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Leidy Johanna Florez Gutiérrez

Accounting for commercial and financial operations



Wilson David Abella Montaña

Sena: National Learning Service

Regulo Millan Puentes was the pioneer of public accounting in Colombia and the first
leader of this profession. Likewise, he was one of the first certified public accountants in
the country. He got his profession at National University, in 1954.

Next, I am going to make a chronicle about his life and work. So, I am going to tell the
most important facts and the most relevant situations in his personal and professional career

1921. He was born in Chaguani, Cundinamarca, in august, 18th.

1922. His father, Lisandro Millan Torres, died in July, 5th

1932. His mother, Telesfora Puentes Nosa, died in May, 5th

1934. When he was 13 years old, he arrived to Bogota. His older brother helped him. He
began his primary school and high school in the American School and then in the external
Nacional Camilo Torres

1942. He studied journalism and philosophy and letters at the Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana. He entered the Siglo Newspaper, but the boss was his political contradictor. So,
he can´t continue his job as a journalist

1948. It happened “The Bogotazo” in April, 9th. That day he underwent surgery

1954. just graduated as a public accountant, he joined the National Institute of Public
Accountants of Colombia

1956. He founded the National Union of Public Accountants. He wanted that the
Colombian public accountants leaded this profession in the country. He got that the decree
law 2373 was issued. It regulated the Colombian public accounting and created the Central
Board of Accountants

1958. He was the president of the National Union of Public Accountants. Then he was its
secretary for 25 years
1960. He got that the republic president signed the law 145 which regulated the profession
until 1990

1975. He wrote the book “History of the Colombian public accounting”

1990. He decided to retire of the professional and public life

2015. He received a deserved recognition for having been part of the group that created the
Colombian public accounting day

2017. At the age of 96 years, he died.

He was an example as a person who always fought for his ideas. He is today a model of
personal and professional improvement

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