ele-
molar fractions

4 ments increase the rate of carbonyl formation of

2 2 MPa nickel-containing materials, while carbon, silicon
0.50 and chromium act conversely. The catalytic effect of
1 20
impurities depends on their content and usually has
0.5 16
10 a maximum, e.g. for copper and for sulfur it equals
0.2 3% and 3–8%, respectively.
0.25 In order to increase the metal content in the
starting material and to intensify the reaction, raw
materials are subjected to a pretreatment using the
techniques of pyro- and hydrometallurgy described
in the chapters relating to the individual metals.
320 370 420 470
T, K
Figure 7.2 The equilibrium content of nickel carbonyl in the
gas phase as a function of the synthesis temperature under Synthesis of Carbonyls
reaction 3. Dashed lines divide the regions of condensed and
gaseous state of the carbonyl.
The synthesis of most carbonyls is carried out at car-
bon monoxide pressures in the range of 0.1–20 MPa
and at temperatures of 47–277°C.
In the process of synthesis of carbonyls of metals The main parameters of the process are pressure,
belonging to groups VI–VIII, a selective extraction temperature, flow rate of the gas stream and the
of the metal from starting raw materials takes place processing time. An increase of the carbon monoxide
due to the fact that all the elements of the groups I–V pressure results in a higher stability of the carbonyls
except vanadium do not form carbonyls. that, in its turn, allows the reaction temperature to
increase accordingly the process rate and the yield
of the carbonyls (see Figure 7.2). However, the use
of expensive high-pressure equipment involves an
Preparation of the Starting increase in both capital outlay and operational costs
Materials for Carbonyl Production due to more sophisticated organization of the con-
tinuous manufacturing process. The higher the reac-
Carbonyls of cobalt and nickel are obtained tivity of the starting material, the lower the optimal
either by direct reaction with pure metal or with value of the synthesis pressure.
metal-containing compounds. Thus, various oxi- The yield of carbonyl depends on the tempera-
dized and sulfide materials such as scrap metal, ture, growing with the rise in temperature up to the
alloys based on Ni–Fe–Cu, Ni–Fe–Cu–S, Ni–Cu–S point where thermal decomposition of the carbonyl
systems etc. are in use as starting materials for com- begins. A further rise of the temperature results in
mercial production of nickel carbonyl. To produce lowering the yield of the product. The intensity of
tungsten and molybdenum carbonyls, chlorides of heat and mass transfer in the reactor depends on the
these metals obtained from the ore concentrates flow rate of the gas stream. Increasing the flow rate
are used. allows the use of a lower operating pressure of CO or,
The reactivity of the starting materials depends at a given pressure, boosts the output. The processing
on their structure, degree of defects and chemical time determines the average rate of the process and
composition and increases with the growth of sur- influences the extraction ratio of the metal.
face area accessible for the chemical interaction. Synthesis of carbonyls is performed in a hermetic
Therefore, a disintegration of the starting materi- vertical or horizontal reactor with cold walls cooled
als to the optimal particle size in the range from 10 naturally or by external cooling means. A counter-
to 25 mm is preferable. Technological operations of flow of metal and gas, rotation of the reactor
158 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

