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B Review B Test C Class: TOTAL: / 85

Listening 2  ► 02  Listen again. Then choose the

1  ► 02  Listen to the recording. Then correct words. You will hear the
choose T (True), F (False), or DS recording twice.
(Doesn’t Say). You will hear the 1 Not all / All of the Mars space programs
recording twice. have been successful.
1 Sarah is reading about space programs to 2 Japan and China / Vietnam have Mars
Mars. space programs.
T / F / DS 3 The Indian spacecraft is flying around /
2 There have been more than 40 programs has landed on Mars.
to Mars. 4 The Viking 2 spacecraft was on Mars
T / F / DS between 1976 and 1980 / 1990.
3 A lot of countries have Mars space 5 NASA’s spacecraft Curiosity landed in
programs. August 2012 / 2016.
T / F / DS 1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 4 

4 India’s spacecraft will return to Earth in

two years.
T / F / DS
3 Choose the correct words.
5 The Viking 1 and Viking 2 spacecrafts
took nearly 50,000 pictures on Mars.
T / F / DS
6 There aren’t any spacecrafts on Mars
T / F / DS
7 The European Space Agency plans to 1 flood / drought
have another Mars space program in
the future.
T / F / DS

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 

2 overpopulation / heat wave

3 disease / wildfire

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test C

4 Complete the words for environmental

problems and solutions.
1   p  r  o  t  e    c  t the rainforest
2 re    y        e soda cans
3 Don’t t    ro    a    a    too many things.
4 climate change / overpopulation 4 ru    o        of natural resources
5 sa        electricity
6 r    du        waste
7 r    u    e plastic containers
8 Don’t let polar bears be    o    e
    x        n    t.

5 wildfire / flood 1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

5 Match 1–7 with a–g to make words

and phrases for truth and lies.
1 ad   f  a ust
2 tr     b truth

6 pollution / disease 3 make     c mise

4 pre     d lieve
5 be     e up
6 tell the     f mit
7 pro     g tend

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 

7 heat wave / climate change

8 pollution / drought

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test C

6 Write the missing verbs and nouns. 8 Read the questions and complete the
short answers.
1 Verb: connect
1 Will we find a way to clean up the
Noun:   connection  
2 Verb: describe
Yes,   we will .
2 Will Sophie recycle more?
3 Verb:    
Yes,    .
Noun: preparation
3 Will we use up all the world’s natural
4 Verb: invite
No,    .
5 Verb:    
4 Will climate change get worse?
Noun: communication
Yes,    .
6 Verb: decide
5 Will people stop using cars one day?
Yes,    .
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 
6 Will James travel to Mars one day?
No,    .
Grammar 7 Will people live on the moon?
7 Choose the correct words. No,    .

1 You ’ll / won’t love this movie. Your 1 point for each correct answer. Total points / 6 

favorite actress is in it.

2 I ’ll / won’t live by the ocean one day.
I love surfing.
3 I don’t think I ’ll / won’t pass my exams.
I haven’t worked very hard this year.
4 Yolanda and Kim will / won’t want to
come to the game with us. They don’t like
5 Fernando will / won’t like this song. He
loves this band!
6 Bella loves animals. I think she ’ll / won’t
be a great vet one day.
7 I don’t think it will / won’t snow today.
8 We will / won’t have time to walk. Let’s
get a taxi.
9 Maxine will / won’t like that dress. I don’t
think she likes the color green.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 8 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test C

