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Hannah Schmidt

Professor Bowman

Exercise Leadership

November 11, 2019

Code of Ethics

The code of ethics that I have chosen for my profession is APTA, or American Physical

Therapy Association. One of the key principles introduced was that “Physical therapists shall

respect the inherent dignity and rights of individuals.” The core values of this include

compassion and integrity. To describe this principle briefly, it discusses how there should be no

discrimination towards any client regardless of age, race, nationality, etc. They should also be

able to recognize their own personal biases and not discriminate others in physical therapist

practice, consultation, education, etc. I personally agree with this code and believe it should be

followed with physical therapy, but with every other healthcare profession. Another principle

states that “Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing the rights

and needs of patients/clients.” These core values include altruism, compassion, and

professional duty. To summarize this briefly, this code describes that all physical therapists

should adhere to the core values of their clients and act in their best interest. They should

also collaborate with their patients or clients to empower them in their decisions about

healthcare. Most importantly, they must also protect confidential information and only

disclose it when required by the law. I also agree strongly with this principle because how a

client is treated is key when accumulating clients. If you are to treat them poorly you will
not be successful in your practice. Another principle is that “Physical therapists shall fulfill

their legal and professional obligations”. The core values behind this consist of professional

duty, and obligations. To summarize, it states that all physical therapists should follow

federal laws and regulations. Physical therapists should also abide by accepted standards

governing protection of research participants. I also agree with this code, because legal

responsibilities are necessary to follow with this practice even above emotion. Overall, I do

agree with all the codes of ethics as well as their core values. I believe that they are all

necessary in being successful in the practice of being a physical therapist.

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