body and special mechanical devices ensure close Manufacture of Powders by

contact and interaction of the compounds. The
reactors are usually provided with charging and Thermal Decomposition of
unloading devices, with those preventing dust release. Metal Carbonyls
There are reactors of continuous or batch action.
The use of reactors with fluidized beds is quite Physico-chemical Basis of the Process
Carbonyl production in aqueous media is carried Thermal decomposition of metal carbonyls is an
out in autoclaves equipped with stirring devices or in endothermic process and, according to the reaction
column reactors of a scrubber type. Pumps are used (Eqn 7), it proceeds with the increase of the amount
for the transportation of the reagents. The favorable of the formed substances, therefore it is expedient to
features of these techniques are continuity of the use low pressures and high temperatures. According
process and ease of control. to the thermodynamic calculations (Figure 7.3), tri-
nuclear carbonyls are most prone and mononuclear
ones are least prone to thermal decomposition.
The nucleation and growth of the new phase can
Extraction, Purification and proceed either heterogeneously on a prepared surface
or in the gas volume. In the first case, a metal coating
Separation of Carbonyls and, in the second case, a metal powder arises.
The decomposition of the metal carbonyls pro-
Normally, the mixture of metal carbonyl vapor and ceeds stepwise, starting with the formation of unsta-
carbon monoxide arising in the synthesis contains ble primary sub-carbonyls and followed by splitting
many admixtures including: carbonyls of elements the carbon monoxide molecules off until only the
belonging to groups close to the base metal; water metal atoms are left. The latter combine to form
(up to 0.5%) that comes from the gas-holder; oil from nuclei of powder particles. The particles, the dimen-
compressors and pumps; chlorine- and sulfur-con- sions of which reach 4–20 nm, continue to grow due
taining compounds introduced at the pretreatment to thermal decomposition of the remaining carbonyl
of the raw materials. To eliminate the admixtures vapor on their surface.
from the vapor–gas mixture, carbonyls are liquefied At high concentrations of carbonyl in the gas
by condensation at a pressure of 2–7 MPa. The puri- phase, the fragments of the carbonyl can aggregate
fication of liquid carbonyls to a significant degree
of purity is carried out in rectification columns by a
conventional technology at atmospheric pressure.
This technique is applicable to purification of nickel
carbonyl containing 2–3% max of iron carbonyl.
Tungsten and molybdenum carbonyls are purified
by steam distillation followed by alkaline washing to
remove traces of chlorides.
If two or more carbonyls are formed in the process
of synthesis in comparable quantities, their purifica-
tion and especially separation become more difficult.
Thus, despite different volatilities of nickel, iron and
cobalt carbonyls, there are no means to prevent their
decomposition when they are separated at atmos-
pheric pressure. The problem calls for more sophis-
ticated and expensive methods of separation such
as rectification under pressure, fractional conden-
sation, or some other special method. Therefore, in
the commercial production of nickel, either starting
materials with low iron content are used or mixed
iron–nickel powders are produced.
In processing tungsten–molybdenum raw materi-
als where full separation of W (CO)6 and Mo (CO)6
is practically impossible, a preliminary separation of Figure 7.3 Dependence G T0 temperature for the reaction
the metal chlorides is performed. of thermal decomposition of metal carbonyls.
Carbonyl Method of Metal Powder Production 159

and this process is accompanied by a partial loss of temperatures depending on the metal: 197–397°C for
CO-group according to the scheme: nickel, 347–1197°C for tungsten and molybdenum,
147–247°C for cobalt. The reaction is carried out in a
M a (CO)i  M b (CO) j  M ab (CO)ijk  kCO vertical column with external heating and filled with
(7) carbon monoxide. Carbonyl vapors from the evapo-
rator are fed into the column. The greater part of the
These aggregates act as nuclei of the new phase. carbonyl decomposes in the upper section of the col-
The process of nucleation depends on the kinetics of umn; the growth and the sintering of the particles
the reaction Eqn (7), in the course of which the aggre- formed take place in the middle and lower sections.
gates transform into metal particles with CO molecules The particles are present initially suspended in the
sorbed on their surface. Sintering and coagulation of volume of the gas and then they precipitate and fall
the particles also contribute to their growth. into a receptacle. In some cases, forced circulation of
Side reactions of decomposition of the carbonyls CO is applied.
lead to the formation of carbon, metal oxides and The main process parameters are the temperature
carbides: in the sections of the apparatus, the concentration
of the carbonyl vapor at the entrance and its feed
CO  0.5CO2  0.5C

