Introduction To QM

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CHEM 1301 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Principles of CM

 Classical mechanics describes how objects such as particles and waves behaves

 It describes motion, position, velocity, mass, energy, acceleration etc. of the particle

Quantity Symbol Definition SI Unit

Position x m
Time t s
Mass m kg
Δ x x 1−x 2 d x
Velocity v v= = = = ẋ ms-1
Δ t t 1−t 2 d t
Acceleration a a= = ẍ ms-2
Momentum p p=mv=m ẋ m kg s-1
p2 1

Kinetic energy T T= = mv m2 kg s-2 = J
2m 2
Potential energy V J
Total energy E E=T +V J
−d v
Force F F= m kg s-2 = N

 Note: velocity, acceleration, momentum and force are vectors (both magnitude and

 Force = rate of change of potential energy with position

 A free particle refers to a particle which has no force acting upon it and is neither
accelerating nor decelerating

 Thus, T > 0 (V = 0 or constant)

Harmonic Oscillator (spring)

1 2 p2
V x = Dx T=
( )
2 2m
0 x
 Where D = spring constant (the larger the D, the stiffer the spring)

 Object is moving the fastest at x = 0 (V=0 and E=T)

 At extreme ends of the curve, T=0

−d v −d 1
dx 2 ( )
D x 2 =−Dx (Hooke’s Law)

Newton’s Laws of Motion

1. A particle moves with constant velocity unless acted upon by a force

(If F=0, a=0, V is constant)

2. If acted upon by a force, a particle will change velocity (or momentum) (i.e.

(F = ma or F = dp/dt since p = mv and a = dv/dt)

Equations of Motion (EOM)

 Describes the trajectory of particles (i.e. the position as time changes)

 Solving the EOM gives the position of the particle after a time t

Momentum ṗ= =F which when integrated gives p(t)

dx p
Position ẋ= = which when integrated gives x(t)
dt m

 Can be solved given suitable initial / boundary conditions

Free particle

 Velocity is constant, so p = constant and dp/dt = 0 and dx/dt = p/m = constant

 Let the initial conditions be p(t=0)=p0 and x(t=0)=x0

p0 t p
From EOM, p ( t ) =p 0 x ( t ) =x0 + (by integrating∫ dx=∫ dt )
m m

Harmonic Oscillator

 Solutions are p ( t ) =−p 0 sin ( ωt ) x ( t )=x 0 cos ⁡(ωt)

 Initial conditions: p0 = 0 and x0 where ω=
√ m

Wave Mechanics

 Waves have wavelength  which has period T

 A wave can be described by the 2nd order partial differential equation wave equation

∂2 y 2
2 ∂ y
−c =0
∂ t2 ∂ x2

 A general solution can be obtained by setting initial conditions (x0,y0) giving


y ( t ) = y 0 cos ( kx−ωt ) if c=

Important Equations

2 π where  = wavelength
Wave vector k =

Angular frequency ω= where T = vibrational period

Wave velocity c=

dx ωt
Since c= then x=
dt k

Direction of waves

y ( t ) = y 0 cos ( kx−ωt ) (travelling right)

y ( t ) = y 0 cos (−kx−ωt ) (travelling left)

Standing Waves

y ( t ) = y 0 [cos ( kx−ωt ) +cos (−kx−ωt ) ]=2 y 0 cos ( ωt ) cos ⁡(kx )

 When cos(kx) = 0, there will be nodes (i.e. y = 0) for all values of t

 Nodes will be at (n+1)
2 where n = 0, +1, +2, ...

Standing Waves in Boxes

 Boundary conditions are y(0) = 0 and y(L) = 0 (zero at both ends of the box)


 Waves an constructively (in-phase) and destructively (out-of-phase) interfere and

may also be diffracted

 The energy of the wave is proportional to its amplitude

Failure of CM

Black Body Radiation

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