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Analyzing Passing Time Genders

Do boys or girls take longer when they sign out?

I have seen numerous students leave the room to use the restroom, get a drink,

and go to their locker or the office. After having asked girls why they leave the
room, some of them explained that they fix their makeup after using the restroom.
This made me wonder if girls were gone longer than boys when they left the

If we record the length of time boys and girls sign out, then girls will be gone
longer than boys because girls may stop to do their makeup.

Independent Variable: Gender

Dependent Variable: Amount of time students were gone

Sign out sheet
Clock watch
1. Have students record their name and the time on the sign out sheet when
they leave
2. Have students record the time they returned on the sign out sheet
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each student
4. Continue experiment for 5 days
Collect Data:
Data will be collected on the sign out sheet.

Data Table:

Gender Time Gone in Minutes Mean Median Mode

Boys 3.2 min 3 min 3 or 4 min

Girls 3.4 min 3 min 3 min

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