rate, the volume flow rate of the gases and the pres-
ence of seeds. The temperature is the most important
2M  CO  MO  MC parameter controlling the powder particle shape and
(8) size. The higher the temperature in the top section of
M  CO  MO  C the apparatus, the more centers of nucleation of the
metal arise and the finer the size of powder particles.
M  2CO  MC  CO2
Raising the temperature from the top to the lower
part of the apparatus intensifies the circulation of
These reactions are typical for all the metals except
the reaction gas leading to a many-fold increase of
rhenium and the metals of the platinum group.
the particle residence time within the apparatus. The
The impurities influence the shape and struc-
result is an increase of particle size.
ture of powder particles. The decomposition of CO,
Diluting the carbonyl vapor with an inert gas or
according to Eqn (8), results in a laminated ‘onion’-
carbon monoxide leads to the formation of finer
type structure of particles of carbonyl powders.
powders; increasing the vapor concentration leads
The carbon and oxygen content of the pow-
to an increase of the particle size. The higher the gas
ders depends on the nature of the metal and on the
volume flow rate, the shorter the period the particles
parameters of the process. Side reactions exert practi-
stay in the apparatus and, accordingly, the finer pow-
cally no influence on the properties of the metal pow-
der is produced, and vice versa.
der. However, an exception must be made for metals
There are two basic modes of powder production
which either do not form stable carbides and are not
in commercial usage:
prone to oxidation or can act as weak catalysts of the
reaction of CO disproportionation (e.g. nickel). The
influence of the side reactions is considerably higher 1. a moderate rate of carbonyl feed at a
for W and Mo. Oxidation of the metal by carbon diox- comparatively low temperature in order to
ide can take place when the latter is present in a con- stimulate the formation of a relatively small
siderable amount. The presence of the iron carbonyl number of coarse primary particles and
Fe (CO)5 in the amount of 1–2% also promotes the to obtain ‘heavy’ powders (with high bulk
decomposition of the carbon monoxide. density); or
The higher the process temperature, the lower 2. a high feed rate at a high temperature leading
the thermodynamic probability of the formation of to the formation of a large number of small
carbides, oxides and other undesirable compounds. primary particles prone to coagulation into
Therefore, the decomposition process should be aggregates that results in the formation of
carried out at a maximal allowable temperature to ‘light’ powders (with low bulk density).
ensure the purity of the metals produced.
In order to obtain fine and almost monodisperse
powder, carbonyl vapors undergo decomposition by
The Technique of Powder Manufacture instantaneous mixing with a large volume of hot
The decomposition of carbonyls is performed at car- inert gas followed by quenching the aerosol formed
bon monoxide pressures close to atmospheric and at by diluting and cooling.
160 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Introduction of nucleation seeds (metallic aerosol, Another method is based on the decomposition of
solid particles) or appropriate chemical agents (oxy- a metal carbonyl on the surface of ‘seeds’ (dispersed
gen, halogens, ammonia, HCl or HNO3 vapors, chlo- particles of metals, non-metals, or oxides, carbides,
rides or bromides of arsenic, boron, silicon, titanium, sulfides, silicates of metals, and their mixtures) intro-
etc.) adds to the productivity of carbonyl decomposi- duced into the reaction volume. In this case, a layer of
tion. The presence of these agents stimulates trans- metal encapsulates both single particles and agglom-
formation of carbonyls into oxides or other metal erates of particles having different properties. The
compounds serving as crystallization nuclei. process is carried out in a fluidized bed. The intense
The parameters of heat and mass transfer and, stirring of the particles results in uniform thickness