9 Complete the sentences with the 10 Order the words to write sentences
correct form of be going to and the with be going to.
1 college / math / to / going / in / study / I’m
1 I’ve broken Dad’s cell phone! I’m going to study math in college.
He   ’s going to be  (be) really mad.
2 storm / to / a / be / going / there’s / tonight
2 They     (buy)
some clothes at the mall.
3 Richard    
(study) languages at college. 3 movie / aren’t / this / going / we / boring /
finish watching / to
4 We have a lot of homework. We
    (not play)
computer games.
5 I    (not watch) 4 early / not / I’m / to / get / tomorrow /
any more TV tonight. going / up
6 We can’t go swimming today. The
weather is too bad. Paco
disappointed. 5 this / is / weekend / to / have / a /
cookout / Gael / going
7 I’m very tired. I
    (go) home
right now.
8 Abigail     1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 4 
(not borrow) her dad’s car because he’s
using it.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 4 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test C

11 Complete the first conditional 12 Choose the correct answers.

sentences with the correct form of
1 Jacqui     earn a lot of money. She has
the verbs.
a huge house.
ask be buy call have lend save
a must b might c can’t
study not tell
2 Emily     be on vacation. She’s sent me
a photo of herself skiing.
1 If we go to Venice on vacation,
we   ’ll buy  you a gift. a might b can’t c must

2 Don’t worry. If I need help, I 3 Ernesto isn’t answering his phone. He  

be driving, but I’m not sure.
3 If it doesn’t rain on Saturday, we
    a cookout. a might b must c can’t

4 I’ll ask Josefina to 4 Emiko     be happy. She got the best

    you if I see grade on the math exam at school.

her. a can’t b might c must

5 If you     harder, 5 I    watch a movie tonight, but I can’t

you’ll get good grades. decide which one!

6 If I     enough a might b can’t c must

money, I’ll buy that dress. 6 Mike     be nervous. He has a job
7 If we don’t leave now, we interview today.
    late. a might b can’t c must
8 I’ll     Rebecca 7 It     be time to go to bed already.
my bike if she needs it. I thought it was still early.
9 They’ll be very annoyed if you a must b can’t c might
    them what 8 That noise     be the children playing
happened. upstairs. They always get very excited.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 8  a might b can’t c must

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 5 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test C

Reading 13 Read the text. Then write the missing

Living with wildfires as heat waves 1 During a heat wave, temperatures rise
increase above   45  °C.
Parts of southern and southeast Australia 2 Winds can reach     km/h.
experience some of the worst wildfires in
the world. The number of wildfires 3 There could be up to    
increases when the country has wildfires burning at the same time.
longer-than-average heat waves. During
a heat wave, temperatures regularly go 4 Sometimes     firefighters will
above 45°C. Dry weather and strong winds be working at the same time.
of up to 120 km/h cause the wildfires to
move very quickly. According to scientists, 5 People start four out of    
climate change will increase the number of wildfires.
heat waves every year.
6 Wildfires can travel at     km/h
During a season of wildfires, there can be
as many as 80 wildfires burning at the 1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 
same time across the area. At these times,
there can be up to 2,000 firefighters
working together to fight the fires, as the
fires burn large amounts of land.
14 Read the text again. Then choose the
correct answers.
Four out of five wildfires start because of
human activity, and then hot winds cause 1     has some of the worst wildfires in the
the fire to move quickly. In many cases, by world.
the time a person sees a wildfire, there
might not be enough time to escape. a The U.S. b Australia
Wildfires can travel up to 20 km/h in dry
weather. They can burn everything in their 2 Dry weather and strong winds make the
path in just a few minutes. If there is a     move quickly.
strong threat of wildfires, the Australian
government will ask people in the area to a heat waves b wildfires
leave their houses. 3 Scientists say that     will make heat
People who live in dangerous areas know waves worse.
that they might lose their homes at any
time during the wildfire season. Most a pollution b climate change
families in these areas have an emergency
4     start most wildfires.
pack at the front door of their house. The
pack contains the things they need, a People b Winds
including water, food, some money, and
important family papers. People know 5 Wildfires can burn everything in    .
that when they hear about a wildfire in
a minutes b hours
their area, they are going to need to
escape very quickly. 6 People who live in the area have    
near their front door.
a a backpack b an emergency pack

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test C 6 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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