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B Review B Test B Class: TOTAL: / 85

Listening Vocabulary
1  ► 02  Listen to the recording. Then 3 Choose the correct words.
choose the correct words. You will
hear the recording twice.
1 Sarah is reading about space programs to
the moon / Mars .
2 There have been more than fourteen / 40
Mars space programs.
3 The Americans / Australians have a
1 flood / drought
space program.
4 The Indian spacecraft landed on /
is taking pictures of Mars.
5 The Viking 1 and Viking 2 spacecrafts
took over 500,000 / 50,000 pictures
on Mars.
6 NASA’s spacecraft Curiosity landed in
2 disease / wildfire
2012 / 2004.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

2  ► 02  Listen again. Check () five

more facts you hear. You will hear the
recording twice.
1 Not all the Mars space programs have
been successful. 3 heat wave / overpopulation

2 Some programs fly near Mars to take
3 Japan has a Mars space program.
4 China wants to set up a space station on
the moon.
5 The Russians were the first to launch a 4 pollution / climate change
rocket into space.
6 NASA spacecrafts have landed
on Mars.
7 Viking 2 was on Mars between 1976
and 1980.
8 Space exploration started in the
1960s. 5 flood / overpopulation

9 NASA’s spacecraft Curiosity is still on

Mars and taking pictures.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test B

5 Match 1–7 with a–g to make words or

phrases for truth and lies.
1 ad   g  a ust
2 pro     b tend
3 pre     c lieve
6 wildfire / disease 4 tr     d truth
5 be     e up
6 make     f mise
7 tell the     g mit

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 

7 heat wave / drought 6 Write the missing verbs and nouns.

1 Verb: invent
Noun:   invention  
2 Verb: prepare
3 Verb:    
8 pollution / climate change
Noun: description
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7  4 Verb: imagine
4 Complete the words for environmental 5 Verb:    
problems and solutions.
Noun: discussion
1   p  r  o  t  e    c  t the rainforest
6 Verb: explain
2 r    u    e plastic containers
3 Don’t let tigers     e    ome     x    inc    .
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 
4     e    uce waste
5 re    y    l    paper and plastic bottles
6 Don’t     hro    a        y too many
7 ru    o    t of natural resources
8     a    e water

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test B

Grammar 8 Read the questions and complete the

7 Choose the correct words.

short answers.
1 Will we find a way to clean up the
1 You ’ll / won’t love this movie. Your oceans?
favorite actor is in it.
Yes, we will  .
2 We ’ll / won’t call Teresa as soon as we
2 Will Jenny get a better grade this year?
get home. She’s waiting to hear from us.
Yes,    .
3 David will / won’t buy those shoes.
3 Will it snow this month?
They’re too expensive.
No,    .
4 I will / won’t wait for them. I don’t think I
have time. 4 Will we use up all the world’s natural
5 I think I ’ll / won’t make lunch soon.
No,    .
6 I ’ll / won’t travel around the world one
day. It’s my dream. 5 Will the world’s population get bigger?

7 Miguel and Tom will / won’t want to play Yes,    .

with us. They don’t like volleyball. 6 Will we stop elephants from dying out?

8 Zak will / won’t like this music. He Yes,    .

prefers hip-hop. 7 Will they finish high school?
9 Veronica loves children. I’m sure she ’ll / No,    .
won’t be a great mom one day.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 6 
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 8 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test B

9 Complete the sentences with the 10 Order the words to write sentences
correct form of be going to and the with be going to.
1 college / Spanish / to / going / in / study /
1 We didn’t get Alex a present. I’m
He   ’s going to be  (be) disappointed. I’m going to study Spanish in college.
2 I don’t feel well. I 2 expensive / is / to / very / vacation / their /
    (go) to bed. going / be
3 Rachel     (get)
her hair cut tomorrow.
4 They     (spend)
3 store / get / I’m / a / to / the / from / going /
a lot of money in the sales.
5 Jorge    
(not study) geography this year.
6 I    (not have)
a birthday party this year. 4 is / drop / little girl / going / that / cream /
7 We’re bored. We to / her / ice
    (watch) TV.
8 Sam can’t come to the party. Lily
    (feel) upset.
5 my / I’m / party / at / organize / house / to /
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7  going / a