accordingly, the design of the apparatus can influ- of the metal coatings obtained.
ence the powder properties and process productivity. The deposition of a metal coating onto the parti-
Heating or cooling of the apparatus sections as well cles imparts corrosion protection, electrical conduc-
as heating the introduced inert gas are used. To pre- tivity, increases heat conductivity etc.
vent metal deposition on the walls of the apparatus
as well as to increase the process productivity, the
gas flow is rendered turbulent either with a stirrer or Properties and Applications of the
with a tangentially placed feeding inlet for the gas. Metal Carbonyl Powders
Adding to the height of the apparatus while lessen-
ing its diameter results in producing coarser powder. The size of carbonyl powder particles varies in a
Placing a broad tube along the axis of the reactor broad range from 0.5 to 20 m. The features of these
decreases the free section and ensures the uniformity powders are high specific surface and considerable
of powder particle size, etc. Feeding the carbonyl into defects of crystalline structure; they are more active
the apparatus through spraying devices makes it more as compared to the powders manufactured by other
widely dispersed, the reaction volume is used more techniques. However, these powders are not inflam-
evenly and the powder is more uniform. The influence mable due to absorbed carbon monoxide that passi-
of temperature in this case is a little lowered. vates the particle surface. The particle shape is close
The details of the carbonyl process for such metals to spherical. Sometimes particles have a laminated
as Ni, Co, W and Mo are given in the corresponding ‘onion’ structure, imparting specific electromagnetic
chapters. properties to the material.
A number of special methods for the decomposi- Carbonyl powders can contain 1–3% of car-
tion of carbonyls are known. Ultraviolet and pulsed bon and oxygen (that is equivalent to about 30%
laser radiation, acoustic vibrations and magnetic of metallic compounds) while the amount of other
field can be used for the manufacture of finely dis- impurities does not exceed 1  103%.
persed uniform powders. In this process, a magnetic The powders can be subjected to additional treat-
field below the Curie point results in a domain struc- ments with the purpose of bringing them into accord-
ture of the ferromagnetic particles formed. ance with the requirements relating to the purity and
In the plasma process, the reaction is carried out the particle size. Mechanical methods (crushing, mix-
in highly ionized argon at a temperature of 4800– ing, sieving, separating and trapping) and thermal
5300 K. Under those conditions, the number of treatment are in use. The latter may cause changes
nucleation centers increases sharply and dilution of in the crystalline structure of particles, thus enabling
the carbonyl vapors by the inert gas prevents coagu- production of powders with targeted properties, e.g.
lation of the particles. The result is the formation of light powders with coarse and porous particles, as
sub-micron powders. well as to increase the metal content of the powder
up to 99.96% as a result of the elimination of carbon
and oxygen.
Manufacture of Composite Powders Carbonyl powders of metals, alloys and compos-
The methods of producing composite powders by the ites are used for manufacturing pure malleable met-
carbonyl process are based either on the mutual solu- als, precision alloys, various solid and porous items
bility of metal carbonyls or on their ability to dissolve (parts, strips, rods, filters, etc.), in electric and radio
compounds prone to dissociation. Iron–nickel (per- engineering, mechanical engineering, automation
malloy) powders containing 5 to 50% of nickel can and other areas.
be manufactured by simultaneous decomposition of Detailed characteristics of powders are given
a mixture of liquid iron and nickel carbonyls; addi- for each metal in the corresponding chapters of
tion of cobalt and molybdenum is also possible. Section 4.
Carbonyl Method of Metal Powder Production 161

