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Pa t ie n t N a m e ALEXANDRU BUSILA

La b N o. 2131850691 Em ir a t e s Id
D OB 28/10/1989 Pa ssp or t N o. 060576765
Ag e 31Y 11M 23D Ph ysicia n General Doct or
Ge n d e r Male Colle ct ion Ce n t e r Green Zone AUH Airport
URN 12314855 Pe r f or m in g La b AUH Airport Lab

M ole cu la r Pa t h olog y D e p a r t m e n t

Aut horised Dat e 21/10/2021 05:00

2131850691-1: 21/10/2021 03:28 [21/10/2021 03:28] Nasopharyngeal swab - Sterile Container

Test Result Flag Units Ref. Range
SARS-CoV2-Virus Negative Negative
QR Code

Detection of SARS-CoV2 Viral RNA performed on Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).
Procedure :
RNA was extracted using Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction system.
Extracted RNA was amplified using Real Time Fluorescent RT-PCR kit for the detection of SARS-CoV2 Virus.
This assay detects SARS-CoV2 Virus qualitatively.
Both positive and negative controls for the tested virus showed expected result.
Not detected results may not always rule out current or future infection. Please correlate with clinical findings and
repeat if necessary.Lower respiratory sample is recommended in severe and progressive disease.
Positive result indicates the RNA from SARS-CoV2 was detected and patient is infected.
Negative result indicates SARS-Cov2-Virus not present in specimen above the limit of detection.
Presumptive Positive result indicates that one of multiple gene is detected or a low viral load is possible. Patient needs
to self-quarantine and the sample should be repeated in 72 hours for confirmation with clinical correlation

Result s can be verified via ht t ps://purehealt

Printed: 21/10/2021 10:10 Page: 1 of 1

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