10unit 4 Grammar Too & Enough Grammar 1st Year BAC

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Teacher: Class level: First Year Baccalaureate

Textbook: Ticket To English Class size: 38

Unit 4: Environment and Ecology Lesson type :Grammar
Title: “Too” & “Enough” School :

Class period : 1 hour Date :

 General Objective(s): Students will be able touse “too” & “enough”.

 Students Performance Objectives (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Recognize the target structure “too” and “enough” and their uses;
 Use the target structure by providing their own examples/sentences in the
exploitation stage.
 Material(s): Student’s textbook, VA’s, realia and the BB.

Time Procedures Techniqu

7 Warm-up Greeting /
minutes -T greets SS.
--T: Welcome to my class.
-T asks one of the SS to write the date on the BB.
-T selects one student and asks her: What is your name?
-S1: My name is Salma.
-T: Okay, is there someone else named Salma? Setting th
-Ss: Yes, teacher. scene
-T: Okay. We have two students having the same name. What can we say in this case?
-Ss provide their potential answers.
-T presents the TS “too”.
A. My name is Salma.
B. My name is Salma too. (To mention an additional person/ thing that is
included in what you’re saying).
-T: This is just one use of “too”. Today, we will see other uses of “too”, okay?
-T writes the title of the lesson on the middle of the BB “Too”
-T reviews countable and uncountable nouns with Ss.
-There are………… tables in the classroom.
-T: Is the word “tables” countable or uncountable? And why?
-S1: Countable, because we can say one table, two tables…etc. (number).
-T: Good, so what can we put before “tables”? =>S2: many
-T: Very good. So we say “There are many tables in the classroom.”
-T: Or we can say: There are too many tables in the classroom.
-T: We added “too”, so it becomes “too many”. Review o
-The teacher gave us……….. homework (to do). countabl
-T: Is the word “homework” countable or uncountable? And why? and
-S1: Uncountable, because we cannot say one homework, two homeworks….etc (quantity; uncountab
like the word “water"). nouns
-T: Fine, so what can we put before it?
-S2: much
-T: Excellent, so we say: The teacher gave us much homework to do.
-T: We can also say: The teacher gave us too much homework (to do).
-T: We added “too”, so it becomes “too much”.
-T gives another example of “too much”:
- The teacher gave us too much time to do the exercise.
- T puts a picture of an old man on the BB and describes him. Setting th
 This isHaj Ahmed. scene
 He is 70 yearsold.
 He has an old bicycle. VA’s
 He wants to buy a new one. (pictures
-T shows a picture of a new bicycle to Ss.
30 -T: This bike is 6000 DH.
minutes -T:Haj Ahmed has just 2000 DH
-T: So it is very expensive.
-T: Can he buy a new bike? Use of
Ss: No. context
-T: Haj Ahmed does not have enoughmoney to buy the bike.
-T writes the rest of the lesson’s title on the BB: “Enough”
-T draws a table divided into two parts/columns; one is for “too” and the other is for “enough”.

Too Enough
-The bike is too expensive for Haj Ahmed. -Haj Ahmed doesn’t have enough money
/He has too little money. to buy it.

-Haj Ahmed is too poor. -Ahmed is not rich enough.