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 4 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 4 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test B

11 Complete the first conditional 12 Choose the correct answers.

sentences with the correct form of the
1 Tony     be rich. He has an enormous
arrive call not do go have
a must b might c can’t
not miss pick visit wash
2 Pedro     be at basketball practice
today. He said he wasn’t feeling very well.
1 If I go to Vancouver on vacation,
I wonder if he’s better.
I   ’ll visit  your cousin.
a might not b must not c can’t
2 They     the
train if you drive them to the station. 3 Nick     be worried. He has a dentist’s
appointment today and he hates
3 If I have time, I
the dentist!
    shopping this
afternoon. a might b can’t c must

4 If it’s nice weather tomorrow, we 4 I don’t know what to do. I     meet up

    a picnic in with friends, but I’m not sure.

the park. a might b can’t c must

5 I    Lucy if I find 5 That     be Lucas over there. He’s living

her number. in Brazil now.

6 If we don’t hurry, we a might b can’t c must

    late. 6 Kazuo     be so happy. He won the
7 If you     your talent contest.
chores, you won’t get any extra money. a can’t b might c must
8 I    the dishes if 7 You     be tired already. You only
I get home in time. started working ten minutes ago!
9 Grandma will look after the children if you a must b can’t c might
her up. 8 They     be skiing. There isn’t any
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 8  snow yet.
a might b can’t c must

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 5 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

B Review B Test B

Reading 13 Read the text. Then choose

T (True), F (False), or DS (Doesn’t
Living with wildfires as heat waves Say).
increase 1 There are more wildfires when there are
more heat waves.
Parts of southern and southeast Australia
experience some of the worst wildfires in T / F / DS
the world. The number of wildfires
increases when the country has 2 Wildfires are more dangerous than
longer-than-average heat waves. During droughts.
a heat wave, temperatures regularly go
above 45°C. Dry weather and strong winds T / F / DS
of up to 120 km/h cause the wildfires to
3 Winds can reach 150 km/h.
move very quickly. According to scientists,
climate change will increase the number of T / F / DS
heat waves every year.
4 There could be 80 wildfires burning in the
During a season of wildfires, there can be
as many as 80 wildfires burning at the same area at the same time.
same time across the area. At these times, T / F / DS
there can be up to 2,000 firefighters
working together to fight the fires, as the 5 Wildfires can travel up to 20 km/h.
fires burn large amounts of land.
T / F / DS
Four out of five wildfires start because of
human activity, and then hot winds cause 6 Emergency packs usually contain
the fire to move quickly. In many cases, by car keys.
the time a person sees a wildfire, there
might not be enough time to escape. T / F / DS
Wildfires can travel up to 20 km/h in dry
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 
weather. They can burn everything in their
path in just a few minutes. If there is a
strong threat of wildfires, the Australian
government will ask people in the area to 14 Read the text again. Then choose the
leave their houses. correct words.
People who live in dangerous areas know 1 Austria / Australia has some of the
that they might lose their homes at any
time during the wildfire season. Most worst wildfires in the world.
families in these areas have an emergency
2 During a heat wave, temperatures can
pack at the front door of their house. The
pack contains the things they need, rise to over 65 / 45 °C.
including water, food, some money, and
3 Scientists believe that climate change /
important family papers. People know that
when they hear about a wildfire in their people will make heat waves worse.
area, they are going to need to escape very
4 Most wildfires are started by
hot weather / people.
5 Wildfires can burn everything in
two to four hours / a few minutes.
6 People who live in the area usually have
an emergency pack / a firefighter in
their home.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Review B Test B 6 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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