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The EU and

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n15 years of euro banknotes and coins

Economic and monetary union represents a
major step in the integration of EU economies.
Launched in 1992, the union involves the
coordination of economic and fiscal policies,
a common monetary policy, and a common
currency, the euro. Whilst all 28 EU Member
States take part in the economic union, some
countries have taken integration further and!PM88Qf
adopted the euro. Together, these countries
make up the euro area. The single currency
presents undeniable advantages: it lowers the Within economic and monetary union,
costs of financial transactions, makes travel a single monetary policy is set by the European
easier and strengthens the role of the EU at Central Bank and is complemented by
international level. harmonised fiscal and coordinated economic
policies. Within economic and monetary union,
there is no single institution responsible for
economic policy. Instead, the responsibility
is divided between Member States and various
EU institutions.

June 2017
What is Economic and
Monetary Union?

Economic and monetary union takes the EU one As well as bringing the benefits of economic stability,
step further in its process of economic integration, economic and monetary union and the single
which started in 1957. Economic integration brings currency also support a more effective single market
the benefits of greater size, internal efficiency and which benefits people and enterprises.
robustness to the EU economy as a whole and to the
economies of the individual Member States. This, In practical terms, economic and monetary union
in turn, offers opportunities for economic stability, means:
higher growth and more employment — outcomes of
▶▶ coordination of economic policy-making between
direct benefit to EU citizens.
Member States;
Economic and monetary union is not an end in itself. ▶▶ coordination of fiscal policies, notably through
It is an instrument to further the objectives of the limits on government debt and deficit;
European Union and improve the lives of citizens in ▶▶ an independent monetary policy run by the
EU countries. As a consequence, economic policy- European Central Bank;
making becomes a matter of common concern to ▶▶ single rules and supervision of financial
all EU countries. To ensure the smooth operation institutions within the euro area;
of the EU economy as a whole, it is important that ▶▶ the single currency and the euro area.
all countries coordinate their economic and fiscal
policies with the common objective of stability and

nThe experience and benefits of the euro for Europe

The euro is the world’s The euro is a political

second currency: € and economic project —
more than 33.7 million it protected us during
EU citizens in 19 the financial crisis
countries use it as
their currency

The legitimacy of the euro The economic agenda

is paramount is based on reforms,
investment and
responsible public
finances, with social
fairness at its core
What the EU is doing

Following the outbreak of the economic and financial In Stage 2, or ‘Completing economic and monetary union’
crisis in 2007, the European Union took unprecedented (by 2025), more far-reaching actions will be launched to
measures to improve the economic governance make the convergence process more binding. This will be
framework of economic and monetary union. These done through a set of commonly agreed benchmarks for
included the strengthening of the Stability and Growth convergence which would be of a legal nature, as well as
Pact (which helps enforce fiscal discipline and ensure a euro-area treasury.
sound and sustainable public finances).
Within economic and monetary union there is no single
Navigating stormy seas — preventing future crises
institution responsible for economic policy. Instead, the
responsibility is divided between Member States and
the EU institutions. The main actors in economic and
monetary union are:
▶▶ the European Council, which sets the main policy
orientations on the proposal of the Commission;
▶▶ the Council of the EU, which coordinates EU economic
policy-making and decides whether a Member State
may adopt the euro;!qr74HD ▶▶ the ‘Eurogroup’, which coordinates policies of common
interest for the euro-area Member States;
▶▶ the Member States, which set their national budgets
within agreed limits for deficit and debt, and determine
However, these emergency measures needed to be their own structural policies involving labour, pensions
consolidated and completed in the long term to avoid and capital markets;
a new crisis affecting economic and monetary union. A
▶▶ the European Commission, which monitors
two-stage roadmap to deepen economic and monetary
performance and compliance;
union was therefore agreed in July 2015. It will be
completed by 2025 at the latest. ▶▶ the European Central Bank, which sets monetary policy,
with price stability as the primary objective and acts as
In Stage 1, or ‘Deepening by doing’ (1 July 2015–30 central supervisor of financial institutions in the euro
June 2017), existing instruments and the current treaties area;
have been used to boost competitiveness and structural ▶▶ the European Parliament, which shares the job of
convergence. It will achieve responsible fiscal policies formulating legislation with the Council and subjects
at national and euro-area level, complete the financial economic governance to democratic scrutiny in
union and enhance democratic accountability. particular through the new economic dialogue.

The operations and management of economic and For this reason, under economic and monetary union,
monetary union are designed to support sustainable monetary policy is closely coordinated, and within the euro
economic growth and high employment through economic area it is centralised and independent.
and monetary policy. This involves four main economic
activities: Everyday training – managing our economies

▶▶ implementing an effective monetary policy for the euro

area with the objective of price stability;
▶▶ coordinating economic and fiscal policies in EU
▶▶ ensuring the single market runs smoothly;
▶▶ supervising and monitoring financial institutions.

Monetary policy involves influencing interest rates and!Kc87mj

exchange rates to benefit a country’s economy. This is
done by a central bank controlling the supply of money
in the economy. However, if each EU country operated
its own monetary policy, then the single market would
be much less effective; trade could be disrupted, and the
National governments control other economic policy areas.
benefits would be reduced.
These include fiscal policy that concerns government
budgets, tax policies that determine how income is raised,
structural policies that determine pension systems and
labour- and capital-market regulations.

nAn interactive version of this publication, containing links to online content is available in PDF and HTML formats:nn

Part of the THE EU AND series of the European Commission

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Print ISBN 978-92-79-70355-3 doi:10.2775/055361 NA-02-17-792-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-79-70346-1 doi:10.2775/77008 NA-02-17-792-EN-N
HTML ISBN 978-92-79-70538-0 doi:10.2775/73756 NA-02-17-792-EN-Q

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