- The bike is not cheap enough.
-He is too old. -He is not young enough.
-He is too fat. - He is not slim enough.
- The gloves are too small. -The gloves aren’t big enough Table
-We don’t have enough time to do the
- We have toomuch time to do the two exercises.(= sufficient)
exercise. (=more than enough).
- Basma is not tall enough to touch the
-Hassan is too tall that he can touch the picture.
picture. -Hassan is tall enough to touch the
-There are too many tables in the -There aren’t enough tables in the
classroom. classroom.
-T: Can Haj Ahmed play football?
-Ss: No.
-T: Why? Is he young?
-Ss: No, he is too old. Picture
-T: Yes, good; or we say: He is not young enough.
-T shows a picture of a very fat man.
-T: How does he look like?
-Ss: He looks very fat.
-T: So, he is too fat. Realia
-T brings small gloves and asks Ss to see them.
-T tries the gloves on. What do you think?
-Ss: The gloves are too small.
-T: Good. We can also say: The gloves aren’t big enough.
-T calls a student to come to the BB and touch the picture.
-T: Basma, can you come please?
-S1: Yes, teacher. Use of
-T: Can she touch the picture? classroom
-Ss: No. students
-T: Why?
-Ss: Basma is not very tall.
-T: so, Basma is not tall enough to touch the picture.
-T calls another student who is taller.
-T: Can he touch the picture?
-Ss: Yes.
-T: Why?
-Ss: He is too tall.
-T: So, he is tall enough to touch the picture.
Checking comprehension:
-T checks comprehension by going back to the picture of Haj Ahmed.
-Haj Ahmed cannot buy a new bicycle. Why? Picture
-Ss: Because he istoo poor.
-Ss: Because he does not have enoughmoney.
-Ss: Because he hastoo little money.
-T: Very good.
-T extracts the rule/form along with Ss.
-T writes the rule on the BB.
Too Enough Chart
Too many + countable nouns Enough + uncountable/countable nouns
Too much + uncountable nouns
Too + adjective Adjective + enough

7 Drilling:
minutes -T drills the target structure “too” and “enough” with Ss in the presentation stage; after Repetitio
presenting the TS, the teacher asks students to repeat it. drills
-T asks Ss to do the following exercise (orally):
 Complete these sentences with too or enough.
-T: There are……….many students in this class.
-S1: there are too many students in this class.
-T: I think this coat is…………big for me to wear. I would like to give it to you.
-S2: I think this coat is too big for me to wear. I would like to give it you. Completio
-T: Ferrari isn’t cheap……….for me to buy. I will buy another cheaper car. drills
-S3: Ferrari isn’t cheap enough for me to buy. I will buy another cheaper car.
-T: Ahmed is not old…………….to take a driving test; he is only fourteen.
-S4: Ahmed is not old enough to take a driving test; he is only fourteen.
-T: I didn’t have………….money to travel to Casablanca.
-S5: I didn’t have enough money to travel to Casablanca.
Keys:Too ; Too; Enough; Enough; Enough
16 Exploitation:
minutes -T asks Ss to provide their own examples using the TS; T: “Now, I want you to give me your
own examples using “too” or “enough.” (Within 4 minutes).
-T gives students an example as an illustration;
-T: For ex: I have too many chairs/lamps in my house.
-T: I don’t have enough money to take a taxi. Free
-Ss present their examples orally within 3 minutes. example
-S1: My father has too many papers in the bedroom.
-S2: I win too much money in my video games.
-S3: My mother could not buy a lot of vegetables because their price wasn’t cheap enough.
-S4: The mathematics teacher gave us too much homework.
-S5: I have enough money to buy a sandwich.
-S6: I didn’t have enough time in the exam, so I got a bad mark.
-S7: We have too many chairs in the classroom.
-S8: I cannot go to the stadium to watch OCS VS RCA because the ticket is too expensive
for me.
-T: Okay, that’s very good. We have enough examples for today. Right?
-Ss: Yes, teacher.
-T writes some of the students’ examples on the BB.
-T asks Ss to copy the lesson within 9 minutes.
-T gives Ss a situation and asks them to use either “too” or “enough” according to the Problem
context. (as homework) solving
-T: You want to travel to Marrakech. You have 30 DHs. You need at least 500 DHs for the activities
travel, hotel and food. So, what can you say in this case?
-Ss: provide their potential answers.
-T praises his Ss for their efforts and appropriate answers.
-Possible keys:
- I am too poor.
- I have toolittle money.
- It is too expensive for me to travel to Marrakech.
- I don’t have enough money to travel to Marrakech.
- The ticket isn’t cheap enough for me to buy.
- The sum of money which I have/My money is not enough for the travel, hotel and

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