Health and Environmental nitrogen, followed by chemosorption from the gas

phase using porous active materials and chemical
Protection Measures in the reagents.
Carbonyl Industry Liquid carbonyls must be poured only into special
tanks under a water layer. Special gas-tight vessels
The carbonyl process involves considerable danger must be used for the transportation of carbonyls and
issues such as increased flammability and explosive- carbonyl-contaminated wastes to the place of dis-
ness of the materials used, their high toxicity and the posal according to local regulations. Solid wastes of
high pressures employed in the process. carbonization fit for recycling and further processing
Toxic carbon monoxide can be responsible for undergo a pretreatment with oxidizing agents.
acute and chronic poisoning in the manufactur- Rubber-impregnated suits, rubber boots, gloves
ing process. Under ‘Health and Safety’ legislation and gas masks are a must for the personnel involved
in the European PM industry, the long- and short- in handling liquid carbonyls.
term occupational exposure limits (OELs) for carbon The major environmental protection require-
monoxide in the workplace atmosphere are 50 vpm ments as to the carbonyl technology are purifica-
(60 mg/m3) and 300 vpm (360 mg/m3), respectively tion of the atmospheric ventilation discharges from
[5]. The long-term OELs for carbon monoxide in toxic compounds and preventing the release of liquid
the workplace atmosphere is 20 mg/m3 (17 vpm) wastes. The carbonyls can be present in considerable
according to ‘Health and Safety’ legislation in the amounts in the liquid wastes due to their solubil-
Commonwealth of Independents States (CIS) [6]. ity in the water employed in the production process.
Metal carbonyls are also toxic; volatile ones such Contaminated effluents, especially from the rectifi-
as nickel carbonyl being particularly dangerous. cation unit, may have a dangerous impact on the
The toxicity of some carbonyls has not yet been suf- human body mainly via inhalation. The limits of
ficiently studied. The OELs of the carbonyls in the concentration of carbonyls in aqueous media must
workplace atmosphere under the legislation in CIS be evaluated in accordance with the local environ-
are (in mg/m3): Ni (CO)4, 0.0005; CO2 (CO)8, 0.01; ment regulations.
Mo (CO)6, 1.0; and W (CO)6, 2.0. The powders Purification of ventilation effluents from carbonyls
are also toxic, especially nickel powder which affects is complicated by their small concentration. The
the breathing organs and is also carcinogenic. traditional way of air decontamination consists of
The long-term OELs of the powders in the air (mg/ thermal treatment or oxidation by using various
m3) are for: Ni, 0.05; Co, 0.5; Mo metal, 0.5; and agents (oxygen, chlorine, gaseous hydrogen chloride,
W, 6.0. phosphorus, etc.) on active porous materials (acti-
The industrial equipment for the carbonyl process vated carbon, silicate absorbents, dry aluminium
must pass strict control for gas tightness. All equip- oxide, etc.). In a high-frequency electric discharge, the
ment and pipe work must be purged with an inert gas molecules of carbonyls are destroyed and oxidized by
prior to feeding in the toxic and explosive compounds ozone. The degree of air decontamination reaches
with the object of checking their gas-tightness and to 97–99%.
eliminate oxygen. When feeding in the carbon mon- The method of decontamination of carbonyl-
oxide at operating pressures, control of its content in containing water to a concentration below that of
the air is a must. The production premises must be the admissible concentration limit [7] consists of
equipped with automatic analyzing and alarm appli- purging of the carbonyls by nitrogen followed by the
ances for control of the presence of carbonyl vapors passing water through the columns filled with acti-
and carbon monoxide in the air. In all dangerous vated carbon. After purging, the gas is directed into
areas, personnel must wear protective breathing the ventilation system and subjected to decontami-
masks. nation together with other gaseous effluents.
The methods of determining small concentra-
tions of carbonyls in the air are based on absorption,
decomposition or chemosorption of carbonyls by
using various chemical reagents, combined with
instrumental methods of analysis (colorimetric, gas 1. Handbook of Non-ferrous Metal Powders.
chromatography, spectral analysis, etc.). The method Naboychenko, S.S. (Ed.) Metullurgiya, Moscow,
for determining the carbonyl content in water 1997 (in Russian).
is based on volatility of carbonyls and consists of 2. Mnukhin, A.S., Shvartsman, R.A., Zaitsev, A.Yu.,
purging them from the aqueous solution using Synthesis of nickel tetra carbonyl at average pressure.
162 Handbook of Non-Ferrous Metal Powders

Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya Publ., 1998, 64–66 (in 5. Guide to EU Legislation and ‘Health and Safety’
Russian). in the European PM Industry. EPMA, Bellstone,
3. Syrkin, V.G., CVD-process. Nauka Publ., Moscow, 1997.
2001 (in Russian). 6. Commonwealth of Independents States Standard
4. Biketova, L.V., Kozyrev, V.F., Mnukhin, A.S., GOST 12.1.005−88 (in Russian).
Carbonyl nickel powders for manufacturing of bat- 7. Sanitary Regulations and Standards of sur-
teries. Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya Publ., 2001, 73–75 face waters from pollution. SanPiN 4630-88 (in
(in Russian). Russian).

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